TikTok Animal Abuse Has Gone Too Far

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you want to join the video good boy can you say hello to everyone i don't even need to say anything hey guys sid here and welcome back to another video i'm here with everyone's favorite bird yuki oh really so we're back with another tick tock video you guys didn't really like this video series i have where i watched the viral tik tok animal videos because unfortunately a lot of the ones that go very viral are also quite harmful so we're going to talk about them and talk about why a lot of women are okay i'm not a vet or anything like that i just have experience in a lot of animals and i just want to help educate those to realize that all of these videos that go so viral aren't as cute as you may think sorry about the birds anyway it's gonna be a loud video so you guys have been seeing me a lot of tech talks on my account soda pets i've been receiving a lot of dms uh it's very hard for me to go through them all so this is one that came out recently that i was sent to many times and it has 3.8 million likes hamster vacation let's see how this goes oh boy oh no i forgot they actually put it in the water [Music] wow okay there's a lot to unpack here um you can go on my shoulder now if you want first of all what is this little credit trail bus thing it looks like it's a set for a toy but it's for a hamster this whole video is like treating a hamster like it's a toy which is really concerning but yeah these little critter trail shits that look like toys are really not helping at all and they should not be allowed like at all they just really encourage the idea to treat animals like toys and aim them for like little kids and stuff like that so they put the hamster in this little like drink holder in a pool which you know i thought i was gonna end there which that's already like why would you do that like a hamster doesn't find this fun the answer doesn't see this as a as a vacation there's no reason to do this for hamster um it's just unnecessary stress and the fact that they actually put the hamster in the water in a pool like a deep pool why i've talked about this in many of my videos before about why you should not bath hamsters and other like small animals and usually people do it in sinks and stuff which is like already bad but like a pool like are you serious it's just extremely stressful they could die from stress or they could die from hypothermia can ruin their coat there's just so much wrong with this and i'm really upset that this is even allowed to talk it should be taken down because this is just encouraging kids to think that you can treat a hamster like a toy um this is one that was in my feed [Music] it's got that same annoying ass audio that all these videos have this video gives me so much anxiety oh my god in case you don't realize this whole thing is like obviously staged but the balloons aren't actually lifting up the dog there's actually a string attached to it so you can see like the white string um that goes higher than the balloons it's like someone's probably on a balcony or something and just lifting it and they just pull up the dog and it's like barely hanging there this looks very painful for the dog it's lifting it by its arms but also it looks like it's going to slip out likes could easily go so wrong nobody's treating this puppy like it's a prop for their tick tock and i've seen actually several videos with the same concept of like pretending that a dog is flying with balloons but they're really just pulling the string there's only one person who did that right and that was jenna marbles when she put marble on those balloons it wasn't actually tied to the balloons it was just like he was just sitting in a little thing and it was inside okay i want to watch a nice video now this is a really cool account that has a lot of ferrets and the videos are just hilarious they get this really long tube thing and the spirits just like love it it's the cutest thing ever what a good toy though and there's like lots of videos of them just like playing they're so cute ferris is so chaotic they're hilarious and they always just made me so happy okay this is an interesting one oh boy so this is a cool concept you know it's a cool idea it's just it's not it shouldn't be a thing the reason why this is really not suitable is because it's a bowl shape which full shaped fish tanks are really not suitable for any kind of fish they're actually not even sold in my country because they're considered cruel i know some countries still sell fish bowl for some reason but they're very cruel and too small for any fish and this is basically just the same thing and there's gold fish in there there's i see three goldfish goldfish in a bowl really don't don't mix goldfish get really big and this is definitely way too small but even a single goldfish um and they will outgrow this yeah this would also be very hard to clean i just don't see the point it just it just seems like a big hassle to me like maybe you've put some snails in here big apple snail still be a pain in the ass to clean okay this is one that was sent to me hundreds of times so they put fish in here which is really dumb and horrible stressful for those fish and then they freeze them and whatever but i mean to me they obviously didn't freeze the fish i really don't think they did because they didn't show that at all so i don't think they froze the fish i think they just put the fish in there at the start for like shock value and to get some extra views and stuff still very unnecessarily like stressful and cruel for those fish but i really don't think they actually froze them it's very weird though it's just another one of those accounts that always put like to put fish in anything with water in it just for shock value it's really horrible that fisher uses props just to get some extra likes and comments now um this is actually a good video i would like to watch they're so cute no it's an angelfish in there it's an interesting mix of species but it's better than the other tank so they found this poor little african dwarf frog i think it is one of these like horrible half circle tank things that like i've seen them on wish and stuff i've talked about them in videos before they're absolutely horrible no animal should be in there they're very cruel i've never seen an african dwarf frog in there though that's just so sad but thankfully they rescued the frog and now he lives in a big old tank and he's living the time of his life so yeah that makes me really happy i'm so glad that they rescued him and he has much better life now in a 55 gallon tank which is awesome so props to this person get on you perceiving that frog i'm sure he's so much happier now he looks very happy in your videos of him okay this one's a bit hard to watch um so if you really love hamsters in a sensitive especially to videos of hamsters being injured i probably would recommend you skip this one because this one's quite horrible so let's watch yeah this one's honestly like so concerning to me because that hams is clearly like very stressed he's moving very fast he's very not tame obviously he's very scared of people by looks of it but for some reason they're trying to put him in a hamster ball which is already like horrible but he's so skittish that he jumps out and lands on the floor and he looks like he's dead thankfully he's alive but he's probably quite brain damaged from that i would assume the way he's running around too is a bit weird i don't know if it's just because he's just so untamed typhoon hey hey hey can you not do that sound please it's a bit loud come on you're gonna be on video okay no not i don't think the hamster would be like totally okay after that i mean at least he's still alive but i think he would probably have some kind of brain damage after that because that's a very big height for a hamster and he wasn't moving for a while after that so it was really upsetting i don't really know why they were trying to put him into a hamster ball when he was clearly very stressed and scared i don't know the context of this but also the fact that they were laughing too i don't understand like if i like dropped one of my animals or something i would just be like horrified so i hope he's okay oh boy why what is that [Music] um this is your sign to not do that maybe just don't don't do that that looks like a bug container that you'd get when you're like a kid and put like a centipede in there and just like watch it for a few minutes and then put it back there's not not a fish tank why is it got a castle top to it too what is this i've never seen a fish nails before but it's the worst fish i've ever seen it makes him look like a really big goldfish in there just so you guys know goldfish can get literally the size of this tank and they swap the fish like swap its home each week they put it in a jar to give it to the next person why yeah that's very stressful for a fish to swap it its tank every week it's very stressful and the tanks will be different water levels too so just it probably won't be able to handle it very long and the tent is just way too small for a goldfish that tank is gonna get very dirty very fast it's gonna get a lot of ammonia um and that goldfish probably isn't gonna last very long unfortunately shouldn't be such thing as a shared animal that you share between houses like what why i think it might be a good idea to get like a shared toy instead instead of a living animal just my opinion by the way can you guys stop sending me slime videos and roblox videos i don't know why i've been getting so many and poppets those popping things people keep sending me dms or puppets i'm so confused please stop what is happening oh you look so scared okay i this is the first time i've seen this one i don't know what is happening why is there so many lobsters crayfish why are they all surrounded by the puppies they look so scared i don't know what to say this one i'm just so confused um [Music] what what is happening why is this a video why are there so many lobsters why are these scaring these poor doggers i don't know all right let's watch one last nice video to end this off at me for scaring the pigeons away [Music] this is just really cute he's just sitting on his little perch like watching the pigeons that is so cute it was a pretty well trained uh eucalyptus to click this parrot you click this you click this anyways i'm going to end the video here i hope this video could help you guys realize that a lot of these viral videos in tuk dog are really not okay for animals and should probably be reported and taken off tick tock but it's unfortunate that there is so many of these tick tocks but at least i can try to help some people realize that these tech talks really aren't okay and should not be encouraged at all thanks for watching guys i'll see you in the next video [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Soda Pets
Views: 998,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yum soda, soda pets, tiktok, tiktok animal videos, tiktok pet videos, soda pets tiktok, soda pets cockatiel, bad pet tiktoks
Id: PdMfTMj64ao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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