Tips That'll Help You Survive Deadly Animal Attacks

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- [Narrator] Short of staying inside your home for the rest of your life. You are bound to come into contact with some wildlife. Are you prepared to face the deadly world of beast, fangs and claws? With a few pointers you may, just may have a better chance of survival if you come face to face with our planets deadliest. - Amazing. - [Narrator] Number 10, kangaroos. If you're planing a safari trip or a visit to the Down Under a few survival techniques are in order. To survive a kangaroo attack, you must admit that you are in fact a loser. So set aside your pride and act submissive. Definitely avoid all eye contact as the kangaroo will take this as a sign of aggression. Instead, emit low, short coughing sounds as this imitates the sound kangaroos make to admit inferiority. If the kangaroo still chooses to attack your best bet is to curl up into a ball and wait for them to stop. These animals are vegetarians so usually the attacks occur when the animal feels treated. Or thinks you're hiding food from them. Once it sees you have neither, it will leave you alone. Number nine, lions. Playing with kittens and cats is fun and entertaining when their cute little paws and claws bat at you. On a safari trip however, their close relative the lion isn't likely to draw the same reaction with the same antics. When face to face with this massive cat remember to maintain eye contact. The moment you turn your back to them and run you will feel their claws and fangs sink in. The lion will usually do one or two mock attacks stopping short of you several times to gauge how dangerous of a treat you are. If a lion is making a mock charge at you draw yourself up to full height and be as loud as humanly possible. Show the lion that you are scary and plenty of trouble. The more of a treat you seem, the more likely the lion will reconsider his meal choice. If your attempts at scaring a lion off fail make it a priority to protect your throat. Lions prefer to kill their pray by bitting down on the windpipe, crushing it in the process. Number eight, elephants. Elephants are very intelligent creatures and feel a wide array of emotions. If treated, they will react. When facing an angry elephant, stand your ground and pretend to be brave. Most charges an elephants makes are pretend to see if you are aggressive or not. To see if he is serious, check out his body language. Fanned out relaxed ears indicate the charge is a ruse. Ears that are pinned back flat and a trunk that is curled inward indicate that you are about to be trampled. If the elephant is charging at you remember to hind down when so the elephant can not smell you. Don't run, as it will encourage the elephant to chase you. Instead, find something that will be a barrier between you and the elephant. Number seven, Rhinoceros. With poor eyesight, these creatures are easily startled and hard to escape. They can reach a startling speed of 40 miles per hour. Your best bet is to climb a tree. If you suck at climbing, hide behind one since rhinos like to avoid large obstacles. A rhino is also less likely to follow through thick shrubs so start crashing through the under brush. Scratches and cuts are easier to survive then facing down a rhino. Number six, hippos. The best way to survive a hippo attack is to avoid one all together. These lumbering best are cute, docile and look fairly peaceful right? Wrong. These creatures kill more people then all of the other animals in Africa combined. They are extremely temperamental unstable and quite easily angered. Despite their bulk, they can reach an impressive 30 kilometers an hour so the chances of out running one are slim. When faced with a charging hippo find a tree to climb and wait for him to leave. When floating down the river in your boat frequently bang the side of your boat to alert submerged hippos of your location so they don't accidentally over turn your boat when they come up for air. During the dry season, try to avoid thickets. During this time the water and river drop and hippos compete for space. They play king of the river and the loser gets ousted. These disgruntled hippos soak in the thickets and nurture a particularly murderess mood. Number five, Bulls. Ever see bull fighters wave around a piece of bright colored cloth. There's a reason for that. If a bull is charging right at you stand very still and use your shirt hat, or any other piece of clothing as a decoy. How? Throw it away from you just as the bull is upon you and the bull will go towards the discarded item. It doesn't even have to be red as the bull responds to movement not color. If the bull isn't charging at you try not to antagonize it. Visually scan the environment for an escape route. Bulls are very fast so you will have better luck surviving if you can find cover or higher ground where the bull won't be able to reach you. If your stuck in a stampede, may I just extend my condolences to you. Try to anticipate which way they are going and get out of the way. If stuck in their midst, run along with them to avoid getting trampled. Think of it as the best cardio workout of your life. Number four, jellyfish. The tentacles of a jellyfish contain a deadly venom that stuns and parallelizes their prey. Lucky, you my friend are much bigger then their typical meal and can scrap by with just a few painful welts from your encounter. While you aren't likely to die from these welts the pain is enough to make you miserable. What can you do? Some say peeing on your wounds will alleviate the pain but that's just a myth. You'd be better of rinsing the area with sea water followed by vinegar and a long soak in how water. Slathering on some antihistamine cream wouldn't hurt either. Number three, alligators and crocodiles. Alligators and crocodiles are said to have one of the strongest bites on the planet. If either of these creatures chomps down on you it will be a challenge to get him to release. After bitting down, the first thing an alligator will try to do is drown you using it's signature death roll under water. If you see one coming towards you on land make lots of noise and run away. They're not that fast on land and all you need is 20 to 30 feet to be safe. If you see a crocodile while swimming do not splash or shout, as this will attract their attention to you. Instead try to swim as quietly as possible toward shore. If it is to late and you are being dragged under water try to gauge out his eyes or grab the palatal valve behind their tongue. If you pull on this flap of skin it will cause water to flow into the crocodile's throat, prompting him to release you. Number two, cone snail. In the waters of South East Asia lives an unlikely killer, the cone snail. Just one drop of its venom is rumored to kill 20 people. If you get stung and don't have access to medical assistants right away, your chances of survival are slim. You have just enough time to say your prayers as there is no known antivenom. The venom will quickly spread causing paralysis vision impairment, and respiratory failure. Of the 500 species of cone snail most will just feel like a bee sting or cause cyanosis, numbness and tingling at the injection site. Use pressure immobilization or insert wounded area in water as hot as you can possibly stand. Number one, sharks. 71% of our planet's surface is covered by water so it stands to reason that some of its inhabitants are less then friendly. Of all the watery beast, none strike as much fear into the heart of man as the shark. Having watched Jaws as a kid probably doesn't help either. The good new is that out of 360 species of shark only 20 are known to attack humans. You see, most sharks don't view humans as a food source they are just curious what on earth you are. The bad new is that if they're curious they will bite to figure you out. They don't follow the look but don't touch rule your momma taught you. To reduce your risk, try to avoid areas where a steep drop off occurs. Think Finding Nemo drop off. These are sharks favorite venue for food. Better yet, stay out of the water completely. But since most of us love the beach to much, remember these pointers. Don't go into the water where sharks have been seen or swim when it's getting dark out. Beaches will usually post warnings if a shark has been spotted in the area. And dusk and twilight are a shark primetime to feed. Also avoid bleeding or peeing in the water as a shark sense of smell is impeccable. If you have a death wish or enjoy swimming shark infested waters Grab a weapon with you such as a shark billy. This three foot counter weighted pole features spikes on the end with which to stab an attacking shark. If avoidance strategies have failed you must prepare to fight. When attacked do not, I repeat, do not turn your back and start swimming away in a panic. Flailing around and trying to swim away will make you look like prey. Instead, fight the shark head on clawing at his eyes and gills. Short, quick jabs will be the most effective verse trying to punch the shark in slow motion under water. Try to reduce the angles from which the shark can attack by backing into a rock pile or reef. This eliminates the shark's ability to attack you from 360 degrees. Above all, don't give up. Sharks will leave you alone if you put up to much of a fight. After the shark gives up, leave the water immediately and seek medical attention. Your blood is likely to attract more sharks and you won't be in the best condition to face more of these devils. There are no guarantees to safety in the big blue ocean or on the planes of the safari. If you fight with these techniques and you may, just may live to tell the tale. If you had to pick, which animal would you go up against? Can you think of any more? Leave me a comment down below to let me know. Also, make sure to subscribe if you enjoyed this clicking that bell icon to stay updated. Thanks for watching.
Channel: BE AMAZED
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Keywords: be amazed, survival tips, life hacks, survival hacks, dangerous situations, survival tactics, how to save a life, tips that could save life, survival rules, how to survive, videos about safety, dangerous animals, shark attack, survive in the wildness, survival
Id: uInTCD-aqeA
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Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2017
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