TikTok的「死神薯片挑戰」讓人活活被「辣死」?吃辣真的有這麼危險嗎?《 食物知識大拼盤 》EP031|志祺七七

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do you like spicy food? There are a lot of people in Taiwan who love spicy food , but occasionally we can see news about people being sent to the hospital because they "eat too spicy food." There is also an American teenager who responded to the "Death Potato Chips Challenge" and unfortunately passed away in a coma on Tiktok . It's true that eating spicy food is really bad. Is it so dangerous? Today, let’s talk about “eating spicy food”! Hiho~ Hello everyone, I am Zhiqi! In Taiwan, if you walk into a snack bar , no matter what kind of food the store sells, you can almost see a jar of chili sauce on the table because many Taiwanese people's taste is "no spicy food"! All meals, noodles, salted crispy chicken, and braised food must be spicy! Even if you may have diarrhea the next day , spicy hot pot is still the first choice for dinner. According to statistics, "spicy hot pot" creates more than 5 billion business opportunities in Taiwan every year. But Taiwanese are not the only ones who like spicy food! According to data from the market research company IndexBox , everyone in the world eats an average of nearly 5 kilograms of chili peppers every year, which is equivalent to 250 small strips. In recent years, "Eating Spicy Chicken Noodles" and "Hell Ramen" have become very popular on global social platforms. " Super Spicy Potato Chips" and other videos that "challenge the limits of eating spicy food" , but I wonder if you have ever thought that people often have some uncomfortable physiological reactions when eating spicy food , such as sweating, tears, runny nose, Diarrhea and other more serious cases may require hospitalization. Why do people love spicy food so much? Is this a form of self-abuse? Will eating too spicy food harm your body? Let’s discuss it together today! But before we start today’s discussion, let’s go into some business service time! [History of Eating Spicy] Human beings have actually eaten spicy food for more than 8,000 years , but for most of that time , only people in Central and South America where chili peppers originated were eating it . It was not until Columbus discovered the New World in the 15th century that chili peppers were spread to Europe. , Asia, Africa and other places have since developed their own chili flavors and dishes , such as Mexican green chili sauce, the American "All-purpose Sauce-Tabasco", Indian curry, Korean kimchi (Xinqi), Thai Tom Yum Goong, and Chinese Mapo tofu, etc. However, in the past when material life was not so abundant, people did not eat spicy food just for the deliciousness! A research team from Cornell University in the United States analyzed thousands of traditional dishes from 36 countries and found that countries with hotter climates use more spices and chili peppers in their cuisine. Some people speculate that this may be because chili peppers can be "antibacterial." Because food easily deteriorates and spoils in high-temperature environments, the shelf life of food can be effectively extended by drying, smoking, or marinating with chili peppers and spices. Some people also think that this is because eating spicy food can "help "Heat Dissipation" The "capsaicin" in peppers can trigger human nerve reactions . Although eating it will make people sweat , it can also give people a feeling of heat dissipation . However, this process of eating spicy food is actually uncomfortable for our bodies. A mild case may only cause irritation on the tongue ; a more serious case may cause sweating and diarrhea and a severe headache ! If eating spicy food is so painful, why do so many people still enjoy it? Some psychologists explained that this may be a kind of "benign self-abuse" [Love spicy food = self-abuse? ! 】 American psychologist "Paul Rozin" said that eating spicy food is like many people who like to ride roller coasters and watch horror movies. Although it will make people feel their heart beats faster, make them sweat, and feel tense , in most people The situation does not actually put people in danger, so for many people, this "harmless pain" is a kind of "benign self-abuse." Studies have found that when people are stressed and anxious, they will be more depressed than usual. Craving for spicy food Although eating spicy food will bring some symptoms of heat and pain, these symptoms usually do not last long. Moreover, chili peppers also stimulate our body to secrete more "endorphins" to promote a happy mood and make people feel happy when eating spicy food. Sometimes we feel "painful and happy" , so this kind of "benign self-abuse" can really help us relieve psychological stress and anxiety. In addition, eating spicy food has many benefits for our body. For example, peppers are rich in vitamin A. Vitamin B6 and vitamin C plus the unique ingredient "capsaicin" have the effects of anti-inflammation, lowering blood sugar, and preventing obesity. So eating spicy food in moderation can also promote our health. But it has to be said that if you accidentally eat it, Be careful if it is too spicy and exceeds the tolerance of your body . It may cause irreparable consequences! [What will happen if you eat it too spicy? 】 In 2018, the British Medical Journal recorded a case in which a man ate a " Carolina Reaper " with a spiciness of 2.2 million during a spicy eating competition. "Carolina Reaper" followed by severe headache, abdominal pain and vomiting, which was later diagnosed as "reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome" caused by eating too much spicy food. The most typical symptom of "reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome" is that it will repeatedly A "thunder headache" is a headache that occurs suddenly and then explodes with pain. If it is severe, it may cause a stroke or cerebral hemorrhage. In recent years, the "One Chip Challenge" has also begun to appear on Tiktok. Participants need to eat a potato chip made with the same "Carolina Reaper chili powder". Last year, a 14-year-old junior high school student in the United States began to suffer from stomach pain after the challenge . Although the situation improved slightly during the process , he later fell into Coma, and eventually died unfortunately. Although the exact cause of death in this case has not been determined, it must have been caused by eating spicy food. However, many people have noticed that eating too spicy food is actually a bit dangerous . Gastroenterologists have warned that eating too spicy food can have harmful effects on our bodies. It has two levels of impact. First, it affects the stomach because eating spicy food causes the stomach to secrete more gastric acid . Long-term excessive consumption may lead to gastritis, gastric ulcer , stomach pain and diarrhea. Second, it affects the heart. Eating hot pepper stimulates the sympathetic nerves and increases blood pressure. Rapid heartbeat. If you eat too much spicy food at one time and exceed the body's load, it may increase the risk of arrhythmia, myocardial infarction or even cardiac arrest. Therefore, doctors remind children under one year old to avoid spicy food . Even adults, if you have gastrointestinal problems If you are not feeling well or have heart problems , you should also be careful about eating spicy food. Speaking of which, I just mentioned that a man was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment after participating in a chili eating competition. However , there were other contestants in the same competition who could not change their expressions. How did they manage to eat the same hot chili pepper without any uncomfortable symptoms ? Is it possible to train by eating spicy food? [Can you train by eating spicy food? 】 Human beings' acceptance of spicy food can indeed be trained. Research has found that if a person likes spicy food and eats spicy food often , his body's sensitivity to spicy food will become increasingly low, resulting in a "sensory blunting" condition. This is also the reason why some people can eat more and more spicy food through training and even eat chili peppers without changing their expression during competitions. On the other hand, if a person rarely eats spicy food, Then because his body is not used to the stimulation of chili peppers , he is more likely to have severe reactions such as sore throat, stomachache, vomiting, etc. In addition to the frequency of eating spicy food , there is another factor that also affects our sensitivity to spicy food , which is " Gene"! There is a receptor in our tongue and mouth that binds to the capsaicin in chili peppers . After we eat the pepper, the capsaicin will combine with the receptors in the tongue and mouth to produce a hot, spicy, and painful stimulating reaction. Some people are born with it. They are more afraid of spicy food because they have more receptors in their mouths, so they are more sensitive to capsaicin. After eating chili peppers, they will experience severe heat pain. People with fewer receptors are less sensitive to spicy food. It is easier to become a person who does not like spicy food . So if I am born into a group that is particularly sensitive to spicy food, or if I am afraid of spicy food, but still love spicy food, is there any method that can help us relieve spicy food? [What are some tips for relieving spicy food? 】 Speaking of anti-spicy food, the first thing many people think of when eating something too spicy is "drink ice water." But according to doctors, ice water can only slightly cool down the pain. In fact, the anti-spicy effect is very limited and may even cause pain. opposite effect! Because capsaicin is not soluble in water , pouring a lot of water when eating something too spicy will not only fail to eliminate the spiciness, but may also cause the capsaicin to be carried to other areas of the mouth and throat with the water , making you feel spicier. If you want to quickly and effectively relieve the spiciness Dr. Gan also proposed several foods with the best anti-spicy effect. The first category is "dairy products" because dairy products contain fat and "casein", substances that can combine with capsaicin and dissolve capsaicin , so drink milk. , yogurt or some ice cream made from milk can achieve the effect of quickly relieving spiciness. Next, eating "starchy foods" such as white rice, bread, and potatoes can combine capsaicin and receptors in our mouths. A natural barrier is formed between the capsaicin and the receptor, and at the same time absorbs part of the capsaicin, reducing the spiciness. Finally, "alcoholic drinks" also have the effect of dissolving capsaicin , and the higher the alcohol concentration, the better the effect of relieving spiciness. However, doctors suggest that we should choose milk as the first choice for relieving spicy food because milk not only relieves spicy food quickly and has high nutritional value, but more importantly, it puts less burden on the body than starch and alcoholic drinks [our opinion] Before making this video, we originally thought that "whether you like spicy food or not" is purely a matter of personal preference. Just like some people love to eat stinky tofu and think that stinky tofu is very fragrant , but some people think that stinky tofu is very smelly and they don't even want to come near it . But After carefully reading the relevant research information, we feel that the most surprising information is that eating spicy food may also be related to mental health and living conditions. Many people do seem to like to eat more pungent foods when they are stressed, such as The stronger and spicier the flavors of fried chicken and beer , the better . Although this kind of "benign self-abuse" is actually a relatively safe way to relieve stress , just like the doctor's reminder just mentioned, if you like it too much Eating spicy food, or even becoming addicted to it, may threaten our health in the long run . So from another perspective , we think that if you suddenly find that you love spicy food, this may also be a warning sign of excessive stress that requires special attention. ! Okay, finally we want to ask you how comfortable you are with spicy food? Finally, if you like today's video, please share it and let more people know "Is eating spicy food dangerous?" In addition, you can also click here to see "MSG" and "Gluten-free diet". So, today's Zhiqi Qiqi comes to an end here. See you tomorrow night!
Channel: 志祺七七 X 圖文不符
Views: 71,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:cc=on
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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