ThrustMaster Captain Pack setup and review

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welcome back to the channel you kurd nerds and today we're going to be talking about flight sticks now I know you've got plenty of different options when it comes to flight sticks you've got Logitech you've got scitec you've got the really expensive Brands like vorpal and vbk but today we're going to be talking about something that thrustmaster makes thrustmaster makes a captain kit for the Airbus A320 and we are going to be unboxing and reviewing that today and here it is the TCA Captain pack Airbus Edition it comes with everything you need you got the stick you got the throttle quadrant it even has spoilers and flaps and parking brake my favorite part is it has hall effect sensors you will never get any stick drift out of this like the stick drift you get from joycons or even some old cheaper Xbox controllers you will never get any stick drift there is no potential omers these are hall effect sensors now this is intended to obviously replicate the Airbus A320 now there are a few things that are a little different but they're not so different that they're going to break the immersion or they're going to make this thing difficult to use if you're typed in the Airbus this should feel very comfortable if you're curious about getting typed in the Airbus this is a perfect place to start and as you can see from opening up the box this isn't a fresh unboxing this isn't a brand new product I had to buy this secondhand because it is a little expensive what that does mean is that this isn't sponsored so every point of view or opinion or just blatant review of this is going to be my own opinion without anyone else digging through it so let's dig into the stick obviously it's a stick it works it Wiggles it's pretty stiff uh feels high quality got a decent heavy base but not so heavy that it's going to put dents in your desk it's got plenty of buttons I believe six on each side you can set them up for whatever you want I don't really have them set them up for much because well we have the whole other throttle quadrant it does have throttle I do like that it's got plenty of buttons right up there on the top you've got your autopilot disconnect on one I've got the other one set up for the outside view then you've got a hat switch then you've got two different Triggers on the front so plenty buttons for you to set this up for anything else that you might be using it for you can use this for War Thunder or what have you and it does work Standalone you can also replace those red buttons with smaller click earier buttons it's just to Philips head and it does come with an easy little screwdriver you can have them with one black one one red one both black of them both red ones like I've got set up right now I like the red ones it is USB type A with no ability to replace the cable it does have right there at the bottom the left hand or right hand depending on where you've got the button set up if you look into the button mapping it shows if you've got it on the left side the red button is on the right side of the stick if you've got it on the right side the red button on the left side of the stick and this is an amazing stick I do like that it is USB type A and it's not some weird sc cable like the scitec x50 2 the zitec x52 you can't use Standalone because it does have that weird s cable it does always have to be plugged into its throttle and with that in mind let's take a look at the actual throttle quadrant this thing is awesome you've got both your engines the left side doesn't have any detents the right side does have all of the actual clicky detents that you would expect to feel from the actual aircraft but I do like like that it has the lift gates for the thrust reversers instead of just a detent like you would feel in something like the scitec x52 now obviously there's some buttons and switches and such that aren't exactly like the Airbus but we'll get into that in a little bit but it's got some absolutely amazing slat handles and flap handles there are also screws on the front so you can adjust the tension for these if they're too loose from the factory or if they're too tight from the factory this does have USB type c so that you can replace the cable you can mount it whichever way you see fit I'm not really sure what that ports for it looks like a phone jack I probably should have done a little bit more research before making this video so I can actually see what that ports for it does have a gear handle it also has a auto Brak handle or an auto Nom it has the engine selector these are actually buttons they're not buttons in the actual aircraft they're the little fire indicators to tell you which on fire it does have a parking brake handle there is no pull detent it's just a Twist and it's got a Rudder trim it also has the auto thrust disconnect buttons that you would expect from a throttle quadrant like this it also has an engine 1 and two or three and four what that means is for you people who want to fly like the 350 or the 380 you can buy another throttle quadrant and plug it into this so that you can have all four engines and what's amazing is it's just a SATA cable it's just any old Sata cable that you can pick up at Best Buy for a couple dollars so if you break those cables lose those cables want to hook this up in some weird setup that you've got personally for yourself you can just go buy some random SATA cables as long or as short as you see fit in the event that you need to replace them you've just got a couple screws and you can pull this thing apart and now that we've gone over all the features of this throttle quadrant let's hear a message from the sponsor for this video all right and here we are in Microsoft Flight Sim getting ready to test out the thrustmaster Airbus uh throttle quadrant and stick setup now when I first plugged this in it didn't work at all none of the none of the throttles none of the flaps none of the the spoilers gear none of that none of that worked at all the only thing that worked was the the parking brake and well we we can't really fly an airplane with just the parking brake believe me I've I've tried you push you pull you twist it just doesn't it doesn't go up plane just it just it just sits there so we definitely had to set up some controls and I wish I could export these control profiles and just put them in a download link below but that's not really an option so we're going to have to go through it um the hard way so let's open up up our controls menu and the first thing that's going to throw you off when setting this up is going to be the fact that when you click on the actual throttle quadrant the engine throttle quadrant whatever you want to call it it only shows you the center it doesn't show you the the slats doesn't show you the flaps it doesn't show you the parking brakes so it's kind of hard to figure out what button correlates with what all right um so if you look down on the link below you'll find that there's a little PDF from thrustmaster that shows you what butt buttons correlate with which buttons which switches correlate with which switches which buttons correlate with which buttons so that that'll help you set this up but I've set this up as close to the actual aircraft as I possibly can and uh let's let's go through it so first we're going to start out here in our engine instruments and uh systems one second we're going to move me down here just a little bit and we're going to set up our engines Master 1 and two now you're going to make sure you use the set engine Master One not toggle engine Master One not set magnetos not toggle magnetos not toggle fuel or any of that other stuff it is just set engine Master 1 and two and you're going to correlate those with joystick button 3 or engine Master 1 and joystick button 4 for engine Master 2 when you do set these up just make sure the switches are in the off position cuz they get a little caddy Wampus they get a weird when you try to set up a button that's currently active or that's currently being pressed so just make sure that they're in the off position select joystick button three for Master One joystick button four for Master 2 all right then we're going to set up our engine ignition start mode and crank selector that's going to be associated with button eight for ignition and that is the little dial in between the two uh engine Master switches below the thrust lovers you're going to twist that to the right and that's going to be joystick button8 you're going to twist it to the left and that's going to be joystick button s uh as for control surfaces we've got some trimming surfaces all right we've got our Rudder trim that's that little dial just above the parking brake if you twist to the right that's going to be joystick button 19 and you're just going to again use the drop- down menu don't try to actually like twist these things cuz there could very well be buttons in between and in a center position and in a detent and whatnot and that's just going to it's going to make it really difficult for you so just use the drop down menu SEL select joystick button 19 for Rudder trim right select joystick button 18 for Rudder trim left don't try to to do the auto scan and then validate no no no just use the drop down menu as for reset Rudder trim that's going to be joystick button 17 and that is just to the left of the um Rudder trim dial we got some secondary control surfaces we've got our spoiler access that's going to be over here to the left and remember each time you hear one of these clicks that's probably a virtual button so if you try to set this up by just wiggling the axis you're going to accidentally press those virtual buttons every time you hit one of those clicks and that's going to accidentally arm that button for that access as opposed to the actual axis that you want to set up this took me a while to figure out what was going on it was like you just armed that for button 13 are you sure you want to use button 13 that's not an axis are you sure you want to do that I'm like no I don't want to do that I want to set up for the axis that I was wiggling I'm like am I pressing the wrong button am I am I bumping something what's going on so after a lot of trial and error I realized that there are virtual buttons that are actually active and if you want to go into your USB game controller setup going to the Advance you can technically turn those virtual buttons off but if you just use the drop- down menu and select joystick R AIS Z you don't have to worry about any of that now next one is going to be your flap axis for some reason I had to reverse this one I'm not sure I'm not not sure what's going on there um you might get you know your mileage may vary on this one but you're going to select joystick L axis Z as for brakes the actual brakes of the aircraft you know the tow brakes I do have them set up on my Rudder pedals down beneath if you want to see a review on those it'll probably be a really short view given that it's just brakes and Rudder but you want to see it just let me know in the comments All right but we do still have parking brake and Auto brakes so remember you're using the set parking brake not the toggle parking brake not parking brake on not parking brake off none of that set parking brake is going to be to joystick button 20 make sure that your parking brake is in the up position on your actual control when you do go to set that up cuz again it acts weird if you don't have them in the off position before you try to set them up the next one is going to be our Auto brakes all the way disarm nothing I don't have anything I don't have anything latched to that for for Auto brakes low I've got it set to joystick button 23 and that corresponds with the dial low on the throttle quadrant then for Auto brakes medium I've got it set up with joystick button 24 for Auto brakes High I've got that set up for 26 that does mean that the position three on this dial is completely blank I don't have anything set up for it I don't know what you could honestly set up for it um tell me in the coms ments what you come up with all right next one is going to be our autopilot we don't have a whole lot going on with autopilot all I've got set up is button one for auto throttle disconnect along with button two for auto throttle disconnect those are just on the side of the throttle quadrant and when it comes to power management remember just use the drop- down menu just use the drop- down menu do not try to wiggle these throttle quadrants to get the axis set up the way that you want because again it's just going to grab those virtual but buttons on those detents so for the throttle 2 or the one to the the on the right side or engine two it is going to be joystick L axis Y and then for throttle one it's joystick L axis 6 I had to reverse them I'm not sure if that's what everybody has to do that's what I had to do as for landing gear this is this one took me a while this one took me a while to figure out so joystick button 21 is what correlates with the actual landing gear uh lever so you're going to set up Gear Up on joystick button 21 on press okay as for gear down it's still joystick button 21 but set it for on release and again make sure that it is released or the gear lever is down when you do go to set that up or else it's not going to take it so for gear up it's on press for gear down it's on release you can think of this as if you were using just the keyboard holding G to hold the gear up and then when you released the letter G it it let the gear come down okay the stick though set up just fine it's completely set up on the original profile there is there is nothing that I had to change I do like the camera setup you can change the cameras as the way whatever you want um I do have my autopilot set up for the uh autopilot disconnect switch like you would see in the actual aircraft so let's get into the simulated actual aircraft and we've got a couple calibrations we've got to go through when it comes to the Phoenix 320 um cuz you've got your thrust reversers and such let's let's get into [Music] it all right so to get inside I can either press the uh button on the stick that brings me inside side or I can press um control one and that will take me right down to the mcdu or the multi-function control display unit or the mcdo the Box the FMS whatever you want to call it all right the first thing we're going to do is we're going to go to config okay config is going to bring up our simulator controls this where we can set up our fuel our packs or you know Etc but we're going to go down to controls config and we're going to see thrust levers right up here in right up here it's the first thing that pops up we're going to click calibrate calibrate is going to ask me to set these thrust levers to Max reverse so I'm going to bring up those finger those finger uh clicker things and I'm going to bring those thrust levers all the way back and I'm going to click Next Step then I'm going to bring them up to idle reverse which is not all the way out all right you still want those little finger clicker things pulled up but you're just going to set it just to the top of that yellow uh range for the Thruster verses then you're going to click Next Step then for idle just push it up and until those little flinger finger clickers go down and you're stuck out of the thrust revers uh window then you're going to click Next Step then it's going to ask for climb which should be that first virtual button or that first detent and you're going to click Next Step then you're going to set Flex MCT which is stands for I mean it really just means reduce thrust or Ma and maximum continuous thrust then you're going to click Next Step then you're going to set it for takeoff go around thrust which is all the way up and you're going to hit next step and store that calibration bring those thrust levers all the way back so the airplane stops yelling at us and just like any Airbus Sim whether it be one you're training in for work or one you're just playing in if you've got that little arrow you got more pages hit that arrow button to the right and you've got other little null zones you can set up this is for the stick you can set up the stick whichever way you see fit the Airbus is a fly by wire aircraft so the way it flies in the Sim is pretty dang accurate to the way it flies in real life so you shouldn't need to set up any kind of null zones if you've got this controller set up given that it's intended to replicate it as for flaps you are going to need to calibrate these so it's the same way you're going to click calibrate it's going to ask you to set flaps one you're going to bring back bring them back to flaps one then you're going to bring them back to flaps two flaps three flaps full and you're going to click calibrate and then store calibration and we don't have any more things to calibrate so now let's get into the actual aircraft and take it for a spin with our newly setup controls but before we do that let's hear a message from our sponsor you know as I have gotten into my older years I've definitely noticed that I I struggle to keep up with the younger generation when it comes to gaming now with your your fortn nights and loss dancing and meta builds whatever whatever that happens to be I have recognized that I just can't really keep up anymore I've tried a number of energy supplements some that claim to give you wings and others that claim to have fairly explosive results but what I usually just end up with is the Jitters and a few hours later the caffeine crash and I don't want to play video games anymore anyway at that point which is why I've switched to dubby energy dubby energy claims to be better with its jitterless energy blend and might I say some absolutely delicious flavors and it costs about the same as what you would expect of a similar sized container and you're going to get a whole lot more servings for the same price than if you were to spend that amount on the drink that claims to give you wings so if you use the link below and you use the promo code cheese pilot you'll get a pretty decent discount so with that in mind Scamper on back to them video games I got some studying to catch up on well welcome back now we're going to go ahead we're going to set flaps 2 we're going to set our part set our Auto brakes to Max and we are going to send those thrust lovers up to toga for takeoff go around thrust given that we haven't had a chance to set up anything in the actual FMS um if we were actually doing this from inside the airplane the airplane would be incredibly pissed off out telling us to set VP speeds and everything else um we're not we're not going to go through all that and we're rolling there's a lot of people trying to depart this Runway today now I do have the Hat set up for all these different views and it's it's it's actually really convenient to be able to just move around the aircraft I can't wait to actually stream which by the way Wednesdays is when we're going to be doing Microsoft Flight Sim doing a whole bunch of teaching so if you're interested come follow on uh cheese pilot you should see a little little thing pop up and there's our rotate speed bringing that nose up 3° per second nose is up positive climb gear can come up we are through our first flap speed let's go ahead and bring those flaps up to one let's head inside the aircraft to set up the autopilot it's asking for Lever climb so bring those back to climb we're going to set our speed up at 200 knots cuz we're just going to be hanging out in the patter so there's 200 we're going to keep that there and we're going to set 2,000 for our pattern altitude and we're going to start our crosswind now the one thing I was a little disappointed with is it was it I haven't found a way to set up how to use the autopilot for any of these things oh helps if I actually turn the autopilot on Awkward let's we're not going to set manage speed because we want to actually we want to actually fly the airplane with the autopilot but the one thing as I was saying is I was a little disappointed about the inability to set up any of these extra buttons that are on the joystick to work the autopilot I wanted to be able to set like you know one of these buttons for heading up and heading down speed up speed down vertical speed up vertical speed down altitude Windows Etc instead of having to come in and actually scroll it let me know if you can figure out how to set that up um I I couldn't figure figure out how to set that up so i' I'd really love some help from the community on that one um because I feel like it would really help make it a much more enjoyable experience with this stick to have some kind of autopilot uh management with just the stick so that we we don't have to come inside the aircraft to adjust the autopilot we can purely fly the aircraft from the outside with no autopilot or correction with the autopilot that's that's what I was talking about we want the autopilot now we are in our downwind and I'm going to set up one little thing we're going to activate approach phase so that the airplane will start managing its own speed for the up prob and we're going to head back outside and disconnect the autopilot and it start in my and it to my this thing is much easier to fly when the autopilot is handling the thrust and we're going to line up for the perpendicular Runway of the one that we took off from just because it seemed like there was a there was a bit of a crosswind on that takeoff so we are actually in our base right now it seems like there is there's a large large amount of traffic here today we're going to set the next Notch of flaps before we start descending have a place I'm trying to the aircraft is slowing down all on its own brought those thrust rever thrust levers back to Idol such a pretty airplane let's pay attention to what what we got going on all right bring those gear down and start turning our final now with this being an Air transport category jet you shouldn't need much Rudder at [Music] all now we're going to head back inside for the landing cuz I I just can't seem to land this thing from outside if I'm just going to be entirely honest I'm correcting great [Music] correcting what's a stabilized approach there we go stabilized by 500 right gears down then let's arm those ground spoilers [Music] correcting I guess we're going to take the go around that didn't go well at all Gear [Music] Up laps two plus that's a really short Runway I don't know what we were thinking trying to land on that thing I don't know what I was thinking trying to land on that thing but as you can see even through a go around using this control this control this set of controls makes it so much easier than trying to use like a like a scitec x52 or like the warthog or something because it's it represents the aircraft so if you plan on spending a a a good number of time a good bit of time in the Airbus in Microsoft Flight Sim I would definitely recommend uh picking this up and again not sponsored by thrustmaster at all so this is my personal opinion of this uh control surface or of this set of controls all right cuz I have the scitec x52 I've had it for oh a number of years at this point and to be honest it wasn't really an enjoyable experience to use the scitech x52 in Microsoft Flight Sim because it it didn't properly represent the aircraft so I'm constantly searching around like where's that button where's that switch what did I set that up for right and with this it it solves all of those problems that I was having so if you're looking for something to use other than you know the the Logitech Turtle Beach or Turtle Beach uh in their Yol setup or Logitech in their Yol setup you're looking for something that properly represents an Air transport category jet that doesn't take up a whole lot of space like the the Boeing system takes up a whole lot of space you got that big old Yol right there um I'd definitely recommend picking this up I have no idea how much it cost I think it's about 300 bucks so uh if you enjoy this kind of content make sure you drop a follow uh subscribe hit that Bell icon so you get notified every time we put out more Aviation based content is really what this channel is all about so other than that keep it cheesy
Channel: Cheese Pilot
Views: 4,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: airline life, airline pilot, aviation, flight sim, gaming, microsoft flight sim, pilot, streamer
Id: RHZduTq6Zcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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