Tiger’s Nest in Bhutan - Trekking to the SPECTACULAR Monastery on a Cliff! (Final Day in Bhutan)

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we are about an hour into the hike it is pretty strenuous but we have come to kind of a stopping point with an amazing view of paeksang and well how the Sun is just starting to peak above the mountains there are some clouds that is stunningly beautiful good morning everyone its mark Wiens with migration ology calm in Paro bhutan it's an early morning and we got up because we are heading this morning to tiger's nest which is maybe one of the most well known monasteries and attractions in all of Bhutan and so having a quick omelet and a bit of rice and then our taxi should be here very soon to pick us up it is now just before 7:00 a.m. we are in the taxi on our way to the base where we are going to start the hike and it should be about a 30 minute drive to get there it's just after 7:00 a.m. it's nice and cool we're gonna start hiking now and on the way you can we could we've got some pretty good views of the temple on the side of the cliff looks beautiful Japan right at the base here they are selling some walking sticks so I think eing will buy one Jin Russian fit by mommy ammonia in Zanka the temple is called paeksang and in english that translates to tiger's nest and it should be about somewhere around a two hour or two and a half hour hike from what I've heard we'll see how long it takes us but we are right at the base now and it's right on the edge of the cliff he wants he wants your snacks hey guys your friend is coming with you you go find why am i an oak we are probably about 30 minutes in now the trail is definitely getting steeper and you can feel that elevation and I can hear some mules coming behind me when we started there were some people getting on mules so you can also choose to take a mule here's our friend maybe he's going to stop there you we are about an hour into the hike it is pretty strenuous but we have come to kind of a stopping point with an amazing view of paeksang and for how the Sun is just starting to peak above the mountains there are some clouds that is stunningly beautiful the trail has leveled off and so we are walking I think we're almost kind of parallel to the monastery now but we still have a little ways to go I think coming up right ahead we'll get a really good view of the monastery hey Joey oh yeah honey okay I had to walk you outta there it is oh it's clear it's a little bit cloudy but it's starting to clear it's really gorgeous and really quiet up here right now Wow stunning view but we still have a little hike to go I think we have to go down the ravine and then up the rock to the monastery and so now we are right in between the mountain that we climbed up and then the cliff where the monastery is located there's a waterfall and there's also a monastery right up there in the rock and so now we're just going to climb up the staircase and we will arrive at Tiger's Nest okay that took exactly 1 hour and 45 minutes and young and I went at a slow but steady pace it is quite strenuous and definitely the elevation is you can feel the elevation but it's really beautiful right here we're going to check in the cameras so they don't allow any cameras so we're going to check them in and then we're going to walk around the monastery for a little bit and then we will start the hike back we just finished walking around the monastery and yeah we had to check in our cameras and our phones so they don't allow any photography inside it's really amazing how the monastery is built right on the side of the cliff and then there are a bunch of different kind of monastery rooms as you walk around and then finally at the back of the monastery you can actually go to the Tiger's Nest it's like a cave kind of in the rock and you can kind of walk down a ladder down there a little bit ah but that's yeah that's what it's what's inside and also what I really liked are the paintings on the walls really incredible paintings hmm it's a little bit mushy and then also got some fresh walnuts and these are walnuts that we bought at the market and then we shelled them so these are fresh delicious walnuts oh yeah that's so good so buttery and just with that tinge of like a honey sweetness to them all these are like the ultimate delicious fatty nuts I'm really glad we came early because right now as we are leaving there are quite a few other groups that are now arriving but when we arrived there was nobody here yet so good to come early in the morning and we are now on our way down so big often we just passed a whole group of people from Thailand so Geng was happy to speak Thai for a little bit and we are taking another quick break and sitting in the Sun relaxing and enjoying some great views of the monastery from here and eating some bananas young and I just finished off almost this entire stock so then I decided to quickly make a video but these bananas are so good they're just little bite-sized bananas but they're so good one buy bananas and they are so nice and creamy and a little bit sour and I think some dogs want my food hey guys one hour gimme a caramel one I was to go down off yeah altogether that took about four and a half almost five hours round-trip that was awesome just awesome and we probably spent about thirty minutes at the monastery and then probably about 30 minutes or so taking photos and eating snacks on the way down but coming down is very quick we are on the way back to the hotel and actually we're just going to pick up our bag and then we are transferring to a different hotel for our final night in Bhutan that was a great trip though well that was a great hike really enjoyed it and I feel I'm pretty hungry actually just a really quick stop at Tashi num gay and we picked up our big bag and now we are gonna go drive and check into a hotel called gunt a palace this is oh yeah I know this hotel has some history to it it is an old palace and it is right across from the para song so we have a good view of the pyro song and we're getting ready to check in now wow wow this is pretty cool it's very Bhutanese in an old Bhutanese I'm not sure if it's it I guess it's a palace but nice paintings and very cool extremely spacious as well and then this is the bathroom giant giant bathroom this could be a whole nother room it's a really great view from this hotel of Tyrell Valley but we are really hungry so young and I are walking straight to the restaurant here and it's time for lunch and I am sitting on the sofa comfortable sitting in comfort as we wait for our food eating is over there at our table okay this one is a spinach I think in its egg a spinach and egg soup and put this one into the little bowl is that as soupy this one is pork with dried chilies and then there are also some green onions on the side as well and then this is just some kind of I think it's just pan-fried chicken with some cilantro and chilies and onions all that looks good and then this one is Shamu dot C with cheese and mushrooms and chiles and a few tomatoes in there get a bunch of that Shamu dot see just for some extra vegetables cauliflower there spinach and carrots in here and then finally a bit of a za for garnish this looks like mostly diced up green chilies with onions and maybe a little bit of tomatoes in there I'll just sprinkle on a bit and that looks like yeah almost like a salsa I got to start with that pork though and with those dried chilies you take a all that looks feels pretty tender pork dried chili or on my my green onion slipped off the plate ok I gotta get that dried chilli in there too if possible oh oh I'm still connected I can never go that pork is nice and tender and then those dried chilies I think Paro is actually very famous around Bhutan for their dried chilies not too spicy but just have really good flavor hmm oh that's good do it's very light and not too salty the spinach is really really soft and tender and then the egg yeah I think that's egg I just kind of makes it a little bit richer maybe there's just a tiny bit of butter in there to make it for fragrance um that's almost like a cream of spinach soup and then moving on to the Shambhu dot see with some of that easy hmm you can't go wrong with Shamu Dottie oh oh okay some of that chicken and cilantro hmmm there's a lot of cilantro in that bite that pork with those those dried chilies are wonderful young and I are going to sit here and demolish the rest of this food that hike to Tiger's Nest will definitely make you hungry it's very tender lunch hit the spot that was good we're now maybe just gonna walk around for a little bit and then maybe go back to the room to rest probably going to hang out for the rest of the afternoon and then for dinner chichi is gonna come meet us since it's our last night and we're gonna have dinner with her I think we're gonna go eat at a Thai restaurant because there's a very well-known Thai restaurant here in Paro we met up with chichi and she brought us to a restaurant called yigael restaurant which is right in Paro town and this is a Thai restaurant but they really have everything on the menu and the menu is pretty awesome it's like a spreadsheet and there's a whole row that says type and then it lists the type of cuisine that it is so a huge range of food and we ordered a couple of different packages and Bhutanese dish as well this is lob made with chicken which is chicken salad and it looks incredibly good actually I love all that cilantro in there and all those onions I'm just going to taste this right as is a whole scoop of it wow that is a solidly good Bob I think it's making use of Bhutanese dried chillies which makes it not so good and I love the abundance of onions in there as well as the abundance of cilantro for lunch today I enjoyed that pork and chilies so much that I decided to order it again pretty much the same dish again for dinner but this time with pieces of beef and then dry dry chilies this one is beef paw a Bhutanese dish to go with that i dishes that is a little mini beef steak and those dried chilies men I'm gonna miss them when I when I leave Bhutan that dried chilli and I think there's some spinach in it as well mm-hmm those dried chilies they're awesome yeah same flavor just a hint of a sweetness like sun-dried tomatoes but with a spicy edge to them but not too spicy but just brilliant sun-dried flavor the huge sofa see we just made it back to the hotel after a really good meal ah that was a delicious meal and really good to hang out with chit J that made a good end to the day after a wonderful time hiking this morning this is our final night in Bhutan so I'm going to end the vlog for today now thank you all very much for watching please remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and I will see you tomorrow
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 4,418,225
Rating: 4.7039733 out of 5
Keywords: Tiger’s Nest, Tiger's nest bhutan, tigers nest monastery, Bhutan, bhtuan monastery, things to do in Bhtuan, attractions in Bhutan, Paro, monastery, Buddhism, hiking in Bhutan, where to go in Bhutan, what to do in Paro
Id: esddmLk4feI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2017
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