Tiniest Piglet Found Running On The Freeway | The Dodo Little But Fierce

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justin just yells out pig and i was like what and it's just this little pig running across the road so we like slam on the brakes she was not even the size of our hands her story is very unique we were on our way home driving on the freeway i can't even believe he saw her she was so tiny and she was so fast we were three hours away from home we were like what do we do what do we do i didn't think she would make the car trip home she just looked so fragile her little squigs they just seem so weak [Music] she kind of just nestled up into a little ball there and just slept the whole way basically as soon as we got that first bit into her mouth she just kind of woke up and was just like so happy and just like started sucking on it straight away she's got like milk all over her face she was just like milk drunk like okay that's good that's good we did take her to a vet as soon as we got here she had damages on her back leg and her eye was kind of bruised and scraped i think yeah she was born on the truck and she had just fallen off she was only a couple of days old she was tiny she was only 750 grams she was the size of my phone and even the weight she was just so light i even tried to buy a little nappies for it but i couldn't find nappies that were small enough to put on her definitely just got a lot more kind of courageous because obviously when we first found her she was very scared we like took her to my little front grass area she was like then starting to run around and jump and we've got a chocolate labrador they loved each other and chased each other around the house she just was not scared at all and that's just her like she's just so courageous and so interested in everything and like what are you doing she would jump off the couch i think a few times she thought she was so small her favorite thing to do was to nestle her little nose or either your hand or like on my neck and that was just like her comfort i think nestling her little snaps into any kind of warm crevice she could find [Music] before we took her to the sanctuary we stopped at justin's mum's he was running around the backyard and then she would chase him you could tell then like how happy she was it was so hard for me to drop her off after that day as well i was like oh i just want to keep her i wish we could but she'll be living a better life they brought her to us she thrived and yeah she continues to i'm not quite sure whether she is actually a pig she doesn't dig she doesn't wallow i don't know what she thinks she is i know she thinks she's the superstar here doing um zoomies around the yard you know at the front door saying where's my breakfast she comes in the house she sits on the sofa she absolutely adores humans and she's so social i've never met a pig that likes being held and i think it's just because we had her from so young and we just held her for a week basically jamie would have to like kind of rock her to sleep a little bit like sing her a bit of a song she's living a better life and we can still visit her whenever we want which is really special we went a couple months ago and it was her six-month birthday so i baked her a cake it put it down and she just went straight for it she's just taken life head-on maybe she jumped off the track off purpose you know like that could have happened and ever since that moment she's just showing through and just is so friendly it gives like happiness to everyone that she meets and i'm just really proud of her living living her best life [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Dodo
Views: 1,959,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animal video, animals, the dodo, Animal Rescue, pig, baby pig, piglet, baby animal video, baby animal rescue, baby pig rescue, baby piglets, baby pig noises, baby pig squealing, baby pig videos, Tiny Animals, Little animals, baby animals, the dodo little but fierce, little but fierce
Id: R4l1c-7UXP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 11sec (251 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 27 2018
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