Time Tracking in Notion Using NEW Notion Buttons!

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in this video I'll be showing you how to build a time tracker in notion from scratch so that you can easily keep track of all your work sessions before we get started don't forget to subscribe to the channel if you find this video useful as I upload new notion tutorials every week so here is the time tracker that I'm going to be showing you how to build today so as you can see this is the database where it's going to record all of your different sessions now this is really really easy to use all you need to do is click on this new session button here to start a new session as you can see that's added a new row to the database and right here it's going to populate this start property with the exact date and time that you click the button you'll then do your session and at the end of your session you can click the end session button so I'm going to click that and as you can see that's now populated the end property with today's date and time obviously I've just clicked them in the same minute which is why it's showing the exact same time if you took a break at all you can add in the amount of time that you took a break during that session and this property here will calculate how many hours you work so I'm just going to manually amend this just so that it has some actual data so I'm just going to change the time here to 1:30 so that it shows that I've worked an hour so as you can see 12:30 till 1:30 it now is saying that I've worked an hour let's just say as an example that I took a half an hour break I could put 0.5 as this is in hours and it's then reduced it down to 0.5 hours and at the bottom this sum here will add them all together so at the end of the day you can easily see how many hours you've worked so throughout the day you can just keep starting and adding new sessions whenever you need to and if you want to add a description here of what you did during that session you can do here so this is really great if you work with clients because you can easily keep track of all of the tasks that you've done and how much time it took you I've also set up some overview sections so that you can see your total amount of hours worked per day week or month so if we click on here as you can see there is a toggle here for each different day and it will say here how many hours in total you work so I just added some example data in here so it's not fully filled out but this is what it would look like we also have a weekly overview so you can see the same data but per week so this would show in total how many hours you worked during this week and finally we've also got a monthly overview so it will show you each month and the total hours that you works that month so it's a really really handy system to keep track of all the time that you're working so that is the time sheet and in the rest of this video I'm going to be showing you how to build this from scratch okay so we're starting with a brand new page I've just labeled this page time tracker I've added an icon and a cover photo as well and the first thing that you want to ensure is that you've set your brand new page to full width so if you don't know how to do that you can simply just click on the three dots up here in the corner and just make sure that this full width option is toggled on that just means there's a little bit more room on the page to work with we're then going to start by adding in our time sheet database so we're going to add a new database here so I'm just going to type for slash database and select database in line and I'm just going to call this one time sheet and I'm also going to hide the title cuz we don't need to see it we've already got a title here so I'm just going to click on the three dots hide the title and we're also just going to delete this tags property as well cuz we don't need that okay so the the First Column is the name column but I'm actually going to change the name of that so if you just click on here instead of name we're going to change it to description now this property is where you're going to add a description of what you did during that session this is completely optional if you don't want to fill out what you did for each session that's fine you can just leave it blank but it is there if you want to use it now we need to add the date properties for our start and end time so we're going to start by adding a new property by clicking on this plus symbol here and I'm just going to type in date and we're going to add this date property so this one is going to be start time so I'm just going to call it start and that's all you need to do you can leave all of these settings the same and then we just need to add one more for the end time so I'm going to click again on the plus symbol type in date select this one and this one is going to be called end for end time so just before we jump back into the tutorial I just want to mention that my new second brain template is now available on my store it's a super Advanced all-in-one productivity system I'll leave a link in the description box below if you're interested so that's all back to the tutorial next we want to add in a number property for our break time so if you did take a break at all during your session then you can add in the amount of time that you took a break for so that is a number property so I'm going to click on here type in number go with this one and we're just going to name this one break but in Brackets I'm just going to write hours so that we know that it's in ours and you can leave the settings as they are so I'm just going to add a couple of example times into one of these so that we have something to work with so let's just add in today I'm going to toggle the time on and let's just put an example time of 9:00 a.m. and let's say that I finish this session at 10:00 a.m. okay so I've just put that in so that we have some data to work with but in a minute we're going to set up the buttons that will do this for you automatically and let's say that during this session I took a half an hour break so I'm going to put 0.5 for half an hour now the next thing we're going to do is add a formula property that is going to automatically work out the time between our start time and our end time and account for any of the break time as well so that as I said is using a formula property so we're going to click on the plus symbol here type in formula and this one is going to be called hours worked so it's going to work out how many hours you worked in this period and we're going to click on formula edit to bring up the panel where we can actually write in our formula now to make this work we're going to use the date between function which looks like this so it's just date between and I'm going to open a parentheses now what the date between function does is it simply just works out the difference between two dates and it also will work out the difference between the exact times as well so in this case we've got 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. so it would be able to work out the time difference between them which in this case is an hour so what we need to do with this function is tell it which two properties we want it to work out the difference between so we're going to start with our end property type in a comma the other property we want to use is the start property so this part of the formula is simply telling it to work out the time difference between the end and the start date I'm going to add one more comma and we also need to tell it the unit so this property can work out the difference in hours minutes days weeks years in this case we're going to use minutes so I'm just going to type two commas like this and inside I'm just going to put minutes which is the units and I'm just going to close off the parentheses to close the function so this isn't the finished formula but I'm just going to click done for just a second to show you how this works so if we have a look here as you can see in our hour's worked formula is working out 60 so I told it to work it out in minutes so 60 is equal to an hour and that is the time difference here between the two dates but as I said we also want to account for this break so I want to minus half an hour off of this to account for the break so let's click again on formula edit and we're simply just going to minus and we're going to minus our break hours here now the only issue with this formula is that this date between function here is working out the time in minutes whereas this break property is working it out in hours so I do need to convert the break hours into minutes for this to actually work properly so it's pretty simple to do that all we need to do is just multiply the break hours by 60 to convert it into minutes so to multiply you can just add the little star symbol like this I'm going to type 60 and I'm also just going to isolate this inside parentheses so if you've got one at the start and one at the end just so that we're only multiplying this by 60 so if I now click done as you can see that is now displaying 30 which is correct cuz we have an hour difference here but we're minusing half an hour which leaves 30 minutes but this is actually supposed to be working it out in hours as you can see it's supposed to be hours worked as I think if you're looking at the total amount of time that you've worked in a day you probably want to see in hours rather than minutes so so let's click back on formula edit and I want to convert this back to hours so what I'm going to do is isolate this entire thing inside parentheses so one at the end and one right at the start and I'm simply just going to divide the entire thing by 60 like this to convert it back to hours so let's click done and as you can see that's now displaying 0.5 which is correct as it's half an hour that we've worked now the only issue with this is that sometimes it will display a number with lots of decimal points so let me just change this for a second to something random like this and as you can see it's working out the hours I've worked but we've got loads of decimal points which is a little bit annoying so we are just going to round this number down so if I click again on ours worked edit the property formula edit and let's just add a round function in here to round this number down so I'm just going to type around at the start and open a parentheses we then want to multiply this entire thing by 100 I'm just going to add that star symbol as well to multiply add another parenthesis at the end to close this function off and Fin we're just going to divide Again by 100 now this is simply just going to round that number down so if I click done as you can see it simply just rounded that number down to something a bit more manageable okay so at this point I'm just going to delete these empty rows here and we're going to start adding in our buttons that are going to automatically add your start and end time for you so I'm going to add them just above so let's just make a little bit of space so I'm going to type in forward slash button and grab this button block here now the first one is going to be our new session button so we're going to label this as new session session to start our session and you can click on here to add an icon as well if you like so I think in this case let's go with this play button now down here it's going to ask us to select what action we want to occur when the button is clicked so you can click on add an action so in this case we actually want to add a page to the below database so we're going to add a brand new entry into the database which is why we're going to click add page two then it's going to ask us to select the database so in this case we want it to be added to this time tracker database so if I click on here you want to just select whatever you named it I just is called my time sheet so we're actually not going to edit the description property we're going to leave that blank cuz that's something you can fill in afterwards if you like so we're going to click on here but instead we want to amend the start property so once this button is clicked we want the start property to be populated with the current day and time of today so luckily you can select the now property so you don't want to click today because that will just put in the date whereas now will it also include the time as well as the date so we're going to select now and that's all we need to do so I'm just going to click done and let's just show that this works if I click new session as you can see it's added a brand new row into our database and it's pulled through the exact date and time of right now and now we need to create the end session button so that once my session is over I can automatically get it to fill out this end property here so just underneath here we're going to add in another button so for slash button and this one is going to be named end session and I'm also going to click on here and add an icon let's go for this stop symbol here so we can click add an action and in this case we actually want to edit pages so I don't want to add a new page to the database like we did with the start session we want to edit the page cuz we want to edit that row that we just added with the start button so that's why we're clicking edit once again you just need to select the exact database that you want to edit so in this case it's the same time sheet database which is this one next we need to make sure that we're only editing this brand new r that we've just added if you leave it as all pages it's going to replace the end property in every single row within the table which is definitely not what we want so we actually need to add a filter that is going to select this exact row here that we added just now so you can click on all pages and it's going to bring up this little filter option so the filter that we're going to add here is that the start property is today so if you change this to is and this to today so start is today and we're going to add another rule so you want to make sure this is and and we also want the end property to be empty so if I click on here it will allow me to say is empty so that is the filter that we're going to add we want the start property to be today and we want the end property to be empty so that's essentially just allowing us to only edit this exact row here that we've just added where the end property is empty we're then going to click on edit a property and we want to edit our end property and similar to before we just want it to be set to now so whenever I click that button I want the exact date and time to be populated in the box so that's why we're selecting this and that's all we need to do so I'm just going to click done so now once I click the button as you can see it's populating this box here here with the exact date and time of today and as you can see I've worked 3 minutes on setting up this button and if you remember you can add in your description in here so I set up the end session button but as I said it's completely optional you might not want to fill this in every single time so now we're going to set up a couple of different views so this database I want to show just my time sheet for today so let's change the name here of our tab so click rename I'm just going to call this one today and we can also change the icon here I'm just going to pick a calendar like this so as this should only show data for today I'm going to add a filter so that we only see sessions for today so we can click on filter and let's filter by the start time and I'm just going to change this to this day which essentially just means today and that will filter out anything from the previous day I also want to add a sort as well because I think it would be useful to see your most recent session at the top of the list so if we click on sort again we're going to go with sort by the start and we want this to be actually start is descending so that the most recent session shows at the top of the list and next we're going to start working on the analytics tab that show you an overview of your day your week your month and all the hours that you've worked so we're going to start by duplicating this tab so I'm just going to click on here and select duplicate and we're going to change the name here to daily overview and I'm also just going to pick a different icon so I'm actually just going to pick this chart icon here so the first thing I want to do is just delete that filter so I don't want to filter based on today so I'm actually just going to click on here select this three dots and delete this filter but we can leave the sort as it is so I'm just going to add a couple more entries for previous days just so that we have a bit more data to work with Okay so now that we have a little bit more data we now want to group these based on the day so to do that you can click on the three dots here select group and in this case we're going to group based on the start property so that's now added the group but I actually just want to change how it displays so as you can see it shows last seven days yesterday but that's not really how I want it to display so we want to click on date buy and you actually want to select day that just means that it's going to group it based on the day so we've now got a separate toggle here for each day that we have data for and I also just want to change the sort here so it's set to oldest first but I actually think it would be more useful to see it based on the newest or most recent date first so we're going to just change it that to newest first that's all we need to do so as you can see here are all of our different toggles I'm just going to close these so it's just easier to see them now this number here that displays next to the toggle I actually want it to show how many hours have been worked so currently it's just counting how many entries there are but I actually want it to show the hours work so if you click on here you can actually set it to sum and we want it to sum The Hours worked and that's then going to add these together so that's now how it would look and that just reminds me one other thing that I wanted to do on this today tab was also just calculate the sum of the hours here as well so if you just hover at the bottom you can click on calculate and select sum so that it will add your total hours so you can look at this throughout the day to see how many hours you've worked let's just go back over to the Daily overview tab so now I just want to set up a really similar tab but for the weekly and monthly view so we're simply just going to click on here and duplicate this one and the next one is going to be the weekly overview so I'm just going to change the name and there's only a couple of things we need to change here so I'm actually just going to click on the group settings here and we actually just want to change the date by from day to week so that it's now grouping them based on the week instead of the day and you can have these toggles open or close it's up to you I'm just going to close them cuz it looks a little bit cleaner and finally let's set up our monthly view so I'm going to click on here duplicate and let's name this one monthly View and once again I'm just going to click on group and we're going to change the date by to group and based on the month and currently we've only got data for February so there is just one month showing here but normally it would obviously show all of the previous months so that is the functionality of the time sheet all finished the only thing I want to do now is just make this look a little bit nicer so the first thing I'm going to do is add two columns so that we can see the buttons at the side of the database so just at the bottom I'm going to type in for slash2 C like this and that's going to bring up this two columns block so I'm going to select that now I'm going to start by just grabbing the two buttons so if you just highlight them you can actually grab both of them at the same time and then if I click on the six dots here I'm just going to drag them and let's place them here in the First Column next we're going to grab the database so again just dragging on these six dots you can drag it and drop it into the second column now we can change the size of the column so if you just hover in the middle here you'll see this gray bar so I can actually just pull it to make that a little bit smaller so that we can actually see the entire database and let's just make some of these a little bit smaller cuz they don't need as much room and finally I just want to create kind of like a little menu thing for our buttons so I'm actually going to use a call out block to do that so just underneath I'm going to type forward slash callout and select this one and we're going to call this one commands and a colon and I'm also just going to highlight this and make it bold and you can actually just grab the two buttons so again just highlighting them and grabbing them I'm going to place them inside the call out block just here underneath commands I also just want to add in a a little divider between the word commands and the button so if you just hit enter and type in three dashes in a row it's going to add in a divider and I'll just delete that space finally I'm going to change the icon so I think I'm going to use Notions icon Library so if you select icons and I think we're going to go with this cursor button icon here and finally I am just going to change the background color so you can keep it as gray if you like that look but I'm actually going to click on here select color and we're going to go with the default background so therefore it's white with this little gray outline and I think that looks really great so that is the time TR all set up so all you need to do is every time you want to clock in a new session you can click new session it's going to add a new row into the database then once your session is complete you can click end session and it will clock you out and it will then work out how many hours you've worked and that's it you can check out all of my pre-made notion templates over on my store including this super Advanced second brain template which is an all-in-one productivity system I'll leave a link in the description box below and if you did find this video helpful then I would really appreciate if you could give the video a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel Channel as I post new notion tutorials like this one every week
Channel: Creative Cove
Views: 1,710
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Id: KMboW-h871I
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Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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