Time to Pick Them up. Pecans that is!

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[Music] hey guys and girls welcome to the pecan harvest here at twin Eagle Ranch we are we are hard at it but one of the things I wanted you to look at before we got started and and we get over in will shake some trees and show you what happens there pick up some sticks run the harvester and show you what the end result is that we end up taking over to the processor these are all native pecan trees right in here and if you look this potrait right here has been shook you can look up there and see that that you know most of those holes that are in that tree or empty that is a huge huge tree but the main thing I want you to look at is well you look at the fact that how much difference these trees look then they did say just about 10 days ago you know pecan trees are the last trees in the woods to get leaves on them during the springtime you know you got green everywhere except your pecan orchard your pecan trees just don't have green on them then those leaves come out and they're the most beautiful trees that we have in the woods all summer long and all fall long they're just beautiful they are the last trees to loot to lose their leaves so so when everything else is gone the pecan trees still look great but then you have these big strong northern fronts come in the winds blow hard from the north and it seems like almost overnight the countries will go from having all the leaves to looking just like this right here and they're just like about the ugliest trees in the woods so you know god I don't know what he was thinking what he did all this but he must have had a little bit of a sense of humor because he made something absolutely gorgeous and creates you know one of the healthiest things you can eat a pecan and then he turns them into trees that looked like this all winter long and so this is what they're going to look like but you know we've we've just done a little bit of a harvest already but but we're getting close to a full load in the hamper we'll show you that are in the trailer we'll show you that here in a little bit but first let's go shake some pecans alright this is a shaker this machine right here and this is a tough machine right here and this is a shaker and I I tell you what I could actually use one there's a little bit a little bit larger and this is pads right here that go on the trees and you can see this old pants pretty worn out but actually the deal that clamps against the tree is this bottom part down here this is what clamps against the tree so all of that is that is protection for that bottom part to keep from wearing that out same thing on the other side you know we're probably go ahead and shake and we might not real replace you probably for next year but all those are it's just big old pieces of rubber but on this right here this is a hydraulic and it kind of looks like this is broke sitting there on this tractor but what this is right here is we're back up to the tree and the hydraulics and we'll bring this into the tree and only touch the shaker and it starts to shake it and we'll shake for Oh 60 to 90 seconds sometimes it a couple of minutes and might stop shake again might move to the other side of the tree right now we're leaving a lot of pecans in the trees of course when you look at that you say oh my gosh there's a lot of pecans shining up there but you're just not gonna get them all they're just not all gonna fall and the other side of the deal is it's some of those pecans might not ever fall they may be up in that tree but we got to get them out of the fields they're just like any other crop you have only a limited amount of time to get them out if it starts raining particularly the big Pecan Grove we got it's pretty wet down there we can't even get the pecans out so let's fire this baby up and shake a tree or two all right Apache let's shake them baby let's shake them if you'll notice we got a top on that and now that top doesn't stay on there all the time we just put that on that old masse right there just to protect from the limbs falling down you never know sometimes it's a really big limb that comes down and that's just protection there for the tractor drivers so so you don't get hurt okay all right go get that big one right over there is what we're gonna get right now now you can take a look at that tree and see all those pecans shining up there in the Sun what's these shakes that you can take a look and you won't be able to see nearly as many now we're backing up to this tree right here and he's got the shaker we're gonna surround the tree with that shaker and then with our hydraulics we will clamp down on the tree now with the hydraulics we're gonna clamp down on the tree [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] now take a look up in that tree now you can still see a few pecans shining up there but not many I mean not many that can really shook well right there there's a few pecans actually the pecans that you'll see still in the shell up there are the lower ones and now this this is this is the manual labor part of it right here it's the matter coming in here and pick it up picking up all the sticks that tree really was pretty good a lot of times you have a lot more sticks to that fall down but you got to get these sticks out of here as you run over it because we're going to run over it with the Harvester hearing a little bit so it's really not not too bad you end up with a lot of pecan sticks and this tree right here is you can see this tree is a casually the amazing thing about this tree right here is this tree actually broke off the main part of this tree broke off in the springtime storm a big windstorm we had here during the springtime and the tree the tree was loaded with pecans and they were baby pecans at that time little tiny things but the one the one branch that managed to live through that storm through that storm was this one branch that come out on this side and it finally broke off the other day during a big 50 mile an hour wind storm we had but you can take a look here and these pecans on this one branch actually made pretty good I mean there's lots and lots of pecans right here obviously not worthwhile to come in here and do what I'm doing right now except for your own personal use but but these these pecans made really really good I mean they made clusters at 3 4 & 5 pecans they're nice pecans good shape I bet they've been to a good tasting Mekons and I forgot one to come in here and just filter out this one Oh lemme come off he took off for a few minutes you're gonna pick up a couple lot of pecans and you know just like that it's picking those out of those holes I got kind of a kind of a little handful of a college and all of those are good pecans right there all of them are good pecans and one pecan there looks like it might be a bad pecan but but that's a those are good pecans out there you see that big old tree right there because of how big it is getting around and it's not shaking near as much up the top and we're not able to get as many of those pecans out of there we just get what we can that's all you can do now some of these trees we may come back to and look at a little bit later we may reshape a few of them but it's kind of kind of just depends but you know we'll make a few loops around through there the harvester and we'll be picking up some no doubt about it there but anyway and that's how you shake them that's a deal right there it's really kind of a fascinating process sometimes if there's no squirrel up here somewhere the squirrels would come bailing out of there is kind of funny we didn't see that either time there but it's kind of funny when that happens actually I know guys that get around and and wait while somebody's harvesting pecans particularly if you've got three or four people working where are you working you know you're just coming right behind this with with the Pickers picking up sticks and then and then also the the harvester picking out the pecans where one guy just goes from tree to tree to tree shaking and some guys will get out there through shotgun and go squirrel hunting all of our pecan equipment is made by Savage pecan equipment company out of modele Oklahoma which is only about 30 miles away basil Savage is a really really good friend of mine is the sun's claim basil savage junior are all good all of his sons are our great friends basil has been one of my mentors in the pecan business basil savage and called Buchanan Carl has taught me a lot and I just called it a with him about a few things today as a matter of fact and but but savage equipment Medel oklahoma builds more pecan equipment than everybody else in the world put together in other words they're not just the largest they're larger than anybody in the world put together they also have a big giant processing plant that we're gonna be hauling a load of pecans over to here in just a little bit as a matter of fact Chris is going to take them over there while I go fishing and hey okay here we go right here now here's what we're doing come on over here this harvester of course we start on the outside where we don't run over the Mekons this harvester it's got little fingers in the front of it I'm not sure you can see them the little fingers in the front they're rubber fingers about this big around about this long and they're going up there and that's our gathering the pecans now they're also picking up a lot of sticks and a lot of leaves that's throwing out a bunch of it you've got a deal going there round and round it's on a big chain we've broken the chains before that happens occasionally but not very often fortunately you know when that happens basil takes care of me and we get a fix real quick and and they're really relatively easy machines to work on I can work on them so that tells you how easy they are but you can see there that it's actually just vacuuming all of those pecans up it's picking up everything you notice how it looks like all the leaves are gone that's because that machine is picking up all the legs a little bit more difficult on that on that uneven ground you can see right there you got he's gonna have to raise it up a little bit comes the uneven ground it's on the uneven ground right there and it makes it a little bit more difficult to pick all those pecans up now they're going into that hopper that hoppers that big thing on this side there you see they're going again coming in through there then they're going up that conveyor belt they're going up that conveyor belt is that bullet looking thing right there and it's turning around and around and it's putting the dumping up of cards into that that that that canister there and then what's happening there you know is it sorted out all of the trash now there's gonna be a lot of sticks a lot of leaves a lot of little tiny stuff in there we pick up the major stuff and he moves that thing up and down as he goes around to try to try to really get try to really get as much of the mccarthy picked up as possible you see how low he's getting on that he's got that down there really pretty good trying not to leave too many pecans on the ground you don't pick them all up now you have to raise it up there again you see what he's doing right there hydraulics is the best thing that's ever been invented for tractors mechanic to go up into that into that fat bucket or sure there's a better word for it they're not anything I'm using but but it goes up into that and then we're gonna go over there once that gets full we'll actually go over there and and dump that into the trailer Apache is very very thorough he does not want to leave any pecans and you see he gets closer and closer to the tree as he goes around make sure you pick it up all over cards that's throwing out all the trash now when we hold the pecans over there and I'll probably have Chris she's gonna go over there but I'll probably have pissed shoot some video on her iPhone that will show you what happens we get over there when they we dump them into their big machines and they run up and it then separates there they've got big machines that really separate a lot of the trash out where you end up with the pecans only and they'll be in big bags that hold about 1,500 pounds each so we've got that bagger that'll hold about 3,000 pounds over there the trailer completely full and it gets really just about full right now we'll walk over there and I'll show you in a minute that the word I was looking for is hopper by the way and I know that a lot of you think a hopper is only in DirecTV but that is a hopper that holds pecans right there one of the things that you find out is you get a little bit older is words like hopper you lose them they're not in your mind but you replace them with words like canister and a canister is something you put sugar in but that's a hopper right there pecan hopper we had calling a lot of things for the days over all right you can see what we got right here this is about probably halfway full in this hopper right here it holds a lot of pecans a hopper really holds a lot you see all those sticks and stuff down in there that's why you pick up the sticks but a lot of these little sticks and stuff you don't bother about picking up and they're not gonna they're not going to necessarily when they run them through their their machine over there all of that little sticks to go you're gonna end up with just pecans and that's all but this works on a hydraulics this hydraulic right here when this hopper is full when this hopper is full right here he'll raise it up he'll raise over pull up for the trailer on that side you'll raise it up and up the pecans over into the trailer and we don't really wholly have enough to dump in there I might have him go over end of it but the trailer is completely full right now Chris is getting ready to take it over to the processor but so we probably won't show you that that's that's not really what happens it's kind of cool-looking but this whole hopper right here works on a big hydraulic hose right here that comes over at this big hydraulic bar right here will come over and they'll dump a ten-time thing out and then you're gonna pick up some more and these guys and girls is exactly what we're looking for right there there's about 3,000 pounds of pecans in there at least maybe more and there's a lot of sticks it's got you see all these little sticks just like you saw in a hopper over there there's a lot of sticks leaves all of this stuff there machines will clean out over there these that are in the hole still a little bit no problem at all their machines will take care of that and like that whole pecans since it hadn't opened up at all it'll probably just go through and then go away bet their machines have got computers on them and where they they're able to they're able to get rid of anything it's light they'll grayed out and you know you never know exactly what you're going to get for me you never know how much you're going to lose and you just haul them over there and that's a lot of pecan there's a lot of pies right there take a lot of corn syrup to get this turned into in flour to turn into really what you want but there's an awful lot of great tasting pecans right there a lot of the Kong pies that you buy from like here in Oklahoma and mrs. fields just right up the road about 20 or 30 miles from where we live a lot of pecans you buy these will be the sum of the pecans that's in them because these pecans right here all go through we actually carry all of our pecans over to a processors the pecans that we ship y'all when you order through the internet and by Jimmy Houston pecans to the internet our pecans that we've sent over there and they've gone through the processing and gone through the grading everything that way every single pecan you get in your bag is good now if we just picked five pounds or ten pounds out of pecans here and to you running through a cracking machine and sent them to you you're gonna get some bad ones in there but every single solitary pecan you get when you order from us you're gonna be able to you're gonna be able to to know that every single pecan is a good pecan there's not a bad one in the batch because they've all been graded run through several machines and that's the pecans that we actually ended up shipping out and great Christmas gift great Thanksgiving gift we only have these fresh pecans November and December we don't sell pecans any other time of the year all the pecans that we don't sell through the internet to our YouTube friends or Facebook friends all of our buddies you know they'll just end up in mrs. fields pecan pies and several others I think this thing's getting ready to go over there Chris we'll handle it from here she'll show you what happens over there once she takes the pecans to the processor yeah full load I like it and this is basil savages processing plant Honey Creek and this big building right over here is gonna have lots and lots of sacks of pecans in it already even though that just started well you can take a look in there you can look in there and you see just all of those are big bags that hold about 1,500 pounds of pecans each now that will be completely full and it might be me stacked around out the side I've seen them you know they're still they still got lots of lots of room to go and am I in line I got one looks like they brought this truck over here and left it so I don't know if he's in line or not there's a dump truck here full of pecans I don't want to pull in front of him but I'm not sure he's in line looks to me like that they've just left that truck there trucks not running nobody in it I'm gonna go ahead and pull on up here this is kind of interesting right here this is this is where we will be will be getting rid of the pecans and you see that deal right there in front of us now the pecans are all going to end up going there and going up into that conveyor belt and going through that big machine that will will allow them to allow them to process the bands that Basel jr. called a nod he breaks his life sentence and either one of those fish would have won that one feeling hidden yeah October written down a few spots you guys move these guys can work socialize anywhere they're working [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] see what's happening right here these are all of the colleges going after they're coming up and conveyor belt they you see all their little sticks and trash really ancillary this load is not in much crack in it it's going to go up here they come on around here really really noisy this is almost kind of a redneck machine redneck engineering that it works perfectly it's right here all the bigger stuff you see the bigger stick they're all coming out now we don't have any big sticks you know not many big coming out of here boy steps going down going down through that fan will come out through there going out into that trailer back there here we just have basically papaw's there will be a little bit of trash in there but not budge you snag a hold about 1,500 pounds we should have a bag and a half and you can look at you can look in here and you can see that you know that that basel savage handles a lot of pecans and before this year is over these will be double the triple stacked in here and this entire building will be completely full there'll be some out here underneath the awnings there'll be pecans everywhere this is a banner year last year was terrible nobody made any money but you can see what's happening over here now and all of these pecans all of these pecans will have all of these pecans will have a will have a label on them you can see that right there beautiful pecans those are they didn't have much trash in look how clean those are yeah HCR 362 Pony number two's that tells what they are and that's actually these are these are pecans off of this ranch right here I think that probably spent 400 on T Creek Ranch 36 20s it's the invoice number Bonnie's number 2 so those are all number those are all ponies right there's what those are but you can look down through as you get down I don't know who that is but SC 3807 SC 3807 whole 300 pounds I don't really know what that means that but now you can see in these pecans these pecans it's got still quite a bit of trash in it those are not nearly as clean as those were over there many go back you know they're ours ours went wherever they put ours down there ours will have a ter on a Trinity go rancid JG and that's all there is thirty and that's the invoice number 37 83 those are all you know native pecans here's some improved pecans right here and you notice every bag is not full because you know though that you know we'll have probably we'll have two bags out there I hope we've had one already we still have quite a few pecans to go but you'll see what you see what happens here I mean there is a lot of pecan pies and a lot of con candy right here this is just and this this is nothing this is early this is early in the picking season this building will be let me tell you this building will be completely full of these white bags and and and not only that they ship from out of here every day they ship them out every day you see right over here jay is 1336 don't know who's mccoggins those are but they've got those backed up to go out somewhere those are 50 pound bags probably probably probably heavier than that really says 50 pounds so I guess it is pretty balanced that'd be a good giveaway wouldn't it we're doing good oh hey guys and gals I hope you enjoyed that we're out here working hard doing videos all the time and we really really appreciate you watching more than you can ever know be sure to hit that sub button and subscribe to our channel because we need every one of you hey have a lot of fun let's go fishing
Channel: Jimmy Houston Outdoors
Views: 84,610
Rating: 4.9213114 out of 5
Id: sGwXXdQV8wM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 23sec (1763 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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