Tips & Tricks #2: Setting up a Crash Scene |

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what's up guys it's beam ng fun here and in today's tips and tricks video we're actually gonna build on yesterday's tips and trick video if you saw yesterday's video you know that we talked about moving objects around the map in particular we talked about how we can move a vehicle onto a flatbed trailer so we did that using the world 2 editor now today we're gonna we're gonna use the world editor again to move some objects and manipulate some objects on the map what we're gonna do in this case is we're gonna get a nice scene set up by moving some objects around and setting them up on the map I think in this case what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna set up a roadblock scenario I'm gonna have maybe a police car as well as a concrete barrier and maybe we'll throw a crash-test dummy in there as well for us to crash into okay so to do that we are going to be using the world editor but first thing we want to do is we want to for spawn in the vehicle that we want to use to crash into the roadblock so in this case I'm just gonna use the default pickup truck now what you'll want to do first is you'll want to recover the vehicle once it's in the position that you wanted to start from so in this case I'm going to say this is an okay position to start the vehicle from now in my case the recovery vehicle is actually mapped to the PlayStation controller that I'm using which I'll talk about in a future video how I'm using the PlayStation controller but I'd to check the default mapping and it looks like the insert key will recover the vehicle for you so I'm gonna go ahead and press that and the reason we do that is that's going to set the spawn point and where our our vehicle is gonna start off okay so by doing that if I were to drive away just a little bit and if I were to now press the R key which is retry scenario that's actually going to move the vehicle back to where I started so this is handy for after you do your crash and after you set up your stuff and you want to get back to where you first started that will give you that nice spawn point where it's just a matter of pressing the are key to put you back where you started okay so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to drive them to where [Music] I'm just going to drive to where I wanted to be okay so now we're gonna spawn in the objects that we want so I'm going to press ctrl e on my keyboard and let's start off by adding the police vehicle so I'm gonna do spawn new so that weight doesn't replace my vehicle that I don't want to crash into the roadblock so now it's just a matter of in this case I'm gonna actually just position the police vehicle because I'm able to drive it the location just like I did with the vehicle that I don't want to crash into into the roadblock I'm gonna press the insert key which is not to recover vehicle and that's just gonna place it for me given that spawn point they see they're kind of kids just give it another try here okay I'm gonna place it right here I'm gonna press insert and you can see it's giving me a spawn point in a nice nice location just like how I wanted it just like with the vehicle that we're gonna drive into it after we do the crash if we want to put everything back to where we started it's just a matter of pressing the R key and it'll return return the vehicle to that spot okay and actually what I can do now because we don't need the vehicle that we're gonna crash I'm gonna press the tab key and I'm going to press the our key to put this vehicle back as well okay I'm gonna press tab one more time to go back to the police vehicle and now we'll spawn in the roadblock so I'm going to go down to the concrete barrier here select that and once again of course spawn new okay now with these objects it's a little bit different because we don't have the ability obviously to drive them around so this is where we're going to use the world editor to reposition it so I'm going to press f11 on my keyboard to open the world editor and just like in yesterday's video if you open up if you look in the top right hand corner you'll have the mission group here if you go ahead and expand that and scroll all the way to the bottom you're gonna see three beamng icons logos and each one of these represents one of the objects you've placed on the map so the player is the vehicle that we spawn in that first clone one you can see the police vehicle is highlighted in clone two is going to be our concrete barrier okay so now it's just a matter of clicking left clicking on the arrows to reposition it and I'm gonna left click on the green arrow and drag it forward I'm gonna left click on the red arrow and move it right in front now if we need to move the camera you can always right click on the screen there and move your mouse around okay I think that looks pretty good so I'm gonna hit the play button they'll take us back to the game mode and I'm gonna spawn in the crash-test-dummy so again ctrl e on the keyboard it's like the crash-test-dummy spawn it and new okay and I'm gonna press f11 you'll see now on the right hand side we now have clone 3 for the crash test dummy now I mentioned in yesterday's video as we're moving things around the physics are actually still working which means things will move around with you as you move them so a lot of times I find as I'm moving the crash test dummy you might actually fall over no it looks like he's not gonna fall in this video just because we are on a nice flat surface here but let me just position position him now if the crash test dummy we're to fall or if you were to try to move something in the air and you didn't want it to fall down you can press the J key on your keyboard and that will pause the physics so you can see now I can actually lift him up and as soon as I unpause he's just gonna fall back to the ground now one of the other options appears we do have the option to rotate it's up here in the top left hand corner we're going to do rotate selection I'm going to click on the blue circle there on the sphere I'm just going to drag the the dummy around here and of course if we want to reposition we can click on the move selection tool and just sort of reposition them where we want so if we place them right there we should get a good sandwich when we when we go to crash I'm going to press the play key up in the top left hand corner so now you can see we're back to game mode and one thing I should mention is when you when you move these objects around in the world to editor once you're done moving them it's actually gonna set a spawn point for them so you don't need to worry about pressing the insert key or I'm doing a recovery vehicle because it'll it'll set the spawn point for you okay so you can see now our scene is all set so what I'm going to do is I'm going to tab back to our original vehicle and you can see it's back in the spot where we originally set the spawn point got a nice nice dummy sandwich under there and the reason I talk about the importance of the spawn points is not what you can do is you can press the R key that'll move the crashing vehicle back to its original spot you can then press the tab key and go to each vehicle and press R or each object and press R so now you'll see that you have a nice scene set up once again to crash into and if we flip back to our vehicle let's grab the etk k-series go ahead and spawn that another nice crash there you crash test dummies pinned right under the concrete barrier but again to put it all back you just press hard and tap between each of the the vehicles alright guys so that's how you you further kind of building on on yesterday's video how you can further manipulate objects in that in the map put multiple objects in and set up some really nice scenarios this is great for setting up things like road blocks as well as I use this method to set up my spikes trip testing and basically anything else you want to put in the map you can move around vehicles as well and set spawn points and move them around the map too so really it's up to you how you want to set it up but hopefully this this video kind of gives you the basics on how to do it and if you have any questions feel free to leave me a comment and definitely subscribe if you're interested in my videos I also do crash videos and stay tuned tonight I'll be creating some more crash videos alright thanks guys
Channel: BeamNG-FUN
Views: 74,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beamng,, beamng crashes, beamng-fun, beamng tips & tricks, beamng tips, beamng how to, beamng roadblock
Id: N0e6YEyNbLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2017
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