Tichina Arnold Exposes NEW Secrets That Will End Tyler Perry’s Career

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one thing but we want fairness Better Health Care better residuals I literally get 1 cent res residuals uh industry they were all white so it feels like that hook on Tyler Perry's neck isn't going anywhere soon it seems like there's a new person every day with some spicy tea and the spotlight is currently on TOA Arnold she's supposedly gearing up to spill some major secrets that could potentially put an end to Tyler's illustrious career now we all know Tyler Perry is no small fry in the entertainment industry he's a Powerhouse who's built an Empire with his incredible work so if tachina is claiming to have the goods on him it's got to be something pretty darn significant maybe even worse than what we already know the rumors are swirling suggesting that whatever tacha's got up her sleeve could be a career Ender for Tyler it's got people wondering what on Earth could he have done that might trigger the cancel culture and potentially ruin the Legacy he's worked so hard to create sure Tyler Perry isn't some someone who can be easily tossed aside in the industry given his massive influence and contributions but if there's any truth to these new Revelations it's bound to be a big deal anyway let's get into it all right let me break down the tachina Arnold situation for you tachina is not just some new kid on the Block she's been making waves in Hollywood for ages this talented black actress has left her Mark with killer performances in both movies and TV shows becoming a household name remember that iconic show Martin tachina was the PowerHouse behind the Lively character Pamela James making the show an absolute classic and let's not forget her stint in Everybody Hates Chris where she nailed the tough but funny Rochelle Rock the sitcom got major props shining a spotlight on her acting prowess but tsha is not just about the glitz and glamour of Hollywood she's a legend not just for her talent but for her enduring career she's not afraid to flex her versatility Beyond acting and her advocacy for diversity and more opportunities for black actors in the industry is next level now here's where things get real tin Arnold's facing some challenges even with all her Fame we're talking being underpaid folks she's not keeping quiet about it either she's out here advocating for Better Health Care Fair residuals and equal treatment for black actors she's not just talking the talk she's walking the walk actively pushing for some serious changes and guess what she's shining a spotlight on the Hollywood industry's Dirty Laundry famous actors getting underpaid yeah that's the issue tachina even dropped the bomb that she got paid $0 as a residual and get this the paper the residual was printed on cost more than that one cent now Tyler Perry's right in the middle of this controversy remember Mo'Nique a few months back she didn't hold back at the Apollo Theater going after Tyler Perry along with Lee Daniels and opr Winfrey accusations were flying about being unfairly sidelined from Hollywood Monique spent over a decade calling out Lee Daniels oppr Winfrey and Tyler Perry claiming they work together to blackball her for not doing promotional press for the 2009 film pressure the real beef kicked off when opr and Tyler decided Mo'Nique should hit the Press circuit for the film without any paycheck Monique wasn't having it and straight up said nah not in my contract according to Mo'Nique she only got a measley 50k for the whole movie which was barely enough now they wanted her to Jet around the world promoting the film for free not on Monique's watch but Oprah and Tyler didn't take her refusal well at all instead they started trashing her reputation in the industry spinning a narrative about her being difficult to work with with Monique spilled the tea saying Tyler Perry told her you may want to consider promoting this film because if you get nominated for an Oscar your next film is $3 to5 million and if you win it your next film is $6 to8 million Mo'Nique was like hold up I'm a black woman where are they paying those salaries brother she straight up told Tyler I can't work for free I've done what I was supposed to do I can't go overseas and do this for free they back and forth continued with Tyler saying he doesn't believe in giving money away for free and Monique firing back I don't believe in working for free so we on the same page it's a classic case of clash and values and Mo'Nique wasn't backing down he goes on about his spill you know I said well listen you can write me the check for me to go overseas I don't care where the money comes from but I'm not going to do it for free he says well I don't believe in giving money away for free I said I don't believe in working for free so we on the same P she also claimed Tyler Perry allegedly went the extra mile to mess with her acting gigs according to Mo'Nique it all went down after she turned down a request to fly to France for the can film festival tied to promoting the movie Precious so check it the movie studio initially asked her to Jet off to France but Mo'Nique with her busy schedule as a talk show host comedian and family woman respectfully declined they tried to sweeten the deal by offering to upgrade her hotel room but she and her husband stuck to their guns saying no we're going to spend this time with our family when the third call came and they asked what's it going to take to get Mo'Nique to France her husband straight up asked is there a number associated with it that's when they dropped the bomb that they would never pay for anyone to do promotions for a movie Mo'Nique revealed she was paid a mere $50,000 for precious and it wasn't about the money she signed up to do it with her friend the interviewer dug in suggesting she needed the money to feed her family and pay bills and Mo'Nique responded I think that's what America says we all say I can't do it for free she explained that when the movie studio refused to pay for her canned appearance they didn't make a us but then the report started flying painting Mo'Nique as demanding and difficult the whole thing boiled down to a simple request that they understood couldn't be met but suddenly Mo'Nique found herself labeled and that's where the drama kicked in and we said we understood because what people didn't know was I was paid $50,000 to do the movie Precious and it really wasn't about the money and I'm not complaining because I signed up to do it with my friend at a precedent and pay you to do this we didn't have an issue with them okay but that's when the reports came that now Monique is being demanding and she's being difficult Monique's even called out opr and Tyler Perry asking for an apology that as far as we know is still MIA even 50 c backed up Mo'Nique when this happened according to 50 he asked Tyler about Monique's cancellation and Tyler's response was like I never told no one not to work with her but 50 hid him with the real talk saying but you're Tyler Perry and you never told anyone to he couldn't wrap his head around why Mo'Nique was out of the game for 13 whole years just because of something she said like no I never told no one not to work with her and I said but you Tyler Perry and you never told anyone to people are saying that Monique's story is sounding a lot like what Tina was firing up about because why in the world wouldn't Tyler Perry and his crew want to cough up fair pay for Monique's hard work and instead mess with her career teina being an industry Insider is supposedly spilling the beans on how Tyler might be the Kingpin of these shenanigans now Tyler Perry's no stranger to the spotlight he rocked the Atlanta theater scene and hit the jackpot with his media series but let's be real his Journey's been no walk in the park word is his ego might have gotten a bit out of control leading to clashes even with heavy weights like opr in Hollywood you got to play a few questionable cards to make it big right and Tyler Perry seems to know the drill all right so after killing it at the box office Tyler Perry made his way to TV with the hit sitcom house of pain but when it came to scoring a sweet syndication deal and a spin-off named Meet the Browns things got messy according to deadline Perry gave the boot to four writers asking for Union contracts stirring up drama in the industry it was not a good look I feel like I was slapped in the face like we were used writer Terry Brown Jackson told deadline we were good enough to create over a hundred episodes but now when it comes to reaping the benefits of the show being syndicated and having other spin-offs from it he decides to let us go unless we accept a horrible offer Kelly Griffin the headwriter for House of Pain said she wasn't going down without a fight well I'd like to see something positive come out of this for us if this fight helps future black riters get what they deserve that's a good thing but what was Perry's response he claimed he's writing everything himself now but his Union issues didn't stop there in 2015 actor unions sag Afra and Actors Equity went all in Banning their members from Perry's play media on the run because his production company wouldn't sign those Union contracts looks like Perry's profit game isn't winning cheers from everyone in the business but it doesn't end there Tyler Perry has faced other accusations like abruptly firing writers casting stereotypical characters and perpetuating harmful stereotypes about black women so after House of Pain and Meet the Browns hit it big cultural critic Jam Lem wrote an open letter to Tyler Perry and NPR published it Lemieux straight up told Perry she wasn't vibing with how he used stereotypes in his work she said through her the country has laughed at one of the most important members of the black community Mother Dear the Beloved matriarch I just can't quite get with seeing mother deer played by a 6'3 man with prosthetic breast flopping in the wind our mothers and grandmothers deserve much more than that heck our fathers and grandfathers deserve more Mr Perry you have told the Hollywood Old Guard to kiss your backside and I appreciate that brother but many black folks have expressed some of the very same attitudes about your work that white critics have and guess who else joined the critique party none other than film director Spike Lee he wasn't shy about calling out Perry for those stereotypical characters according to spike the industry could step up its game by ditching those one-dimensional characters in Perry's record-breaking but in his words biased and nonsensical movies there a lot of stuff that's on today is coery buffoonery and I know is making a lot of money so Tyler Perry's casting choices and how he portrays characters are raising eyebrows sparking talks about his whole business appro some folks are saying Perry tends to stick darkskinned actors in villain roles while making white characters the heroes in in his films even Chris Rock chimed in pointing out a pattern in Perry's movies Rock noticed there's not a whole lot of kind and respectful black skinned boyfriends in Perry's films to drive his point home he brought up Tupac Shakur saying Perry's films could use a bit more variety in character representation he said Tupac might be a political leader if he was alive but then again Tupac might be in a Tyler Perry movie right now so you don't know he might be Tupac might be the bad darkskinned boyfriend in the Tyler Perry movie so Chris Rock's deal was this he's saying Tupac who was a big deal in his rap days might not score a hero role if he landed a spot in a Tyler Perry flick Rock figures based on Perry's usual casting moves the chances of Tupac getting cast as a hero would be pretty slim just rock sharing his thoughts on how things roll in the Tyler Perry movie Universe he further went on saying I would hope he's a senator but he might be kicking Jill Scott down a flight of stairs so Chris Rock and Lee are on the same page pointing out that Tyler Perry's casting and storytelling choices might be playing a part in certain movies success thanks to some biases take Steve Harris in one of Perry's Classics Diary of a Mad Black Woman he's playing Charles mcarter a successful lawyer who turns out to be far from the ideal hubby shockingly he drops the bomb on his wife about another woman in his life and then proceeds to treat her like dirt eventually kicking her out and then there's Blair Underwood known for his stin in La law and rocking Hollywood for over four decades he spilled some tea about his early career and a runin with the legendary Sydney puer back in the 80s seeing black faces on screen was like finding a needle in a Hy stack and when they did pop up the roles were pretty limited and full of stereotypes not giving much variety for black TV viewers Blair Underwood knows the struggle firsthand he and Denzel Washington were like the poster guys for black male representation on TV and in movies at that time getting props for their work Hollywood was still stuck in the same rut in the 9s according to Underwood every black actor and actress in Hollywood no matter how known or skilled were all hustling to audition for the same roles same old challenges just a different decade and speaking of roles Philip van leer got got his shot at playing a villain in Tyler's movies he had a recurring gig in the first and second seasons of a show rocking the part of a ion Overman also took a turn as a not so nice character in Tyler's media goes to jail as Linda Davis an envious assistant district attorney with a secret life of Fraud and evidence tampering then there's Ron Rico Lee who portrayed Chuck an assistant district attorney and Joshua's friend and who could forget Brian White snagging a villain role in Tyler Perry's I can do bad all by myself as Randy the abusive boyfriend an all-around antagonist another Tyler Perry's movie a fall from grace where Crystal Fox plays Grace Waters she's been through the ringer with her ex-husband's Affair and decides to take another shot at love with makod Brook but surprise surprise as she gets closer to him she uncovers some seriously Dark Secrets Grace's Journey takes a twisted turn into love betrayal and the aftermath of people's choices now Tyler Perry's movies like acrimony always stir up discussions on Twitter and other social platforms some folks call out Perry for repeatedly showing the struggles of black women dealing with men's actions in his film on the flip side others say he's just shedding light on real life issues that many black women can relate to also critics aren't letting Tyler Perry off the hook despite his contributions to the black community they're saying hold up let's talk about the misstep they point to moments in his movies and shows where black women get a rough deal or face some unpleasant stuff some argue that Perry's Works kind of push this idea that respectability politics is the only way for his characters to find happiness and success plus there's this concern that he's holding on to a ton of creative control possibly overlooking other talented black and brown female writers and directors in the industry take his adaptation of for colored girls who have considered suicide when the rainbow is enough as an example these critiques are basically saying hey Tyler we want to see more nuanced and responsible portrayals in your work so let's talk about the Meda style of Comedy it's hilarious no doubt but some folks say there's more to it Dave Chappelle on Oprah's show threw out a question why do we see so many black actors creating and playing female characters when I see that they put every black man in the movies in a dress at some point in their career I'll be connecting them down like why all these brothers have to wear a dress so Dave Chappelle spilled some tea about how he got asked to rock a dress in a movie alongside Martin Lawrence he wasn't feeling it and told the producers it wasn't relevant to the scene but they kept pushing him saying all the greats did it and got rewarded Dave just didn't Vibe with it not because wearing a dress is an issue on its own but because he felt the industry was trying to Corner black artist into doing whatever it took for Success they kept hounding him until they figured out he wouldn't budge Dave revealed this whole experience was an eyeopener it took being told to wear a dress for him to connect the dots and realized this wasn't just his struggle lots of other black men had been asked to do the same Martin Lawrence rocked it in Big Mama's House Eddie Murphy pulled it off in the Nutty Professor series and Jamie Fox left a mark with his Unforgettable ugly Wanda on In Living Color then you've got the WAN brother Brothers trying their hand at it with white chicks oh and we can't forget the less successful Jana man in the mix of all this Tyler Perry Takes the Cake now that's a Hollywood roller coaster right as fans we're starting to see that it's not all Sparkles and shine in Tinsel Town more and more folks are speaking up just like TOA Arnold aing their grievances about the industry's darker side there's this growing belief among many that Hollywood would be a way better place for talented actors if heavyweights like Tyler Perry were shown the exit door what are your thoughts on this Wild Ride drop your comments below and we'll catch you in the next video
Channel: UrbanPulse
Views: 427,327
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Keywords: urbanpulse, black entertaintment, celebrity, Tichina Arnold exposes Tyler Perry, Scandal unfolds as Tichina Arnold reveals new secrets to end Tyler Perry’s career, The new secrets exposed by Tichina Arnold to end Tyler Perry’s career, Tichina Arnold dishes on the unsettling truth about the revelation, tyler perry, Tichina Arnold Exposes NEW Secrets That Will End Tyler Perry’s Career, tichina arnold, tichina arnold exposes, tyler perry exposed, black actors, hollywood, hollywood exposed
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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