Tier 10 Pegasus Movement Guide | Black Desert

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yo what is up guys I'm bringing you a brand new video and this time we're going to be talking about the tier 10 Pegasus and the movement combo on how to ride this horse the fastest as well as tips and tricks for ascending as well as descending on the horse to start off we need to go over some Basics though and that is your action hot Keys you are going to have to make sure that you set up an evasion ww key bind this is a very very important keybind that does not show up here on this little onscreen keyboard so this is something that I'm going to like verbally tell you that I'm holding but it is something that's going to be very very common and in general you should already have one of these key binded because this is very useful on normal horses as well so tier 10 Pegasus has a few different abilities that really change the game when it comes to movement it's got Mighty leap it's got soaring wings and then wings of swiftness as well as its standard we ability which just kind of makes it hover in the air and these abilities create a lot of opportunities for you to both Ascend and descend on the horse in ways that you can't on a normal tier 9 so let's start off with how you are going to ride the fastest in a straight line so the first thing you're going to want to do is hold down that keybind for WW I have mine on the F3 key as you saw earlier and that is rebound to the side of my mouse so I'm going to be holding the side of my mouse which causes your horse to just kind of walk slowly forward from there you can see the rest of the keybinds here I'm going to hold shift W and then when you go and hit F you go into a Sprint and at the second instant Excel you can double tap e and that is going to allow you to sort of sort of do a little boost Glide which prevents the need for even requiring you to drift in the first place but this is also the fastest mode of transport in a straight line that you can do on the horse now you don't actually need to be holding your ww key bind and you don't need to be holding your shift key for that matter you can just do F and then double tap e but I do like to hold those two buttons anyway because if you ever need to drift it allows you to instantly just hit ANS or snd and then go directly back into your flight movement so I keep those held like that and then every after after the essence in Excel you just double tap e now something else you can do if you want to get your flight faster is you can actually drift immediately after landing on the horse and this is another reason why you want to hold down that ww keybind as well as shift is let's say you land and then you hits it'll it basically every time you hit ANS it resets your ability to double tap e so you can hit ANS double tap e ANS double tap E A ANS double tap e and when I say double tap e I'm hitting it many times just cuz that way I don't need to worry about timing but you're basically can cancel that flight and make it where after you land you hit ANS to do a drift and then you can immediately go back into your eflight ability now this has a couple of very practical applications first of all when traveling down a hill it's actually the fastest way to travel down a hill and it's not a very good way to travel up a hill it is a little bit slower than the standard uh instant Excel s instant Xcel and then double tap e but whenever you are traveling down a hill it can be the fastest way for you to travel because of how quick you can descend when using your e ability so that is something that you're going to want to keep in mind it's also just a really fun way just in general like flying drifting flying drifting it's kind of just an entertaining way to fly around I I do this pretty often just for fun so that's something that I have a lot of U enjoyment that I get a lot of I get a lot of enjoyment out of that so now let's talk about what if you want to ascend up to new heights you want to get higher and try to climb say Cliffs well the fastest way to do that is actually by using the W skill so when you hit we it sort of puts you into a Glide from there I'm going to hold the WW keybind I'm going to hit space e shift and q and that's basically going to allow you to get as much of a height boost as physically possible and you typically want to time that at the very start of your we animation so if you go we you go nice up and high and then you can use the rest of those abilities to sort of go up and you really don't need to let go of any of those abilities either so for me I just kind of hold on to all these buttons including my ww keybind and this will perpetually allow you to just fly every single time that you land but if you are at a standstill and let's say that you're far down and you're like okay I want to get up here the best possible way would be to hit W and E to get that initial height and then do the rest of it in order to get as much height from a standstill as possible but if you're trying to climb something exceptionally high that you know that you can't get up in the first Glide then all you really need to know how to do is you can start off from just basic on the ground and anytime your horse touches a small little ledge kind of like this it's going to reset with a jump and it's going to allow you to continue to fly upwards as long as you're holding those buttons so if you hold uh e space shift Q every time your horse touches a piece of ground you'll notice how it gets an additional little jump boost which basically allows you to ascend practically anything in the entire game because anytime your horse has a little hiccup where it sort of touches any a piece of the ground it allows you to reset that jump and you can continue to fly so you'll see right here I touched a piece of ground and there it kind of just didn't touch the ground so it fell but even on like the side of a cliff you can see as soon as I get a little touch of ground it resets the flight and it allows you to continue to fly upwards as long as you're just holding those abilities so pretty much allows you to scale anything in the game with a little bit of patience and just a slight amount of directing your camera towards those little lips and Ledges but other than that the only other thing for General flight is just when descending down a hill you want to be using your e ability so the E ability is very very useful for descent so if you're going down you double tap e drift to refresh it as we discussed so anytime you're about to go down a hill that's not quite flat you definitely want to drift after each Landing so that way there you can continue to use your falling ability rather than just straight up insn cell s insn selling down a hill and that is basically it for descending and that is everything for ascending and that is everything for traveling in a straight line so you pretty much know exactly everything you need to do on the horse in order to move on it and one last little piece of I guess statistic is when traveling in this manner and doing the sort of flight cancel at the end of your insnic cell into s insic cell this is approximately one or or 2% slower than even a tier 10 Doom with four instant excels in a straight line so it is definitely a very very fast horse and super super really nice because it's kind of a jack of all trades and something to keep note of as well is when you're doing the drift cancel flight version the double tap e skill definitely uses a lot of stamina you can notice how that stamina bar on the horse is going to be depleting rather quickly so if you do have a long way to travel try not to spam this too much because you're going to find yourself running out of stamina way way sooner like I pretty much just went from one side of ellia to the other and I lost a lot of durability already so this doesn't really take you very far you maybe get from Calon to ultan NOA maybe so definitely keep that in mind when traveling on the horse for long distances you're going to want to stick with instant Excel s and Xcel into double double EAP and that is going to be the lowest stam to traveling in a straight line distance ratio that you can get but I hope this video was super use I appreciate you guys very much for watching make sure to subscribe and I'll see you guys all in the next one peace
Channel: Im Choice
Views: 12,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: berserker, black desert, preawakening, awakening, zerker, black desert online, im_choice, choice bdo, BDO, zerk
Id: rGim7IhKGo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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