Till Lindemann - Ich hasse Kinder (Official Video)
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Channel: Till Lindemann
Views: 14,386,536
Rating: 4.7045937 out of 5
Keywords: Till Lindemann, Lindemann, Till Lindemann Official, Lindemann Official, Till Lindemann Official Video, Lindemann Music Video, Till Lindemann Ich hasse Kinder, Ich hasse Kinder, Lindemann Ich hasse Kinder, Till Lindemann Kinder, Till Lindemann Official Ich hasse Kinder, Ich hasse Kinder official, Till Lindemann Ich haße Kinder
Id: GbfeH6Q8PzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 26sec (326 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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As is the case with most songs I have no idea what it's about but it's fantastic.
He was a pretty tiny child, or so he said, and the child being bullied is smaller than the others. So… Is it possible that some of that rage the character felt towards his bullies is real?
I interpret the story of the music video as a fictional kid that was bullied who grew up to murder his childhood bullies, but it might be it's based on a real serial killer? The date at the start (1989, Moscow USSR), red kerchiefs, and the number and gender of the kids in the room where Till is screaming at them are all specific. Quick Google search of serial killers active during the late 80s in the USSR gave Andrei Chickatilo as the biggest, his nickname was the "Red" Ripper, and he did murder some kids, so maybe?
Frohen Kindertag
Nice proper banger. Kind of reminds me of the DOOM soundtrack.
I love it! Finally a heavier song in german. And I'm happy that Artur Pirozhkov is just and actor there and he's not singing with Till. Also, I really like the idea of this video (if I understand it correctly)
Today is Children’s Day very fitting release date.
Im so happy that its metal and not like his other solo stuff he put out recently. Im not going to analyse it right now, but there is obviously a deeper story
Till at it again. Fantastisch