Tiger Woods wins at St Andrews | The Open Official Film 2000

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[Music] [Music] the town of sand Andrews for a while the ecclesiastical capital of Scotland forever synonymous with the game of golf [Music] the old course which links the West sands and Sam Andrews bay to the town itself is known as the home of the sport and this year for the 26th time it was home to the Open Championship the Royal and Ancient Golf Club had brought golf's oldest tournament back to the game's most famous place for the new century overseeing it for the first time was the new secretary well it's got everything this year having this millennium st. Andrew's home of golf wonderful weather huge crowds and I think all of the players and all the visitors here are saying it's the most wonderful championship they've ever attended and I'm sure the crowning of worthy winner on Sunday either Tiger Woods the US Open champion was the overwhelming favorite if there's any to terminus you want to win you're gonna want to with US Open at Pebble Beach and wonder when the British Open US senators only one man had achieved that feat it was expected that Jack Nicklaus the most successful golfer of the 20th century would be playing his last Open I had a love affair with st. Andrews from the first time I saw what Jack saw this year was a longer but fast running old course in immaculate condition its main defense the 112 bunkers have been reverted making the hazards deeper and steeper than in recent years he'll shell and the road hoe bunkers were all claimed their victims again they outdid themselves on the butters they're very very very difficult toughest I've ever seen this year's champion would join a list of winners at the home of golf which includes Nick Faldo in 1990 if you're gonna win an Open you want to win it's loungers and Sibbi by esteros in 1984 his celebration to remain one of sports most enduring images it would all stay forever in my mind before the championship began biased arrows was awarded an honorary degree by the University of San Andrews for his contribution to golf he and Coleen Montgomery followed Nicklaus and Gary players in becoming doctors have long in a special ceremony in the younger home dr. Byas tariffs you're feeling I used to be called maestro by ustedes I was in celebration of the 129th open in millennium year survey joined 21 other past winners for the traditional photo call and champions dinner guest of honor was 88 year old Sam Snead returning to sand Andrews for the first time since winning the open here in 1946 an achievement that made him almost universally recognized mr. Hogan I didn't say anything kept going mr. Hogan and I've been saying if they are kept going in there ran around in front of them he said mister I said I'm not Hogan he says you're you you're somebody I said you better believe in that turtle 54 years on slamming Sam was back not just to pose for the press and dine in the clubhouse but to play the old course once again [Music] we are absolutely delighted to have so many great past champions joining us for our celebrations of the millennium over a four hole tournament was organized for the past winners on the eve of the championship itself pairings included Watson and Nicklaus and Trevino and Jaclyn for the record it was won by Paul Lawrie and Tom's why Scott and Lane thank you for being with us on what I think we can all agree has been a quite unforgettable occasion I would look forward to seeing you tomorrow for the start of the one hundred and twenty ninth Open Championship on the first day the weather was warm sunny and calm scoring would surely be low I have the grace of admiration first golf course and the conditions and that's gonna be a wonderful championship when the gun girls Dennis time the player woods clocked in 9:30 but had a quiet morning at the office the first eight holes yielded no birdies but no drop shots either his card was seven a drift of the early leaders but he was merely stalking the field at the turn the tiger pounced any time you start out any major championship lead straight pars I'll take it and I was able to make a nice birdie at 9 and a wonderful two putt at 10 woods had picked up his first two shots of the championship more were to follow at the par-4 12th he pitched on to the green a carry of nearly 300 yards to parts from there and he was 3-under par at the long fourteenth his chip for Eagles shaved the hole his part found the bottom of it for under his fifth birdie in seven holes followed at the 15th the infamous 17th the road hole stood between Tiger and an ominous league herb first round with his second shot his power enabled him to extricate his ball from the rough [Music] his touch with the patter meant a bogey-free first round 67 Woods was top of the leaderboard he would enjoy his lunch on day one today I played well and a lot of good shots made a lot of good putts and you know but a few birdies coming in you see Tiger at 500 you haven't even started your round you know you got your workout Ernie else set about attacking Tigers lead in what little breeze there was on day one an outward 33 included a putt from fully 50 yards at the 6th this shot was commonplace during the week houses touch however was exceptional [Applause] [Applause] at the 10th the South African managed the 379 yards in one hit and two putts from there gave only another birdie also scoring well was his playing partner David Duval the world number 2 was round in 70 shots 2 under Park but it was a lesser-known American who matched Tigers score the left handed Steve Flesch went round in 67 despite it being his first visit to San Andrews it was else who finished the first day on the top of the leaderboard however in the evening shadows he played this sublime 6-iron to the 17th and snatched the overnight lead from the tiger and flesh 17 must be the shadow today because you can make any number then walking off with a three and then you know getting the lead and it's very satisfying a day of low scoring saw a host of players at 4-under par behind flesh woods and else at the US Open Woods had beaten ELLs by 15 shots but after the first day the South African held the advantage and if he beats me about 15 from now city an enquiry inquiries into the identity of Lee Trevino's caddy uncovered Willy Aitchison who had carried the Mexicans flags when he won his two opens in the early seventies the pair reunited for this special championship to form a seasoned double act I'll be 61 in December and I have no idea how will he is but I tried to tell him that if it fell over out there that these lips would not touch his I'd kick him in the ribs but if he shaves that moustache I'd blow in his mouth a little bit yeah Willy and Arnold Palmer's former caddy tip Anderson both became caddy Hall of Famers during the week as did Peter Coleman Bernhard Langer as longtime back man won many tournaments together we lost a few together as well but we won it quite a few so hopefully there's a few more left in their back we didn't lose at all while tip and Willie have won the open it has eluded Langer and Coleman they would be out to rectify that come the weekend elsewhere on the opening day Notah Begay was also turning back the clock shades of Carnoustie in 1999 as he went paddling while Jean van de Velde appreciated the irony the guy had led at one stage but his aquatic exploits at the 17th were part of a triple bogey 7 we would hear no more of his challenge meanwhile Sergio Garcia was round in 21 shots less than his opening round at Carnoustie that chip dropped at the 16th [Music] and at the 17c orbit hold from a country mile for what would have been only the fifth birdie of the day at the road hole [Applause] wearing a less happy disposition was dr. Monte the Scott would have another frustrating major [Music] of all the famous names attracted to five during the week few generated more interest than the world's best-known cruise ship the qe2 arrived off the coast of Anstruther in glorious sunshine she played host to more than 1,000 golf bands including one lucky competition winner my name is Charlie Kelly and I represent the Craig wood Golf & Country Club I'm really excited about being over here because there's a story I don't was true or not that Craig wood has the record for the longest drive out here at the old course and st. Andrews passengers going to see Tiger Woods and Jack or Craig woods plaque were ferried ashore and driven to the course unfortunately for Charlie his search proved fruitless Charlie had the compensation of watching the leaders tee off he was part of the biggest single day's attendance ever at the open as the fans bathed in another glorious days sunshine on Friday however for Ernie elves it was a miserable morning with the weather again benign he knew that those behind would make up shots for his patter cold else could do no better than an even par 72 others made hay in the sunshine American journeyman David Toms shot a 67 in his first open this his tee shot at the short eleventh his compatriot Steve Flesch maintained his challenge taking 70 shots to finish one behind Tom's on 7-under while Sergio Garcia short-game continued to astound halfway through the second round these three headed the leaderboard [Applause] when the halfway cut was made Gary Player had to head for home the good news for him though was that the trousers he wore in 1960 still fitted four years later a young Jack Nicklaus arrived at San Andrews and took the runner-up place by 1970 Jack had fulfilled his desire to win at San Andrews like player he would miss out on the weekend but received the fondest of send-offs the reception that we got every hole today was very nice the people were terrific they let me know that they appreciated the good years that I've had in Scotland and gave me a very very nice farewell [Music] as a parting shot on the 18th jack reminded the galleries of why he was the greatest golfer of the nare if the body can keep up with the desire to compete he may be back but for now it's goodbye the chances are that I've probably played my last hole in the British Open it's always been my favourite event and I'll miss it as Niklaus exited stage left his heir apparent waited in the wings ready to make the most of the calm conditions I knew if I could just go out there and play solidly and capitalize on my opportunities when I had a chance then I could probably post a good number and I just tried to be as patient as possible [Music] Tigers patience wasn't tested for long this for a birdie at the first [Applause] at the 464 yard forth Woods pulled out a 9-iron for a second shot and this imperious strike brought another Tiger was 7-under [Applause] just short of the par-5 5th into woods eagle part from a distance was exquisitely judged but put a head on five was a really tough putt and the bill would get it close like that felt pretty good it was a long hot afternoon that required patience but woods 3-under for the first five holes was keeping his cool today he had sunk his teeth into the opening holes that had resisted him yesterday at the 9th another chunk was bitten off and woods [Music] the twelfth surrendered to the onslaught as did the fourteenth of the second ironic sticking to his game plan Woods was clinically taking the old course apart [Music] a turning point appeared possible at the 17th once again somewhat fortunately finding the grass between path and road woods had to conjure an up-and-down to avoid dropping his first shot of the championship [Music] chip shot wasn't exactly easy and I played right of the right edge of the bunker used to slope rolled it back and was a double breaking putt [Music] when he hold out yet again the fear was confirmed it would be his mood for just the straightforward last hole to play which was 11-under par the plan at 18 was to find the patting surface safely and the plan had been executed to the letter it's not too often you try and hit the ball 20 or 30 feet from 60 yards and he thinks a good shot [Applause] two more strokes and woods would be round in 66 the record galleries knew they had witnessed a genius of with a faultless display of golf woods had brought the old course to its knees and seized control of the championship [Music] [Music] those who joined jack in missing the cut included the 1995 winner John Daly and seve who only departed after reminding us of his powers of recovery [Applause] the second round 69 offered by a stereo some hope for an end to his miserable form and poor Laura's defense of the title ended on the second day Manny's Irma and mounted a claim for the shot of the tournament the South African holdout in two at the fifth only the fourth albatross in the opens history [Music] by a halfway tiger woods' led by three strokes Garcia fell victim to the 17th to leave David Tom's alone in second place but the chasing pack included some big-name players come the weekend and the world's number one was as calm as the weather once more there were record crowds 49,000 arrived to see if Woods could take another step towards the grand slam of major titles at the age of 24 once more they enjoyed warm sunshine and the Old Course was once again left unprotected by only the mildest of breezes at the 2nd hole Woods gave the rest of the field some encouragement by missing a shortish putt for par the unthinkable had happened for the first time in 63 holes of major championship golf Tiger Woods had to record a bogey on his card there was only one recast the very next whole cart gate was birdied and woods returned to 11-under further down the outward nine there was a heavyweight challenge the current European number one Darren Clarke was out in 33 this his approach to the seventh Ernie else's fan club had been hard at work and he responded with five birdies in eight holes this one came at the sixth but the real move on Saturday was do vow birdies at the fourth fifth eighth and ninth with no drop shots gave him an outward 32 and although he was clearly struggling with a back injury the man from Jacksonville continued his run the 430 Yard 13th hole was reached with a drive and an a time to set up another birdie and when he rolled in a 10-footer at the last he'd moved to 10-under par with a round of 66 it would be enough to put him in the last group on the final day [Applause] also shooting 6-under on Saturday was bernhard langer his highest finish at the open was second here to seve in 84 and with his newly honored caddy he equalled his best round at the open another European playing well was Thomas Bjorn his second at the seventy pushed him to 9-under and when he own picked up another shot to finish at 10-under he was looking more than ever like for a great game with his challengers closing would stepped up a gear at the short eighth a hundred and seventy-five yards to the pin woods hit it 175 and a half yards with his six Isle it was round the loop where Tiger had made his move on day one today he scored back-to-back birdies when he holed yet another part on the night back to three shots clear woods was dominating the field once more the tented village at the open is fast growing into a tented town these days and among those inhabitants were tiger cubs receiving free tuition at the PGA Junior Golf Center two thousand lessons were given by 21 PGA professionals like some of the students Ernie else was having trouble with his driver the good work achieved on the way out was undone on the 12th where a double bogey set him back to 8-under the momentum was lost and Elson putting his name on the leaderboard was the affable American Loren Roberts rounds of 69 and 68 were joined by a third day 70 which finished with a three at the last for a 9-under par total [Applause] Sergio Garcia however saw his challenge disappear with a 73 this miss at the 15th was followed by a lengthy visit to the road hull bunker Steve Flesch was also retreating scoring 38 on the back nine as others made their mistakes Woods pressed home his advantage 10 and 11 were played to par and then another birdie blitz turned the screw first an exquisite pitch into the bank to set up the part of the 12th 14-under [Music] then another part from a distance was blazed into the middle of a cup on the 13th 15-under at the next he followed caddy Steve Williams instructions to the letter with his second at the par 5 from the Elysian Fields in the 14th fairway woods carried the ball 272 yards to the front of the green and finished in high the obligatory two parts gave him his sixth birdie of the day and took him six shots clear at the 17th golf's most knowledgeable gallery recognized this 24 year old was in complete control they knew they were witnessing history on this most historic of golfing venues the three-part and drop charted not significant at least suggested that the tiger was mortal once more the bogey was followed by brilliant birdie Woods US Open and Masters victories came by record margins at the open he'd have a six-shot lead going into his final run the bigger the lead I think the more pressure you feel I've played the big leads before enough it'll be successful but we'll see you tomorrow so the world's 2 top-ranked players would comprise the final pairing of the 2000 Open Championship Darren Clarke would partly his Ryder Cup team mate Thomas Bjorn with five Americans filling the next six races [Music] the warm weather and record crowds brought a festival atmosphere to the town for the week as the course emptied on Saturday night so the streets and taverns filled numerous events were laid on and restaurants were fully booked local shopkeepers reported record takings and one entrepreneur even installed a walk-in humidor to cater for the American visitors lover of cigars on the eve of the final day a town was throbbing although rumor has it that woods had asked for the practice ground to be left open Sunday July the 23rd the early birds reserved their spots for the day ahead woods arrived having managed to miss all 112 bunkers in each of his first three rounds the work down to the hazards have been lost on him ibaka I was in a bunker every day I've been here it was on a practice group just in case a designated green keeper went out in Tiger to tidy up on the off chance that he might make a mistake in the final round John Wells the lucky one chosen I've never met Tiger Woods in my life and it's great to be the one that was drawn out of hat I've got to by the guy who made the draw a big drink I think tonight I hope I get to use my rake because my money was on Darren Clarke on Thursday and if I you get to use my lake a bit thought that might come in meanwhile the top two were preparing for the final act Dave and I are great friends so we're gonna enjoy each other's company and give it everything we have I'm gonna be trying to win my first major championship he's gonna be trying to complete a slam so there's gonna be some pressures on both parties on T Tiger Woods [Applause] Woods was away safely down the first but couldn't improve on his score over the opening holes of the early starters there was an outstanding outward 9 by Paul Azinger he covered them in just 30 shots his six birdies included this at the hole across the sixth [Applause] Earnie else was back on track four birdies in the first five holes moved him in an upward direction once again in his yoyo championship although still five adrift of woods he was at least giving a final shot when I made the birdie on the first day I thought you know it didn't heal my Kelly you know might as well give it another go and you know see how many birdies we can make darren clarke also made early headway with birdies at the first and third [Applause] Tom Lehman had been hovering around the leaders all week on the final morning he also improved his score while Loren Roberts known for his touch with the putter maintained his position by easing this one in at the 5th Thomas Bjorn had dropped charts at the fourth and fifth but his approach to the six inspired him to add another two birdies before the turn if I can swing the golf club like I have the last few days and in putt like I have you know I can show him that I got a little game going right now - and Duvall did show his a game in the early holes he picked up a shot on woods at the 2nd after this superb strike and at the next played another good approach to 15 feet when he rolled in the pot Deauville had cut two shots off Tigers lean if anyone could challenge woods then it was likely to be his playing time I'm gonna go out there and play the best I can and whatever happens happens responding to do vows brace of threes Woods got one of his own at the fourth to regain a five shot advantage [Applause] after the first four holes this was the position ELLs and Duvall shared second place and Paul Azinger was in the clubhouse at 8-under par [Music] at the 5th duval had a glorious opportunity to shave another shot from Tigers lead but spurned the chance not to be deterred however Duvall continued to hit the ball at his target this arrowed wedge shot set him up at the 6th and when he nailed his birdie part at the 7th he had hardwoods overnight lead perhaps the game was back on also scoring well was David Toms he had picked up two shots by the time he reached the eighth the pot would drop and so with the birdie attempt at the 9th [Applause] playing the back nine' Fred Couples delighted the crowd by chipping in for an eagle at the 14th the ball appearing to have both brakes and steering for Elle's the wheels came off once again around the loop the power attempted 11 escaped him he wouldn't win his third major till I went to my head on the front nine just came to a halt on the back and that's just the way it goes in the video Darren Clarke also ran out of gas at the turn and could do no better than even to the car coming in so David Toms and Duvall emerged as the only threat to tiger at the halfway point in the final round his lead had been whittled down to three shots as the final pairing turned for her [Music] Duval's Drive had missed the bunker by a yard and left him with no more than a chip shot right woods however got to the two shorter in one but was a considerable distance from the home [Applause] while his rivals both had birdie opportunities on the 10th Tom's missed his par putt on the 11th to withdraw from the fight it was now match play between do Val and woods do valves running chip finished 11 feet away now it was up to Tiger to get inside him if Devon could hold the pressure would be on woods for the first time in the week his lead would be cut to 2 by leaving his pot nine feet from hull woods had offered to volunteer of Hope the last round had reached its defining moment miss reading the speed of the patting surface du Val came up short leaving Tiger the chance to regain a four-shot superiority [Applause] four shots in front seven holes left it would need a miracle to stop Woodsman [Applause] No [Applause] with xi halved in par woods had driven the 12th green while Deauville found trouble and needed a putt to save par Duval's challenge was over woods hold out to go 19 under par and stretch his lead out of sight [Applause] [Music] up ahead Bjorn's failure to save par only confirmed who would win the race was now on for second place it certainly looks like somebody out there is playing golf on a different planet than the rest of us but when he brings his a game he's just different class and sometimes somebody will keep up with him because they're playing the best golf of their life John had spent a fruitless afternoon with his rake each time a player goes in a bunker it's locked but Tiger was keeping a perfect set of zeros none at all the way he's playing it doesn't look like I'm going to hear just a league above everyone else waiting [Music] at the 13th do valve finally put an end to John's unemployment by disturbing some sand but for the American the worst was to come [Music] [Music] on the 18th Fred Couples once again logged a good open finish 9-under would give him 6th spot while on the 13th do Valles afternoon was becoming more miserable by the minute as good as everything turned on the front nine that's as bad as everything turned on the back there was no doubt who would win the title the questions now were could tiger hold on and beat Faldo's record total of 18 under par and who would finish second [Music] at the 14th tigers drive found yet another fairway ahead at the 16th David Toms hold from a distant to do some repairs on a dismal back nine he returned to ten under way he would finish the championship [Music] trying to finish one shot better was else who'd pardon after the three-part on 11 this was his third shot on the last the victory procession for woods which in truth had begun on day two was now in full stride eles finished at 11-under and clubhouse leader but he knew he'd be playing second fiddle to tiger for the 3rd major in succession played brilliant at times and in very mediocre at times so overall the whole week just above mediocre I guess [Applause] on 14 woods eagle putt slipped by he'd almost reached the green again and the tap-in meant he'd birdied the hole every day [Applause] Tom lemon the 1996 champion needed to three the last to join ELLs at 11-under but wasn't up to the task he finished tied with Tom's three rounds of 70 with a 68 was fine scoring but not good enough when Woods is playing at the 17th woods hit his poorest shot of the week but could easily Pat around the road hull bunker from there with a nine shot lead it was of no significance I hit some bad shots out there but they ended up all right you need to have luck on your side [Music] Deauville however found big problems a road hoe bunker the most cavernous of them all his backward nine was turning into a nightmare the engraver however was able to complete his work and go home earlier than ever no play off this year as Thomas Bjorn approached the 18th he regained his for to join ELLs in the clubhouse at 11-under and claim joint runner-up spot for Denmark if the old course had chosen a victim upon which to exact revenge for the low scoring then it was David Duval having already played two shots and not escaped the hazard he now found himself in a hopeless position I mean I got to play it back handed and all that and you know as much as anything try not to hit myself with it after an eternity in the pit Deauville finally extracted himself with his sixth shot two packs later he can't even ate beyond safely made his par to tie else and all that remained was for Tiger Woods to make history [Applause] [Music] at the age of 24 Tiger Woods had arrived at the home of golf and in a display that surpassed brilliance had achieved the Grand Slam there was no close finish but nobody went home before they had witnessed history being made [Applause] woods had confirmed his total domination of not only this championship but of the game itself two parts from the back of the green would give him a 19-under par total and would break Faldo's record [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] David Duvall was home in an agonising 43 shots eventually finishing tied 11th fully 12 shots behind his good friend so with a record total Tiger Woods won the opener by 8 shots in the end and in doing so had taken the game of golf to a new level when David finished out and I finished out I walked over to him and I just basically said you're a true champion and walk off like a champion Tiger walked off as a champion supreme Ernie else and Thomas Bjorn tied for second with lemon Tom's and couples filling the minor places with a score of 269 the winner of the gold medal and the champion golfer for the year Tiger Woods the captain of the RNA sir Michael banality presented the trophy to the most fitting winner for the new millennium the greatest golfer possibly ever had won the greatest championship and the game's most famous venue to have an opportunity to complete the slam here at st. Andrews and to have everything ironically enough come down to this tournament the Open Championship at st. Andrews the home of golf that's it's been a very special week and to come back here and and finally win here it's this truly special and I'm looking forward to next year and then defending my title thank you very much woods became only the fifth man in history to win the Grand Slam joining Saracen Hogan player and Jack Nicklaus engulfs most exclusive club they've been the elite players to ever play the game to be in the same breath of those guys it makes it very special [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The Open
Views: 438,830
Rating: 4.8109965 out of 5
Keywords: “Golf”, tiger woods, the open, st andrews, the, open, british open, links golf, tiger slam
Id: lcZ_OZvXaRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 29sec (3269 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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