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[Music] yeah what is up you guys it's Gaza dudes and welcome back bros to classic clans today we're doing something that actually was request by you guys in the comment box you said you wanted me to try level 1 troops versus max level troops and I figured out a way to do this guys because I'm pretty sure that max level troops will destroy my level ones but how about if we put a ton of level ones versus one max troop and then switch it around one max troop versus a ton of level one troops and see if these guys can Duke it out well as you can see I do have lots of level 1 troops already let me actually just get rid of some of these golems don't need too many of those actually golems won't be able to do anything let's see if we can put some Barb's goblins wall breakers and wizards maybe even a Valkyrie and a bowler I think I already have a boner but there's a CD see what we got all right yeah we got two all right so we have our base ready if you guys could see it right here ok so as you guys can see this is the base that we're gonna be fighting here and there is a max level barbarian inside this clan castle he's gonna come out and he's gonna defend his box of gems here he really wants to take care of that he doesn't want anyone stealing from it so once we deploy our troops he's gonna come out and take us out I've got all level 1 troops versus this max bar but we're gonna see how far we can get so let's go ahead and attack this thing here we go I think we'll use a goblin 2 to bring him out right here we go oh dang alright so here we go one barb we're doing it wow this barb is so massive compared to the other guy oh [Laughter] that's terrible alright how about a wizard no no no no let's go north let's go in order right [Music] wizard you're up whoa the barb just took out three people guys it's run for it we got to run Oh what the heck was that um I don't think I can I really can't do much else this guy will be chopping that eyes going for a while so this ice combs gonna die yeah he's stuck okay so guys this barbarian took out goblins he took out another barbarian and took out an archer and a wizard I don't think he can take out too much else I think that would be all all right now on to the next one we're gonna try the witch we'll try a witch you guys don't know barbarians are actually pretty strong all right here we go this could be tough she's going right for the witch oh no sorry all right guys here we go for the last one we're gonna try um we're gonna try it we gonna try eh how about a Valkyrie I think this might be a little overkill but we'll try it Go Go Valkyrie whoa guys she's just too strong well I think that's pretty much it I don't think there's anyone else we could tried that would actually you know work against that barbarian okay guys we're back and this time we've got all of the max level troops inside the clan castle guys and we're gonna try it and fight these dudes with level one troops to see if we can at least stand a chance I don't think we will but we will try so let's do it I think the Goblin will lead us off there you go guys whoa these are actually some scary troops okay how about the UH let's try the barbed oh man this is just scary guys he just walked into death [Music] well the archer does absolutely nothing to a goblin okay how about a Valkyrie we've got this whoa whoa she's fighting back nose how about this we'll do a witch getting wits whoa all right was it you're up Gil oh my gosh all right Boulder whoa you guys were just getting rekt I want to try it golem watch the golem can they stop this guy can they stop them shoot guys they're gonna stop him before he gets to the clan castle oh all right so we have we really don't have too much too much else [Music] all right we're going these are the last ones the wits together oh gosh dudes we just we just got destroyed all right so that was bad we'll try it again but this time we are going to put everybody in and see if we could Duke it out everybody this is gonna be like the Avengers battle we're gonna have everybody clash against each other [Music] there we go we're going see if we can stop him see if we can stop him dick golems taking it for us take one for the team ah look at the witch she's fighting back Oh guys we did it I think we did it there's still a giant left ok so it was kind of cheating having the Golem in there but that was pretty cool guys alright so for the last one we'll try this we will put uh we'll put all the troops in we won't put in the golem though right we'll do this tie game let's go [Music] all right let's have at it [Music] oh sure dudes that giant's hard to take down [Music] the Giants really hard to take down it's this last one it's the witch whoa oh you guys tier 1 troops are superior well to be fair we did have a Valkyr on our tape so that does make a big difference ok guys so for the next one we're gonna try and do max level troops versus tier 1 troops inside the clan castle there's a ton of them archers barbs goblins Giants I think Giants are in there witches edie bowler so we're gonna try it and figure out what - what max level troop we can't put up against these guys so let's start it off with Goblin here we go these are all to your wants alright start it out here they come one down whoa I'll break a run for it run wha breaker oh yeah what's it going oh you took out another woods Oh balloon I don't think it's gonna do anything try giant this guy's just gonna get out of here [Music] all right he's going surprise attack Oh from behind ball is down who else do we have a bounty oh this might be it guys doctor could do it oh my god whoa that's crazy she just destroyed them all all right dudes it's for the final round we're gonna try it again we're gonna make it so it's a little easier for D tier one troops to get their attacks in here we go they're all out actually I think I might want to do a Becca Becca needs to join the fight max level Pekka aah take that take that well it just fighting these skeletons [Music] so you can do a bigger there's just fighting skeletons [Music] all right let's do it surprise effect get that wizard here we go got him ha ha whoa it's just those skeletons do so much damage alright who else do we have he's got the Barb and Archie tag team a tag team it no one shot which is dead let's try our which now Oh can't you do it hey the witch did it dudes so there it is guys we've done all tear world troops versus max level troops not every single one because I think some of these guys you know that go for weapons won't really happen but guys I had a blast let me know in the comment box if you want to see anything else typically like this any other type of gameplay and I will try to do it thank you guys so much for watching this is godson and I will see you next time Dotson out [Music]
Channel: Clash of clans - Godson
Views: 2,277,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clash of clans, Coc, clash of clans strategy, clash of clans tips, clash of clans new, clash of clans update, clash of clans attack, clash of clans 2017, Clash of clans youtube, builder hall 6, town hall 9, town hall 11, town hall 8, clash of clans builder hall, Godson coc, Godson gaming, clash of clans gems, clash of clans town hall 12, clash of clans new troop, clash of clans new hero
Id: F6NSCsGvdak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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