Tim Hill 9 10 2019

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back in the spring I accepted an invitation to help celebrate one of our great churches in Corbin Kentucky their 100th anniversary as a church like many of you that are here tonight that are in ministry that travel a lot I travel so much that anytime that I can be home on a Saturday night especially I like to do that and so I made the decision that I would stay home on Saturday night and get up early on Sunday morning and make about a three three-and-a-half hour drive from Cleveland to Corbin I left in plenty of time under normal conditions but traveling up i-75 getting just past Jellico I believe it is where they were doing at that time it may still be a lot of road construction I came to a dead stop just past Jellico it didn't move in five minutes it didn't move in ten minutes forty-five minutes later I was still sitting there by this time I had done what everyone else in the traffic jam had done I had turned my automobile off and I was just sitting there waiting for clearance to go and I knew I was going to be late for the service as a matter of fact I was so late that when I finally arrived someone met me in the parking lot took me straight to the pulpit and I started preaching without really taking a drink of water or a breath of air I just got up and started preaching as soon as I walked in the building but while I was sitting still in that traffic or 75 I did naturally what has become naturally what most of y'all probably would have done too I reached for my cellphone and I went to Facebook and without searching without looking for it a video came up on Facebook of the Father's Day service of 1995 in Pensacola Florida actually brownsville assembly and for the next 40 minutes or so I watched it and was mesmerized by the message that Steve Hill preached in the testimony that he gave and I watched it until traffic began to move and I had to put it up I got to that church and I soon determined that what I had seen on that video had spiritually moved me deeply and I couldn't describe what I was feeling normally when I go to a church I visit with the pastor and I typically have a meal with a pastor and I intended to do that that day but when that service was over I just simply begged to the pastor please forgive me I I'm just sensing that I need to go home my wife Paula had gone to Texas she was not even at home I knew I would be by myself but I sensed I needed to go home and I began the three-hour journey back toward Cleveland and the closer I got to Cleveland the less I felt like going home and the more I felt like going to my office so when I got into Cleveland instead of going to my house I just went to our international offices intending to go to my office and just wait on the Lord and pray and see what this was that I was feeling and tried to determine how that video had affected me that day when I got to my office and I got out of my car I walked up the sidewalk that leads to a side door that I always go into and I reach for my keys and determined that I had picked up the wrong set of keys that morning and I did not have the little electronic pod that would let me in my office and I could not find a security guard anywhere to let me in so I said Oh Lord what what are you doing what what is this you've stirred me you've troubled me all day long and now I'm here what do you want me to do and I felt the impression of the spirit to just walk we have a prayer garden there in our complex and it's a very beautiful thing and there are statues there that are inspirational and they depict biblical scenes and so I'm walking around those statues walking the walkways and the prayer garden and then I just begin to walk on the on the grass and before I realized what I had done I had been walking for almost an hour and a half still not really knowing what the Lord was doing in my spirit but I caught myself saying with every step that I would take Lord show me your glory Lord show the Church of God your glory Lord manifest your presence I never did see a security guard I didn't see anybody for about the 90 minutes that I was walking in those prayer gardens I got to my car and I determined that the Lord was finished with whatever it was he was doing in me and stirring in me and I felt prompted to look again at my phone where I have a what do you call it a pedometer that keeps track of your steps and I felt prompted to look at that thing because I do a lot of walking and and every day it keeps up with it and I looked at it and I had walked six thousand five hundred and seventy four steps and I thought that number is strangely familiar six thousand five hundred and seventy four what is that number and it came to me and I looked at a report to there by it that's the number of churches that we have in the Church of God just in the United States and Canada together six thousand five hundred and seventy four and I said God what in the world are you doing today and as the day went on and I began to muse about this and pray about this the Lord finally put in my spirit that with every step I was taking I was saying Lord wherever the Church of God has presence show us your glory wherever there is a lighthouse where ever there is a sanctuary where there ever there is a ministry show us your manifested presence in the Church of God but not only in the United States and in Canada but literally around the world where we have almost 50,000 churches I said God show us your manifested glory around this world later that week we were having what we call an administrative council meeting where I bring in about 35 or 40 of our leaders and we just talked about different things that are going on around the world in the church and I I felt prompted to tell them what had happened to me in my heart I thought well I'm gonna tell them this and revival is going to break out they sit there and looked at me like a calf looking at a new game and I told it with a quiver in my voice and tears in my eyes and they were respectful and they were appreciative but there was no obvious move like like I thought there might be and I thought Lord what is going on here and I shared the story with a few others as time went by I shared it with our Executive Committee there are four other men who served with me on the executive committee and I shared that with them and they nodded their heads and they appreciate it and and they they committed to pray with me for revival two weeks later I found myself in Pensacola Florida where I had accepted an invitation to preach for pastor Joey Rogers at assembly I got their lead on a Saturday night because my plane was late and I missed a fellowship opportunity with Pastor Rogers so I went to a restaurant near the hotel where I was staying and not even thinking about where I was that but I I realized I'm not far wherever Brownsville is I'm not far from there when the revival was taking place that went on for five years I never went to that revival I was a busy pastor I didn't think I could cut loose and go so I didn't go but now I'm eight miles from Brownsville sitting in that restaurant and the Spirit of the Lord prompts me to get up and go to that location I drove the eight miles to Brownsville and I'm just driving around the parking lot of the Brownsville Assembly of God and my mind is going back to everything that I had read and everything that I had seen on video that day that I was watching on my way to Corbin and as I pulled around to the back of the church I saw a man almost frantically waving at me like this I drove over to where he was over near the awning of that portico and that drive-through and and when I got to him he began to apologize he said oh I'm sorry you're not who I thought you were I said well who did you think I was he said I thought you were the pastor you drive a car that he drives similar to it at least I said well I'm not your pastor obviously I'm Tim Hill with the Church of God and this is a rental car then he looked at me and he said you're here for some reason would you like to come in and I went inside this church with a staff member named Dennis I walked around that church and I saw the sanctuary where this revival took place again that went year after year night after night with very few breaks for five years five million people came through that building to experience a most phenomenal move of God that goes down in the history books as the phenomenal move of God before the evening was over Dennis and I were standing on the stage and we even recorded a video it's on my social media you could probably trace back and fine but we stood there and we join hands we were the only ones in that building and we prayed for revival to come to the church of god and to pentecost around this world there was no dramatic move of God there was no speaking in tongues there was no prophetic word and I went back to my hotel and as I was reaching up to turn the light off my mind went to this verse of scripture about a man who hosted the presence and the glory of God and that was the last passage of scripture on my mind when I turned the lamp off that evening somewhere in the night through that night call it a dream called a vision I don't know really yet today what to call it but in the night I saw what appeared to be thousands of beams and rays of light penetrating the darkness coming down toward the earth it so stirred me that I was awakened by what I saw again in the dream or the vision and I finally went back to sleep again but I saw it the second time and when I awakened that next morning I said Lord you're obviously up to something what is it you're saying what is it you're doing and my mind went to the old story out of the Old Testament where Jacob was running for his life from his brother Esau and he came to the end of himself and the Bible said that he came to a place called love and the Bible tells us that he slept there and for a pillow he gathered a rock and he laid his head on a pillow but in his sleep he saw a ladder or a stairway coming from heaven down to the earth and from the earth to the heaven and on both sides of this ladder there were ascending and descending angels coming back and forth in his dream and in his vision and when he awakened he said I have seen the gate of heaven he was so moved by it that he said it demands a name change we can no longer call this place loves but now we got to change the name of this place to beth-el which means the house of God God was here and I didn't even realize it in my slumber and I begin to dwell on that and I thought Lord what are you saying with all of these strange experiences that I'm having and I'm telling you I heard the Lord say to me the next wave the next move of my power and my spirit will not just be in one location where people came from all over the world to Pensacola Florida or the Browns of Florida but I will have multiple thousands of locations that will host my presence and host my glory anybody that will open the door anybody that will welcome me I will come and be there as their guest and I've been moved ever since by that vision because I'm hungry to host his presence I'm hungry for the Church of God and please forgive me for keep referencing that that's just my point of reference but I'm hungry for Pentecost to host the presence of God forgive me if I come on too strong I don't mean to be but I'm intense in my spirit about it tonight listen to me when I tell you Pentecost needs to experience Pentecost again not talking about what the Baptist Church needs I'm not talking about what the nominal churches need I'm telling you we need a revival within Pentecost one more time we're trying to play too many games we're trying to have too many shows we're trying to manufacture it we're trying to fabricate it but what we need is a genuine manifested presence and revelation of God's power and God's Spirit did I miss one more time in my cry is the cry of Moses always showing me by glory well I'll get to this in a minute but let me let me just share my soul here a few months ago I was in Washington DC for an event there and when the event was over I was holding my way out to make my way back to the place I was staying and a reporter stopped me don't know why stopped me there were other people there he could have stopped but he stopped me and I hate it when reporters stopped me doesn't happen all that often but every time it has happened it has not been a real great experience because they don't quote many times they'll misquote and you know he had been at the event and he had seen some things that had happened and heard some things that were said and so he just pulled me aside he said I understand you're with a Pentecostal group called the Church of God I said yes sir that's right he said well well let me ask you some things he said who are the special interest groups that you're reaching these days and I immediately knew what he was after I knew what he was fishing for I knew what he was wanting me to say and I I just kind of squared back I said a lot yeah we've got a special interest group I said let me tell you who they are they're lost people they're men and women that are dying lost and on their way to hell that's the crowd we're after oh he said I must have offended you I said no you haven't offended me at all he said well really what I'm just trying to determine is one of the issues you're speaking to today and again I knew what I'm not unlearned I'm not ignorant I'm well-read I know what the issues are today and I'm very sympathetic to the issues in society today but I want to tell you the issue that's number one with me that Pentecost better started dressing oh we could talk about a lot of them we could talk about immigration we could talk about poverty we could talk about this that and the other but I want to tell you the number one issue that somebody better start addressing is the lukewarm church the church that's too hot to be cold too cold to be hot and it's about to be spewed out of the mouths of Jesus Christ the glory of God to touch the church one more time somebody praise Him in this house from the beginning of time the end of God's desire was to walk with man and fellowship with man and have his glory accompany man the whole thing about God walking in the cool of the day in the Garden of Eden was about allowing his presence and his glory to accompany man the Old Testament days of the law God provided and made all kinds of provisions for his glory to be seen and manifested in various ways one of the most significant ways was through the Ark of the Covenant he spoke to Moses he said here's how we're gonna make it here's what we're going to put inside you're gonna make it out of wood you're gonna overlay it with gold which speaks of both the humanity and the deity of Christ he said inside it I want you to put Aaron's rod that budded that speaks of life in God he said I want you to put my word in there the deck of law the Ten Commandments that speaks of the centrality of his word his word being central to who we are he said I want you to put a golden pot of manna in there that speaks a provision that comes in his presence if any Supergirl to put a crown on top of this thing we're gonna put something on it called a mercy seat and between the wings of the cherubim with their heads looking down I will meet you there that will be the place where I will meet you and it became the visible representation of the glory of God it became a spoil of war it became a prize to any enemy kingdom that tried to come up against Israel and seize it for themselves the Philistines did that there's an interesting sideline to this when the when the Philistines stole the Ark of the Covenant the Bible tells us that during the time of saw the entire reign of Saul the Bible says they did not inquire at it what an indictment I tell you what I did I feel like preaching here tonight they're missing the chlorine but nobody's asking about it they're missing the presence of God but nobody's asking the question where did it go David would come along later he would make this acknowledgement he said the Empowered time of Saul's reign no one inquired of the glory if anybody needed it it was King Saul he's wearing the crown but he lost the throne a long time ago there's preaching right there we got a lot of folks wearing the title but don't have the anointing got a lot of folks that have the nameplate on their desk but they don't deserve to sit in the chair because the glory of God has departed their life and their ministry and the entire time that King Saul was in power no one inquired no one consulted no one asked about the glory dear God I preach it like I'm mad tonight I'm not a man I'm not mad I'm just really intense right now I will confess though sometimes I can't tell between being mad and anointed I don't know I I hope it's somewhere in the middle we got too many churches trying to do this without the unction to function and nobody's asking we're just going through the motions that nobody's asking attendance is going down but nobody's asking we can't pay the bills but nobody's asking people are living like the devil but nobody's asking somebody needs to inquire of the glory somebody needs to ask the question again where is the glory the Philistines stole the ark word comes to Eli through a messenger your sons hophni and Phinehas have been killed in battle that moved him as a father these were his boys but these boys have been raised in church but they're involved now in temple prostitution and idolatry and now they're they're dead because of their wicked ways and the word comes to Eli your sons are dead he's moved deeply as any father would be but as he's trying to dry his tears they also give him the next installment of the bad news and the glory of God has been taken when he'll I heard that he toppled over and being a heavy man he broke his neck and the fall in the same series of events word goes to his daughter-in-law who's about to give birth to a baby what a wonderful event what a glorious opportunity to bring a child into this world but when she hears the word your husband is your brother-in-law is dead your father-in-law is dead but here's the rest of the story the Ark of the Lord has been taken and the glory the visible representation to the glory of God is no longer with Israel when she heard that she immediately went into childbirth and would die giving birth to that baby but before she died the midwife ran up to her and said quick what do you want to name this child she didn't name it Eli jr. she didn't name it hot Knight junior Phineas junior she maimed it it's a pod which is translated to mean the glory of God has departed the literal translation is the question and the question is where is the glory I've been in too many churches lately when I walked away asking the question where is the glory dear Todd you're not smart enough to preach without the glory without the glory [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so is slain in battle David comes to power and David comes to the throne with an executive order in mind not going to take a vote not going to see who's for it who's against it breach it I preach it better my my old my old mommy even thought I could preach still not going to call Congress not going together the Senate not going to call the church board God has allowed me to be king and the first executive order is this we're going to find the Ark of the Covenant we're gonna retrieve the glory of God I cannot climb the steps to my bedchamber and give my eyes rest until I know where the glory of the Lord is somebody needs to set in motion a spiritual executive order for your family and for your household find the glory find the glory of God where is it Nathan asked somebody said it's over it may songs the threshing floor let's go get it easier said than done without consulting the word without consulting spiritual leaders David moves toward nations threshing floor and the only thing that he has as a point of reference in his mind is what he's seen the world do with the glory and he traded the ways of the word for the ways of the world when the Philistines captured the ark they transfer the Ark on new carts driven by milk kind or the oxen David made a wrong assumption that that's the way you transport the ark though the Word of God clearly stated in Old Testament times but the way to carry the ark is to put those golden poles through those golden rings at every corner of the ark and the priests that bear the ark hoisted upon their shoulders and they walk it from place to place that was the provision of God but David saw after the ways of the world he finds the ark at make Sean's threshing floor they make some kind of arrangement to put this Ark on the new carts new carts driven by big wheels and a lot of boards you'll wake up at 3 o'clock in the morning and get that and everything's fine trumpets are blowing flags are waving looks like David is going to see his dreams fulfilled until he hits the first bump in the road any preacher worth his salt has preached on this before it's nothing new but any significant bump in the road will test a good revival any significant bump in the road will test a method and a plan made out of flesh and with the first bump in the road the glory of God or the ark at least begins to wobble and weave and move in that cart as if it's going to fall and a man who should have known better Lord helped me finish preaching this a man who should have known better reached up and mishandled holy things listen to me tonight we've got to get back to where we understand that God is not mocked there's no room for compromise and trying to handle holy things and OSA reached up to steady the ark and when he did the wrath of God was kindled against him and he was stricken and he falls to the earth with a cloud of dust hovering over and enveloping him and the parade stops the drums quit beating and the trumpets quit blaring and David cries out and says how long Oh God how long will I have to wait till your glory comes back what will I have to do to your glory comes back and David's left with wondering what do we do now I started this thing but a bump in the road has interrupted the process and the progress I don't know what to do but I'm smart enough to know one thing we can't go one step further help me Jesus there comes a point in time when you got a tear up the church bulletin and all the announcements and all the motions that we just keep going through thinking that if we jump higher sing faster songs clap more vigorously scream a little louder when we preach sweat a little more profusely we can manufacture a revival but sometime along the way we've got to do what David did and say I'm not sure what it is I did wrong I don't have all the full understanding but I'm smart enough to know one thing I can't go one step further in this condition I can't go one step further without God giving me some help Oh Lord I'd rather stop right here where I am right now then go one more step in the flesh you're in carnality today David said we're not having a ball game this week we're not having a cookout this week we're not having a wiener roast this week we're not having choir practice this week we're not having Women's Auxiliary this week we're not having youth group this week somebody's got to do some face time in the carpet and find out what it is we're doing wrong and how can we get back so [Applause] David said all right we're in the middle of this mess what do we do what do we do with this Ark somebody said that's all bitty Tim's house right over there fine put it over there till we figure out what to do now just just imagine with me a moment I don't know a lot about Oh buddy Tim it's not all that much said about him as much as there is about other Bible characters I understand that he was somewhat of a devout person probably a praying individual probably lived a fasted life with his background but when things stopped in the middle of the road somebody knocks on the door and it's an emissary from King David and David's probably not too far away he can be seen somewhere out there in the distance I'm mr. obed-edom comes to the door and basically says may I help you and someone says yes you see that thing right down there that's the Ark of the Covenant goes all the way back to the days of Moses and we have retrieved it today and we've run into a little problem here and we just need a place to put it for a while can we put it in your house a nobody them leans out the door and he sees a cloud of dust rolling out there and when the dust settles down he understands there's a dead man in the middle of the dust and you want to bring what killed him in my house with my children yeah that's what we'd like to do and so whatever leads to the next thing the next thing we know we've got the Ark of the Covenant somewhere a nobody tubs house now imagine with me we're gonna have us a family meeting let me call junior in here let me call sister su in here let me call sister all buddied them in here I need to talk to you all about what's in our house you see that thing that's the Ark of the Covenant which is the symbol the represented manifested glory of God but look down the road there's still a little dust down there and you see that dead man in the middle of that dust this thing right here in our living room killed that man just want you to know so when when you're around here wrestling and you're playing and you're frolicking around just just keep your distance from that Ark because it killed him now sweetiepie let me talk to you just a minute I married you cause I love you and I love you for all the right reasons I love you even with all of the courts and issues that you have and I have and I love you even with your OCD and all the other initials and I've washed you all our married life you don't let a day go by without dusting the furniture and you're always aligning the flowerpots and everything's got to be perfect with the drapes and all this I know sweetie pie you're gonna be tempted to dust that thing off you're gonna be tempted to put a new shine on it and a little polish on it but God don't need your shine and God don't need your polish if anything's wrong with it Donald take care I'm telling you darling baby sweetie pie don't touch that thing unless you want to wind up like that man down there now we got that straight yeah we got the straight don't know how long it's gonna be here they may be here by sundown to pick it up they may be here by tomorrow next week to pick it up three months later that thing's still sitting in their house but in three months we've noticed something Susie's complexion has cleared up [Applause] all-in-all the juniors adolescent problems had gone away that bursitis and all throughout us that brother Albany Toma sister Oba Needham had suddenly they're able to move that child and free and that that students shoulder has straightened up and they're marching around now like young people because with three months of the glory of God sitting in the house one thing has become clear we are blessed because the glory is here the total glory is here something's going on in our house but we decided we're gonna host the peasants I want to tell you you can't be the same when the glory shows up maybe where the glory shows up something's gonna change somebody's gonna be healed [Applause] and while they're enjoying the blessing it breaks out of the house they couldn't contain it they couldn't keep it within the walls of their own experience the glory of God was expensive the glory of God was making itself known and the Bible said word began to spread I love what the Bible says about the time when jesus visited in a house in mark chapter 2 i think it is the bible said it was noised abroad that Jesus was in the house and you couldn't get inside the place when the word got out well that's what happens here word reaches all the way back to the capital city my god brother Henson word went from over the items house all the way back to the capital city of Jerusalem and the Bible says David heard how that the house of obed-edom was blessed it knows that his insides David said he's got what I want I went after it he wound up with it I've gotta have that I've gotta find out what it is I've got to do to properly get the glory back the word spread to the capital city listen I pray that whatever happens here tonight makes it all the way to Washington DC I pray that it makes it all the way to Hollywood California I pray that it makes it all the way to Las Vegas tapana might play that it makes it all the way to Dallas pictures both your power throughout the earth my lord I feel his presence here somebody praise and praise and praise it [Music] gave it hard Oh God let the president here tonight let the kings of the earth here let the Queens of the earth here let the princes of the earth here let the monarchs of the earth here let it be nice to brawl at the glory of God feels the earth per day may be said alright I've studied I've repented I've prayed I know what to do I traded the ways of the word for the ways of the world but now I'm gonna flip that I'm gonna get up worldly methods and I'm gonna go back to the ways of the word the word tells me I've got to have four shoulders I've got to have four sets of shoulders I've got a head for people that are involved in the priesthood to help me carry this thing don't need new carts don't need a bunch of boards just need four shoulders and if I can get the glory of God in the middle of four sets of shoulders we're gonna walk this thing back and the Bible said they started walking and every six pieces they stopped and gave an offering every six steps David waved an offering before the Lord every six steps David burned an offering before the Lord every six steps David recognized his inadequacies every six steps David Stockman said god I can't do this without you Henry 6:10 oh my god it must have taken them a week to get it back every six steps David said God without you I'm nothing I gotta have your do you understand what I'm telling you to leave [Applause] David gets closer he gets closer back to the capital city and it finally dawns on him I think I'm gonna make it I think we're gonna get it back oh if God bless the house of obed-edom because he was willing to host the glory just think what he'll do in Jerusalem if we'll just host his glory as a matter of fact the Bible said that David got so excited he just began to dance before the Ark of the Lord with all of his might he got that Pentecostal thing going on I don't know if he did the charismatic copy know if he did that old-fashioned Pentecostal hucklebuck but I know one thing he danced himself right out of his Kings robe and the Bible said he put on the priests he thought he danced himself right out of his title he danced himself right out of his position and he put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness see listen to me that title in that position is heavy that pylon in that position if you don't handle it right with the Lord's help it'll kill you it'll SAP you of everything you are and everything you've got but David danced himself right out of it old god help us all dance ourself right out at all stuck up stone he put on the priests teapot the garment of the priests the garment of the priests her he understood one very Cardinal thing got in a bit interested in my title he's not a bit interested in my position or my posture as a king what he wants to see out of me today is what he used to see when I was a shepherd boy then I sent along the hillside taking care of my daddy's sheep then I played that heart but I see the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me beside the still waters he restores my soul [Applause] [Applause] in one sense in one sense when they've attached himself out of his status and out of his pious listen out of his king's robe he was literally laying that before God as an offering and the Lord blessed him Oh everything's wonderful everybody's rejoicing almost he's giving away bread and food and meat and wine they're rejoicing the whole city is rejoicing because this is the passion of David's heart he makes his way to the house he wants his wife to be as excited as he is he walked in the door says honey I'm home she meets him at the top of the steps where she's been watching this whole thing out of an upper window the Bible said and she says hello it's you you humiliated me out there you embarrassed me out there you shamed me out there dancing naked in front of the maidens of the city he wasn't a modest he wasn't naked without garments what she was referring to was the fact that he had shouted himself out of that Kings robe and put on the priest he thought she loved him as a king but she hated him as a worshipper there are people that love you for your title they love you for your position in the community of the city they love you for your status but the first moment you lay that aside and say I'm in his presence I enter his gates with Thanksgiving not coming to his corporate place you lose some of your crowd [Applause] [Music] goodbye and criticize you while you go into the intercourse but I came by to tell you God is looking for church that is why the position lay aside the title and put the praising garments pick up the wars to be the time to experiment in truth oh I got a preach right there am I on the time clock here see the Bible said Mikael has their name Mikael Saul's daughter despised David in her heart she's David's wife but she's identified as Saul's daughter in Scripture that puzzled me for a while why if she's David's wife is she still being identified as Saul's daughter I'll tell you why because she had the same cynical suspicious criticizing spirit better daddy had that spirit that would pick up a javelin when David would come in to sing the songs of praise and try to calm down a troubled King David who plays harp and sing those beautiful songs and those beautiful hymns to try to soothe his nerves and settle down King Saul but King Saul's will pick up that javelin and throw it at the man who was trying to bring him peace and barely missed his heart she had that same spirit she had that same attitude that's why she's identified by the spirit she possessed news flash if you think that spirit died out with her she's got cousins uncle xanax to the tenth and the 1000th generation that still show up in some churches every Sunday snarl up their nose and curl up their lips and just dare you to praise God and dare you to worship God in spirit and truth oh yeah we got them we call them I'd like to tell you they're only in nominal churches but now they're in some Pentecostal churches somebody just reach over slap somebody all the shoulders say we better help him preacher he's never gonna stop I love what David said though David had the right answer he said sweetie pie if you think I embarrassed you a few minutes ago hang on if you think I was vain and wasted my time a few minutes ago hang on if you didn't like it then you ain't gonna like it tomorrow because the glory of God is back into town and I intend to dance tomorrow as much as I did today I intend to worship next week as much as I'm doing right now I will praise all the more I will see all the louder I will worship all the more but close the glory of God is looking for a host the glory of God is looking God's house and I decide I will warrior power in my life somebody stand to your feet and raise your hands that praise him right now did it praise in this house and it plays [Applause] give you praise in this house Osama hiya Lord show us your glory show us your glory and everything a gospel church show us your glory in every spirit filled Church show us your glory regardless of the denomination bring us back to your glory and your presence o cahide [Music] [Applause] well he's here he's here lift your hands and worship Him he's here right now he's here right now he's here right now [Applause] Moses said Lord show me your glory and the Lord said Moses you can't stand it you can't see you cannot see you cannot experience the full expression of my glory but here's what I'll do I'll cover your eyes as I walk by and just before I get out of sight I'll move my hand and let you see my hundred parts and as a result of what Moses experienced when he came off that mountain the glory of God shone brightly on his face listen people can tell where you've been they can tell where you've been and they came to him and said tell your face because we cannot bear to look upon your face with the glory shine the glory reflection Bible tells us in the New Testament that there were those occasions when people would see other disciples and other people that had what with Christ Bible tells us that they knew they had been with the Lord here's what I hear the Lord saying tonight will you host me will you prepare your life will you prepare your heart will you clean out your house will you make up your mind that there's some compromise in your life that you just cannot give into anymore in order to host my presence is my presence worth more to you than the temporary fix of this carnal nature and I've not been the same have not been the same here's all I want to ask you to do if you'll host his presence tonight if you will say I will host the glory oh oh oh let me take let me tell you this let me tell you this I don't claim to be a theologian maybe I've missed something I'll leave that possibility out there maybe I've missed something but pastor Tommy if I read this story right while Oh buddy tom was devout and I'm sure a praying man and lived a fasted life I don't read that he prayed and asked for this I don't read where he went on the forty day fast to get it but what I do understand is that when the glory presented itself all he did was opened the door the boho Toyama Shunta hi if you will just open the door and host his glory start walking down here come come come just stand all across the front here if you will just open the door just open the door come from all over this house you want the glory of God in your life you want the glory of God in your home your church [Music]
Channel: Steve Assink
Views: 40,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cdA_gljZUbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 58sec (3178 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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