Tips On How To Become An Amazon National Best Selling Urban Fiction Author | Q & A|

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to the monkey chocolate Channel Charlie she's not with me right now she's with my sister my sis was watching her about Afghan this video it's highly requested video that I've been wanting to for a while now but I've been putting on been in a hole but I found some time in my schedule and today this is going to be pretty much like a storytime how I became author you know how I found interest in urban fiction it would be question of answers I pretty much posted something on my own social media couple days ago just basically telling authors aspiring author 29 host interested you know Mike in writing a book but she just needs hips you know you need tips on my publishing process and when questions answer like that was coordinating my recommendation in my tips everybody's different you know you may not agree with this video right here is for anybody who's interested in putting on bull you know whether you just don't know what to do after you write a book you know whether you're an offer on a rainy which means don't have a good schedule this video is going to be for you so make sure you like which you know how many missing your subscribe [Music] you okay before I even get started that in video I wanted to like a quick little story time on you know like how I found introduce you know in urban fiction I just remember it was in the eighth grade it was it was towards the end of the year a lot of my friends you know they were reading this book and I still remember that book to this day it was called money power respect I post it right here it was called money participating inside Eric s grade and at the time you know I was in eighth grade I wouldn't say that I didn't care for reading right like I had other interests like I was a cheerleader I was on the dance team at that time so I was like no way I love to write am i bleeding and I hate to say that because that sounds so dumb I got my author and right now I love to me for he waits it was about six or seven of my friends like the bull went around so many people had and then I ended up being the last one I'm in my friend all right under me my really never I'm a table we imitate my main reason why was my number one I've never been covered and you could just look at the cover and say like this one got customers I think potato people call those type of look like Nance people she becomes one of those words so I know I couldn't read I was making great it was like 12 13 and I just personally I just didn't want to read the book so anyways I held on to the book five weeks weeks and I still hadn't touched the world so at the time my school it was doing this little poem we had to leave inside of our classes my class it's even as a date his history teacher he gave up extra credit for anybody who had a group of their own in the book still in my bag you know maybe get my extra credit but isn't now I'm not anyone reading so I got my ex crave and I just remember like playing around like I did I swear I didn't in a week it wasn't until like a few more days went by we were at lunch and me and my friend we finish our you know finished our pool whatever losses children and I had to put on my clinicians as I showed her to look and I kid you not it's even the first citizens first word was a curse word and I found it to be hilarious I'm spots on my feet well I don't look like these things touch of my ego I don't know nothing urban fiction none of that stuff yes I I didn't know nothing about like earning fifty I don't know that was a biggie so we have to bite the bullet but then it wasn't until I got Kevin reading I care it's kind of interesting so I remember you know we was so good but I had never liked a running time it's like I was more so like in saloon I dunno I actually love I should be bored and you guys stuff like that and I feel like the book that I had it was basically that those book those movies that I like to read but it was in a story so I remember like it was my facebook I remember once I finished the school year was pretty much over summer tends to have a hey buddy you got some more doors I don't even own a car and you guys some more of those books that the car seat and you got books at the Carson so she was the school year was over so we pretty much he wasn't gonna have like a way to meet up with each other and I knew I couldn't ask my parents what do was gonna want to know what the book was about it weighs my three-year turnaround and I still had an interest you know for these type of I had ready sideways a few months of school year I had this grown my class she was reading a book in from the cover of the book um right now the main book was called where there is smoke I'll post it right here by the Menomonee I read that book over and over the girl you know so I gave her back a book I don't know why but I just kept coming into contact with who will beating books like God was already preparing me for my future because I just kept coming or reading books sodomy wants him right here this other girl in my class and it was caught baby girl baby girl abide Siobhan or I post that as well another one of my favorite authors everybody what automatically just offer page one read it come on yeah I read it it was amazing and it had a part to and she was telling me honey and why she got it she gave it to me and I ready yeah fiction and about Alex experience because I say everyone so anyways my 11th grade you came around X my mom for Kindle XR flora QT because by that time I were going which a long game right now you could go on Google Books and they'll actually like have a sample to stop the books so I changed the sample every day so in a way I was kind of like reading all the books sideways I had my mom or Kendall for Christmas I have a job so when I got the arm cable she told me I could get mumble and by this time I had discovered why he declared I discovered I had a card from google books and those who don't know about him Clark she stands for pretty much the third series so anyways she sought to get mumble in the one book that I chose to give was spelling you like it is so crazy because people tell tell me all the time I still feel unhappy I want people to one day you know he was my name big words as the money anyways I in the parliament and my budget we were telling you my mom talk about one more you don't just buy one wacky car so I ended up leaving the scene natural and I remember thought of matrimony she caught me on TV she was like you found the book for me to desert heart was all by myself I know you know oh no I got this blind no I don't button under the boot because this was before I can do an imitator so you have to actually go in and pay my $10.99 13 I mean I wouldn't book so anyways I'd ended up getting a job towards the end of my in emigrate year no I didn't get a job because I wanted to save I got a job because I wanted money like my senior year was coming up I wanted to be able to purchase you know by myself no clothes and shootings and stuff I did so anyways I end up doing a job I choose you not all of my money wait candy books okay this was before Kenda bomb diggity so I was actually paying $4.99 ninety-four books and that's when I knew I know the disk is a passion I told myself my senior year of high school I am my sophomore year of college I was still it was the only my head that was on a school education I want to be a parent and which was schoolteacher but I still knew I wanted to write a book alright so 2014 came around and that was my sophomore year of college I was going to Community College those of you you know Broward Community College I was going they're still meeting heavily I had the other job and be a did car so back this time I didn't need my mama Dave Karger walk about my own books and I probably had hundreds of books on my Kindle account so I remember one day I probably had some free time I was I was breaking up back saying Publix as well as a cashier I have some free time on my hands and I wrote three pages my joy when I wrote the three pages like I wasn't Tony as waiting like alright nothing to write my book no but I'm just doing it just to do it at time it's like a couple months and they buy and I never even picked the boat back I'm the type of person I'll admit this is one of my flaws I find interesting something whatever I got to do like you know study on it or whatever you know my I lose interest and that's probably what I did I probably lost interest but what I think is I didn't know that it was one of the choirs so much to write a book like it required being revived I thought I was typing so much and I was in getting nowhere I said how many wrote three pages so anyways I left the book alone for a month months I'm gonna one day and you know who probably doesn't want to follow them you listening to each other so I was and I made a joke I was like let me open up this book I'm gonna read you what I wrote you know playing around and it wasn't right this is good and for those of you who are my date once you've been with me since 2014 you know that I'm talking about that I shouldn't do series so anyways I remember telling him I'm coming there I don't call you babe because when I'm ready those three pages this is literally my - not like other school I've always been told like you know I was a good writer I was always in a good writer so no I wasn't shocked that what I wrote was doing it but I was a shock that like it held my attention like I was shocked that I was repeating something that you know I thought I was reading one of these from a fiction books but it was in mine so I'm never telling home but I'm a holiday and I've been I was living with my parents at the time I was in the den area and they had this small table and I set my laptop up on the table and I sat down or like four hours I was doing my homework working on it we'll know none of my close friends my family the only person who really knew that I was working on his local estate my wife I kept the secret because Stan to this day like I've been in this game with 20/20 I've been writing since 2014 I do not want none of my family members reading my hopes but don't read my books don't tell me my boy don't please just don't anyway so then I kept a secret I think what my parents of either book so nobody knew so oh by the way once I finish once I finish with the groom publishing companies in publishing companies I'm gonna upload i'ma find it in my home not below the email that I actually see so one of them you know one of them one of these publishing companies how much how I started from the bottom before there was all of this all of this like nobody knew who are the diamond Johnson world I'm gonna show this is just the way to show me that I was one day a beginner like nobody knew who I was anyways I reached out so a couple punishment company this this part right here is going live people who you know you're right in the world or you you're thinking about light in the book or you're almost done with your book you're thinking about getting it published there's the part the minimum were required before a lot of the publishing companies this point at the time my first look was like 25 thousand words not for me it was a lie like I said I was in school I was working my there's no way and so basically the each time and one time I was so cold signing a contract pressures on myself like you know pressures on myself I have to write this and I know I was going to take a lot for me to do him so I ended up saying you know what I'm gonna go independent and plus I was talking to like other authors who had just got out of a publishing and you know contract myself and it was like just go in the pen so I had people on this site and also a publishing company origin I was reaching out so you know objects just wanted to know like their pain so I ended up self-publishing I choose you a lot of people don't know that a lot of people think that I choose that came out and what like late 2014 a lot people think that that wasn't the revision of iTunes the original idea was like 25,000 words that I posted online and was on account because idea Kalinda pain you kept it a secret I didn't tell my parents about today I remember what we get paid in the 29 of the mind and I'm still thinking I don't know the truth okay I'm gonna go keep a secret my first chair was on about a thousand dollars but for somebody 19 working at Publix $1,000 was a lot of one so I remember um Shawn him I did my big account look I didn't write my book he didn't stay because become smarter book it's just it was more so when did you have the time oh my computer I wasn't doing home and I was working on the book so if I show me the showing a book like this something that I was embarrassed about you feel me like I'm writing an efficient I used this example all the time I felt like I don't know you guys the fighting sensation is would be honest any of eight events Cuba I'm living inside a movie when fate you know she was a part of the Clio she was in the church maybe she brandished a hog when she started you know singing what they call it secular music that's what I feel like I felt like I branched off I was writing her than fiction I was doing the crime scene on us and I was kind of in a way in there Wow I remember I did something ever so something that I was embarrassed about ended up being something and then I was a big deal I remember cousin I thought boy I didn't share it's my social media or nothing well once my parents knew once that was out the bag they're not sharing my social meaning and I men were giving so many for you because home time okay so once the cat without a bit I was know I'm riding urban fiction and I just kept going so I'm gonna part tool so I shouldn't Radke my only love tale and I want to say I just did it part one all this bunch of all this is still pending of this I went about it the wrong way I was taking pictures off of Google you know like I was I think I didn't really do a lot of research on the things that you couldn't do things that you couldn't do so I was taking my google pictures you know making those my colors so by the time I shoot I mean my any luck I think it's Miami let's help one by the time that came out I published a publisher reached out to me you know published image that's me I mean were interested in working on you know in working with you mind you I left this part out I reached out to this publisher when I first got started and his publisher I see names I don't know if that was the publisher who read it maybe they had an assist but I'm innovating reaching back out and was like basically telling me dating like you didn't like I Tunisian they wanted more dining hall more gritty so in that that reason was another reason why I went independent cuz my how about we tell you you know they have like my book so I might know it if that's what it's gonna be to be published I'm good because it's like you've already go through so much to write this book and then somebody tell you they don't like it like that so I'm like I'm gonna scope independent so anyways they saw my work morning like they saw that I was independent I have a publisher so they reached out you know I'll talk it over with my parents and you know man is your decision is your decision to me and a lot one thing about me I wanted a nice cover I wanted a nice cover so that was a one of a nice cover I wanted more readers because the four books that I had independently like they weren't really doing no and that was with Miami so I spy time I've been getting you know I wanted advice I wanted the comments I wanted the shares you know I wanted a beautiful color I wanted somebody to actually edit in my books I wanted a team basically so I'm sure his big history ever since like that was like 2015 was about 5 years ago so yeah that was just a quick oftentimes I get a lot of people exit like how did you start writing like five inches in fermentation so that's funny - is another story right now once who saw my tips these are some of the tips that I had we Hertz who want to be authors one day you know for anybody who isn't right now anybody middle a base awaiting your options you don't know go independent you don't know if you want to get a publisher these tips are for you these are the authors you don't have to adhere to these tips but this is how my schedule works okay so my first tip is to find your bead that's tip number one find your theme and I'm gonna explain what I mean when I say find your theme I feel like they're authors who are known for certain things I'm the author best known for I'm gonna make you cry you're you cannot read a diamond Johnson book and don't cry I'm gonna bring out so many different emotions my authors I like to say they have we have a bittersweet relationship bitter because you're going to read my book and at the end more than likely you're gonna hate me and you're gonna hate me when you read a part one and a part two because more than likely I'm gonna leaving with a cliffhanger I'm going to leave you with a cliff failure and I want to bring out emotions I'm going to make you cry you're not going to agree with some of the things that I talk about because I'm going to talk about real-life things I'm talking about child molestation I'm talking about teenage pregnancy I'm talking about murder I'm talking about these things because it is real life it happened so yeah find your thing what is your thing what are the author's know that you know for right now somebody could say post something on Facebook right now table a record made me some good books to read some good authors and a few of my there's a tag me they like she won't have you crying though so make sure you have you know issue everybody know I'm going to having crying I remember when this book came out my favorite book this is my baby little Miami girl I remember so many people telling me girl I'm in one day tell me she was on all that work through them trained like her I was on a try crying like in if I wrote a book and the goal was to have him crying and nobody told me that totally that they were crying I didn't do my job I want to have him crying I want to have me laughing I want this to be the book you text your girls hey you write down my book I want just to be the book that's in the rule check I want this to be the book or you're hounding me you're asking me when is the next one coming so yeah find your theme your thing could be anything you compete it could be your the emotional writer you're the writer that's gonna have the drama you gonna have whatever find your theme because I didn't find my theme into a little Miami girl once I wrote that both and I touched the line abuse I touched on rape I touched on kids dying in people with suddenly they were crying I was like my theme is bringing out the emotion in people so that's my baby okay tip number two be detailed in your descriptions in your description basically when you describing your characters okay I'm big on it I'm big on it when I was um oh if you guys don't know I have a publishing company Diamond Johnson presents and I'm not at the moment accepting submissions but a few months ago I was accepting submissions and I was personally I have no assistant I have nobody working with me I was personally calling into those you know documents that people were sending me and whether they wanted just recommendations they wanted tips whether they want to take it sighing I was actually reading those books and what I look for when I read not even what I was looking for when I was just reading that but I look for when I'm reading a good book I look for character description I'm going to explain more what I mean if you say the guy in the book is the most handsome man in the world you better say a most handsome man in the world I want to know what he looked like I want to know his height I don't know he's weight I'm gonna know his hair did he not dress did he got braids dude he got a bonehead I want to know what he smell like my own Oh his breath smell like these are character the descriptions I break Nizam because I wanted to give them fuse everybody in the book does not have to have a character description and you're not a main character you're just somebody who went out to the hospital you check me in how do I know what you have I don't know what you can do I don't know I don't want to know which in your hair but if you're in main character you're a supporting character come on I know what you look like I hate to read a book I'm in the second chapter your main character Ashley I don't even know what Ashley look like you feel me every scene that I read going forward from the beginning to the end I want to be able to picture okay just what actually that looked like cuz you defend when you told me in beginning character description is everything um description of places is everything don't tell me they got into the hotel and the hotel was beautiful okay what was beautiful about the hotel what was the color of the walls you know what they have floor-to-ceiling windows let me know you're telling a story just selling the story okay my third to Tim three time image me have a schedule have a dry erase board once this video goes over i'll you know better show they have a schedule i can tell you right now today is March 25th my board I know what my book is doing I don't know because I have a schedule don't just pick up during that top and just write don't just write because when you do that I feel like you have no goal in mine but there's no goal in mind because when I was first writing when I was independent you know a new author I had no schedule I would write probably 500 words one day 50 words the next day once you have a schedule once you get here by the schedule you'll notice the way that being slow here's my schedule I would recommend to start off with this schedule unless you're like you're comfortable with it you know you've been doing it for a while but my schedule everybody know I'm 5k 5k a day if you and you know me and you personally write me likes me diamond what's your schedule my schedule is 5k in the morning 5k at night I'm gonna be honest with you I have a daughter a one-year-old daughter anything can happen she can get sick I can keep her home one day with me just because I feel I taken out of school whatever anything can happen so yes there are times that schedule isn't you know I'm not going on for the schedule but then you have to go back in basically you just change it or what I do I make up for it for example let's say I'm supposed to do 10k day and 5k tomorrow but I only did 5k today best believe I'm gonna do that 5k tomorrow that I was supposed to do say you have to I just thought that's the only way like you're gonna have a goal and you cannot procrastinate so yeah my schedule is 5k a day time management time management a schedule is everything because you know you can tell yourself I'm gonna have I'm gonna do 5 km under 5k but to actually see it because once this I just it is I've started something new next week um every day you don't a chick do another jetpack a chick and that's how it goes anyways tip number three get rid of all distractions all distractions and when I'm talking about distractions I'm talking about your phone I know for a fact that your phone is a distraction it was one thing I don't two things I don't I don't post on my Instagram I try not to post on my Instagram on my Facebook if I'm about to start tightening because if I do that one I'm going to be look ladies maybe I'll do this you look to see if we got an idea we look to see if we got a comment so I'm gonna post something I'm gonna post something after I don't know we got my world my word count even another thing that I do and you gonna be on the phone because I think in this day and age like my cell phone crazy it's pretty much impossible not to kill your phone and you're gonna be on your phone be on your phone every 1000 burgers this is what if I'm typing and I'm 1 300 247 words I just started Brandon Boyd I'm on 347 where this yeah my phone battery I'm not gonna look at my phone once I get to my thousand words do that and I'm telling you if you want to know how much time how much faster does handles they used to date a time enjoy your phone won't be sitting there already tightens it so yeah and now I get to 1200 words my phone vibrating I look at home diets mm you have to have two for me time if I sit there on my laptop three and tie 5,000 words that can take me two hours in 15 minutes two hours and a half most at the most so imagine on your phone every five minutes even we sit there all day sitting up for it if you're any any meaning if you're going to be independent aren't they gonna feel like that's the route you want to go pay for promotions do not be afraid to pay for promotions when I was independent I paid for promotions find people who you know on social media with a lot of followers because a lot of people were followers on social media they do stuff like there being than two promotions and most time they'll probably charge like $50 or something either let me take something though the more followers they have the more asana cost because I've had people probably want to charge like $100 to have it for probably like two hours remind you you have to ask yourself though if it's worth it because they could have five million followers that's I'm not gonna say there's five million people want to look at your book because that's not gonna happen but those five million followers there are going to be some who are interested in early fiction or whatever jaanwar of writing that you write us so they are unable to check it out so you have paid a promotion I gave up motion I paid my people in from and yeah I didn't know this sort of a difference you know that in my sales I didn't notice you know women in the comments and I always says let's read this book so to me it's worth there had business cards had business card it's on hand that is so important I remember once when I was at Benihana in I'm sitting next he's with his daughter and he just was acting I'm just making small conversation one of the things he wanted to know I liked was I school my brain you know what I in school would I was telling him again I was in college I was thought to graduate get my associates degree come in and ask me what did I do for a living I know kind of you know all about me is this language like I'm author here's my card you want to be able to today you want to be able to like here's my card because with me I don't know but I feel like when I tell people I'm an author I kind of come off like you know he would be like a a rapper and enables I hear this about me saying I'm instead of like that I currently no author I don't know why I have to get out of my head you would think after 60 books I would feel like I'm strong in my answer that on the author but no I feel like we think she's alive think about it I wrote one book so no I have your cards one right here I'm the author check me now on Amazon don't be afraid I can't do because half the time they want to add you know like you have a card or anything and basically you say though they but Shane offer well I mean you can always pull it up for him it's important to have business cards on you at all times get inspiration from music life life's around and it's anything I'm gonna tell you something a lot of my story lines come from something that I've heard something that I saw a song I was listening to and you don't realize that so you in life that can be a story that could be a story I remember you guys if you if you read my moves from the poems have Palace I heard that statement on like a show or something it was like I've been what the man was on you know Rama for the poet's in the palace I said look from the pole to the palace and right this is my home and I just started thinking oh I'm thinking of a stripper we don't she gonna get with this club owner she gonna change hollow-eyed around like that's how quick you can get a storyline you can hear a song somebody talking about they was cheated on okay here we go that's how about my book you know anybody broken hearted girl love me buy all of these books that come from inspiration this belief and I hear your name and I like your name I'm making your name character in my book if you walked past me like even I was recognized colors so my biggest inspiration came from shoppers customers I gave them say something say that to my phone or an enemy intelligent woman that's what I do I could hear a joke alright I'm gonna say that I like it doesn't happen so I think a lot of people because of honey the exodus question how you get this story and I don't get the story lines but it's not life just surroundings go outside listen I'm served was on my own around you you will get a storyline okay my next tip is know how to take constructive criticism have big skin everybody isn't going to like your book that is so important or tell you right now you're in a business right now with you're pretty much servicing people you're servicing the public you're putting yourself in a position where the same read my book and when you finish reading my book I want you to review I want your opinion and is not a once I like your book like it's the one just just the one I'm gonna be able to our house I'm gonna get ever savings so so they're not gonna believe that's the that's the one that's gonna get you out to get your assailants if you would have to be able to accept that this is how I keep going with you I tell myself she bought it you ready you gave me my basement you have to think like that because if you don't this just this will chew you up this industry I have a brain fart this image they were chewed up and spit you out know the difference between a hater and constructive criticism you want constructive criticism you don't want to hate you I have people in your book saying or something crazy like need something which I think was crazy with you and guy while her character had any life in it have hazel eyes there's not constructive criticism that's a hater guess somebody they couldn't find nothing else to say they saw that your head 5 started use 5 4 star canoes are down so they say let me let me almost let me see come over quick don't don't even let something I didn't make you mad wait you wait by thinking you have to think of it like that but constructive criticism if somebody tell you something like she needs to use more dynamo because take it take it take that in and heat today and tell you something man that's bull coming to more doctor long if ax yourself do I need use my daughter Holly did you know you do they don't do well so you have to think of it like that tip is to be consistent be consistent potatoes I roll I wrote 305 I love it you know I had a couple grand I had a couple you know good by this point I had you know like other books to my name so you know I'm gonna I was feeling myself you know I wanted buy myself something nice and I'm gonna chill for a while no this is why you chillin sister whatever she tied me and hopeful coming up so they don't forget about you insist on come on fishy Coast run right past being kind assisting I've even taken a break though I believe like right now I'm gonna break I just finished a hundred thousand word last week Sunday I took this week off i'ma start back next week Monday I believe in taking a break but I do believe a being consistent because this thing you know mind you're on that break you can be thinking about what you're gonna do which are the next book you could be coming up with a storyline that your next book be consistent if you want me every fiction out there there are urban fiction of those around the world and I might say something like that these girls is right in their writing they're coming up with fun nominal storylines they're getting creative in their in their covers so don't get too comfortable because what you don't want to hear is you don't want to write that part one and didn't put that part two out the people know I don't forgot what part one about let me go back and read I feel like that's I hate they hear that coming when I hear somebody say I'm gonna go back to read it I feel like I took too long on my part to be consistent that's all I can say if being consistent at the understanding everybody is not in a position where they write a full time people have jobs didn't have children so if you can't everybody can't do that take a day everybody cannot do that we'll just understandable but whenever you have some free time you know right another one is oh this is check the seat if somebody has your title before going forward with that title this is so important you you keep your intentions can be so pure and I'm always so passionate about this conversation because as it happens in 14 pages you your intentions will be so pure you know on a title get your children's and you didn't do your research again and see if somebody had the title already you won't get and if it comes down to that you can give accused of stealing so my title so so avoid that let's say for example and we'll come up with side of office how am I loving love in a bag or loving an apple before I even get carried away with their title I'm alone Amazon and I'm gonna type in love in a bad or I'm gonna take something you may not see loving a bad boy but if you see bad boy love you I'm not sure but I'm not gonna take it so close to home mister close every title that should have make sure nobody has make sure nobody has it in do not want somebody to accuse you or still in their title and don't it's like the worst because sometimes you genuinely don't know there's been times where I've had like titles mr. wine it's the one budget my title um turned out turned out about his foot mentality that's not what I'm supposed to be call it was supposed to be called I think it turned out I don't want to say it because I don't want to talk about summer school but it was supposed to be called something totally different but somebody had it and I was like I'm a changing and that's what I do so this is my last - this is old ponies - I swear by those two when you finish a book I believe in rewarding yourself reward yourself me obviously I'm going to need a victory dinner everybody knows when I submit my told I to a victory dinner I didn't do one just yet or in my own book that I just submitted because round of applause I finished my classes next week Monday so I'm going to combine my victory dinner finishing my class is not wanted to be a civil war you have to and one of them self doesn't have to be spending money it could be you sitting down and binge watching an all-american just do something that you know that you're not able to fish you're not able to do everyday I believe it I think a lot of people don't think that a lot goes into writing a book when it go you know especially moms people you know I have another job you ain't to succumb to all this you know cook dinner do laundry promise I mean you still have time to write the book even though you thought about it Percy we're looking at it you've been about in shoes I believe in victory now damn it is safe to go on Kochi and buy $3,200 per I did not say that I said so we reward yourself if that's what you want to do to our larger so fine but I'm not telling you every month to to do that it could be something small it could be the same you wanna die you know in Quito or whatever and you know you ain't supposed to be in the chocolate but you know you grocery shopping you know you just forget working you just saw a sneaker you deserve it I believe it that you did something you feel me so yeah those are my tips this is this is what I hit an ear by you know feel free it's a comment you know down below what tips you can have for me because you know we never get to the point where you know we can't take you know opinions from somebody else so that you know the type of tips that you have right now I'm going to move forward I'm going to answer I have about ten questions and my facebook my Instagram I'm gonna go ahead and answer those so that's part of the video of his fund me answering a few questions that I got from on social media the first question says how did you go about publishing you know I talked about that I talked about how it's really up to you it's up to you is up to your schedule is up to what you like do you want to go any do you want to able to publish it when you go Andy you guys look up Kindle [Music] can you direct publishing the KDP and that's basically the basically the tool that you're gonna use to upload your books to another set the price or you will talk about price I would recommend putting the enroll in your book in Kindle unlimited being right now don't write a 50 page book and make that book you know me you know be reasonable you know you feel me out with this is my recommendation you don't have to agree with me most people they start they're part of minds it's $1.99 $2.99 oh yeah we want to be in pain yeah you're gonna use Katy peen and you want to publisher depends on your John room I was simply talking about urban fiction because I write urban fiction there's a lot of urban fiction publishers out there that's for you research your publisher X authors about the Punisher you want to know these things because you don't want to get five years later whatever then you find out things about your publisher and just you want out of this situation so research your publisher I admit like I said apparent the publishing this is not about that loose at least when I was when I was doing on my books independent I felt like I didn't have the exposure that I had I had a team behind and I was now getting my books edited I was now you know I had gained more readers you know I was getting beautiful covers so it was really up to you about what she wanted the next question said same thing how did I get started you know an incident I mean somebody's saying okay this person has a few question what is your writing schedule I talked about my writing schedule I'm gonna show you guys my on board once I'm finished but for the most part for the most part I don't write on the weekends I kind of just started back on the weekend it's mine if I can't go nowhere so right you might as well write on the weekends whatever but for the most part I write only Monday through Fridays and my schedule is a little weird only because I miss home so long my names like this is fixed now a week ago you can see that I don't write on Monday this Monday's I don't like because I have papers to me personally Thursday's I have discussion and stood for school so I wish only to like 5k always is point your engagement at the minimum I feel I feel like you could do 5k to date and be good I feel like 5k today is doing it because even if you're a mom even if you're working I feel like you can do it in your work and put the kids to bed I thought you cannot have in this 5k if not a 5k three if not 5k 13 so that's nice waiting to get your installation for characters to the clock I say - tuition the comfirm usik it can come from surroundings it can come from TV shows things that I hear you know inspiration comes from anywhere come from anywhere what most times most times but there's some things all the time but obviously sitting here and I just get real quiet but I'll get real quiet because right now it's like I'm calm down I'm telling me characters will speak to you characters will speak United unions no guys plot my phone and I'm saying I'm saying like you could just you can get an ID I kid you not I was taking a shower when I when I got a little baby girl I don't know why I was showering and told you Antonio just came inside my head and when I heard that name and this isn't the same thing bad about somebody whose name when I heard maybe Tony like I felt like sadness I felt like home this snow is broken by Tecate seem to like that maintenance Honi on money she gon go through something how I make her go through something and she gave you my inspiration I could come from anywhere if the inspiration can come from themes that you deal with your life you know maybe you maybe you went through something maybe you you know maybe you had another a miscarriage maybe we were in a domestic you know situation my inspiration can come from anywhere howdy-ho your latest work I promote on Instagram I come both on Facebook mainly Facebook because that's what a lot of my readers are and I I have where I pretty much you know I'll let my you know what I'm working on austenite asleep people and I basically the same concept right with my readers I'll admit I'm not as good with promoting as I should be I want to overwhelm people but too much posting but when I do want to promote promoted back that way but like I said anybody who's new was starting pay for a promotion but I won't reach out to me so should be here outlet the fatherless and pay them it's worth being what do you want people to see your book you want to get the exposure paper promotion visit your book and you want to be successful in this industry emotion goes a long way - today's was your big what's your biggest obstacle you know riding my biggest I'm not going to call it a obstacle boy with me once I had charlie my right extending it changed it changed drastically my but there's Sunday's like now I'll do 5k here get to 2k but most time ago my most time is 5k like I'll get tea I do 10k but don't give me my I pushed 10k I pushed 40k today but they're sometimes when his life you know I did what a baby are they to daycare she's home with me sometimes you don't feel like doing that at a sidekick you know like doing good tire and then go wait for her to little even need to do it when she goes to sleep but it's like I don't know everybody's different I don't like break right and when I say night I'm talking about anything as they were like in them o'clock I don't like it that's why I really try to my writing unit in the morning and didn't evening I'll start again I get four but once Charlie came once somebody demands my time my teaching by certain being said a lot of writing had to change I don't know when I was pregnant one of the things especially someone who works as hard as you like being able to you know get the right as much as I as I used to probably take something a newborn although we have to eight months what I'm not being sorry pigeon I used to put Charlie you might be carrier bouncing asleep best believe she went right on me while I was working mom you just made get it by any means necessary I don't care I had this baby on my chance right but I'm going to do that because I was just learning how to how to how to change my time management you know adjusting basically adjusting because kids are demanding and once they start walking that's a play that's so but you know that you got to learn how to work around it I had to type inside of this I don't want no music playing in the background I don't need nobody talking I want silence maybe they maybe want to watch cocoa milk they have even one employee she want to talk so now I can honestly say I'm at a spot in a position now where I know how to write and keep a concentrate and keep a concentration with music and stuff playing in the background it's simple just it's a lot of adjusting so you guys are possible do you have an editor yeah it's my book for me but here's the thing with the editor I don't believe in singing that book off like a complete mess when I say a complete mess I feel like as the author like you should go into that book as well you know in read over before I mean when I send the book off is honoring some editing but I just feel like this is what I do I forgot to say that I do this as well as a 5k 5k so let's say I did my first 5k just morning okay I'm done now I go back again this evening to do the last 5k I read over whatever I wrote that morning and that when you kind of help the editor out because they can buy a pen or something and not see because I possessed like for example I was reading over edits other night and I could say something like because for you look I say we we are your parent whatever you're working around so many beans there's TVs playing in the background it could be a baby crying something beans so sometimes you make mistakes why are you writing you can say something like you commit to say something like I picked up the phone I picked up a blanket off the floor you could say something you type something like I picked up a blanket off the often off off the though like so it's good over some of these because it'd be mistake but some of the things I go back I realize I don't have great big because sometimes you mana destruction sometimes they're not focus sometimes you're on your phone sometimes your own social media sometimes you're trying to look and see who's who's liking your pictures this is miss don't like to say why why I said do not upload a picture don't post the status until you're done because that is going to hold your attention so yeah that's the end of those that we know somebody say how do you format your writing your word as far as like the formatting for but the action we made you split that goes like Kendall I don't do that because I have an editor but when I type and learn oftentimes I do times the roaming as the fine I mean that's the tapes the fine is swell oil fine and I write anyway of the layout but you know most people write in print layout but I write anyway I believe oh I know I just thought it looks it looks better and I took indeed I'm to double space on genetic I write I write write like I write right so yeah I mean I type in web video 12:12 fine times new roman' and that's a good we all are doing nothing crazy the last question this is pretty long - say I am an aspiring author in have written over 12 books but my sales are almost non-existent its there anything particularly with marketing I also need woodland yes whispers like I said marketing I promote promote on my Instagram promote on my Facebook and once you kid you know be friends friends be friends with other authors because half at a time when I after sees another after promoting a book bigger share it anything they're all they're gonna share it and it is it's keep going so you know I'd make sure that you're friends with other authors make sure you're promoting your bullets get get you an email letters so that your readers know okay she got a book coming out this day and if you still don't feel that there's a pay for a promotion like I said I cannot stress this enough getting also shooting you know people with a lot of followers and pay got worried you might think I'm paying $25 on whatever to post my book but if it's worth being too weak and age the last part of her question says I also need help with formatting as well as finding a great editor any tips or great advices on words of encouragement will be great they do so much to stay safe and always keep writing okay so the first part with a formatting like I said I just do were 12 times the Roman Way layout that's literally all I do once I'm giving the edit back I just upload whatever is you know getting back to me so that's pretty much the only way that I I know how to format create advice but I think my tips you do the 10 things that I say you had know someone as scheduled you have you know how to take constructive criticism you got just a feel of a rule with fine you will be fine I feel like a lot of people they hold back on release in the book because they're so scared of what people might think of them by walking they might think of the story but how do you how do you ever know what the outcome is if you never so I do never just go out you do we have to do it all my first school oh my God my cute boy is they know my kid you know you you have to know that this is a very challenging industry but it can also be rewarding but they can also be rewarding I am not the same author that I was five years ago no way no way growth in so many ways I financially mentally like my mom I said as an author had changed so he was either staying you have to stay consistent you have to have to know like okay the first step is you know I want to write a book the second step is to actually write the book the third step we need to figure out what do you want to do who do you want to be independent you want to have a publisher that's the decision that you have to be happy yourself nobody can tell you what you should do because was four units for you right now anybody knew and if you know you know that you really wanna I really want to write I really want to be out there like there I really want a game of Fritos behind me I would push me Google publish but if you just want to buy the cute little show about to your family meanwhile we want to lean towards on being independent okay sai-san hello I just watched your story and I have a million ideas that I need to know how to get started as far as editing publishing and it's not too much - can you tag me in the link when you can answer your questions I'm always sound so she mean I'm not always associated events and events editing like I mentioned there editors out there but like I said you still want to look over your book as well before you send it off but you just don't want to send a boat just too much as far as publishing like I say that's up to you whether you want to be published whether you want to be independent if you want to be independent we have to look into um Kindle direct publishing KTP possessed basically what you're going to be using your main spread and things like that you want to talk about covers there are books that are there groups on Facebook the cover room by for example I can't find one Facebook just Google or right now you could have to take anything ever fiction covers okay home such as such on Instagram came up writer hey how much for a premium how much for a custom like don't be afraid to get into these people inbox that's something that I'm still battling with I'm not a extra burner I'm introvert always I don't like the idea of you know I wanna say out of my friend because our traumas mean I don't know put myself out there I think as a society we kind of fear the worst what's what's going to happen in impact somebody right now accent hey how much for your editing services how much for a cover but you won't know what issue unless you ask so yeah like there there are people out here get on Facebook of my people are on Facebook providing their services dominating others so yeah last question I always ask Amy came over to when your 10k words of a venial and I'm pretty much it's money today don't if you want to sit in new 10k words in one setting by all means sis do you I'm not doing it okay the by the time I did it first 5k you know I want to have lunch I want to chill out for a little bit I'm not sitting in 2:140 cave because half the time without dude like 6k and one sitting my back is killing me not door TK one day I'm not burning myself out you want to continue to love what you do I'm not saying that you cannot love what you do in duty Katie but I feel like you pushing it in his one feel more so like work then you're doing something that you're just talented even you know for fine you don't want to bomb yourself out I'll do take any and one day I don't that I'm not gonna do 10k tomorrow so break it down dude do your 5k in the morning their 5k in the morning have your lunch after you've finished out whatever you know chill out watch a show this is if you work from home in distance not for everybody this is these are for others who are already you know some what kind of like established you you know writing is your only source of income this is how you you know you get paid break it down do your fight these people beyond people I'm gonna show y'all the day I'm gonna show you how that day in the life of me wake up in the morning you know you shower you have your breakfast you do your 5k okay by the time that's done is probably is ninety-one it to lunch Abby's up some lunch watch a show watch it to take a look now by the time to take your nap it'll be time to do your last 5k okay done with your bass 5k start dinner but if this can be so simple your day can follow your Dickens below if you adhere to this schedule I'm telling in 5k in the morning I have cake at night it sounds I know in the beginning it sounds like that's a lie because to me five years ago it's a 10k exam like that's a lie well the more you do it the morning do it but this is nothing like some some people probably think to be no cuz your soul juice to doing it so yeah that was the last question um you know let me know if you guys enjoyed this video let me know you want to see more videos like this might sit down the hills let me know you have any questions if I didn't touch one something that you want to even touch one feel free to comment down below in the comments and I'll write back thank you guys Oh before I go I'm gonna show you guys my own my board so you guys can see it better close up on my schedule so these are just some like books see my Yeti coat got some more give me that Cup let me shout out my daddy because I'm huge seeded identity shot him out forgetting me best it'll be a problem anyways are you able to see my love I need a new one cuz I wrote weighing more books since this here's my schedule turned out by his hood mentality to this is gonna go from February to March because obviously I'm talking about family ready to March February is over y'all don't mind if everybody please it's gonna go from March know what I did there anyways I'm gonna start March 31st I guess what I was supposed to it was called supposed to go from March to April okay so now I just act like this Marja and caught this April okay so I'm gonna start at the 31st and I'm gonna show y'all why sometimes some days you see five case I'm Daisy Duke and I just finished school like I said this is my last day of school I have a paper due that's why I'm not going to be on writing on Monday but I told myself when I graduated I wanted to kind of take the mold off I don't want to do too much um 10k a day because sometimes it could be too much and especially I don't know when I'm taking Charlie back to day care you know because what's going on in the world I just don't want to burn cellphone so as you can see Tuesday I'll do thinking Wednesday I'll do 5k so that's five kid having a light day for me that'll be a light day Thursday out to another 10k 5k 5k Saturday 5k and I gave myself a note so Sunday's no no and as you can see this this can be done and what it two weeks two weeks and what is it like about two and a half weeks the thing is before a hundred capelet were probably sent in two weeks two weeks but I told myself you know I'm gonna take some of the load off oh yeah two and a half weeks to finish the 100,000 work book that's great that's great so yeah guys thanks for watching um you know you have any questions just comment down below thank you [Music]
Channel: Mommy & Charley
Views: 1,977
Rating: 4.96875 out of 5
Keywords: amazonkdp, nationalbestsellingauthor, howtobecomeanauthor, authorstorytime, howibecameabestsellingauthor, new author, howtowriteabook, howtowritemyfirstbook, amazonkindleunlimited
Id: MrNAoAnK1es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 28sec (4528 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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