TiEcon 2021 I Day 3 I Mr. Abhi Gholap | Mrs. Dipty Desai | Closing Remarks |

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so as we say goodbye to tycon 20 21 i want to introduce our co-conveners for taikon 2022 deepti continues his journey with us and along with her we have abi golap who is one of our charter members and the past board member so let me invite abi also to join us for this conversation and uh deepti and uh and abi please take it away from here it's all yours the next 12 months as we get ready for taikon 2022. thank you agk the icon 2021 has been a labor of love for more than 100 plus dedicated volunteers putting in thousands of hours of preparation confirming speakers and sponsors developing the content and finally delivering the product for the past three days as many of you must have seen we have all been characters on stage giving cues to the speakers directions to the attendees recognizing the sponsors and showing our network what thai silicon valley and taikon is all about we work together frames and tie working in sync to get the stage ready to provide a digital experience in the absence of a physical one we have spent nine months conceiving this icon developing it nurturing it and now that we have delivered it the story does not end the end brings a new beginning and as i say a big thank you to the president the board members the council of trustees the dedicated thai staff the tractors the volunteers and most of all my co-convener my partner in crime the master of marketing ananda keller without all of them this would not have been possible as this conference ends the preparation as agk mentioned for the next one begins our president has identified the conveners abi and i the conveners have finalized the dates may 5th 6th and 7th so block your calendars the thai office has created the logo and has activated the registration for tycon 2022 go sign up the journey towards 22 has begun and we want to give it the success it deserves cause it's no ordinary tycon it's a landmark here for thai sv 30 years of time i'm looking forward to teaming up with abi who joined tai as a charter member chaired the health track for many years became a board member and is now a co convener he is a serial entrepreneur and an investor and i would like to invite rb and get him to introduce taikon 2022 to all of you abi thank you so much ditty i think it was wonderful to hear all this exciting journey that you and anand did together and uh under agk's leadership and with the support from vish and all of our board members and all our thai uh you know volunteers you and ananda has put together a wonderful show and i think icon 2021 has become such a grand success that this was kind of a spectacular success even for me when i'm trying to get into unknown shoes for that matter with you continuing the journey along with me for the next year uh interestingly tycon 2022 is going to be a very interesting milestone year for all of us mainly because as we said it's the 30th year of thai it's going to be the first year after pandemic and that's where it's going to be you know first most pandemic event and we would like to set the expectations accordingly and third not that important but it's it's the it's the 50th year of my life so it's going to be an important journey for all of us there uh but at the same point of time i would say that uh you know i'm really thankful to uh my mentors uh when shukla vish who actually motivated me and made sure that i remain a part of uh as a thai and icon and many thanks to educate to give me this responsibility for the next year i think one of the first challenge was to find a right uh co-convener and you know with dipty ready to accept to be a co-con winner i think that's the first success that we achieved this time because dipty has been a an amazing uh support to me while i'm actually a charter member as well as you know healthcare track chair that i was looking after for those four to five years uh she was a great support she herself is a a thought leader in the in the healthcare space and with her help we have done many health care events in the past like as recent as kovid event also we successfully managed and uh it will be wonderful to work with deputy now as a thai concoction winner for 2022 it will be also uh important to get a lot of feedback from you guys i mean you know all of you are witnessed this uh tycon 2021 in a massive number we had the highest registrations we had the highest number of sponsors we had the highest number of tracks that we we just heard over the last three days we had the highest number of uh you know keynote speakers so i think all this uh you know extra high bar that anand and deputy has set up is something a good example for me also personally to learn and then you know try to bring some more value to you we would love to get your feedback we would love to have more volunteers participating in in tycon 2022 you would love to have more track managers to come forward to give us more feedback and help us manage these tracks effectively we would love to actually get new ideas on the tracks you know like the technology changing the world is changing post pandemic world is going to be entirely different so the new technology new science new motivation new incentives lots of new things are going to happen so let's try to forget what happened in the past and let's try to get the new face to taikan's presentation on this 30th year of thai and that's where i again thank you uh deepti annan agk and whole of the thai board members uh to be so proactive and so supportive and i will expect the similar support and similar encouragement going forward and i'm actually committing you that i will try my best to make tycon 2022 a great remarkable event thank you oh excellent that's the kind of commitment we are looking for abi wonderful thank you thank you and you know i guess as i said we you know the tradition continues the it's going to be a long birthday party for you the entire year so we'll all celebrate next year around this time together so but before that i once again want to thank everyone the entire community but our staff who have been working tirelessly to put this whole thing together behind the stage so thank you neha and the team and again once again anand for taking bringing all the records and vp of course so the journey continues at uh 6 pm today we'll have a closing out ceremony with some music and some party please join and the main stage and with that i also want to give a big shout out to the frames team who've been working tirelessly night and day to put this conference together thank you all see you later bye-bye thank you thank you and don't forget to register for 22 enjoy the fireworks [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: TiE Silicon Valley
Views: 37
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: conference, Entrepreneur Conference, Business Event, Emerging Tech, AI, Machine Learning, ML
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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