TIA Portal: PLC Simulation (PLCSIM S7-1500)

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hello and welcome to the next video of our Tia Porter introduction series just a short wrap-up Rob what we did so far we added the hardware configuration we linked sensors and actuators into with the hardware using a tech table and we have written a simple small program into our main function ob1 organizational block one that tells the Piercy how to behave and this is the behavior this is our program this is the main part basically everything we do is huh where it is it's looking at this little system that we have very simple we have those green pieces here we put them out in the start of a conveyor belt b1 detects them as a sensor then we hit s1 which is a push button and the conveyor starts the piece gets transported transport transport transported me to detects the component then the stopper here should open the conveyor belt is on the whole time so the piece will still go go go go go afterwards the stopper will close and we're going to be three where the pieces detected and the conveyor belt turns off and we can take the piece off the belt and the process done so a very simple basic process as a first example here for an entry level so we have written a small program for it if there is a piece detected and the push button is pressed we're turning on cable we're setting it turning on if there is mmm this is strange here we will get to it in a moment b3 is always sending a high signal if there is no component if there's no component the sense of one meaning this will open meaning we won't reset if there's a piece at b3 it will be 0 this will close and the reset will activate and that's how it works with v2 here at p2 will directly activate one-on-one which is the stopper this is called the direct assignment what we want to do this time so this is what we've done so far if you need any review of this just check any of the older videos or put a question in the comments below now we want to simulate this III can explain as much as I want but simulation is always the best to actually see what's going on for simulating this we want to simulate here on the left side we need to select what do we want to simulate only the variables the symbols we've created so far only the program only the hardware we want to simulate everything and it's a simulation it's not an emulation it's just really simulating the behavior it's not really the hardware so so I want to select the brain here the highest level right I want to see like simulate everything we've done so far with this PLC and then we need to click on top here there is a start simulation button I don't know if I can right click actually I can also right click and click start summon or control shift X or whatever no one knows that you can click up here on start simulation this will open another tool called Piercy's Zim there's two different versions of POC ism there's one version for 1500 and 1200 and there's one version for 300 400 and 200 I will make a video for the 300 400 200 version at a later point for now we're concentrating on the 1500 and the 1200 or which will in the simulation behave the same this tool you have to download separately it's not understand a package of tier Porter you have to download separately I will put the download link in description below you don't need a special license key for it your standard T Airport license key will be enough I'll put that link down in the description you have to scroll down until you find something called trial software step 7 PR sees them download all these install them of course you have to be logged in but I explained that in the video earlier so go and check that and this is pure caesium that we are going to so download install and after installation you can select the brain and click on start simulation starting simulation will disable all other interfaces meaning you can't connect to a real physical plc and the simulation at the same time yeah I know that I don't want that to show again so we can only simulate the PRC I hit ok and now you see this little tool that it will open this is the simulator to PLC and also in the back my download window starts but we'll get to that in a second it could be that you have a pop-up message right now saying something like hey simulation is turned off before your Piercy so you have to turn it on there there's an OK button and you turn it on it's just that tells you you are turning on simulation for this PLC which could be unsafe in some cases but for now for beginners level it's totally fine to turn it on ok on the pop-up that's there and this simulation here will open and also in the background here this is my download window this is my compilation window so load preview right now everything seems to be fine the software was compiled without any errors all right without any errors and I want to download so I can click on load when clicking on load my program is now downloaded into this simulation here what do I want to do I could now here select start modules let's keep it on no action I can click finish and now this is my Piercy with my program here I can like with the real physical Piercy click on run with another dip switch on the physical PC or on this display depending on the version run and now my PC is in run what we can do next let me say for formal here what we can do next is we can go online on the PRC let's click on go online you can see on the left side here everything is green meaning everything is downloaded into the PRC and in the PRC this one here has the same status as our project here that we have written that's good next thing I want to do is click on those glasses here which are odd monitoring to see what's going on inside the PSE storage right now that's good we can see two different colors color schemes we can see blue dashed blue dashed means logic zero not active right not active and we can see green yeah green not - just just green solid line which is logic one so we can see the left side here is always logic one this is where we get the logic run from then here it goes on and it stops at b1 because b1 is right now not activated different scenario here the line is on we're going to be three these three in our case right now is also not activated but since we have a normally closed contact if this is a zero the normally closed contact will let a current flow through or logic flow through so meaning this is okay this is not exactly how the sensor behaves here usually we have if there's no workpiece the sensor reads a one so we need to invert that somehow and our simulation we'll get to that in a second good so this is this is what we have right now right now I want to turn on and off all the bits therefore there's some ways and the best way since this for not the best way the way we're doing it right now because I want to introduce the simulation software here is clicking on this little feared which is the expanded mode yeah there should be a pop-up oh so this is the expanded mode meaning we're opening the simulation even more this takes a little moment and it will open the window the simulation a bigger window so this is the full view this that we started with the compact view and this is the full view or the expanded view in here we want to create a new project new project means a new simulation I'll also call my simulation YouTube a YouTube that's also that's new ah I can't i'm sorry i can't click create and now it's creating the project for me and before it was just the same EPOC but this creation lets us do more more configuration on to it so we'll see that in a moment it might take a moment or two depending on the on the hardware you have a PC it's actually pretty fast so that's already pretty slow for my PC and you can see loading configuration from device this is right now also simulating the hardware now you have a configuration which wasn't happening in the in the compact view so I can now go here brain this is my PLC I can check the device configuration I can see okay this is simulated right now and I can see also the the iOS here on the right side if i zoom in to 200% at least I can also see them here and here I can activate a deactivator and just clicking on them activating them but therefore we have a better method method which is called the sim tables simulation tables so if I open a simulation table here you will see it's empty I could now manually type in everything that I have in my project for example b1 I can add b1 alright and so on and so on better method is here on top load project tags this will load all the text that we're using in our in our project so far which is in this case here pretty convenient because we've used those six if I click on it again you will see it's loading all of them again it's not synchronizing them it's always reloading all of them so let's get rid of all of them for now and just load it once so those are mine those are my variables I'm using my symbols I'm using in my PLC program let's make this a little bit smaller so we can actually see that's the minimum that's interesting so that's the minimum as we can see and now I can check to turn on k1 here what do we need to do first thing happy 3 right b3 is the first thing b3 is actually always sending a high signal if there's no component so I will activate it you can see in the background here the green path turns off because now we have a 1 here 1 here means this will open not letting any path through electrically opened so next thing that I want to do is I want to place a component placing a component here so now the sensor is not detecting any component I want to place the component here b1 b1 as a normally open sensor so normally open contact so if there is a part but it were closed right so you can see this on the top left at be one right here I can open and close it right now it's active letting it flow through last thing that needs to happen is here I need to click on s1 so let's click on as one click and we can see k1 activated right k1 activated this is green indicating k1 is active I can also see this here in my simulation k1 is now active next thing that will happen is this will go further p1 will not be active anymore so let's see what happens if we click on B 1 u1 is not active anymore the set input is not active and you up at k1 the motor the conveyor belt is on because we have set it means it stays on so good perfect that's just what I wanted I can also release the start button so what's the next thing that happens here ah b2 detects a component so let's go to the network where we have b2 which is this one here I hope it fits on one screen yeah that's fine so b2 gets active this is p2 and then also 1 + 1 meaning these stopper should open so pay attention to here I'm activating b2 and automatically it activated the stopper alright there's a direct assignment if b2 is active to store my deceptive there we go that's it so I active that was there was a lot of information here if I activate b2 but you can see one on one activates one on one activates Bob k1 here is on all the time already so this is on your digit until we reach the end here if I reach the end b3 will be active oh by the way we left b2 right b2 not active anymore stop are closest then we reach b3 all right b3 and Bob you can also see the conveyor here turned off and the conveyor here also turned off because we have the reset input perfect this is just what we needed right this is how we simulate I will also show you quickly how we can do it even one step further this is the basic simulation that's all you need you basically activate your inputs outputs with buttons and that's it your inputs and the outputs will be activated through your program of course so let's bring it to the standard again b3 basically taking this piece out here right we have another method here in pure cesium we have another method so this is just this is a little bit more advanced you might not need it on the left side here we still have sequences all right we have here sequences as well let's use the one sequence that we already have sequences consists of two parts the first is here an action that happens we can either start immediately with all this sequence or we can have a trigger condition for me for the simulation the trigger condition will be that k1 is on which will be controlled with the PRC right k1 will be controlled through the PRC so the first action that happens is that k1 it's true right as soon as k1 is true here on top we can just change the time settings I want it in seconds and I want one action to be performed in every 5 seconds what happens then if k1 is true what what's the first thing that's going to happen it moves it moves p1 will deactivate right so I will now to [Music] be one moves on my bed sorry the five seconds too late the be one will turn false right that's good what will happen next so this moves right the smooth smooth smooth move Zeus rb2 will activate b2 will not go to false it will go to true it will activate good next thing ah b2 will deactivate so again be too well deactivate go to false what's the next route b3 the sensor will be trigger path it's now sending a zero signal so will also deactivate so b3 will deactivate that's it this is our sequence this is what's going to happen not much right and we want this to repeat all the time and it's going to repeat again if k1 turns true again I can now start the sequence here by pressing start sequence and it's going to start but it's going to wait for the trigger here it's going to wait for k-12 turn true so I put a partner here right meaning be one activates and then s1 now it's going to be a little bit faster so you gotta pay close attention to all of this first thing that's going to happen b1 will activate and s1 so I will now activate in my simulation table here let's hover it so there's not floating around here what's going to happen is b1 which is the first sense all right I put a part now a part is on the conveyor what I need to do is press s1 I'll press s1 I will press it in a moment then the conveyor will turn on five seconds right b2 will activate b2 will activate because it's here in our sequence in the second place then a couple of seconds later b2 will deactivate and because component moves on and even a couple more seconds later b3 will send a logic one signal because there's a piece and then b3 won't send one anymore which I don't have in here which I will add now because someone takes off the piece again I can also type a1 a1 is the same as a true so all of this will take a second here alright this would be complicated to understand so I will do it twice so I press as one now try keeping the eyes on what's happening in the program so I press as one I release this one k 1 is active k 1 1 2 3 4 5 b2 will activate o b1 deactivates first the piece moved right b2 activates afterwards opening the stopper the conveyor is still on 3 4 5 b2 deactivates 2 3 4 5 B 3 will activate turning off the conveyor all right this all happens through our sequence here those are the single steps those are the single steps all right and we can have a look who this is just way too much on one screen right I would just do it here together right so let's place a part here meaning be one activates Bob here next thing that happens I press as one and I release s1 conveyors on right one top top now b1 will activate deactivate and now b2 will activate activating the stopper here all right I can't I'm not too fast enough it was deactivated - stopper closes still moves moves moves moves moves moves b3 is reached right d3 is reached now I'm taking it out trip and we are in our status again this automatically happens all the simulation here that I did with the PowerPoint happens in the sequence here pretty nice if you ask me very convenient to use if you have used it once or twice you will get a hang of it good so that's been 20 minutes short introduction to simulations to this simulation to PA system that's what let's go Pierce isn't for 1215 hours for 300s it looks a little bit different I will make another video on that for now that will be enough if you've got any questions put them in the comments below if you want to see more leave a thumbs up and subscribe and I'll see you in the next episode bye
Channel: Hegamurl
Views: 255,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plcsim, plc sim, simulation, plcsimulation, sps simulation, tia, tia simulation, plc simulator, simulator, v15, v14, v13, step 7, step7, totally integrated automation, sps, programmieren, getting started, inputs, outputs, ob1, first steps, easy programming, leicht programmieren, lernen, siemens, tia portal, plc, automation, mechatronic
Id: c6RNn3z00Fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 11 2019
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