Throwing and trimming a pasta bowl | MAE CERAMICS

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okay hey folks good morning lily here from may ceramics today i am throwing pasta bowls so um they are sort of wide um white shallow bowls i'll just go and grab one and show you so this is a pasta bowl you can see it's uh really wide really flat i like to trim a little foot ring into it so that we um it sort of sits up nicely but yes essentially it's just a lovely flat bowl so i am gonna throw these and show you what i'm up to um tomorrow i will trim them maybe the day after depending on how dry they are and i'll show you that too right so to start with we have two balls of clay here this piece of clay is actually far too much i don't need this much i need a chunk of clay this maybe is 200 um grams and then this guy is um 1200 grams so 1.2 kilograms and this is going to be the bowl we are going to be throwing on a bat today so this is because when the piece is thrown to take off the wheel is quite a mission and you can end up sort of distorting the piece so you throw on a bat and then you just take the whole bat and then you pop off so i'm going to show you how to attach a bat ring and then the bat and then through the pop before i start actually throwing i like to just get my ruler and my calipers and i work out the size that i need let's get going so this step is just like if you were to throw a plate or something you just need to flatten this ball of clay on the wheel [Music] [Music] so that's it it doesn't matter if it's not completely scented but it doesn't matter if it is um kind of wobbly on the top you just want it to be nice and flat and then we're just gonna make a little spiral and we center the bat and attach it now you just pretend that this is the wheel head and start again so i am using really soft reclaim here and i have wedged it all but as it is reclaiming i like to just give it a few cones up and down to make sure that it is nice and um de-aired nice and wedged just in case there's some last little air bubbles hanging out in there just kind of get rid of them with a few good [Music] [Music] cones so you want to center your clay um sort of low and flat so that you don't have to work so hard in the next point in the next kind of step now we're going to open this up and bring the walls up [Music] so you want to just really compress in here not just to um sort of avoid s-cracks and things like that but also to sort of get a really nice in a profile [Music] so i'm sort of pushing out an um a bowl kind of shape with my inside hand and my outside hand is really just supporting it um making sure it sort of kind of goes up rather than all the way out at this stage if you go out too far then you're just going to keep going out and it will eventually flop [Music] perfect so now i'm going to just kind of clean up this inside shape a little bit more and then it's done [Music] if you want to you can measure this here so i like to make them to six centimeters and that is where it is and so it's done the bowl is finished for this stage check again now we're gonna get this guy i don't know what this tool is spike on a stick and was gonna um run it underneath the bowl get rid of some of this excess clay but mostly it provides a spot for the wire to kind of be pulled through that's it now we take the whole bowl off and there we go for me i like to use kind of more clay er on the side of having too much clay and two little clay for um wide shallow bowls and that's because if you are using i don't know say too little clay and you need to get to this kind of width it actually needs so much on the bottom here and so much to support the the shoulder as you're coming out and if you're thinking um you kind of think of like a ramen ball something that is it's got a nice big shoulder and it comes up still quite high this shoulder is a really important part where um the it needs to sort of support the weight of the clay above it and if you go too wide too quickly then you're just going to find that it falls down so i like to err on the side of more clay and then you can trim into it later and give something a nice flip ring this is my scraps bowl as you can see but um you can see that this foot ring um kind of in proportion to the rest of the the bowl looks really lovely and we've got the shoulder that i was talking about supporting all of this clay but when i threw this it would have kind of just been like one big block of clay down the bottom so i will show you how to clean this up when uh the piece is leather hard which will be probably two days from now because this is so much clay at the bottom but we'll keep an eye on the rim if it gets too dry you might just want to put a little plait a little bit of plastic on there or um you may what i tend to do is tomorrow i will flip it over so it starts drying on the base rather than the rim so yeah that's this point and i will see you in a couple of days all right folks it's been a couple of days this is the bowl that i threw it's um at leather hard stage so if you're new to pottery that means that it's still wet um but it's obviously not sort of squishing under my fingers as i'm touching it so you can see i've just made these little marks um with my fingernail and uh so you can mark it you can probably you want to sort of mold it a little bit um but it's holding its shape so it's a perfect time now to trim it um so i'm gonna show you now how i do it okay so i have my um bowl here i have a sponge and some water i'm just gonna wet the wheel head and then put this guy down on it and you can sort of line it up with the um circles that are on your wheel um to center it but then you just want to check that it's in the middle this guy is slightly off so i'm going to move it just a tiny bit so now it's in the middle i'm going to tap it down um to sort of create a little bit of a seal between the rim of the pot and the wheel head and then i'm running my wooden knife tool just the end of it um between where the rim of the pot um meets the wheel head so like this but i'm doing it at my sort of six o'clock now i'm going to do a bit of an initial um sort of tidy up of the base now i'm going to mark with my calipers um the inside trimming line [Music] and this just guides me so that every bowl that i make is the same measurements so now i can use this as my guide and i will trace the line here to be my inner foot ring measurement and then i'll do another one on the outside that will be my outer foot ring measurement then i'm just going to remove all this clay [Music] so [Music] so so i'm tapping the base of the pot so here how thick it is so there's a different tone and that kind of tells you how much more you can trim before going through the base of the pot and it's just practice to sort of work out and what the tone means and you can also sort of see a little bit of movement if you're getting a little bit too thin so i know i've got a little bit more that i can work with here so [Music] and this bit is kind of um a little funky but i like to just kind of use really wide palms and sort of i don't know turn the wheel on slowly and then sort of twist the other way and kind of pull it as well to try and get the wheel off um and unstuck [Music] so so that was it here she is all finished and looking nice so this is a beautiful little shallow bowl um it can hold nice things like curries and things salads pasta soup if you're brave so this is a shiny white glaze that i use it's quite nice um you can see some of the freckles um in the clay hey it's a voice over me saying for no good reason i forgot to record this outro so here we are um i hope you have enjoyed this video of me making a bowl and please like and subscribe and i will see you next time bye
Channel: Mae Ceramics
Views: 113,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Fjvp02sGSUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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