TIE Fighter - The Best Star Wars Video Game

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Oh how I wish they would reboot the X-Wing and TIE Fighter series. TIE Fighter will always be my all time favorite game.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Vatta74 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2017 🗫︎ replies

I LOVED this game. Was pretty good at it too.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2017 🗫︎ replies

I have literally played ALL the star wars games, and xwing and tie fighter were my favorites out of all of them.

They also played a part in inspiring me to become a pilot. I would make a confident guess that players who were really into these star wars space sims were probably also into other flight sim games.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/legonutter 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2017 🗫︎ replies

I remember working hard to balance shields during intense battles

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/KlatuuBaradaNikto 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2017 🗫︎ replies
hello it's Scott Manley here a long time ago in 1994 to be precise Star Wars yes this is the best Star Wars game ever and you can hear the dis Imperial themed at the Battle of Yavin the rebel terrorists aided by spies and traitors within the empire struck a cowardly blurred the new symbol of imperial power the Death Star Darth Vader brought swift justice to the rebels by destroying their main base on Hoth the pitiful remnants of the Alliance have now scattered to the outer rim in the days ahead the Emperor will call upon the Imperial Navy to eradicate the last vestiges of rebellion and restore law and order to the galaxy so yeah this was the sequel to x-wing which of course was amazing for its time and this can attack the game and refined the engine and preview on the bad guys site and it became easily the best Star Wars game ever released obviously is looking pretty dated but the good parts off it still stand up really well today now this is the cd-rom version but the original game had a cut seams they just weren't quite as smooth the total install was like 15 megabytes I believe even now our capable forces led by Darth Vader are striking back at the rebel insurgents look at all those spaceships more than could be possibly rendered by the game engine that's right this came out 18 months after the heir to the Empire books so Admiral Thrawn became part of the universe I'm thinking that's the first time that Thrawn actually got given a voice obviously played by a different actor completely different style these days he's have become part of the Star Wars Canon because he's known in the rebels TV series back then this was definitely extended universe and let's face it none of the characters in this game have their voices performed by the actual actors from the movies of course it was 1994 and it wasn't as if Ian McDermott was leading Hollywood productions I should point out those are tie interceptors but the game is called time fighter because it basically lets you fly all of the Imperial fireworks this version was repackaged for digital distribution a few years ago by gog.com it is based on the 1995 cd-rom edition not the 1998 trilogy which had the proper music so yeah the the game structure is pretty much the same as ex when you have the different places you can go to you can learn to fly the fighters and sit inside Darth Vader's meditation thing and of course the training sequence is pretty much flying your TIE Fighter down tunnels a scale which is of course not very useful for TIE fighters and except right at the very end of Return of the Jedi where it would have been really useful if they had some experts in this thing this sequence is actually a lot more fun if you enable time acceleration you've seen the bottom right it says teatime or 2x you know there's nothing stopping you enabling that during the combat sequences either but during these people flying down tunnel sequences yeah it's a lot better if the only problem is I think that the turn rate appears to be limited so four times doesn't work could also do it in the Thai interceptor and it will redirect all your power to the engines just to get some real speed going on here and yeah the game does actually support joysticks as well although mapping can be a bit of a hard problem once you think you're ready to fly you can pick a battle no battle one starts just after the Battle of Hoth and there's four missions or four series of missions here three of them came with the original game the fourth was an expansion one Thai fighter from alpha beta and gamma squadrons will be out on patrol around outpost D 34 of course you get fully voiced briefing sequences your mission is to inspect all cargo carrying vessels as they pass by our station we are on the lookout for rebel forces that are fleeing from their base on Hoth easy enough let's get going [Music] first mission puts you in a stock TIE fighter you notice I'm redirecting all my power from my weapons into my engines so I could get to the inspection point faster while I'm here and then put the power back in to the weapons my laser start recharging and I'm just flying next to these freighters just to scan them you know make sure that they're not carrying anything illegal you know such as a spice smugglers right or your weapons they might be worried about or say you know rebels we saw running away from the base while I'm unable to hit a capture the freighter I can actually soften it up for the capture forces a big part of the x-wing and TIE fighter games is coordination with other ships in your fleet to help them to do their mission and yes this does mean that there are going to be a lot of those dreaded escort missions you will fail missions frequently because something important dies but unlike other games with escort missions it never really fuels on the air it always feels like you're just in the wrong place and you could have done it better you'll also notice a lot of your cross faction deployments those as so-called Imperial shuttles are being flown by rebel forces [Music] [Applause] by the way did I mention just how incredibly fragile the TIE fighters are an x-wing you were shooting them out of the sky all the time and I don't think they adjusted the hit points around the thing to make it easier for you and I think that actually works to the game's advantage in x-wing you started out with three different ships there was the heavy and slow y-wing the slightly better x-wing and and very fast y-wing yeah they were cool and all that but with TIE fighter there's a lot more difference between the performance of these things and half the ships in the game they have no shields and you will die to a few shots you have to be very careful to stay with your friends not because they're necessarily gonna kill the targets any faster but you know they will take some of the fire for you [Music] another thing about the TIE fighters is that in x-wing most of the game most of the ships had a hyperspace capability they also have the ability to lock down you know deploy their RS foils in this the TIE fighters don't have hyperdrive most of the time and you have to return to a base in some cases you can return to the base in the middle of a battle while you still have objectives to complete but afterwards you get to hang out with your commanding officer and he'll explain just how well you did you have discovered a freighter full of rebels trying to escape from their base on Hoth excellent work fleeing rebels are trying to sneak after a couple of missions you start deploying from Star Destroyers you also get to start flying the heavier tie bomber you have a bunch of different munitions to pick from but generally they allocate the best option for the mission get a nice little animation when you're launching from the Star Destroyer or showing the deployment mechanism working again you have to remember that this game was designed to fit into 50 megabytes of hard disk space it was a different era back to the tie bomber obviously a lot slower but it is able to carry a lot of munitions and it still doesn't have a shield in this mission we're basically wiping out somebody's supply depot thematically tie-fighter instead of rebelling against the empire you're obviously use your urine oh the good guys and just kind of justified that the Empire's really trying to bring order and peace the other gonna be the police force of the galaxy they want to get rid of these evil rebels that are messing around and making it hard for an honest person to make a living and I must admit it's quite fun to shoot down rebels [Music] however eventually the game can or relents and pits you against a series of imperial forces who are defecting I do find it interesting that the new battlefront game is gonna put you in the role of an imperial and the campaign and it's really quite amazing to see how many games journalists think this is never been done in the Star Wars universe I mean obviously there's the Force Unleashed but that's a bit more awful like a a grade real light versus dark thing since you're a Jedi but this your pretty much you know rank-and-file Imperial pilots you didn't sign up to like free ship the galaxy you can assigned up to keep order in the galaxy the pilot is actually officially an Marek steel like shooting fish in a barrel [Music] gomi outpost d-34 has been captured the rebels and the Magary are looting it for arms and equipment the frigate fogger will launch a transport to recapture the station now as the game progresses some of the missions you get a second commanding officer to talk to and he speaks directly for the Emperor the Emperor is concerned by the rebels capture about post D 34 the most disturbing element is that they seem to know exactly how to time their attacks when imperial forces are engaged in another sector be alert for clues and opportunities to inspect or capture any rebel craft leaving the outpost when we recapture it we're worried there might be a mole via this mission egg is the first one where you get to use a TIE Interceptor it's obviously a lot faster has better firepower but I think it's even more fragile than the regular TIE fighter you quickly learn not to take on most of the enemy ships head-on [Music] [Music] here's me speaking in clueless to check out this container ship as part of my orders from the Emperor [Music] I should also talk about the graphics these are in what is called super VGA that's 640 by 480 the game was actually originally released in 320 by 200 the x-wing game it came with flat shaded polygons and the original version of TIE fighter upgraded and provided a garage shading but this special or the collector's edition added texture mapping and I believe it was the first x-wing game to offer graphics a hardware acceleration although I doubt it works on modern hardware generally software is the way to go [Music] another successful mission and of course if you're successful the game will start to award you medals and stuff [Music] don't tase me bro I'll wait it's just like a fancy tattooed gunboat patrols have located a rebel Cruiser taking on supplies in the brawny sector we can assume the cruiser has a strong force of a wing x-wing and B wing star fighters our attack will proceed in waves you will fly in the first wave made up of three flight groups of gunboats your primary task is to destroy the Starfighter defense that the cruiser will send into battle once the Starfighter defense has been eliminated assists the second wave in their attack the second wave will enter the battle in five minutes they will escort transports carrying torpedoes the supply containers need to be destroyed to prevent the cruiser from getting resupplied the eggs weak games introduced the alpha class gunboats to the Star Wars universe if you are a nerd who plays tabletop games then you might know that this is the most requested ship for the exponential scheme and it's coming out in the next wave of releases and no doubt will be essential to you know get a leg up in the metagame [Music] and this is the first Imperial ship you get to fly which has shields and you you know I when I flew this first I completely forgot about shield management I forgot about your reallocating power to my shields I get seriously beat up before I had to restart the mission yeah we also get in to shoot at B ways one of my favourite ships from the Star Wars universe of course I mean stylistically I really like the ridiculous rotating cockpit mechanism it is a big very much sense at all in the Star Wars universe where you have got artificial gravity everywhere but all the same it's fun to be shooting them down the gun boat is first ship you fly in the game which also brings I own cannons yeah here's me chasing after these cargo containers to try and get a clue of what's inside them the emperor is very interested in shenanigans related to the his Admirals and the rebellion and remember you were ordered to destroy these things but if you scan them first to get extra goals unlocked Oh incoming missile great yeah you'll find out that the x-wings and y-wings are all quite capable of launching concussion missiles at you as well I actually ended up switching it down to easy level because I'm getting clearly can't play at the same level as I used to when I was young though I remember having a spare time to beat this whole game on part cuz I just was a crazy person so ya notice on the left no shields in the rear that's not gonna work out well for me is it told you yeah normally after you get hit like that you hit ass three times to balance the shields forwards backwards in both directions but look the Imperial Navy has great health insurance I mean none of those rebel back to tank things where you're kind of floating around in a nappy well everyone looks at you we have green light technology they must be inspected our forces may be trying to cover something up is worth noting that although I get shot down I get rescued and the mission is considered complete so I can go on to the next mission and the objective of this one is pretty much to finish off a rebel capital ship yeah that went pretty well remember I mentioned that this spacecraft has ion cannons that means you are actually able to disable their spacecraft so you just gotta find them this one has the commander ours is come come derp and so yep there we go Hulu on ion cannon since like the ion cannon from Empire Strikes Back probably because that's what they sampled in the ion cannon the bolts middle was slower than the laser so it's much harder to lead and you kinda have to guess where the leap position should be your sight will turn green but you don't really have a reference point for whether you need to move left or right you get a camera play it by the CTR plants and guess where you're trying to I think modern players might actually have a big problem with that excellent mission complete the lava is dead and I get to go home using my super fancy hyperspace technology something goes rebel fighter pilots no doubts take for granted see the first battle is six different missions they all join together and then you get this little cutscene here explaining what's been going on behind your back the background music is MIDI by the way and if you go to the GOG forums there's a description of how to improve the MIDI sounds a little reason to trust your Admiral Hawke off but we are willing to hear your offer the fleet under my command is willing to join the Rebel Alliance for price very interesting Admiral we have great need for officers of your caliber here is what I propose yeah that's it that's high fighter that is for me it is the best Star Wars game it's a fantastic space sim the missions are really well laid out there's always fun stuff going on the spacecraft were all very differentiated and really it's just a shame that nobody has made a better Star Wars game I'm Scott Manley fly safe [Music] [Music]
Channel: Scott Manley
Views: 166,731
Rating: 4.919765 out of 5
Keywords: star wars, tie fighter, 1994, lucasfilm, lucasarts, space sim, tie interceptor, x-wing, star destroyer
Id: Gd9EzfF3Mqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2017
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