Timeline of Madeline Soto's disappearance, interview with mom, arrest of Stephan Stern

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the search for Maddie continues. Maddie, if you see this, please come home. It's now been four days since 13 year old Madeline Soto was last seen in Orlando. Her mother's boyfriend, now sitting in a jail cell, is the prime suspect in her disappearance. Based upon his refusal to come to court. He's got an accounting warrant out of Osceola County. His bonds will remain at none. And Fox 35 got Stephanie Stearns on camera before he was arrested. Tonight, Maddie's family is hoping for good news as they wait for a break in the case. We will not stop until we find her Developing story tonight a lot has happened over the past few days since Maddie disappeared. So here's what we know right now. Maddie celebrated her 13th birthday on Sunday. Good evening . Thanks for joining us. I'm John Brown and I'm Marlisa Goldsmith. Monday morning, Maddie's mom's boyfriend, Stefan Stearns, reportedly took Maddie to school. She was last seen crossing the street around 830 that morning. Orange County deputies released this missing person's poster on Tuesday and then Wednesday morning, deputies searched the woods near Hunter's Creek and then held a press conference. And then just before 10:00 last night, deputies arrested Stearns. His charges include sexual battery. Fox 35 Hannah McKenzie joins us live tonight. And Hannah, you have been following this story for a while now. Stearns has been named a prime suspect in the case. Yeah. Marlisa I sure have. And I actually spoke with one of Maddie Soto's aunts today. She tells me this has been a very difficult day for them. And this news, this new development has really been devastating to the family. But they're still holding out hope for Maddie's safe return. Maddie Soto missing since Monday. The 13 Year-Old allegedly dropped off for school near Town Loop Boulevard around 830. Didn't make it inside. Stefan Stearns, now named Prime suspect in her disappearance. Stearns is the longtime boyfriend of Soto's mother, Jen. You can see him here in the background of our interview with Jen Soto Tuesday. I went to pick her up after school. Um, and she wasn't there sitting behind her, Stearns is fidgeting and cracking his knuckles. That's a way to release tension. The point is, tension is actually one of the 27 what we call points of interest, points of interest that can lead to possible deception or suspect behavior. Human behavior investigator Susan Constantine isn't connected to this case. We asked her to weigh in on Stearns mannerisms. In my personal opinion, I would have said, Sheriff's office. You need to take a really good look at this guy. He is presenting to me suspect behavior right now. Stearns is behind bars, charged with sexual battery and possession of material depicting sexual performance by a child. Stearns voluntarily handing over his phone, stated he accidentally factory reset the device the day Soto went missing on it. Investigators recovering disturbing photos and videos. An arrest warrant from Kissimmee police revealing details to graphic to air. What about Mr. Stearns, the 37 year old being held without bond, refusing to show up in court Thursday, retired detective David Nutting has dealt with hundreds of suspects over the years. How frustrating is it when you have a prime suspect who is refusing to play ball or give up information, or just answer questions, especially frustrating in cases involving children, you know, because it just seems so, so right to in human nature to just tell where tell everything, you know, I mean, it's this is this is a truly innocent victim. Um, uh, this is somebody Maddie, a young girl who did not live a high risk lifestyle. And she's apparently with this, this monster. And you just you just frustrating is. Why can't you just tell us what happened and let's resolve this case and bring Maddie back home? Stearns is from North Port, Florida. That's about two hours from here. He still has ties to the area on Thursday, the North Port Police Department confirming they too have assisted in this investigation. If you know where Maddie Soto is or you have any information that may help investigators with this case, you're asked to reach out to the Orange County Sheriff's Office, call 911 or call Crime
Channel: FOX 35 Orlando
Views: 365,977
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Keywords: Madeline Soto, Stephan Stern, madeline soto missing, maddie soto missing, madeline soto updates, maddie soto update, madeline soto news, missing florida girl, stephan sterns, stephan sterns arrest, jenn soto, madeline soto mom, madeline soto fox 35
Id: JhH07VtWsRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 3sec (2283 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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