Tiny house built by millennials for affordable home ownership

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thanks to this week's sponsor jackery   hey there welcome to my channel  where i take you on tours of tiny   and unique homes homeownership is an  important part of every adult's life   but in recent years with skyrocketing  prices becoming a homeowner in your 20s   has been practically impossible but in today's  video we meet a young couple that was able to   build their first home together and of course  it's a tiny home if you like these kind of videos   make sure that you subscribe and hit that  notification bell so that you know every   single time we publish a new video but right now  let's take a tour of this young couple's tiny home hi welcome to my home this is  fala thrantini my name is nicole   and i live here with my husband jamie we finished building the house in april 2020  we started our build in april 2018 so after   two years we have now been in here an additional  two years so it's been quite a process of building   we first became interested in tiny homes probably   at least five years ago before we started building  i had kind of found them on instagram we watched   all the shows and it was really enticing living  in massachusetts it can be really hard to find   housing that's affordable as a young couple as  young people we really want to be in the area but   it's expensive so this was a great opportunity  for us to own our own home have no home debt we   built this completely out of pocket and it's  allowed us to have a really great foundation   to start our lives together and to be able to save  to eventually have land in a slightly bigger home   before we started our official build jamie had  done a very extensive google sketchup that really   placed out every scrap of framing every piece  of siding and we were able to tweak it as we   went along but we really were able to minimize  build waste for the build we really wanted to   stretch our money as far as it could go so  we decided to do as much ourselves as we   could we ended up hiring out the insulation  job electric we had help with and we also   had a family friend help with the propane lines  but other than that we did everything ourselves so jamie and i met in high school so we are  high school sweethearts we've been dating for   almost 13 years now we've been married for almost  three moving in we was our first time moving in   together so we i kind of like to say we didn't  have any bad habits to break from a larger space   we kind of moved right in coexisted really well  in the space we sometimes bump into each other in   the kitchen but other than that we really have  found our groove in this 300 square foot home so for the outside of our house we chose to do  cedar siding we liked the quality of the wood we   like how it ages we really wanted to do this  shosugiban method on the house it helps with   pest control it makes it less flammable it was  definitely a labor of love it's a long process but   we really love how it turned out and the two-tone  of the house really pops moving along this way you   can see where our water input is we fill up about  once a week our tank and this is the vent for our   incinerating toilet moving along this way you can  see where our electric input is we just are hooked   right up to my parents house next door for now  we originally were hoping to do solar panels but   it was a little too expensive to do right after  building an entire house so this is good for now   this seems like a good place to talk about my  personal experience with solar power in my tiny   house and we're going to do that thanks to this  week's sponsor jackery so i'm inside of my tiny   house right now without power and i wanted to  see if the jackery explorer 1000 could power   my entire tiny house so what i'm going to do  is plug it in and see if anything turns on all the lights came on in my  tiny house one of the heaters   i heard my bluetooth speaker power  up i also have a refrigerator running   and the fan to my composting toilet and it looks  like we're using about 650 660 watts of power now   so if it was a nice sunny day i could plug  my jackery solar panels into the checkered   explorer 1000 and it could receive power at  the same time that it's powering my tiny house   and of course you can still plug the unit into the  wall or into your car charger so there's multiple   ways that you can charge you don't have to use  the solar panels but it's nice to have that option   jackery is unveiling their new product the jackery  solar generator 1000 pro at the ifa expo 2022   the first 300 people to pre-order will receive  a free gift so follow the link at the top of the   description to find out more about this exciting  launch and for a chance to win a flagship product   now let's get back to the tour moving along  this way we have our propane shed right here   when we got our trailer originally from tiny  northeast foundations and trailer made trailers   we specifically asked them to do this bump out  on the trailer and it allowed us to bump out   our secondary loft inside as well to create a  little more storage space we had a bird nesting   in here this spring which was a new addition we  weren't really excited about but we let it stay   moving on to the back side of the house we really  wanted this to be a really dramatic kind of moment   we got some inspiration from a lot of tiny  houses online to kind of create this pattern   here we wanted the windows to have a different  kind of pop to them a different kind of trim   we did also get these metal plates for our trailer  for the jacks we were finding that it was sinking   into the ground because it's obviously very  heavy and those have done a really great job so when we built the house we knew we wanted a  lot of really nice big windows to let in a lot   of natural light and also our surroundings  are just beautiful so we wanted to really   take advantage of that all of the windows  we got were stock size so we didn't have to   wait very long we have 10 windows total  one of them was a hand-me-down was free   everything else we got from a company  right in town here where we are all right coming into the house now the first  thing is the door this was a wedding present   that my uncle made us the arch has been a  favorite feature of mine but also has made   making the trim and finishing this piece a little  tricky which is why two years in we're still not   quite done here and we also when you step in have  a step down which is where we put all of our shoe   storage under here we wanted to take you know  use every piece of space that we could coming in   i knew i wanted it to feel kind of  like a nook and enclosed and cozy   so we have a nice big tv here we've got art  everywhere from our travels and from going around   we kind of spend a lot of our time here  watching movies hanging out this is one of the   ikea sleeper sofas so we have had a total of one  overnight guest but it's nice to have that option   another thing that was really fun to work on  was this dresser this is a dresser we found on   the side of the road just down the street jamie  ended up cutting it and kind of piecing it back   together again and then from the pieces that we  cut off we made some of the shelving around the   house that you'll see and it's served us really  well it's most of our closing storage is in here   so one of our heating sources in the house is  this dickinson marine heater we don't use it   super frequently just because the flame doesn't  always stay on which doesn't feel the safest but   if it's a really cold night it's great to turn it  on and really heat up the house otherwise we just   use electric heaters and that really is fine for  the space i've got a lot of books in the house i'm   a bookseller i love to read so that was important  for me to have that kind of storage in the space another big feature we knew we wanted in the house  was storage stairs i know a lot of people like   a ladder to kind of save on floor space but we  knew that we weren't going to have a lot of other   storage options in the house so jamie designed  these stairs by himself we used walnut plywood and   then a walnut trim finish to kind of make it look  a little more finished so each space is fully used   i've got letter writing we've got our clothing  storage tech gear they pull in and slide out   another great thing is it kind of doubles  as counter space when we're doing any sort   of cooking this is perfect for  my height and kind of is a nice   surface to add a little bit of space since  our kitchen isn't huge another great thing   about them is it's really easy to get up into our  bedroom loft which is up here as well but we sunk   the bedroom loft down which is why it's so deep  up there so the bed sinks into the framing so   we climb right onto the mattress we don't have  any hard wood that we're climbing on jamie had   broken his leg uh six or seven years ago now and  so it's still kind of painful for him to crawl on   that leg so we knew that that was a priority and  so easy access up and down helps with that as well   all right so now we've flipped around so you can  see the kitchen a little bit better on this side   of me we've got our pantry space in our counter  top this was also another special piece that we   found we got this slab from a local person in  massachusetts and it spans the entirety of our   kitchen we've got a piece at the end that lifts up  so we can fill our water tank from the top if that   needs to happen or if there's overflowing we need  to clean up and then we moved all of our plates   bowls special pieces upon to these shelves these  are part some of the shelves that we made using   the top of that dresser from the living room some  of the other things in the kitchen to note our   toaster oven we knew we didn't necessarily  need a microwave but a toaster oven was   a need for me for sure this is our water heater  it is a propane water heater moving to finish the   kitchen we've got our fridge it's not quite a full  size but it's plenty of room for the two of us   we also bumped it up a bit so we had some  storage underneath so under here we've got   pots and pans and things we've got an insta pot on  the top really using all of our vertical space we   have a full size sink we didn't want to compromise  on the sink space we really wanted a nice large   sink so we could fit our drying rack in here  and i can water my plants with plenty of room we've got this beautiful wood burn  sign that my friend micah made for   us we originally were thinking we might do tiny  house fares and things and really move around   but we decided that it's a small house but a big  thing to move so we also knew we wanted an oven   and a stove we do a fair amount of cooking we  cook in most nights of the week the backsplash was   another thing that we really wanted to spend some  money on i used fireclay tile which i love i think   it's a really special piece we do have a vent hood  as well and our cabinet above hides the kind of   components of that and it offers a little bit of  storage too these doors and all of the drawers   in here we were originally going to hand build  but after two years of working on the house and   pushing so hard to get it done to move into it was  one thing that we were okay hiring out so these   we just recently put in a couple of months  ago it's really nice to have drawers in our   kitchen now i feel like a real adult when  i'm excited over drawers but here we are one of the lofts is for our bedroom the  other one is a lot of storage up there   part of the bump out from the outside we've got  an extra foot of storage up there which is great all right into our bathroom this is a smaller  space but we didn't really want to take up a   lot of real estate in here it's just enough  room for us to get what needs to be done done   we have an incinerating toilet which we were  going back and forth with what kind of toilet to   use but we wanted one that was kind of the least  maintenance possible flipping over to the other   side of the bathroom we have our shower we have  a nice big space in here we have our ladder that   we used to get up to the secondary loft not the  fanciest but definitely the most convenient for   the shower we ended up going with this versalite  tile it is a stone finish but it is very light we   really were concerned about making sure that our  weight distribution was good and that really saved   us a lot on weight another special feature that  we added was this extra storage space back here   this has our extra household things it has tools  this is because of that extra bump out on the   outside of the trailer we were able to really get  a lot of usable space back here with this feature   i think overall we spent somewhere in  the ballpark of thirty thousand dollars   for the house we do have a bag of receipts  that we've yet to go through our favorite   part about living in a tiny house is definitely  being able to own a home in our late twenties   we have a home that will always be ours for as  long as we want we can move it if we need to   it's really freeing to not have mortgage debt  yet eventually that will be something that we   take on but it's nice to have our own space  that feels like us that we can really be in   and not be super rushed into our  next step until we're really ready i hope you enjoyed this week's video make sure  that you check out that link in the description   to be one of the first to order jackery's  new product and receive a free gift   and i will see you soon with  another tiny or unique home tour
Channel: Tiny House Giant Journey
Views: 213,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny house giant journey, tiny house, Tiny houses, tiny homes, tiny house tour, beautiful tiny home, diy tiny hoome, fantastic tiny home, stunning tiny house, Shou Sugi Ban House, Shou Sugi Ban, Shou sugi ban tiny house, tiny home tour, tiny home tours, living big in a tiny house, falathrentiny, falathren tiny house, tiny house massachusetts, young couple tiny house, tiny house build, tiny house living, tiny houses, tiny house tours
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2022
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