Time Travel Is REAL! How You Can Do It...

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Everything is meaningless.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/spooky_man69 📅︎︎ Aug 24 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey 42 here the Milky Way the swirling mass of galaxies that we call home is 100,000 light-years in diameter even if we could travel at the speed of light it would still take 100,000 years to travel from one side of this great unknown to the other but what if I told you there is a way you could explore almost the entire Milky Way within your lifetime without having to worry about achieving light speed there's just one small caveat you must be able to maintain a constant 1g acceleration that's the same force as Earth's gravitational pull if however your hypothetical spaceship could maintain such a near-impossible level of unrelenting acceleration then you could due to the effects of time dilation travel to the center of the Milky Way and back again in just 40 years but when you return to Earth it would be sixty thousand years in the future also if you could maintain that elusive 1g acceleration you could reach the edge of the observable universe in a single human lifetime what you would actually do when you get there remains to be discovered picture this it is the longest hour of your life and also the heaviest in all the four hours and 35 minutes a thousand lifetimes would pass by on earth generations would be born and inevitably face yet to you all of a single afternoon would have passed you by this would be your experience if you spend just one day on an imaginary planet in the ghostliness of space a thousand light years from Earth let's call this imaginary planet Zed our 42a which is just a modicum catchier than GQ loopy be currently the largest exoplanets we have discovered estimated to be up to 36 times the mass of Jupiter but let us imagine that Zed our 42 a is 1,000 times as massive as Jupiter and loosely 317,000 800 times as massive as Earth gravity increases linearly with maths so therefore gravity is three hundred and seventeen thousand eight hundred times are strong on Zed are forty two a as it is here on earth with that amount of force acting upon your humble frame your skeleton would be crushed into a pile of dust faster than you could say quicksand it would be equivalent to bludgeoning an egg with a sledgehammer but let us throw the laws of physics into a cautionary black hole for just a moment and imagine that you could walk uninhibited upon this faraway rock in space in Einstein's theory of relativity he proposed time is not a constant it is neither a force but a material into woven with physical space space-time as it has come to be known is akin to an elastic band which can be stretched and contracted at will it can also be bent time therefore is relative to the mass and consequently the gravitational pull of the closest and most massive object to you there are Arctic Terns that could migrate to the other side of the planet before I could finish explaining special relativity and general relativity in suitable detail that's if I could twelve thousand miles they migrate twice per year if you were interested but for now let us Summa basic premise that if you were to stand on this imaginary Zed r42 a that time would progress slower for you than your brethren back here on earth this phenomenon is called time dilation as gravitational force increases so does the bending warping and hence dilation of time itself when you have a weaker gravitational field time flows faster a stronger gravity causes time to trickle slower but only from your perspective so if you were to travel from Earth and stand upon the surface of Z r42 a for a single afternoon upon your return everyone you knew and loved would be long deceased your home planet would be unrecognizable thousands of years would have passed but to you the smallest flicker of an afternoon would be all that you had experienced and unfathomably surreal afternoon with an afternoon nevertheless this effect isn't just perception Airy it is as real as the butter upon my bread and yes it is actually a form of time travel for in those short few hours you wouldn't have aged at all upon your return to an earth many thousands of years older than you left it that very morning your body would have aged only a few hours in reality time dilation isn't quite that powerful in the vicinity of most planets this preceding example is knockin on the decidedly delicious doors of science fiction but time dilation does exist if you were to stand on the largest planet in our solar system Jupiter none for every second that passed by on your watch then one second and 20 nanoseconds would pass by back on earth that's not even enough to affect the timing of a boiled egg never mind the age dynamics of your relations but it is unquestionably present Jupiter is large really large 1,300 earths could fit inside of Jupiter if it were holland which it most definitely isn't i checked although it is rather mushy but a mass certainly doesn't have to be unfathomably large for the effects of time dilation to start messing up your interplanetary schedule near the event horizon of a black hole the point in space-time where the gravitational pull of the black hole becomes so powerful that you can no longer escape its grasp time dilation could very well cause your minutes to turn into hours possibly even years back on earth all this means that if you were somehow able to define a relentless pull of gravity and avoid the minor inconvenience of massive spaghettification you could travel forward in time by spending just a few hours at this exact point in space within the grasp of a black hole but never quite slipping forward if you were able to make it back to earth that is in one piece now we were getting technical about it you wouldn't have actually travelled through time at all but time would have passed by at a different speed back on earth relative to you hence relativity nothing at all is safe from time dilation not even the earth itself or even your ankles let me explain the pull of gravity gets stronger the closer you get to the incredibly dense core of our planet a core which is approximately 2.5 years younger than the surface but what about your vulnerable ankles well they also will feel a slow grind of time dilation if you were to wear a watch on your ankle and another one on your wrist then over a number of years many thousands the watch on your ankle would fall behind your wristwatch simply because it is closer to the immense source of gravitational force that is the earth beneath if all these time phenomena I have so far discussed have not yet left you inebriated in a cerebral overdose of factual soup upon your very own floor then prepare yourself for yet another heavy dose a factor or medicine every effect I have talked about thus far is caused by something called gravitational time dilation you see time dilation is more of a double axe it comes in two flavors gravitational and velocity induced we have already outlined how huge masses can warp space-time itself to slow down the flow of time but so can one's velocity according once again to Einstein's theory of general relativity a person's perception of time is relative to the velocity at which they are traveling this effect which is hard coded into our universe is most apparent when two objects are traveling at different velocities especially if those objects happened to be timekeeping devices in 1971 free physicists flew around the world twice with synced atomic clocks to test out the time dilation theory upon meeting up once again they found that all free of their clocks disagreed with each other thus proving the theory time dilation has to occur as a fundamental unbreakable law of the universe in order to keep the speed of light as a constant the speed of light is the great constant the greatest equalizer whilst away sighs at the latest Big Brother winner inevitably and frequently varies as well documented in a selection of trashy magazines named after English greetings the speed of light will never do as such there are other constants such as Planck's constant but none are as unshakeable as see in physics C denotes the speed of light in a vacuum 300,000 km/s the speed of light is the great comparator in many crucial equations if the speed of light were to change by just 0.0001 it would throw off everything we thought we knew and have as a species worked so hard over the past millennia to uncover about our current understanding of the universe and everything it contains so time dilation exists as a fundamental property of our universe to ensure that if one's velocity changes then time itself must slow to maintain the constant speed of light the speed of light accommodates no one or no one thing everything including space-time itself must make extra special accommodations for this Universal equalizer to understand how time can differ so substantially depending on a person's location and velocity you must take everything you imagine about how time behaves and then turn it all on its head naturally we think of time as a river flowing downhill towards the heady relentless pall of the future inevitably and often unforgivingly so but Einstein posed that time doesn't flow as we feel it does the encroaching future that is so omnipresent within our life experience is no more than an illusion an impressively sophisticated one according to general relativity Einstein famously said the distinction between the past present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion instead think of time like a train with an almost infinite number of carriages the first courage is the moment and the location of the Big Bang the birth of the universe conversely the last carriage is the last point in space and time of our universe the point of its inevitable death you can only see the people and the events happening in your carriage this is your slice of time your present a moment in the space-time continuum that you share with all the other passengers in your train carriage for passengers and different carriages behind it in front of yours will have a different perspective of their presence their slice of time there now will be entirely different to yours their present could be your past or it could be your future depending on the location within the Train Einstein theorized that through the mechanisms of gravity and velocity induced time dilation we can move to a different carriage or partner train and thus our anchor within space and time are now shifts by one or more carriages depending on the velocity with which we are traveling and the gravitational force of our current surroundings however this example suggests a potentially unnerving truth if time does behave in this way it would also mean that time is not something to be decided and altered it is a static medium which we simply move through this could mean that everything that has happened and everything that is yet to be has already happened every tale has been foretold every fortune has been realized the future is not asked to make it is a destination to reach we cannot change what lays ahead in the train carriages in front of ours we can only await the point in time in space when we will naturally reach that carriage each and every day is a page in a book that has already been written but before you fall into an abyss of self-pity of you're suddenly a mutable future do bear in mind that this is not fact per se but our current best working model for how the universe behaves based on popular theories importantly Einstein's equations indicate that time has no directional bias it prefers to flow neither forwards nor backwards not even sideways if it were inclined yet we inextricably experience time going forward there is a sensational difference between what we experience is the past and the future time has no preferred erection so naturally physicists have been pondering this what seems like a deep floor within our universe and it transpires that what we believe is the passing of time the steady rolling of the wheels of the future isn't the future at all there is no past and there is no future because time has no direction at least not within the realm of existence that we call our universe as Einstein said time is an illusion and in the words of a great science-fiction writer long time EE sir the passing of time is no more than a psychological illusion a trick the world around us plays upon our brain what in fact we are experiencing is the terrifyingly stubborn process of low entropy becoming high entropy systems in thermodynamics entropy is the measure of the order or disorder within a system it eloquently describes the nature of all things that will eventually succumb to the decay and fall into disrepair with all things in the universe from a distant star to a ham sandwich there are many more ways that the particles within said thing can become disordered and fall into a chaotic abyss then there are ways that it can remain ordered the star will eventually die and implode into a dense singularity and the ham sandwich will less spectacularly but just as inevitably grow molds and decompose entropy explains why buildings will always decay over time equally and unfortunately so does the human body therefore what we perceive as time passing goes by is no more than a decay and the unstoppable onslaught of chaos in all around us people and animals dying buildings our nature decaying all these examples of entropy fools into vesting wholly into a grand illusion that we are approaching some kind of future when in actuality of popular science is to be believed then the future is not a point in time it is a point in the vast continuum of space-time and it is not ahead or in front of us it is in no particular direction at all we are not travelling forward no matter how hard our brains toil endlessly to make it thus thank you for watching if you fully enjoyed this video then please consider clicking the join button below to join the private 42 community here on YouTube where you'll get early access to all my 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Channel: Thoughty2
Views: 906,634
Rating: 4.8767552 out of 5
Keywords: Time travel, time dilation, relativity
Id: UIHlw8dxAYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 23 2018
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