Tim Ferriss, Ray Dalio & Gary Vaynerchuk Talk About Mental Health

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gentlemen this is Tim Ferris calling no it is not get the hell you guys are real characters hello Timothy good evening gady to you and my question is for Ry Ry I'm so excited by what you're sharing with the world and it's of such great value I I have to ask you because our conversations have been so impactful for me could you give any advice to people who are watching and listening to this who have struggled with or struggle with depression or bipolar disorder uh challenges of that type um yeah as you know I'm I'm an expert on a I have a son who's bipolar and uh he's gone through the whole thing and uh so I I mean I can give you know a lot um and by the way he's totally successful he's totally together and he went through the Journey he did a Paul's Paul D is his name he did a book a movie called touch with fire I recommend you see touch with fire anyway it conveys it um and so I'm an expert I mean we did this I'm listening um okay so if you're first realize that um insanity is at the brink of Genius in other words that there's quite a lot it's just almost a tuning thing the thinking differently that creativity so okay it's a tuning thing and then what okay so the advice is um when you go through the bipolar first to recognize that you have to go along with the program to follow other people you have to uh take your medicine the the the things that the rules were take the medicine get to bed at um before 11:00 every night because there's a biorhythm thing that's going on um make sure in his case um meditation helped him a lot it helped him keep centered and um most importantly don't do substance abuse in any kind of way okay keep ultra clean and so those were the things and but would that be difficult with the medicine part step one because you could go too far with it no the medicine the medicine is a t tuning thing you start in you're talking about other things what they do is they BL they they knock you with the medicine to try to get you centered and control it produces a numbness that numbness is has the effect of um you don't want the numbness you say I want my life also when you have to understand what a kick it is to have Manas like there's it's a super high and you and so you're denied that kind of super high and so that's a very difficult thing to get past but when you start to crash enough as we talk about failure and crashing this is super crashing and then you say okay I don't want it anymore so you and you have to realize that to tune that medicine is going to take a while it's a little bit of this a little bit of that and tunes it and then um so uh to be able to do that to be able to realize that you will be more creative than ever he's become incredibly creative because he can deliver on that other stuff so when you start to realize that other people can do it right um so U the Tim and I talk about this because you know it's an issue yes uh so Tim talk to me no I just wanted to elicit that because I'm sure there are people listening who can benefit from those recommendations I've found that the going to bed by 11: or certainly before midnight even though I've historically been a night owl is a is a really effective intervention or preventative measure like you mentioned and the meditation whether it's transal meditation or using an app like headspace is also a fantastic way to tune like you said the awareness of your emotional state so that you don't get carried away by the story that you tell yourself uh or the stories that you might tell yourself so I I agree with you I just wanted to hear someone of your credibility uh expand on it a bit for people who are listening who might think that they're uniquely flawed in some way that's that's unfixable they're broken because I just don't believe that to be the case even though I've struggled with a lot of this myself I just wanted have you say it a a a very important way a very important thing is that you're probably gifted 100,000% in other words read the book uh touched with fire uh by K Jameson and all that if you take the the people um this is um people who are the most creative people in the world I mean you could have Wiston Churchill and I mean I could list all of these unbelievably creative people who are bipolar okay so there's a big gift element but it has to be managed you have to get it tuned right you know this Tim because you you know you experience it I we experience it and so to realize that also that means that people who are not suffering from these challenges also have the ability to move Beyond it they should have tolerance of other people they should have understanding so they should be successful thank you for bringing that up Tim first of all thanks for calling it makes this Super Rad and fun second of all uh earlier I told Ry I was impressed with his hustle he's showing up in many many places uh I also want to give you that Accolade first of all thanks for coming the other day second of all your hustling like I I I can't avoid you the book seems to be going well how's it going it's go it's going great I appreciate it and let me just let me just say something about the book which is really cool um because we're by coincidence we're all talking about principles so I wrote this book which is you know how to think about principles in general and then my principles and he immediately comes same thing by coincidence you got a book of a whole bunch of people's principles essentially that is so it's fantastic do you want to destroy Tim's Book Sales do you want this to dominate how do you feel about that no no like Tim man we are in this thing together together bundle packs okay bu wait a minute I'm going to join in too crushing it come out you know January 30th on Amazon principles I mean like we can go a three-way pack but Kim did you see the girth of Tim's book yeah but it's it's a reference book I know it's I saw you it's not like you sit there oh I know you can consume it of course the format was brilliant right and the Curiosity I wonder what that was but how about how good-looking Tim is we haven't talked about that part yet okay so Tim what's your principle I know what it is stoicism it is that's a that's a primary bedrock and I think that also helps with the management of what we were talking about and and not making this up the most frequently bought together with my book is principles by Ray doio I love that hey Tim uh one of my favorite moves of all time in in the thing that I'm fascinated about which is attention was during the height of TRL P Diddy would leave his office and go I think he was Puff Daddy back then and he would go to TRL while Carson was on the airand and Ray this was a show do you know what TRL was okay so and you know Carson daily would be on he would have the Britney Spears in the one directions and I think oh not One Direction excuse me like 90 degrees of the world and it's funny how that slipped up and that's funny anyway nonetheless he would have all these acons and Puff Daddy would leave his office at bad boy drive to town to to Times Square run up this elevator the stairs get on set and run on basically run on set hack the attention of the Youth of America to get the exposure Tim calling this show right now is the P Diddy move of 2017 in publishing personalities Tim I'm impressed I'm I'm very impressed by your strategies and I love you very much I love you guys too I don't monopolize the conversation but Ray thank you for indulging the question and I think it's really important so I appreciate you putting it out in the world take for bringing it up see you
Channel: GaryVee Video Experience
Views: 40,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gary vee, gary vaynerchuk, Gary Vaynerchuk, Gary Vee, askgaryvee, ray dalio, askgaryvee ray dalio, life advice, advice for battling depression, dealing with depression, dealing with mental disoreders, how to manage depression, how to manage mental disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, mental disorders, getting through hard times, mental disorder recovery, mental illness, mental illness recovery, how to recover from depression, recover from mental illness
Id: 1V6Rsentusw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 14 2018
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