Tissue - Dual Mesh in Blender 2.80

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hello everybody I would like to show you something about a new feature of dual mesh well mesh is actually one of the first feature that I added to tissue but now as you can see we have two different option that seems really similar but they work in a different way the first one is dual Masha and as you can see is in the group tessellate and we will see why the other one is under other and it's called convert to dual mesh that is actually if we gold will mesh feature that we have seen also in blender 2.79 so let's start with this one that is quite similar to the old one it's quite simple so if you select one generic object like these as you can see we have three different spheres with three different masters relations and let's select for example this IKOS sphere is just default ICO sphere if I press convert to dual mesh it will convert this match to a polygonal mesh this polygon mesh that you can see is actually what you almost can see if you add to a triangular mesh like this one a subdivision surface as you can see it's a kind of pattern emerge in this case and if you extract just this pattern moving via vertices of original mesh what you get is exactly this dual mesh here okay so we have something similar also for this one so let me show you if I copy that converted well mesh same idea in this case if you add a subdivision surface to mesh with a quad you get the other quad usually like this but if you before adding a subdivision surface you triangulate a mesh like this you get a polygon Potter so this is how basically move this is how basically they convert to dual mesh works if you want to see also that one converted one mesh okay same thing good so what it is in the instead doing dual mesh that you can see we can see inside the tessellate options so if you I let me add a new icon sphere okay great okay so let's start from this UV sphere if I click on dual mesh here okay delete okay dwell measure good okay very sad seems quite similar way only difference that you probably see is that instead of combating this is creating a new object but if you take a look here in the outline you will see that you have now a new object that is automatic I use automatic automatically created and also hidden if you show that object you will see that is actually let me make it selectable okay you will see that it's actually a plane divided in that way so basically what is doing is doing a tessellation of this on this so if I do a normal tessellation and press ok you will see exactly that you have the similar pattern that I've seen before the only thing that is also automatically added is a feature that I called this all seems that as you can see in this component the border edge are mark at seams so with a new version of tissue and the tessellation when you check with settings for a tessellation you will see that what once you have merged everything will be always single component you have an option that is called this all seems so it rive possible to dissolve all the edge that are mark has seen so which is which is the advantage of using this technique instead of your old operator well the thing is that now you can for example change something in the original mesh like for example adding a wave okay and now you can refresh this and see we have dates of that if you also set it as animatable if you press play you will see that the dual mesh is now animated so this allows you to create a non-destructive workflow using also dual mesh and before it wasn't possible unfortunately still using convertible mesh is not possible it just you can do that that just using the dual mesh that had behind the tessellate operator so there is just a tricky thing that you have to take into consideration when you use these this dual mesh here is that by default it works fine it works fine with quadrangular mesh like this fear for example also if you have some triangles here you will see that at the end you will get just a circle on the poles okay and also works fine with this kind of geometry that only quad in this case this is a cube with a subdivision surface and a cost for making it spiracle so if I use dual mesh here you will see also that by default it use my modifiers so what you see is what is used for generating they do a mesh ok and it works quite fine but for example if you have a triangular mesh like a default ecosphere if you use dual mesh it gives you some strange result like this and the reason is that you have to manually choose if you want to work with a triangular mesh or a triangular mesh so if I press again dual match you will see that here you have just a couple of settings one is applied modifier that by default is on and the other is the source faces by default is quad faces but you can choose triangles and in this case we see exactly that very component that use for triangular meshes is after a bit different it's quite simple and it's dead so you have just a plain splitted in two with all the added are Marcus Eames and in this case but oscillation use instead of a regular quad fill mod use a fun so basically if I do a tessellation of these on these tessellate and instead of quad I said fun okay I get this and again with this geometry if I use merge and then the sword seems I get a dual mesh so actually I try to achieve the same result but instead of using some new function or more or subdividing the mesh and using the whole procedure in this case I can just use just a regular desolate and you have all the advantages of the tessellation so it's animatable and you have many settings that you can use of course okay so I hope that you find it useful and as usual if you have any feedbacks any errors you can report to me okay thank you bye
Channel: Alessandro Zomparelli
Views: 47,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender3d, tissue, blendertissue, b3d, dualmesh, exagons, polygons
Id: c2rtqprkLgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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