Tiny Forest documentary about the effects of the Miyawaki method in the Netherlands

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there are absolutely no trees common between holland and india i wish if there would have been like a few but there are no trees which are common [Music] it's going to be a super dense forest full of species of native trees of holland these forests compared to a conventional plantation grows 10 times faster they are 30 times more dense and 100 times more biodiverse i started making a forest in the backyard of my own house and this is how it looks after three years [Music] how old are these these are four years old trees grow very slowly here so this is where we are going to make our first forest in holland and you can see it's all clay this is good soil but because it's clay we have to add more perforation material so that roots can penetrate into it to make a forest we start with soil we mix some local biomass available around which can help soil become more porous we survey the native tree species of the place once we know our trees we divide them in four different layers shrub layer subtree layer tree layer and canopy layer we fix the ratios of each layer and then we decide the percentage of each tree species in the mix with [Music] we kind of have a confidence that eventually we can take it to a level where making a forest would be as easy as doing doing gardening or any any other soil activity the biggest achievement could be if somebody can really learn how to make a forest and replicate it in their house their school their backyards nothing like it the biggest challenge would be to actually make it work [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay so this is the this is our small sign of hope let's see i'm i'm pretty sure like in another three four months it will be as green and tall as that [Music] is [Music] [Music] do [Music] oh this is brilliant amazing i actually expected it to grow really good like exactly like this but three months ago when i came here and four months ago when i came here in april that time i told dan that is gonna catch up and it's gonna grow really well but inside somewhere inside i was a little worried so considering how much it has grown in past three months it's truly amazing i think in an annual cycle the annual growth rate is going to remain the same whether it is in india or holland but the seasonal growth rates are going to differ like in winters trees don't grow on the surface here they grow under the surface so for first six months i believe that only the roots would have grown in that loose soil and they would have formed a mesh a very very strong mesh so the density of these trees what you see on the surface is the same what we have underneath underneath the surface so this is an indicator of a healthy fungal network so if any nutrition is not available in vicinity of this tree up to where its roots are spread no problem because it is connected to such a big network and it has fungi you know running all throughout this network of roots it has all the nutrition it needs oh wow i feel really happy just like the way i saw my first forest which i made in the backyard of my house it looked just like this after an year so i i feel like that you know like the backyard forest the first forest ever i made it has brought me the confidence that this methodology can be implemented in europe and it has brought me more itchy hands to make more of these forests in different parts to enhance the methodology so that we can have a very robust formula of forest making here in holland [Music] it will mitigate pollution it will support biodiversity it will become home of lot of animals insects birds it also gives a very pleasant feeling in urban environment which is so full of concrete and houses and buildings i hope to achieve that every piece of land which appears to be like this should be converted into a dense natural forest which ideally would exist if we let the nature take over so why not assist the nature to take over because we are a part of it you
Channel: IVN Natuureducatie
Views: 152,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tiny Forest, Shubhendu Sharma, IVN Natuureducatie, IVN, Miyawaki method
Id: LyHVQtDtlMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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