Titanic Expert Breaks Down The 'Titanic' Movie | Deep Dives | History Hit

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some passengers thought they'd cut a whale in half actually there's a very very good reason why there aren't enough life boats why didn't Jack get on the door as well you know there's plenty of room on the door so maybe the fact that he was so drunk actually helped him who who knows hello and welcome to history hit my name is Tim molon I'm one of the leading World experts on the Titanic and today we're going to be taking a deep dive into the 1997 James Cameron movie Titanic you'll get to see some clips of the great film but you'll also get to learn the truth about what really happened the incredible night the Titanic sank Titanic was called the ship of dreams and it was it really [Music] was so this is a wonderful scene it's Wednesday the 10th of April 1912 Titanic ends up leaving about 15 minutes late in fact at 12:15 she was meant to leave at noon I think that car is probably inspired by a a real Rena owned by a first class passenger called Mr Carter and um that Rena is in fact still in the hold of Titanic no doubt rusting away Daddy it's a [Music] ship timing was very important for the all the passengers on Titanic and one of the main activities on board actually was taking a sweep stake on uh how fast the ship would go every day and they would always bet on where she would be the next day at noon now they're inspecting the Third class for lice there and uh it was actually required that third class and second class be segregated to stop the spread of infectious diseases so that's extremely accurate and those Gates were not allowed to be opened except in an emergency situation and that's where we get the stories of third class being trapped below in fact as soon as the order was given to Abandoned Ship those Gates were opened and um in fact first class stward were sent down to help third class uh up to the boots and here they are waving goodbye that is very realistic we've got firsthand accounts of people doing that um in fact there wasn't a huge crowd on Titanic that day the really famous was um was her sister the Olympic which was the twin of Titanic same size as Titanic and um there was a bigger crowd for her on her maiden voyage now here's interesting you can see as the propellers are turning it's churning up the mud in the white star dock this dock was dug especially for Titanic and Olympic Pi because they were so big they had to build a new dock to take these enormous vessels which were twice the size of the previous largest vessels in the world um and in fact you can see everyone waving there as the ship goes by in fact there was a coal strike in 1912 and um there were ships laid up along the side so as Titanic steamed down Southampton water in fact another ship was sucked towards the side of Titanic but quick Thinking by Captain Smith actually meant that um he pushed the New Yorker way and ironically that actually um doomed everyone because had he not been quick thinking on that day The Voyage would have been cancelled and everyone would have survived we were steaming west from the coast of Ireland with nothing out ahead of us but ocean there's Captain Smith he was loved and admired by his his men his crew as well as by the passengers they called him the Millionaire's captain and people would change their sailings just to sail with him he'd never had an accident before apart from a small accident in the Olympic where he was racing a Navy vessel and it actually got sucked into the side of the Olympic but the automatic emergency doors made the watertight so everyone believed the ship would was practically Unsinkable these are the huge engines they're the biggest reciprocating engines ever built they were three decks tall and they produced 70,000 horsepower right let's St them right up we go here are the stokers piling on coal into the furnaces Titanic burnt 600 tons of coal a day uh so it was pretty hot work down there um many of the stokers did survive because they were used to row um the lifeboats away and there's Titanic's triple screws as we call it three propellers uh the side two driven by um uh the Steam and then the central turbine in the middle uh to be more efficient and there's there's Jack uh Jack is based on a real life passenger called Jack Thea who actually ended up swimming in the water after the sinking and was one of the few passengers who reported that the Titanic broke in half as she sank which she did and here we can see the the very good weather very calm it was calm all the way from Ireland uh to the crash site in the North Atlantic so this is extremely accurate people were sunbathing on the deck actually even that was was uh it was April 21 not sir Smith liked speed he liked going very fast and uh his officers actually said they used to flush with pride as he would con the ship into New York with only feet to spare between the bow and the stern and although Titanic wasn't trying to get the blue ribboned um she wasn't fast enough for that that was more the Latania in the morning morania they were really Built For Speed Titanic was built for size and luxury and reliability even so between Belfast where Titanic was built in Southampton where we just saw her leave she actually achieved a speed for a period of 24 knots which is about 26 27 mil hour so she was a very fast ship and interestingly when she crashed into the iceberg she was not actually going at her full speed because they were still lighting up boilers and getting the engines ready and as you can see here the engines are settling in well uh they were actually performing better than the Olympic on her maiden voyage so although as I said earlier Titanic wasn't going for the Blue Ribbon she was in a race she was racing her sistership the Olympics maiden voyage time and Titanic was scheduled to get in at uh Wednesday morning into New York uh but I think that Captain Smith and Bruce Isme slightly hoped that she'd arrive on Tuesday night says that as the Mist cleared and the sun came up on Wednesday morning the press in New York would see that Titanic had already arrived at uh birth 54 so you've not yet lit the last four boilers no I don't see the need we are making excellent time the Press knows the size of Titanic now I want them to Marvel at her speed so this is Captain Smith with Bruce Isme Bruce Isme owned the White Star Line and um here really the film is showing Isme kind of pushing Smith to go faster in reality Smith didn't need any encouragement to go faster uh he loved going fast and he knew that all the passengers wanted to go fast and they were in a bit of a race they were racing um the sistership of Titanic called the Olympic and her maiden voyage was the year before and they were already ahead of Olympics time and the engines were settling down better and they were planning to do a full speed trial the next day so Titanic sank uh crashed on Sunday night sank on Monday morning and they were actually planning to do a full speed trial the following day but of course that never that never happened Mr Andrews forgive me I did the sum in my head and with the number of lifeboats times the capacity you mentioned forgive me but it seems that there are not enough for everyone aboard not half actually fascinating this is Thomas Andrews who designed and really built the Titanic and he's chatting with Rose and Rose is asking about why there aren't enough lifeboats and actually there's a very very good reason why there aren't enough lifeboats and that's because um the Board of Trade knew that in 99 times out of a 100 ships would list when they SN and when a ship lists which means tips onto one side um one side of the lifeboats cannot be launched so actually to have enough lifeboats on a ship for everyone you have to have enough life boats for everyone on each side of the ship which means you have to have an unbelievably ridiculous number of Life boats and most ships sink quite quickly so there would never be enough time to launch those boats there' never be enough trained seum to go in them so what the Board of Trade wanted is instead of lots of unsafe ships piled high with lifeboats which there will be no time and no manpower to launch what they wanted was very well subdivided ships like the Titanic and then they would those ships would only have to carry enough lifeboats to trans ship people from a stricken liner to a near nearby vessel uh and the sea sea linges were busy and there was always nearby vessel so it's important to understand that lifeboats were not to save everyone uh lifeboats were to trans ship people from one ship to another yeah look at this look at that W you and a bit warm in the wheel well if that's what it takes for us to get warm I'd rather not if it's all the same of you right so this is Frederick Fleet and reg Lee in the Crow's Nest and they had to give one ring for something to the left two rings for something to the right but if the Berg was dead ahead as in this case they had to give three sharp rings of the bell and that is the sign that something is coming straight towards them is there anyone there yes what do you see Iceberg right ahead thank you now Murdoch's in charge at this time a very skilled Navigator and not Captain Smith at that time and Murdoch gives the immediate order of hard of starboard to turn the ship to the left and in fact you can see the wheel going hard over here and in fact they did miss the part of the burg that they could see above the water but that would then bring the stern of Titanic to bear so what they did was this is less well reported but it isn't accurately in the film Murdoch then gives the order harda Port having given the order harder starboard and that was the correct daughter and then as the Titanic Stern swung away from the Berg unfortunately because the Berg was very deep um the bow of Titanic actually crashed into the iceberg and the Damage Done wasn't actually very big um it was about the size of sort of two fireplaces or two small tables um but in fact it was over a 200t gap and um Titanic was designed to float with any of her first four watertight compartments flooded but unfortunately the Damage Done to the Titanic by the iceberg including the spur of ice that you couldn't see underneath the water was into the fifth compartment and Titanic was simply not designed to have five compartments breached all at the same time why they turning is it hard over it is yes sir hard over now the ice Iceberg was in fact a white Iceberg about 100 ft high but the Lookouts thought it was a black or dark Berg because there was a slight Haze on the horizon ahead and as the lookout said it was a dark mass that came through that Haze now in fact when the bird came past the bridge the lights from the bridge lited up and you could see that it was in fact completely WI Jesus Christ and here here we have the the Berg running along the side of the ship passengers felt it differently some didn't notice at all and then here's Andrews seeing um see feeling it shaking so those who were awake knew that something was up some passengers thought they'd cut a whale in half some passagers thought they'd run ground in New Foundland um but of course of course those on the bridge knew that they had had a what they thought was a close shave with an iceberg they didn't at this stage for a minute think that the ship would be doomed here are the stokers the waterers coming in they could actually escape cuz even though the water type doors came down there were Escape ladders provided by the White Star Line and so they were able to get out out to safety so Murdoch is shown there shutting the watertight doors in fact they were automatic as the water came in it lifted cork floats which released magnets and then the heavy doors actually stopped on their own so here we have the stokers um coming out under the doors in fact that's not how it happened they would all have gone up the Escape ladders and the doors would have closed very quickly on impact there was a fire on the Titanic from Belfast and it was such a hot fire that actually um they couldn't put it out so the only way to put it out was actually to rake out the hot coal and put it in the furnaces so they did eventually put the fire out but it only caused the damage of um weeping about a bucket an hour of water like a typical bucket it would take an hour to fill that with water from the damage so people say that the fire in the hold you know contributed to disaster but it it actually didn't and for example when the ship stopped people opened their port holes and then when they had to go on Deck with their life jackets on they didn't close their windows again and um really with every port hole that went under the water it kind of doubled the damage to the Titanic that was actually done by the iceberg sir C PAP says they're making 17 knots Full Steam for them sir she's the only one who's responded the only one closer says they can be here in 4 hours four hours so this is a very dramatic scene where Captain Smith finds out that the eventual rescue ship of the Titanic called the Carpathia is actually 4 hours away from them and Smith thinks at this point that Titanic will only last about an hour and a half in fact she last to 2 hours 20 minutes but that's really the moment where Smith realizes they might all end up in the sea and it could be the most incredible catastrophe frustratingly for Smith and everyone on Titanic there was actually a ship within Clear Sight only about 12 Mi away from the Titanic called the Californian but unfortunately she only had one radio operator and her radio operator had gone to bed for the night so she wasn't coming to Titanic's Aid whereas had she done so she could have reached Titanic before Titanic s and gentlemen your step this way pleas that's right come towards me thank you good for the time being I shall re ire Only Women and Children gentlemen right here all right boys like the captain said nice and cheery so there's no Panic wedings and here's the band playing they played Lively music to distract to distract people from the sort of Horrors of what was actually happening so it was kind of Comedy music they were playing and light-hearted music and here's interesting this is the third class locked below uh but in fact they had to be locked below um because of to stop the spread of infectious diseases um but you were allowed to open the gates when there was a state of emergency and What the film portrays quite wrongly here is it portrays um that there's been the accident and then they're stuck below but in fact as soon as the order was given to lure away and to evacuate ship those Gates were opened the reason for the myths about third class being locked below is that it took them 47 minutes between collision and giving the order to abandon ship so because it was such a long time between the accident and realizing the seriousness of the accident that's why the gates remain closed but as soon as the accident's severity was known then stewards from both first and second class were sent down to third class to invite passengers up and then Titanic tries to M lamp signal to the nearby Californian but it appears that the two ships are burning oil lamps and that um actually they don't realize their M lamp signals unfortunately the very still cold air between the two ships actually just scrambled the sents out of the mor lamp signals so then Titanic resorts to her last resort which is Rockets um but unfortunately the Rockets exploding high up in the warmer air were actually at their true distance away which was so far away about 12 Mi they couldn't really be distinguished from the stars but as they fell towards the sea on little parachutes it was then that they could be seen by the nearby California magnified in the colder air near the sea surface so they looked like low-lying sort of fireworks on the deck or something um or maybe the Californian some of them thought that maybe there was a ship beyond what they were looking at that was actually firing Rockets So enormous confusion caused by the extraordinary atmospheric conditions that [Music] night now there's something you don't see every day you can see here how calm the water is it was so calm they had trouble releasing the lifeboats had to Cut the Ropes of the lifeboats because there was no rise and fall in the water as there would normally be with the wav and the reason why the sea was so calm is because it was like a m pond because the next morning they counted um about 200 icebergs all around the area where Titanic s sank and 25 uh of them were more than 200 ft high so if you like there was this kind of wall of ice and the Sea really was just a lake a calm mil Pond of mostly fresh water um which is why it's so calm stay back stay back too late more boats down the front stay with this one Murdoch he seems to be quite practical and Murdoch actually uh was loading the boats on the right hand side of Titanic and he allowed men to go in those when there were no more women but liola on the other side of the ship absolutely Allowed no men at all women and children only and in 1912 you were a man if you were um over 13 so the third class were often traveling as families and unfortunately they didn't want to split up so third class with say a 13-year-old son 14-year-old son 15 16 17 they were not about to leave those basically children on the ship so that is why the third class families elected to stay on Titanic stay back stay back will you give us a chance to live you ly bastard shoot any man who tries to get past me get back bastard so this is Murdoch here um threatening to shoot passengers this is absolutely true uh the the the officers were handed out revolvers to keep keep things calm they shot into the air they shot down the side of the ship um but it is reported that Murdoch did in the end shoot someone who was rushing one of the lifeboats trying to run into one of the lifeboats and the reason he did this is because the officers were worried that the ropes of the lifeboats were not strong enough to take the lifeboats fully laden from the deck in fact it was later found out that they were in fact designed to do that but the officers didn't trust that and they felt that this person rushing the boat might cause them all to die so to save the whole Lifeboat he shot this uh person and then rather sadly sort of gave a salute and committed suicide by shooting himself in the head as well straight afterwards and that is quite a well documented fact in reality the scenes on the deck were quite calm until the last life Boats were being launched wait wait wait Mr Andrew so there's Thomas Andrews looking at a painting of Plymouth Harbor in the smoking room of Titanic in fact in reality he was working really hard throwing uh deck chairs off the ship so that swimmers would be able to hang on to the deck chairs so I don't actually think it was true that he was just um chilling out there but the painting is correct Mr gugenheim these are for you Mr gugenheim oh thank you this person is based on Benjamin gugenheim one of the wealthiest people in the world at the time and it's true that he did dress in his best and we it there's Captain Smith watching The Water Rising up the stairs a number of the officers did that and here there's a woman who is just helplessly saying to the captain can you take my baby you know what can you do and there is a rumor that he did save a baby from the wreck and swam to an upturned Lifeboat um but then SOC came to the cold and here he is walking into the bridge it's a wonderfully dramatic scene where as the as the Titanic goes under the sort of pressure forces the water in through the windows in fact that's not quite how it happened and um eyewitness reports show Captain Smith remaining calm to the end and actually taking a header dive off the bow as the water came up and then swimming around in the water to try and help people and try and get to the life boots the musicians played until the last lifeboats left but in fact after the last lifeboats left they went down to their cabins got their things strapped them to their backs took their socks and shoes off and jumped into the water and in fact they were the bodies of the musicians some of them Wallace Harley for example there you see the band leader his body was recovered and that violin was recovered and it was sold in devises which is a little town in England um in the west country it was sold for a million pound about 5 years ago that exact [Music] violin and this is Isidor and Ida Strauss they founded Macy's department store and um it's true that they decided not to get into lifeboats and so they lived the Goodwin family um they all died there were eight of them and 50 children died on the Titanic which is extremely sad [Music] fact it's true that some artworks were lost on Titanic one was a jeweled copy of the Rubi Mark I am worth today many hundreds of thousands if not millions of [Music] pounds here we have the first funnel falling down on a lot of helpless swimmers and very sadly this is exactly what happened the Rope snapped that held up the funnel but in fact just as the film shows here it washed collapse will be clear of the ship and a number of people were saved by um standing on the upturned bottom of that boat somehow the engineers managed to keep Titanic's lights burning even when the ship was filling with water in fact one person looked at the squash cour on the Titanic as it was sinking and the lights could be seen burning under the green water of the North Atlantic [Music] you can see the propellers rising out of the water there and some of the survivors who are in lifeboats did record seeing that and the passengers are all making their way to the stern most people who died on Titanic did die on the stern because the bow flooded so slowly they were all able to move to the back God Almighty now here's the point where the lights go out and that's because Titanic is starting to tear herself apart basically the heavy the heavy heavy bowel full of water is pulling against the stern which is full of air if you like and very buoyant so the ship is being ripped apart between what we call the super structure and then the Keel and even though the Keel is inch thick steel it's just being pulled apart almost like cotton because of the forces here now this is one of the most iconic scenes in the film with Titanic Ablaze with her stir high in the air and um I had to disappoint some viewers by saying that that's actually not true um Titanic in fact broke her back at a 15° angle so that is quite a shallow angle uh and it's simply because the Titanic didn't have the strength to hold her Stern up at that at that sort of height so as soon as it got a bit above what what it was designed to to do then it broke apart at about 15° and people heard the boilers rolling down through the they heard they heard the sort of um bulkheads breaking down they heard the the steel being pulled apart have now this is absolutely true here this is Jack who's based on um who's based on a real life character called Jack theer so Jack Dawson is in fact Jack theer if you like and um he's an amalgam of real people because here climbing over the stern is a bit like a baker called uh Joselyn Baker Joselyn and um he actually climbed over the stern just like Jack and Rose here and in fact he swam away uh without getting his head wet which shows you in real life how calmly and quietly the stern did in fact disappear U not at all in this sort of rush like this but nevertheless I don't wish to criticize this part of the film because it does communicate the horror and the people here falling in clusters some of the passers regarded them as falling like clumps of bees if you like falling from a a tree or something and this is very accurately what happened it was utterly horrific and the film does portray the horror of it very accurately here's here's our Baker he in fact um adjusted he had some oranges in a pocket and He adjusted his pockets like that and then just swam off and he was one of the few people who survived the thinking of the Titanic without whilst being in the water and he did that because he held on to a Lifeboat so he wasn't fully submerged and he survived allegedly for about two hours before they pulled him into the Lifeboat he had been drinking quite a lot to be fair he got pretty drunk as Titanic was thinkinking he went down to the pantry and stole all the alcohol he could find and uh so maybe the fact that he was so drunk actually helped him who who knows the ship is going to suck us down take a deep breath what I say for the the water was actually below freezing it was actually minus two so people actually on the Titanic didn't generally tend to drown um they actually died of hypothermia and exposure and they went on conscious within about 20 minutes in the water in fact with modern life-saving techniques one nowadays if one had got on the scene in time could actually have very gently and slowly warmed them up um and perhaps saved more people but of course they didn't have that technology in 1912 and there was not enough people on the scene not enough rescue people on the scene not quickly [Applause] enough [Applause] so these are 1500 poor souls struggling and fighting in the water the ugly reality of the Titanic is that we're all programmed to survive and in fact men were drowning women without realizing it by grabbing on to them and uh even even people were pushing away their own family and things like that so it this is extremely accurate and extremely [Applause] tragic most people who got wet when the Titanic sank did not survive because the water was actually minus two they mostly went unconscious after they were either drowned by fellow passengers trying to save themselves or injured in the sinking or just died of hypothermia and exposure by going unconscious after 20 minutes the very few people who did survive who did get wet were rescued from flum as we call it which means planks of wood and things like that in fact a um a Japanese man was rescued from a staircase he was found um uh picked up by a Lifeboat um from a staircase and here we have Jack and Rose climbing onto a piece of woodwork that's very realistic there were pieces of woodwork floating about and it is true that only by Rose staying out of the water could she have survived and then been picked up by um by this Lifeboat um so that's actually very accurate people joke people joke and say um why didn't Jack get on the door as well you know there's plenty of room on the door but actually there probably wasn't if he' got got on the door as well their weight would have put them both deeper in the water and they would neither of them survived so he's allowing her to survive by being higher out of the water and then an officer here is blowing his whistle that's true the officers did have whistles and um they used them to attract other lifeboats if we go back they'll swamp the boat they'll pull us right down I'm telling you knock it off you're scaring me come on girls grab an or let's go go are you out of your mind we're in the middle of the North Atlantic now do you people want to live or do you want to die now unfortunately the lifeboats did not come back as a rule so even the Lifeboat that we see coming now to rescue them it waited until all the cries had died down because they believed that if they went back too soon they would be swamped and all of the survivors on the lifeboats would have then drowned so they wanted to wait until there weren't many swimmers and then even then they didn't risk taking living surviving passengers into the wreck to collect uh swimmers so what they did is they actually trans shipped passengers from one of the more empty lifeboats into one of the more full lifeboats and then they went back with an empty Lifeboat and I think that way they saved several people but most of them died in the Lifeboat because they were wet um but I think about five of those people were saved so in fact only about five people were rescued uh by a normal floating Lifeboat from from the wreckage and 1,500 people drowned the other thing was that at night with the Titanic gone it's actually very hard to tell the direction of sound at night so they wouldn't actually have known without Titanic there they wouldn't actually have known where to paddle and the other thing is that they had rode all of them very far from the ship in a sort of panic about the suction and um they had Road say for an hour away from the ship so that when it sank even if they turned around straight away and started rowing back towards the what they thought was the Rec site it would have taken them a long time to actually get back to the recite and the other thing is that Captain Smith had actually ordered the lifeboats to row towards the nearby Californian which they could still see from the lifeboats so a lot of the lifeboats were just heading off towards the safe of that ship in fact um the passengers were very worried because even in the lifeboats you weren't safe you were on the North Atlantic many people in 1912 couldn't swim and actually as the sun came up the next morning about 8:30 or by about 8:30 the sea began to rise and come up and some of the lifeboats started to get swamped and it's an interesting fact that had Carpathia not rescued Everyone by 8:30 in the morning as she did that there may have been no survivors from the Titanic had had she arrived so 2 hours later then she would have been like the Mary Celeste and no one would ever know what happened to the biggest ship in the world I do give the movie 10 out of 10 largely because the recreation of the scenes of Titanic are so accurate if I did have any complaints it would be that in my view the truth is Stranger Than Fiction and in fact there are a lot of facts that are missed out in the film most notably there was a potential rescue ship only about 10 miles away from Titanic during the whole time she sang and that isn't mentioned in the film at all but overall the film gives a really good idea of what happened on that incredible night and of course it brings Titanic to a whole new audience of millions of people and keeps the memories alive I hope you enjoyed that deep dive into what really happened the night the Titanic sank please give us a like Please Subscribe and if you have any other questions contact history hit and we'll be happy to answer them
Channel: History Hit
Views: 95,124
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Keywords: history hit, history hit youtube, titanic, titanic movie, James Cameron, James Cameron's Titanic, Jack and Rose, expert reviews movie scenes, historian reacts, react, movie review, how real is it, expert review, Titanic review, titanic ship, titanic myths, titanic movie review, ship, ship history, largest ship, sinking ship, movie reaction, titanic facts, titanic iceberg
Id: 2nPP24CDBrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 1sec (2221 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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