Tiffen Motorhome Battery Disconnect Not Working ?

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good morning welcome back to the hillbilly rv channel uh today we got a good one working on this really nice coach over here which me and karen don't get to do very often uh and uh this one here is having trouble with the battery disconnect gentlemen has no power up in the coach first thing or whatever camera's going to take lead on this what should we do first cam see i'm not super experienced with better disconnects that's my excuse he's he's not so i'm gonna learn as we go i am going to just coach him as we go first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna go inside and verify the problem we're gonna make sure that there is actually no power and coach so let's go do that real quick this is this our 12 volt disconnect so i am assuming i hear no clicky clicky well if we need to we will i've got their number two they're pretty good they're pretty good to work with all right um let's see here let's try [Music] yeah okay so we we have we have no 12 volt in the coach all right let's go over here to the batteries and start doing some checking all right so here's our coach fighters cameron going to get down there on the knee board he's going to get his meter out and set it on that dc scale and we're gonna start checking power because if you don't have power in the batteries then your your disconnect won't work and what i think is funny is it's got a manual disconnect out here so does it actually have a manual and on an electrical disconnect just to find the battery find the ground post put your ground on that get the uh get the hooks out yeah the alligator the alligator eclipse or the crocodile clips or whatever i guess it depends on where you're from as to what to call it yes something like that oh okay right down there at the bottom bud says house battery negative just clip it on there that ought to be a good ground just check right there that's a positive got 18 six nope nope that's one 1.8 stupid auto ranging meter okay so our batteries are dead check both sides of that manual disconnect make sure that you have the same voltage on both sides and you do now can you reach in there that fuse just to the right that gigando fuse where it says battery fuse there you go reach in both ends of that and see if you got the same voltage yep there's one eight on that one one one eight on that okay so that that that big old those are what like 300 or 400 amp fuses 200 amp fuses it's good the manual disconnect is okay now we need to find the electrical disconnect oh let's go what does that bottom want to say right there this is something ignition ignition solenoid okay all right so our unless it's up in there with our battery disconnect is not here i don't know how well show up on camera but those batteries are really swelled up that one actually um the one behind it's not so we may have some battery issues too once we get the once we get this figured out because what's going on is the the electrical battery disconnect won't work if the batteries are dead um so what we're probably going to have to do is find that bypass that for a little while let these batteries charge if they will take a charge and then we can probably switch route back out gentlemen has a trip plan here in the next couple days so we just need to you know like say if we have to we'll just bypass that disconnect he's got he's got a manual disconnect over here he can use if he really wants to so we got to find we got to find where they hid the the uh electrical battery disconnect at and we can't even push the button and listen for the the big bump that big click when it goes together and opens because getting working very enough voltage to run so let's find out we'll be right back slight change plans rather than look for that disconnect just to find out it would work fine if it had some power uh since two of these batteries are pretty swelled up and that usually means they're not much good uh gentleman's gonna go get four batteries uh we may or may not finish this today but we're gonna put new batteries in it and that will probably fix our disconnect problem because then the disconnect will have power to operate itself so uh we'll be back when we have more news so not much of a video yet huh cam not much it you know sometimes that's how it goes though folks y'all hang on we might be back all right well we have another little change of plan uh i have taken a picture of these batters and i've also drawn a diagram we're going to take these batteries out gentlemen is going to take them with him for course yeah that's good all right so it's all right well you want these batteries okay so um so we're he's gonna take these batteries with him for four he's gonna go get some batteries and uh we're gonna replace these so uh we're gonna get these batteries out real quick uh because he wants to get on the road we'll be back uh just for the gentleman left to go get batteries i think we got the rest of the story this is a brand new storage facility here and this storage here where he has his motor home has electricity and apparently maybe during some upgrades or whatever there was no power here for about two weeks the gentleman's batteries went dead then he came over here and tried to reconnect them and the disconnect don't work it's kind of silly you know that the batteries are dead but you can't charge them with the converter on the on the rv because they're dead because the disconnect won't reconnect so it's kind of silly but it's the way they've always been don't ask me why but he's going to get batteries we'll install the new batteries probably all be good then all right well there's our new batteries and uh cameron's gonna start wiring him bad voice uh he can just lay and just lay the jumper wires and stuff on there for right now so uh from negative well he uh he talks like he might want to take over or buy my business let me retire but who knows so we're just going to use our diagram here i like i like doing stuff old school just by going by the diagram we can get all of our terminals get all of our jumper cables and stuff for where they belong jumper cables are just just barely long enough don't have to go beside that well that would be a shame all right here hold this one there we go i had to straighten that one out a little bit just like this one here straighten it out all right there's all of our jumpers so our positive and negative come into the coach here and here so let me have the negative one let me get a rag so that one goes there this one goes here well we know we got power now this is a this is the battery temperature monitor or battery monitor i don't know exactly what it's monitoring for the uh the xantrex uh uh converter well i'm gonna let the camera get all the nuts on there i'm gonna go get some um anti-crossing stuff to spray on it he's getting the last of the nuts on there and he's gonna very carefully tighten all them up without touching anything else in the process because if he does you're going to see him melt the wrench and it's going to scare the poo out of it so let's stand back where we can see all that action was that cameron i didn't say nothing just to double check ourselves before we turn that disconnect on send power into the coach cameron is going to check from the positive to the negative going in the coach and just make sure that we have 12 volt and not 24. never hurts to double check i mean we used our diagram i took a picture too just in case yep 12 4. all right we're golden you can go ahead and turn that manual disconnect on which way is that that one up the other one the other way there you go all right now let's go see if the electrical one works and uh before cameron leaves over here he's gonna put some uh anti-corrosion stuff on all those terminals to keep them from uh keep them from corroding oh well i believe the uh steps come out so that's a that's a positive it's all lit up like it's both awesome all right well as you can see we have lights our display's lit up here now if we're really brave we're gonna do this and it disconnected and it reconnected so everything in the battery disconnect was fine it was just the batteries are dead and when the batteries are dead it doesn't work nothing works i'm going to plug you back in to make sure it don't kick it bro well thank y'all for watching this really complicated repair and uh why don't y'all go down below do something really complicated for us and hit that like and subscribe button and leave us a comment concern criticism or an hallucination maybe and then come back and watch the next one y'all have a good day that was a good transition he made well well we're all done he's gonna slide the bad boy right back in the hole watch your cables make sure nothing gets tangled up yeah bring them back there they were using a high-tech uh retention system for these batteries so we just put it back like we found it and just watch these battery cables there you go all right see you on the next one folks [Music] you
Channel: Hillbilly RV
Views: 1,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiffen motorhome battery disconnect not working, hillbilly rv, motorhome has dead batteries
Id: 8HdEMUuYen8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2022
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