TickTick + Notion + Google Calendar Workflow

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here's the issue with a lot of things in the productivity app Community everyone's always talking about these workflows they're saying use this don't use that use this don't use that that's exactly what I'm going to be doing in this video so I just bait and switched the heck out of you just like I feel like tick tick baitin switches the entire market so I think tick tick is pretty great it's the first task management app I ever tried in like 2017 I know I didn't stick with it so maybe that's not a photo confidence but what it did do is it inspired me it inspired me to think in different ways and think about productivity apps in general and the fact that like tracking your tasks via an app could be a thing I used to always use like a written daily planner you know how weird that was back in the day granted not ugh if that's what your preference is but you're watching this channel so I hope you don't really do that regardless you can use tick tick for task management in a three-prong workflow first and foremost by using tick tick you're going to have not only a task management app but a focused app let me explain this is getting right into tick tick itself you'll see that on the side here you have tasks a calendar if you want to pay for the premium View and then you have nice things like Eisenhower matrixes you have a habit tracker which can be used very well and you'll notice that I won't recommend other apps in this workflow to use habit tracking because tick tick has it built in and then you also have a very nice Pomodoro Timer so when you're working on different things whether you be on your phone or on the computer you see that there's a setting and the back end here for you to do a focus timer so on this computer for me it's Ctrl alt P if I do Ctrl P this little doohickey pops up right here then if I press Start it'll do a little Focus timer so I can set this to be a pomodero focus a stopwatch and then I can even look at the statistics if I press the button right here it'll send me to a web page that'll show me the statistics of the different Focus blocks I've had and if I use the premium version which will show me the timeline low year grid actions more views and all this is very convenient for those of us that care about how often we've been focused so that's a main reason I wanted to have this this is an option for task management because it kind of does pretty much exactly what you need for just checking boxes off and tracking your habits and then also if you go to the Google workspace Marketplace you can get the tick tick application installed and this actually works with your Gmail and also it can be connected very easily to your Google calendar with zapier if you so choose but I personally think that Google Calendar is probably the best route to go if you want to go for like a full stack free option here right because you have this Google Calendar and then in your Gmail you can go to the side here and essentially say I open this up I authorize the access I can easily manage tasks on the side within here with the TickTick integration so if I open up this I can be like all right we can take all this content really quickly add it to a new list copy I can add it to any of these lists like rpnotes and I could set the due date to today and I could say fixmake.com automation save it as high priority and then add the task then very quickly if I went back in here you'd see on today this fixmake.com integration would pop up and it would be linked right back to my Gmail so this is a very quick and easy workflow for that but then when it comes to everything else I do not recommend that you have your project or Knowledge Management within TickTick like how about no so then the very obvious question comes up what would I use for everything else well for your Knowledge Management I would recommend this special app called notion now if you've heard of notion before then you'll know that it's really great for things like holding recipes as you can see here I have all of my recipes within notion what you can do is you can have a very nice like sidebar or top bar that would just navigate between all your resources and then you could use it as a reference material resource rather than a place where you're like managing your tasks so in the book Library here too I can easily navigate between you know what I'm currently reading sort it by different titles and whatnot take it by genre a little self-improvement can't hurt me by David Goggins he's a boss and it's just a very beautiful way to look at all of your different Knowledge Management if you try to do it in something like tick tick it just won't work like what are you gonna do make a bunch of lists I'm going to use like tick tick notes no you're not going to do that where I refuse to let you do that the ability to go into these pages and take notes very easily about the different parts of the book have nice template setup so that you can easily take those notes resurface them later track when you start and finish books or when you need to pull up a quick recipe whip that up on your phone or pull it up on your computer this is kind of the right way to go we don't use task management apps for Knowledge Management just like we don't not shamelessly plug the rest of our content at the end of videos by saying you'll probably be more productive if you check out this video
Channel: Demetri Panici - Productivity Coach
Views: 13,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TickTick, Notion, Google Calendar, Task Management, Productivity, Personal Organization, Digital Planning, Time Management, Workflow Integration, TickTick Workflow, Notion Workflow, Google Calendar Workflow, Task Management Workflow, Productivity Workflow, Personal Organization Workflow, Digital Planning Workflow, Time Management Workflow, Workflow Automation, Digital Workflows, Productivity Tools, Task Management Tools, Notion Templates, TickTick Templates
Id: kW7tYB6RqnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 47sec (287 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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