Timber! Felling Trees for our Sawmill- Log Cabin Update- Ep 9.1

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hello fellow outsiders and welcome to this log has an update for the log cabin on a budget series as you probably know we finished episode 9 and now we've been out dropping poplars so that has been a lot of fun but nice to get away from the build site for a while and just drop some trees so we have dropped about seven or eight poplars that we will be returning to in the spring when the ground is right up and we'll be processing them into flooring and probably roofing for the cabin [Applause] drop it back up this way [Music] keep opening and shutting oh yeah actually it's right now folks look more [Applause] [Music] [Music] maybe leaning pretty good now it's starting to and I think it's head of the right way just watch your chain on the this wedge well there she start to go now she's going [Music] up she start to go not coming let's see certain yeah oh there she goes Oh [Music] poplar is not known to be a quality wood so I'm not using it on anything that is structural but as far as flooring as concerns and the roofing planks it'll work just fine because it's not exposed to the elements [Applause] as we were scouting out toddlers that we wanted to fell we came across a clump of poplars that had fallen over probably early this winter under the snow load the probably the first real snowfall that we had gotten I counted at least five maybe six that had fallen and had been buried by snow I looked them over and none of them were rotten they were all good wood so it didn't fall over because they were dead they fell over because there was just so much weight on them that they were actually torn out by the roots and they tore up a huge clump around when they fell but the important thing is that the wood is still healthy it's still good to use so we have been processing that today it's been a lot of work but I'm very happy that we found it otherwise these trees would just rot away and that would be a lot of good lumber that is going to waste I mean it would return into the ground and their nutrients would go back into the soil I mean the force does replenish itself that way but I'm glad we could get bees without having to drop any more healthy poplars down [Music] [Music] so it's been a really really good day and so we have made a campfire we've cooked ourselves some supper and it was pretty good actually not too bad for Bush cooking if I do say so myself my wife could do a much better job but as far as my skills are concerned I think dinner turned out not too bad not bad all right actually that's pretty good that's fine we can eat that I'd eat that most delicious actually all right well if left is the table is set as you can see there's a gun leaning against it just just like it's poufy right so actually I'm pretty good you have you've had this good man anyway I'd like to thank the company through night for supporting this channel they are great people great company and they provided me with a awesome line of flashlights they're high quality high powered and so one of the lights their flashlights that I've been using recently is the t01 and what I love about it is its size it is extremely small it's a keychain flashlight it's designed to fit on your belt and so I keep this clip to my bush pants so that if I'm ever in a situation where I forget my other flashlights I still have this on me at all times so I really appreciate that I really like its size its portability as well it is very powerful for its size it's going to turn it on here so you can see there you go this shines a fair distance so I am very impressed with how bright this is how compact it is and actually how affordable it is this is around six dollars if you go on their website or if you go on Amazon to buy it and so if you guys are interested in getting this this is a great gift first you know someone who's you know they're in the bush a lot or just to keep with your keychain you keep with your car keys wherever you go at nighttime at 125 lumens the through 9001 is 15 to 25 times brighter than most other keychain lights which are usually around five to seven lumens [Music] the t01 is powered using a single and easy to replace triple-a battery so if you guys want to check this flashlight out or other thrunite products I'm going to include a link in the description below so thanks guys for watching for tuning in on a regular basis I'm the outsider and I'll see you the next one okay
Channel: The Outsider
Views: 48,148
Rating: 4.9405451 out of 5
Keywords: log cabin, homesteading, felling, trees, poplar, outsidefun1, outsider, budget, camping, sawmill, logging
Id: oT2do_1t66M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2017
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