Tierlisting Every Fidget Toy

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in this video we're going to be touristing a bunch of random fidget toys I bought on the internet that range from cool to weird to straight up junk for me personally having a good fidget toy to mess with really helps with focusing on things without ripping my face off but most fidget toys I've tried are kinda underwhelming and that's exactly why I decided to make this video so we can find out once and for all which gizmos and goodness are actually good and which ones are bad and hopefully this tier list will help you decide on what fidget toy to actually get if you're looking into buying one but first I gotta thank Opera GX for sponsoring this video if I was doing a web browser to your list I would definitely put Opera GX at s tier because it's just got a lot of really cool features that other browsers just don't have like the GX mod store that lets you choose from tons of different interesting ways to customize your browser such as hearing cat meows every time you tie up custom themes with background music like the Wii mod or even something crazy like the color splash mod and by clicking on the mods button on your sidebar you can toggle on and off all your mods at ease and speaking of of this sidebar you can also press this button to go to the GX corner to see my latest videos and streams if you download Opera with the link in my description you can even log into various social medias on this sidebar so you can spam my Discord server and mess with the color splash mod at the same time but the customization doesn't end there you can also switch between a bunch of different themes and change the wallpaper to whatever you want and by clicking on the get more wallpapers button you can search through some crazy looking animated wallpapers as well my favorite one is this Y2K styled wallpaper or maybe the salt Goodman one and finally switching to offer GX is incredibly easy and free because all of your precious Chrome extensions are fully compatible as well you can even quickly import all your previous bookmarks history and more on the synchronization settings so make sure to download Opera GX for free with the link in the description thanks to rpgx for the sponsor now back to the video but before we get into the tier listing let's go over what makes a fidget toy actually good the most important thing to me is that it's actually got to be satisfying to use rather than and just something random for your hands to do portability is also really useful if it's small enough to bring around in public places like school or work that's a huge plus a lot of other factors include how loud and distracting it is or if it falls apart easily and with all that out of the way here is the tier list we are going to be using the tears are satisfying fidget acceptable fidget it's all right what the devil's why does this even exist let's start out our fidget toy adventure with probably the most iconic one of all time the fidget spinner these things blew up astronomically back in 2016. literally everybody on the planet had one and for a good reason it's a really simple and effective design the one I got right here is a nice gold colored metal fidget spinner and the key is that it's a metal one being made of metal gives it a lot more weight which makes the spin a lot more satisfying and lasts a lot longer I highly recommend staying away from crappy plastic ones and we'll start off this list with a nice acceptable fidget along with the fidget Spinners mask of popularity natural selection started to take place and it evolved many different interesting mutations such as the puppet Spinners these creatures are basically if those puppet toys and fidget Spinners had a baby the pupper thingamabobs are actually pretty satisfying to use this doohickey also came with a few different options we got the double triple or quintuple pops although the main drawback is the terribly cheap and light plastic this is made out of which as I said earlier causes the spinning to be really underwhelming and not that satisfying to use that definitely drops it down to it it's all right tear we also got the mechanism fidget spinner this contraption is so freaking dumb looking what the frick the gears don't even add anything it just makes it worse to use it's bulkier louder the gears hurt your fingers when you spin it and the spin isn't satisfying why does this even exist here but now we got the true American fidget toy the revolver fidget spinner the idea for this thing is honestly kinda genius it's got cool theming and you can either spin it or reload the bullets although the bullets are kinda annoying to take in and out because of the rubber on them and they're probably really easy to lose it would definitely suck to lose some of the bullets because an uneven amount of them makes the spin super unbalanced also the store page for the one I got has this really funny image on it calm down I'm gonna put this in the it's all right tear apparently a fidget spinner and a Rubik's Cube had a baby one time which created this contraption I've had this thing for a while now and I actually really like it it's pretty fun to shape-shift it around and even if you're bad at solving Rubik's Cubes it's pretty easy to solve with some basic logic although the spinning isn't really the best because of the cheap plastic but the shape shifting and scrambling is so fun and satisfying that I gotta put it in acceptable fidget tear but this UFO gizmo has got to be one of the coolest fidget Spinners I've ever seen the store Page tries so hard to sell this thing to the point where they even gave it freaking lore there's this whole blurb about the Starship and hyperdrives and whatnot it is not just a decoration collection thanks for the Dual drive system it can spinning three to five mins and even longer with your finger power I don't really know what this was supposed to mean let's see if this gadget really lives up to the hype hell no we got the net in our fidget toy there's so much detail on this thing it's so cool look at all that it spins pretty nicely so the box also comes with this contraption it's supposed to be a UV light that you shine on the green parts to actually make them glow eat the UV light can you see it oh my gosh more UV lights this looks so cool it has absorbed the UV light dude this thing looks so cool in the dark oh my gosh all right what you're so dark overall this thing is freaking awesome all the intricate detail and glow-in-the-dark parts are gray but the main drawbacks are how bulky it is and it's much more difficult to spin because of its circular shape sorry but as a fidget toy I gotta knock it down too it's all right tear we also got these robot fidget Spinners and they're basically just a bunch of random fidget mechanisms slapped together into a robot shape this unbalanced shape also makes these goobers wobble so much when you spin it why is it wobbling so much the head poppers are actually really nice you could like move the arms like however you want look at him bro looks like he's about to jump in a pool and yell Geronimo you can still spin it I wonder how fragile it actually is can I like break this oh yeah I can't add his arms back no he's no arms okay well he's gonna bleed out and die very shortly so the rest in peace man cheap plastic wobbly spin but it's kind of scrungly and really fun to mess with so I'll also put these into it's all right tier the final spinner we'll take a look at is this Abomination I don't know why they decided to make a cube spinner because it just doesn't work it's uncomfortable to hold you can't spin it on a desk or balance it on your finger and it's super easy to draw why does this even exist here and now with all the fidget spinners out of the way let's take a look at the next most popular fidget toy the fidget Cube this thing was arguably just as popular as the fidget spinner back in 2016. it's a pretty good design it's nice and portable and there's six different satisfying fidgets to choose from although I gotta put it down to it's all right tear because it just leaves a lot to be desired like imagine if there was a fidget Cube but with even more sides oh my God no way the fidget dodecahedron okay so apparently this thing is actually called the dodo mag Xanadu decompression Magic Cube a little body to satisfy your all hand addictions now you only need to move a finger to give yourself an effective psychological suggestion and mood change quickly dodo magsana do decompression Magic Cube is full of 12 small trivial organs come on and try it I am flabbergasted at this I did not expect to read something like that they're really hyping this thing up to have some kind of ancient magic power so let's just try it out we got joystick spinny thing with buttons roly-polies more buttons whatever the heck this is squishy button switch whatever the heck these are some spots wait there's glycos on it what the heck they're so cute also what are the point of these there's nothing here it's just laggle balls and then this is the last one an angry black hole although it is kind of fun to press down like this though and the final side is just well this contraption is honestly pretty awesome it's a little bigger than the fidget Cube which is annoying for portability but there's just so many more fidgets to choose from which makes it way harder to get bored and some of those fidgets are incredibly satisfying to use this is definitely a massive upgrade to the fidget cube in my book I gotta put it in satisfying fidget tier the fidget Cube also morphed into this fidget pad thingamajig it's basically the same thing as a fidget Cube but it's so much more comfortable to hold I actually love this thing the shape just fits in your hand perfectly and my absolute favorite thing is the switch on the back the way the shape perfectly hugs your thumb is ungodly satisfying I gotta put this thing in satisfying fidget tier as well but what if there was a fidget Pad but with even more pad wait a second no way the fidget Red Square this thing is so freaking funny looking and ironically it's way worse than the normal one because of its terrible square shape there's just no possible way to comfortably hold it without two hands also for some reason this doohickey doesn't even have a name so I'm just gonna officially name it the fidget pad squared I'll still put it up in acceptable fidget tear because there are a lot of good fidgets to choose from but now I present to you the fidget graphics card it's made by the same company as the fidget pad squared and once again they didn't even bother to name it so I'm just gonna call it the fidget graphics card because well look at this thing hell no the RTX 5090 it's got a really nice switch some whatever this is buttons whatever that is whatever those are whatever this is and a metal ball honestly I actually like this thing a lot so this gadget will also go in the acceptable fidget tear but if you're not that much of a gamer you can also get the fidget Burger instead fidget widget cheeseburger all right well let's just open this up how exactly do I do that oh my gosh oh wow there's some nice buttons on top wait you could rotate the cheese cheese rotation it was like a pickle sticking out what whoa the pickle thing is actually so nice this is awesome after playing around with it for a bit I think I'll put the fidget Burger in the it's all right dear overall it's a very creative and cute design but the fidgets are just way too loud but now for the final boss of fidget cubes we have the biblically accurate fidget Cube this absolute Contraption is such a hilarious design there's just so many random real world items slapped onto a cube I mean Adorn boyoing a faucet card Keys it's actually called The Busy Cube and it's mainly made for toddlers to play with there's also busy boards which are basically the same thing but they slapped all the gizmos on a board instead okay let's open this thing up oh gosh there it is okay it's freaking huge what I need to attach the door boiling myself how do I put this on oh I got here it is the autism final boss we have actual Keys just slapped onto this there's a fidget spinner on it what the heck is this oh it's a light switch I don't know what this wheel is yeah the water faucet okay I don't even know what to think about it like I genuinely have no clue where future me is gonna rank this well I'll tell you where I'm gonna rank it what the devil's guard tier I'm sorry but as silly and fun as this contraption is it's just way too big and uncomfortable to hold to be a viable fidget toy but now that we've got all the fidget cubes out of the way let's move on to some more Cube related fidgets such as the infinity Cube and after using it for a bit there's not really much to say about it it's just kind of something random for your hands to do at least this one has a pretty nice looking green material I also got a wooden one that's a bit bigger and also looks pretty nice I'll just put both of them into what the devil's guard here because I don't really care for them that much there's also this Cube shaped fidget Gizmo called the shashibo shape-shifting cube these things are actually pretty popular and they've released a ton of different versions with different skins but I also don't really like it that much it's kind of fun to play with but it's just so huge that it doesn't really work work as a fidget toy it's a pretty good toy but not a fidget toy also what that double skirt here but now let's take a look at the legendary toy brand called tangle these things were invented all the way back in 1981 by this guy they were also pretty popular back in the early 2000s even I had one and recently they've been rebranded as fidget toys and they've released a ton of different versions from creepy Tangled pets to a giant Chrome run for a hundred and fifty dollars so for this section I bought a bunch of random tangle mutations that will be ranking from best to worst at the end first up we have the default angles wait a second they have little goggles on the package they're so joyous oh I cut my finger there we go these ones are from the artist collection so they have some silly textures on them we've got the porcelain match and lollipop patterns the Tangled toys themselves are actually really freaking good they're fun and quiet to mess with and they're really portable and the fact that you're able to choose from tons of different designs is a huge plus I I also got these knockoff ones by mistake they're a lot worse than the official tangle ones because they're so stiff you only want to get actual Tangled branded ones because these suck I also got these metallic Tangles oh my gosh they're so much bigger wow wait a second I've been clickbaited this isn't even metal this is just plastic with metal paint bruh there's also a textured metallic tangle variant whoa this one looks so cool it feels kind of weird actually I don't know how I feel about this one it looks really cool and here's the tangle Crush pack which comes with a bunch of random themed ones how do I open this first up we got the soda pop it's kind of nice it's got these little things all right let's do the Galaxy one next wow it's so sparkly on the inside let's do the rainbow one now this one is also very sparkly and for the final one the Slime there it is I like this one a lot actually this one looks really funny we also got the 10 single Harry that sounds so weird this one is very big oh it's making weird noises this is definitely a sentient creature I don't know if I like this one this is weird Yeah I broke it off camera and I can't put it back together God damn it freaking broken and now we got the fuzzy tangle look at the fuzzy little worm this one is so nice look at how soft it is that feels really nice all right so I'm just gonna try to rank each one of these right now first up we obviously have the fuzzy one that one is just the best secondly I gotta go with the porcelain one because something about this one just feels so nostalgic this design makes me happy I don't know why I really like this number three I gotta go with this one I think it was called lollipop number four the Galaxy one cause it's just really nice and mystical number five we're on to the textured ones I don't really like the textured ones as much but the Slime one is my favorite textured one because this just looks so cool number six is the soda pop textured one number seven is this rainbow one it's not even textured so the only reason why I'm putting it so low is just because I think it looks ugly number eight is this thing this thing looks freaking awesome but for some reason it feels like lower quality than the rest of them and number nine is this one this one isn't even textured but I just think it looks so ugly number 10 is the green metal one I don't like these ones as much because they're just so big number 11 going to this metallic One number 12 the hairy one that's also broken and I cannot fix it at all now that we got all of them ranked I'm just gonna shove them all into one square and put them in satisfying fidget tier moving on to some more random fidget toys we got the highest requested item for this video the sensory slug this little goober has gained a lot of infamy online because it's such a scrungy little fella so funny there's also a bunch of different versions of it such as various colors of the slug a glow-in-the-dark slug cursed slug Lobster fish shark alligator snakes Dwayne the rocket Johnson what the frick even is this the rug well this goober is a great toy that's fun to play with it's also not that great of a fidget toy because it's too big and it's really loud and obnoxious to use please don't be mad at me but I also gotta put this down into what the double skirt here next we got a freaking atom this Gizmo is called the atomic fidget ball and I just kind of randomly found it at a Barnes Noble a few months ago it's kind of fun to fidget with but it's also pretty loud and annoying so this will also be what the devil's character although there is this neat feature that happens when you pull the atomic particles apart another random knick-knack is this little gear shift keychain thing I honestly didn't expect much from this but surprisingly it's incredibly satisfying to use you can hold it in one hand and quietly shift it around with your thumb it's a a very simple functionality but it's super satisfying and really portable so I'll just drop it into satisfying fidget tier we also got these flippy chain things I don't really know what you're supposed to do with these things they're not even satisfying at all why does this even exist here but now I guess it's time to talk about the famous rubber puppet toys in my humble opinion that you are welcome to disagree with these Watermark colors are freaking terrible every single one of them are just lazily churned out piles of junk covered in random colors and cut into completely random shapes literally every shape you can think of Has a puppet you got the basic rainbow squares Burgers Minecraft Steve giant ones popsicles and best of all Among Us I bought a few Among Us ones to try out and they're just as terrible as I thought it's just such a flimsy and Droopy piece of rubber and the popping isn't even satisfying at all wait what if I just try to rip it yeah Among Us is too strong too bad for him I am the Imposter a mongolo sauce is dying why does this even exist here for some reason I also decided to buy this puppet puzzle thing which is just even more droopy rubber puppets but this time shaped as Tetris pieces why did I even buy this thing this isn't even a fidget toy pull them all out okay well I'm gonna try to speedrun to fill this up 100 percent [Music] no [Music] no God damn it I don't know how to do this [Music] time oh yes I did it let's go whatever and you already know what tier this is going in but the evil reign of Puppets doesn't even end there there's also a 3D rubber Pockets that are even worse I got a burger and a soda one to try out and these just suck so much somehow they're actually even worse than the 2D ones because every time you pop a one in another one pops out I hate this you know what I'm gonna do it I can't take it anymore this soda puppet in particular oh what have I done and once again why does this even exist here okay we've had a lot of bad ones in a row so let's move on to these fidget ring things I personally love anything magnet related with fidget toys but unfortunately these also ended up disappointing me it's so easy to drop them because the magnets aren't strong enough and the last thing you wanted a fidget toy is constantly dropping all the pieces everywhere yet another why does this even exist here but speaking of magnets there's also a lot of cool magnet slider toys so I ordered a few of these ones that are shaped like Foods Okay so so I thought I was only gonna get a few but for some reason it came in this massive box and look how many there are what the frick I don't need all of these oh my gosh look at all of them um that's not good the magnets are like almost non-existent they're so weak you open this one they are not that good hold on let me open a donut one and look at the dog the donuts oh the donut one is stronger magnets at least hold on let me just open everyone okay here they all are three blue ones three orange ones and three chocolate ones God they look so yummy I wanna freaking eat these let me just mix them all up double sided Donuts wait okay guys I have an idea I'm done look at this yes I feel so accomplished about this and yeah these also suck this is like what the sixth why does this even exist here in a row an actual good magnet slider is something like these metal card trinkets I've had these ones for a while and they're made of heavy metal and have really strong magnets which makes it super satisfying literally just using the right materials bumps this up all the way to satisfying fidget tier now here's a completely random fidget toy I bought last minute it's called the fidget phone and when I saw this on Amazon I thought the idea was kinda genius but when it arrived I was sorely disappointed hey yo it's the iPhone 20. this is not nice ew the buttons are so unapologetically not satisfying whatsoever they're just so mushy and gross yet another addition to our why does this even exist collection and for the final fidget toys we'll be talking about the classic stress balls stress balls are basically the original fidget toy so I got the most basic and Infamous design of them all the silly smiley faces a dozen baby gluggles this is such a joyous occasion free the glog nuts they're all free wait a second they're not even stress balls they're just squishy foam what I thought these were gonna be actual stress balls they lied to me I'm sorry baby glock nuts but I need to see what's inside of it I can't do it to him oh God his organs yep as I thought it's just foam okay but real talk these things suck stress balls are definitely not my thing they usually make your hands smell weird and they're really uncomfortable to squeeze I'm sorry but I gotta put these bundles of joy into why does this even exist here there's a lot of other kinds of stress ball designs such as the net stress balls these ones are kind of cool but they have the same issues so I'll just put them in the same tier and with that the fidget toy cheerless is finally complete I know I obviously didn't do every single fidget toy but I think this is a pretty good amount of them I might add on even more to this tier list sometime in the future if you guys really want me to let me know your thoughts about these placements or leave a comment about your personal favorite fidget toys also if you're wondering about the city playmat that's been in the background this whole time I actually designed this entire seamless explorable City myself you can get it on a few different products like this blanket a shirt pants phone case drawstring bag and most likely even more in the future now you can finally Drive Hot Wheels all over your blanket or just on yourself there's a lot of fun hidden details so go check it out on my merch website polygonoda.com if you want to help support me also there's new chaotic stream highlights on my second Channel more polygon donut and make sure to like And subscribe so we can hit 300K okay bye ha ha ha [Music]
Channel: Polygon Donut
Views: 1,470,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: polygon, polygon donut, polygondonut, meme, anime, cursed, memes, vtuber, among us, plants vs zombies, adhd, neurodivergent, autism, fidget, fidget toys, fidget toy, fidget spinner, fidget cube, tangle, tangle toy, toy review, toy reviewing, spongebob, sensory slug, stress ball, stress toy, popit, among us popit, popit toy, popity fidget toy, magnet slider, glaggle, glaggleland, nostalgia, early 2000s, mcdonalds, opera gx, gnarp gnarp, alien meme, autism slug, fallout new vegas, dougdoug
Id: qgP6d4sGI10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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