Timing in C++

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hey what's up guys my name is a China welcome back to my c++ series so today we're gonna be talking all about timing so how do we time how long it takes for us to complete a certain operation or execute certain code that is what today's we are going to be about now timing is useful for so many things whether or not you want something to happen at a certain time or if you're just kind of evaluating your performance or benchmarking and seeing how fast your code runs you need to know how much time passes while you up while your application is actually running there are several ways to achieve this since C++ 11 we have something called Chronos essentially say it's essentially part of the library that is becomes with C++ and it's not something that we actually have to go to the operating system library to actually do before if you wanted a high resolution time on meaning you wanted a very very precise timer you need to actually use the operating systems library so in Windows for example we have something called query performance counter we can still use that stuff and in fact if you want a little bit more control of how you actually access that timing capability of your CPU then you probably do want to use the platform specific libraries however today we're just going to be taking a look at the kind of platform-independent c++ standard library way of figuring out how long or how much time passes between our lines of code as they get executed and that is part of the chrono library now I've linked a link in the description below to the actual cpp reference for this chrono kind of API I'm going to show you a very simple way of how we can set it up and start using it here so that we can figure out how long it takes us to run certain code and I'll probably also show you one way in which it can be useful now this whole video is going to be important for the future of this series because as we start integrating more kind of complex features and I start talking more and more about how to do things properly and how to write good performing code we're going to be using timing to see that difference so if I show you a kind of slow way of doing things and then I say well actually it would be better if we did it this way you'll be able to actually see the difference in terms of how long it takes to actually run that code so this is very important from this will probably branch into benchmarking and I'll talk more about benchmarking in another video and we can set up some kind of API so that we can time how long it takes to complete functions and arbitrary scopes code probably as well so yeah pay attention to this video let's jump right into it and learn how we can time a curve so the first thing I'm going to do here is include Krona this contains pretty much everything we need I'm also going to include thread because we'll do some stuff with that in a minute as well so from chrono it's very very simple to actually use that library and figure out what the current time is we can just type in STD chrono high resolution clock and then now this is what actually gives us the current time if you hover over this you can see it returns a time point of SUV current sit o'clock it's quite a long type which is why I'm just going to use order and kind of label this as the starting time we're then going to execute some kind of code here what I'm going to do for now because I don't actually have any other code to execute of the week and time I'm just going to write sed this thread sleep for and then we'll just write 1s for one second and to get that will actually have to use a namespace STD literals and chrono literals to get that s there okay cool so basically what we're doing now is we're telling this thread this current thread to sleep for one second so we're saying just kind of pauses pause execution for one second so obviously by writing this code when we have our start and our end timing we should see it be around one second probably won't be exactly one second because first of all thread sleeps are not guaranteed to be exactly how much you tell it to sleep for but also they'll be overhead from the actual timing so if we get back into this I'll right order end and this will be exactly the same as this start code here and finally we want to figure out the actual duration so I'll write SVD chrono duration well we can just get this in floats that'll be high enough resolution for us I'll call this duration and it will just be end minus start just like that we could have used order here as well but this type isn't quite as long so it's fine to write down and finally I'm just going to see out that into the console direction don't count and and this will be in seconds I'll just add s to the end of that so that's clear if I hit f5 you can see the number we get here is pretty much around one second so that's it what I just showed you is a platform-independent way of actually figuring out how long something takes or how much time passes or getting the current time and all that this kernel library is fantastic it's very high resolution timing and it works on pretty much all platforms so really I recommend that you use this for all of your timing needs unless you're specifically doing some kind of low-level things so you want to reduce overhead even more if you're running a huge game engine or some kind of cool library you might want to use the platform independent I'm sorry the platform specific library such as the win32 api with the query performance counter and stuff we might look into that in the future but really there's pretty much no need for 99% of cases just use STD kroehner now if we dive back into this I'm going to show you a bit of a smarter way of actually dealing with this because you can see that this is quite a lot of code that we have to run so support suppose that we have a function I'll call it function and it does something like maybe just prints out in our hello to the console a bunch of times so I'll just wrap this in a for loop and I'll say maybe it does that about a hundred times or something like that right so we have a for loop it runs a hundred times we want to figure out well how long is this see out operation really how long does it take C out to actually write stuff out to the console a hundred times I want to time this function so what I could do at this point is copy start and end and do all of that stuff that's a lot of work I don't really want to do that instead I'm actually going to set up a very very basic struct or class doesn't matter just make this a struct called timer and this will actually do everything for me and what I'm going to do here is I'm going to use the whole object lifetime kind of paradigm to actually get it to basically automatically time everything for me if you guys haven't checked out the video on object lifetime and C++ definitely do that it's very very useful and in fact this example I'm pretty sure I did actually give in that video as well and so jumping back into our code the constructor is going to actually start the timer so I'm going to grab this and put it in here unfortunately I actually use order so I'm gonna have to figure out what the type is which is sed Pro note time point s any corner City cloth so TV chrono time point s TV chrono steady clock so that's how kind of start just call this start and put it up here so we have our start and our end and I also grabbed this from here a direction and put this in that's the duration start I'm going to assign to this in the constructor and in the destructor when I copy this whole code here in the in the destructor what I'm actually going to do is write and equals the same thing and then finally curation and I mean you don't really have to store and as you can see because we're really just up at the duration but in case people want to access that maybe I want to kind of write that into my timer struct so generation equals and minus dot and that will give us the direction in seconds of course okay and that's really all I need let's just make it even easier and say that we actually print the duration so we'll say time I took and then I'll write in duration seconds now because this is such a quick operation we actually might want to print the milliseconds instead so I will say flirt M s equals duration of count times 1,000 which will give us the value in milliseconds and I'll change this to be m/s and this to be MS okay cool sounds pretty good to me that's pretty much all I need here and now we have a basic structure that will basically do the timing and even print it up for us automatically and it will of course do that upon destruction all we really need to do is just create the object at the beginning of our function and that's that's it so over here in my function the way I'm going to do this is just type in time a time up like that that's all I have to do and I'm done this entire scope this entire function will now be timed so if I go back and delete all of this crap that I that I don't care about I'm just going to call function like that and we'll hit f5 and say what happens okay cool so check this out we get pelo printing a hundred times to the console and at the very end we say that this took 122 milliseconds cool so we now know how long our part actually takes 122 milliseconds very very slow let's see if we might be able to optimize a little bit so a CDN line seems to be quite slower for some reason so if we just get rid of that and actually put a backslash n into our print here inside our function let's see how much faster this will be and you can see over here that we've caught out about a third of our execution time obviously you should run this a few more times and in release mode if you actually care about benchmarking and all of that but for now we can still see the difference anyway that is a basic overview of timing in C++ and how you can time your functions and see how long it takes to execute certain code obviously this was a very very rough example I was just showing you how to actually use that timing API not how to actually perform benchmarks we're going to have a video all about that in the future you can of course also use visual studios profiling tools or whatever idea you're using whatever tool say you're using a lot of tools do have profiling tools built in so you can actually automate a lot of this this is more or less something called instrumentation where you actually modify your source code to contain kind of profiling tools such as this timing that can be very very useful because not all platforms you work with are going to have good enough profile of the dart and overhead and this is a really simple way to do it there are so many things that you can actually do from this you can basically collect the data into like one big file and output it and read it in another tool so that you can see graphs or even like kind of a diagram of how long each function takes and what function that function calls and there's so many things that will extend from this that we'll explore in the future so definitely get excited about that very important that you start doing this if you do care about performance since I imagine a lot of people watching this series are game developers or people who want to write game engines you need to be doing stuff like this all the time to actually see how fast your probe performs and since you are using C++ as a language you're using C++ probably because you care about performance and you want to write fast code so definitely get used to this kind of stuff anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did you can hit the like button you can also help support this series by going over to patreon look on 4/2 churner huge thank you as always to all of my patrons this series would not be here without you I can kind of cent guarantee that so they he's so much and I will see you guys in the next video goodbye [Music]
Channel: The Cherno
Views: 106,689
Rating: 4.9663949 out of 5
Keywords: thecherno, thechernoproject, cherno, c++, programming, gamedev, game development, learn c++, c++ tutorial, timing, chrono, std::chrono, time, c++ time, c++ timing, profiling, benchmarking
Id: oEx5vGNFrLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 28 2018
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