(Through The Bible) Psalms - Part 1 by Zac Poonen

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[Music] so let's begin we want to turn to the book of psalms The Book of Psalms is more quoted in the New Testaments than any other Old Testament book many people in the New Testament quote from the book of sound Jesus quoted from it and at least out of the hundred and fifty sounds here at least 50 of them 50 of them are quoted in the New Testament some of these Psalms we don't know their authors at least 70 of them were written by David some by essa some by the sons of Korah a few by Solomon one by Moses one by man called Ethan and most of the others are unknown and now the Book of Psalms is divided actually in 25 books the first book is someone 241 the second book is some 42 272 the third book is Psalm 73 289 the fourth book is from Psalm 92 Psalm 106 and the fifth one is Psalm 107 to Psalm 150 now it's not we cannot say that each book has got a different subject there are a number of subjects in each of the books but many who have studied the Psalms often compare these five books of the Psalms to the first five books of Moses and there is a certain amount of similarity we could say between the first book of Psalms and genesis in the second book of sounds and Exodus and third one with laviticus the fourth one with numbers and the fifth one with the front of me for example in the first book that you read about creation in some 8 and Psalm 19 about the Sun and the moon and the stars and there's a lot of Psalms in that first book about suffering God godly man suffering from other people who are troubling him and crying out to God for help reminding us of how Joseph suffered from the book of Genesis and godly man and the second book has a similarity to Exodus in the sense that it's a there are a number of cases of an oppressed people morning sound 42 to 44 crying out for deliverance and the deliverance coming through crisis the bridegroom and the king Psalm 45 in Psalm 72 the third book beginning with Psalm 73 of the Lord of sounds from 73 to 89 dealing with the temple itself was one of the people appointed as a singer in the temple and therefore it is very similar to Leviticus which is also got to do with the temple ordinances and the laws of God the fourth one begins itself with some 90 written by Moses in the wilderness and therefore has some connection with the wanderings of Israel mentioned in numbers and about Christ's training in Psalm 99 200-600 wanderings received and the last book has Deuteronomy we can say is the second law and the last book of the Bible has got some 119 for example it is all about the law of God and finally ending in the songs of a sense that lead up to Jerusalem the promised land for us you trying to be prepared the way for the children of Israel entering into the Promised Land for them with just any so they're in a broad way you've got a little outline of the whole book of psalms but we can't say that every sound either this is just a broad guideline so we want to look at this and see obviously we won't have time to go to all the hundred and fifty some but I'll try and find out to you some of the important Psalms in each section we try and cover book 1 and 2 in the first session and three four and five in the next session someone is of course a very well-known song it talks about how our life can become prosperous if we meditate on the Word of God that's basically the theme but godly and the ungodly a theme of someone a godly person does not stand in the counsel of the ungodly but in contrast he doesn't just sit and do nothing you see a lot of doggies people they avoid evil but there's nothing good in them it's like the demon that was cast out and the heart is clean and empty so that demon goes and brings seven other demons and occupies it so it's not enough to say verse 1 I don't stand in the way of sinners I don't sit in the seat of the scornful I don't walk in the counsel of the ungodly what do you do then I fill my heart with the word of God I meditate on the law of the Lord day at night and then I'll be like a tree planted by the rivers of water and there's wonderful worse the last part of verse 3 whatever he does he will prosper what a verse I'd like to never like that life like that that whatever I do even in my secular profession there will be the blessing of God upon the work of my hand there'll be the blessing of God upon the words of my mouth this is the way God wants us to live and if you want to live like that meditate on the Word of God everyday take it seriously think about it think about it let it become part of your life we don't have to read it all the time you know you eat breakfast in the morning and your body is digesting it digesting and digesting it and then you eat lunch and then your body's digesting is I think the actual time you spend eating is very little bit but the digesting process and it's not just digestion so many fine things happen in the body which convert that food into blood and flesh and bones something like that has to happen to the Word of God we read the Word of God maybe for a very short time but we meditate on it even when we are not kneeling down or having the Bible in front of us till finally that becomes a part of our system and our life and guides everything we do in life just like the food we eat some too speaks of this is a messianic Psalm there are a number of Psalm 2 words for 27 especially he's quoted by you know Peter and the Acts of the Apostles he who sits in the heavens were laughs kiss the Sun it says in verse 12 is the Messianic science some of the King that was rejected the kings of the earth worse to have set themselves against the Lord ms anointed his anointed as the Messiah Jesus and he says to his son worse seven thou art my son this day I have begotten Lee asked of me and I give you the heathen for your inheritance the other most parts of the earth for Michael for your position and you shall break them with a rod of iron one day is going to rule so before that happens kiss the son lest he be angry with you blessed are those who put their trust in him some three is a psalm of a person who is struggling suffering how are the increased Lord that trouble me I have so many enemies many of rising up against me this is a very is a constant theme you know many of these Psalms were written by David when he was running away from Saul this particular one was written when he was running away from Absalom his son Lord how they have increased who are troubling me but you are my glory verse 3 and the lister of my head we sing that in accord my glory and the lifter of my head do you know that David sang that when he was running away from Absalom it's one thing to sit comfortably in a chair and say my glory in the list of my head but see the context in which he said it when he was running away from apps along with all his enemies against so many enemies to people like I hate o phila dudas is scary to the trailer he says Lord you are my glory in the litter of my head to say that in a time of trial wonderful so many of these songs were not written in easy chairs or lying down in comfort a lot of these sounds are written under pressure when David was running from cave to cave hiding from Saul hiding from Absalom through pressure one Psalm was written when he was almost killed by the package the king of God and he had to pretend to be a madman and God saved his life so what we learned from that is that this inspired scripture did not come out of people sitting in comfortable circumstances writing a song today there are people write songs sit somewhere and comfortable situations and write songs but these were not written like that they were written under pressure and because I'm under pressure that the best comes forth from our life some of these wonderful sounds were never having written would never have being written if David had not faced pressure are you afraid of pressure I have found that some of the greatest lessons God has taught me has been in times of pressure so don't be afraid of pressure it is through that pressure that God brings forth the ministry from you it's like the squeezing of the toothpaste tube if you want something to come out you got to squeeze it otherwise nothing comes up and God squeezes us and presses us through other people so that his word comes forth from our life and the more you squeeze the toothpaste you what happened more comes out the more the pressure and vial upon your life the more your ministry can become rich in the word has come out of your lips some for here he says a wonderful word verse 3 the Lord has set apart the godly for himself the wonderful words if your godly God has set you apart for himself you're not for the world my brother sister let all the other believers live for the world those who are godly have been set apart by God for him servants of your mind you're not for the world and here is a wonderful verse also stand in awe and thin not this is the worst coated in Ephesians 4 be angry and sin not that could be another translation of this verse be angry when you're angry don't sin but the rest of the worse unfortunately it's not coated in Ephesians 4 but here's some good advice for you what you should do when you're angry what should you do it says in verse 4 going lie down on your bed and be still for a little while isn't that wonderful practical advice the next time you're angry remember this very easy reference for 40 K sound 4 verse for the Bible says when you're angry going light on in their bed and just commune with God for a little while and be still don't toss around on the best it's just these two for a little while it's the best advice for angry people if you can't overcome it by the grace of God next best is lie down in the bed till you learn to get grace to overcome it without lying down on your bed and there when you're lying down in the bed off of the sacrifices of righteousness praise the Lord because he's on the throne and put your trust in the Lord don't be angry with people and you'll get up from that bed and you will say we're seven Lord you have put blackness in my heart that was anger in my heart till now but the sadness in my heart now more than in the time when all their people their corn in their line increased okay some five we've gotta rush through this I wish we could spend longer but we then spend many many more hours of you go to slowly some five it's a wonderful worse than verse 3 which says my voice shut out here in the morning oh lord if you can make this a practice in your life Lord every morning you will hear my voice in the morning I will direct my prayer unto thee and I will not look down I will not look around I will look up begin your morning's like that for thou at a god was pleasuring no pleasure in wickedness neither shall ye will dwell with thee and verse 7 the last part in your in reverence I will worship toward your holy temple verse 11 let those who put their trust in thee rejoice because they'll defend us then you defend them Lord Sun 6 he says Lord don't rebuke me Jason menial heartless displeasure have mercy upon me and he tells the workers of iniquity verse 8 depart from me you workers of iniquity but the Lord has heard my voice he has he will receive my prayer first and let my enemies be ashamed many times you'll see this in the Psalms of enemies and prayer and God answering verse 7 sorry sound 7 there's a verse share of itself if Lord verse 3 if there's sin in my hand if I have returned evil to those who were at peace with me then let my enemy persecuting I have not done evil to others the very serious thing thing to do evil to others i mentioned the other day that there are two types of sin since we're you harm yourself and since we're you harm other people for example most Christians think as I said the other day that smoking is more serious than gossiping it is not in smoking is a sim in which you destroy yourself in gossiping you'll not only destroy yourself will destroy another person how many people believe that gossiping speaking evil about others is more serious than smoking or getting drunk see we don't understand how the seriousness of doing evil to others okay God is angry verse 11 with a wicked person every day some eight here is another messianic Psalm when it says in verse 4 what is man that thou art mindful of him that is coated in Hebrews now it's made him a little lower than the angels that Jesus took the place of being a little lower than angels and Hebrews that explains this as because he died angels don't die how did jesus become a little lower than the Angels he died angels didn't don't die but today you're crowned him with glory and honor and you put everything under his feet were six and in Hebrews it says that's referring to Jesus who got everything under his feet and we are his body we can have everything under our feet 2 and verse 2 is what Jesus quoted in the temple when the children were praising the Lord and the Pharisees were all upset with all the noise in the temple see some people don't like noisy praise and worship but Jesus enjoyed it because heaven is full of noisy praise and worship and Jesus enjoyed it when he saw those children shouting and praising God it reminded him of heaven it made him homesick for heaven but the Pharisees were long face and they thought children should not raise the Lord and Jesus said haven't you read in the scripture that out of the mouths of babes you have ordained strength why he was referring to praising God when you start praising God you have strength to shut up the mouth of the enemy in the Avenger Psalm 82 wonderful words the way you shut the mouth of the devil is by doing what those children did in the temple praising God opening our mouths that's the thing that then will hate sincere praise that comes from the heart is what the devil hates just praise the Lord say verse 9 o Lord all auto excellent is thy name in all the earth some nine this is speaking about the godly remnant the wicked one and is follower when my enemies are turned back they shall fall verse three my presence because Lord verse for thou has maintained my cause verse 9 the Lord will be a refuge for the oppressed and worst and those who know know know the name of Jesus will put their trust in thee because thou is not forsaken them and yes here's the picture of Resurrection in verse 13 the last part now that lifted me up from the gates of death a prophecy of the resurrection some 10 is about again about the wicked one and the vision of the man of faith the wicked one verse 4 through the pride of his face will not seek after God but God is the one who verse 18 cares for the fatherless and the oppressed people of Earth so that the evil men in the world may not oppress them or terrify them anymore some 11 is again about the wicked and the righteous and it says universe file the very interesting worse that the Lord tests the righteous people but the wicked and the one who loves violence is sole hate now he's contrasting the righteous and the wicked so when it says that God hates the wicked what he should say is he loves the writer that's the opposite that verse should read like this the Lord loves the righteous but he hates the widget but what does it say he hates the wicked but he did the righteous testing is a mark of his love when God tests you it's like a child having an egg test an examination what is the purpose of the examination to give him a promotion to put him into the next standard next year why does God test you to give you a promotion okay chapter 12 is again about wicked people and deliverance he says help Lord because godly people are seizing very difficult to find a godly man on the earth nowadays I believe that's a psalm which has great relevance for the time in which we live health Lord godly people are getting reduced day by day faithful people are not found among the children of men everybody speaks vanity they speak with flattering hearts and hypocritical hearts and see it's their speech notice the emphasis here on when it says the godly people are not fun is because the speech of everybody is ungodly the mark of a godly man is a speech they speak emptiness wheres do they speak flattery they speak with a double heart hypocrisy the Lord we cut off flattery the Lord will cut off the proud tongue and the ungodly man says verse for our lips are our own we will speak what we like that is the mark of an ungodly man he's got no control over his tongue jane says the man who can control his son is a perfect man who have said with our tongue will prevail we will overcome with our tongue know the Lord in contrast to that a godly man remembers verse six of the words of the Lord are pure words like silver tested in a furnace seven times that means I read it like this the ungodly man says my lips on my own I just speak whatever I like the godly man when he thinks of saying something he throws it back into the furnace should I say it or not takes it out should I say it like this no throw it back again and throws it back seven times into the furnace and then decides how to speak the rewrites his letters perhaps seven times before he sends out that letter particularly if it's a strong letter of rebuke or something like that that's how a godly man does things okay 13 Lord how long will you forget me he's talking about the enemy again and the victory of faith I would sing to the Lord because he's dealt bountifully with me The Fool has said in his heart where's Jeff Psalm 14 there is no God and this is the sound which is coated in Romans 3 as a description of the ungodly person verse 3 they're all gone aside they've all become filthy there's no good not one some 15 is in contrast to this evil person is that godly remnant who shall abide in thy holy Tabernacle Oh Lord the one who walks uprightly the one who works righteousness speaks the truth in his heart and many many things and one who honors those who fear God we don't honor a person because he's rich or famous verse 4 we honor a man because he fears God I want to spend my life not honoring the great people of the earth but honoring those who fear God those who live like this the last part of verse fight they will never be shaken that many things are going to be shaken in the world but such a man will not be shaken some 16 is another messianic Psalm about Christ I've set the Lord always before me verse 8 because he's at my right hand i'll never be moved this is what Peter coated in Acts chapter 2 verse 5 the Lord is the portion of my inheritance and of my cup and in verse 3 is a wonderful worse where the psalmist says might delight is in God's people on the earth my delight is in God's people on the earth some 1611 at the right thing in thy presence is fullness of joy there is only one place where you can get fullness of joy that is God's presence there's only one place where you can get perfect pleasure perfect pleasure is not from sexual activity it is not from eating good food verse 11 perfect pleasure is at God's right hand if you want perfect pleasure perfect joy you find it in God's presence some 17 there's a wonderful verse here in verse 15 as for me I will behold your face and righteousness and Lord when I wake up in the resurrection I will be satisfied with your likeness I'll be satisfied when I awake and I like you or I behold your likeness it can mean both that's my glory psalm 18 is another wonderful picture of salvation if you read through that whole song we found it also quoted in second samuel means 21 some 22 seconds I'm Travis almost identical words mr. Samuel David 1 verse verse 16 the saviour sent the sinner saved and the saved are separated in verse 16 he sent from above he took me and he drew me out of the many waters of this world and now where's 28 he will enlighten my darkness and he will make verse 32 my way perfect some 19 Peaks above the heavens creation how its peak gives a silent testimony to the existence of God and it speaks about the Word of God verse 7 there are two testimonies to God on earth one is worse 125 the heavens and the other is the written word were seven onwards God has given to witnesses what I mentioned here and david says Lord keep me from many many types of sins many type of sins are described in verse 12 and 13 errors secret sins presumptuous sins and the great transgression verse 13 I don't have time to explain all that but here's once and we can keep ourselves from the words of our mouth where's 14 Lord let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight psalm 23 got one verse verse 7 some trust in chariots some in horses summon money summon this that the other but we will trust and remember the name of the Lord our God some 20 11 worse worse for wear stupor first I was given him his heart's desire and not withholding the request of his lips he asked verse 4 he asked life of me and you gave him eternal life praise God Tom 22 is another messianic Psalm we can take Psalm 22 23 and 24 together some 22 speaks of the cross the past Psalm 23 speaks about the present the Lord is my shepherd today I shall not want anything Tom 24 speaks about the future when the King of glory worst says 24 7 is going to come and open the gates and going to rain upon the earth these three sons go together its peak of the past present and future Psalm 22 speaks of the cross my God my God why have you forsaken me verse 6 Jesus was like a worm and he was poured out like water verse 14 and they parted his garments verse 18 dogs surrounded in verse 16 but there's a resurrection there which is coated in Hebrews verse 22 I will declare your name to my brothers that is coated in Hebrews he is not ashamed to call us brothers and you who fear the Lord this is the testimony praise and testimony I will praise you in the midst of the congregation Jesus says that and we follow him praising God in the midst of the church now all you who fear the Lord praise Him who are the ones who should be praising and those who fear God if you don't hear him keep quiet what if you fear Him praise praise you see the result of the crosses verse 22 praise verse 23 crave verse 25 praise verse 26 praise verse 27 worship verse 29 worship and then verse 30 a seed shall serve Him so you see it's praise praise praise praise worship worship worship worship and then one worse okay serve him after that how little we praise in worship Him some 23 the Lord is my shepherd I shall lack nothing the beautiful song I don't need to go through it you know he makes me to lie down he it's all what he does so often we emphasize what we do I do this and I do that this is him he makes me to lie down he leads me he restores my soul I will fear no evil because he is with me he prepares a table for me he anoints my head and my cup runs over what is the result when I stop doing things myself he does everything goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life Psalm 24 the earth is the Lord's the fullness thereof who will dwell in the holy hill of the Lord somewhat similar to sound 15 he who has clean hands verse 4 in a pure heart two things our hands and a hot James says cleanse your hand purify your hearts you double-minded Psalm 25 a beautiful some about guidance worse for the quest the prayer is Lord show me your ways teach me your paths answer first verse 8 the Lord will show sinners his way first of all acknowledge you're a sinner number two God will show his way verse 9 to the humble number three God worse then God will show his pots to those who obey his testimony number four God will show his way to those who fear him verse 12 and verse 15 God will show his way to those who look to him mine eyes are towards thee some 26 judge me O Lord the man is asking the Lord to judge him worse because I walked before you an integrity examine me O Lord verse 2 very good prayer to pray verse 8 I have loved the habitation of your house Psalm 27 verse for one thing I have desired of the Lord that will I seek after all the days of my life I just want to see the beauty of the lord psalm 28 where seven the lord is my strength and my shield some 29 speaks of the voice of the Lord many times in that Sam it comes seven times worse 329 the voice of the Lord the voice of the Lord the voice of the Lord the importance of hearing God's voice like in Genesis 1 and when you listen to that verse 11 you will get strength and peace some 30 verse 11 though is turned my mourning into dancing to the / to that this end that my tongue verse 12 may sing praise to you and never be silent some 31 verse 11 I was a reproach among my enemies but I trusted in you verse 14 and verse 19 is a beautiful verse how great is God's goodness to those who fear Him who trust in God publicly before the sons of men you will hide them where's 20 from the stripes of so many people speaking against them the wagging of tongues you will hide them and keep them secretly in your familien from all the people who wag their tongues of them some 32 is the sum of the person whose sin is covered not cleansed there's no cleansing of sin in the Old Covenant blessed is the man whose transgression is forgiven whose sin is covered as forgiveness and covering cleansing came only after Jesus died the blood of Jesus cleanses up the blood of bulls and goats could only cover it like a blackboard where your sins are covered with a sheet and a blackboard where everything is cleansed away with a wet sponge a lot of difference between Old Testament and New Testament but till I acknowledged my sin my your hand was heavy on me verse 4 but when I applause my sin I was forgiven and now that I'm forgiven where's 8 I will in the Lord says I will instruct you and teach you I will guide you with my I don't be stubborn anymore for the rest of your life Psalm 33 verse 12 blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord the people whom he has chosen for his own inheritance Psalm 34 I will bless the Lord not once in awhile but at all times this poor man cried verse 6 and the Lord heard him were seven the angel of the Lord surrounds those who fear Him delivers them taste and see verse 8 that the Lord is good verse 15 the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous and the ears are always open to their crying verse 19 many are the afflictions of the righteous don't think that if you are right since you won't have problems but the lord delivers out of all of them verse 20 messianic he keeps all his bones not one of them will be broken some clarifying is a request to God to be my advocate plead my case o Lord you be my advocate with those who strive against me let me not reply to those who criticize me you speak on my behalf to them a very good example to follow false witnesses verse 11 have risen up against me but I have not treated them the way they treated me some 36 is again a contrast between the wicked person about whom it says in verse 1 there is no fear of God before his eyes in contrast you see what God is like he's verse 5 full of mercy faithfulness righteousness loving-kindness verse 7 and so on and those who trust in him where sake will be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of your house you will make them drink the river of that letters and here's a wonderful verse verse 9 we don't look inside ourselves in thy light we will see life that means it's only as you come into God's light you can see your true condition some 37 is another wonderful song verse 4 if you delight yourself in the Lord he'll give you all the designs of your heart if you commit your way to him verse 5 he would bring it to pass where seven if you rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him and don't get upset with what's happening around you he'll work out his purposes for you what Jesus said verse 11 the meek will inherit the earth Jesus news from 37 verse 21 people who borrow things and don't return it are wicked people verse 23 the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and one goggi man said the stocks of a good man are also ordered by the Lord the God leads people his people on and sometimes seldom stir them to stop some 38 speaks of the suffering st. and confession of sin he says in verse 11 my lover's and my friends are far away my relatives don't care for me verse 21 don't forsake me oh lord some thirty what nine says the carefulness this man has over the use of his done I said verse 1 i will take heed to my ways that I don't sing with my tongue where's for Lord make me to know the measure of my day lord help me to remember I've only got a few days on earth psalm 40 is another wonderful song about Jesus verse 8 I delight to do thy will o God he lifted me up from the mire II Clavers to and put my feet on a rock sum 41 speaks about the blessing that comes upon those who care for poor people if you are considerate about poor people and the poor people can be poor financially it can be for spiritually because they don't have a gospel and therefore you seek to give the gospel to them blessed is he who considers the poor what all will the Lord do for him seven things one he'll deliver him in trouble to him preserve him free he'll keep him alive forth he will bless him upon the earth 50 will not deliver him into the will of his enemies 6 he will strengthen him on a bed and 7 he will make his bed when he is sick now we come to book two which is psalm 42 is the remnant longing for deliverance o Lord my soul thirsts for you just like the deer hands after water if you have that type of longing after God you can be sure that God will answer very quickly a deep verse 7 calls unto deep that means something deep in your heart reaches out to something deep in God's heart and if you're like that even though other people around you say where is your god verse 10 he says to insult why are you cast down why are you discouraged hope in God verse 11 i will still praise them psalm 43 is another of those sounds crying against the wicked here is a wonderful verse verse 3 lord send out your light that is your revelation on your proof lord I need a revelation on your fruit send out your truth and your life let them together lead me to your holy hill I don't want academic knowledge of your truth some 44 is coated in Romans 8 verse 22 for your sake we are killed all the day long speaking about the way of the cross and we are confounded as sheep for the slaughter coated in Romans 8 36 and 37 some 45 is another messianic Psalm speaking about the marriage of the lamb the bride and the bride groom and it says the bridegroom the king's daughter is all glorious verse 13 inside and forget worst and here's a good word for married sisters first and last but forget your own people in your father's house and clean to your husband social the King greatly desire your beauty and he is your Lord and worship Him psalm 46 is one of the Psalms of the sons of Korah you know those people who ran away at the last minute and save their lives they says God is our refuge and strength we will not be afraid even if the earth opens up and swallows up our parents the earth will move the mountains are carried into the midst of the depths the waters roar we are not afraid we will be still worst ending and know that he is gone some 47 is a wonderful verse which says in verse 4 God will choose my inheritance for me I'm not going to choose my inheritance God's going to choose a wife for me God's going to choose the ministry for me I'm not going to choose it God's got to choose what type of house i live in God's going to choose everything for me say that words to everything every day to God and your life will be happy God's its first eight on the throne of his holiness God has gone up with a shout verse 5 some 48 speaks about the church Mount Zion is referring to the church and what a wonderful beautiful church is I believe a true disciple of Jesus will appreciate not only the Lord Himself but the Church of the Lord the people Mount Zion great is the Lord to be praised beautiful situation is Mount Zion the church is the most beautiful thing on earth and this God verse 14 is our God he'll be our guide unto death Psalm 49 verse 6 and 7 many people trust in their wealth but none of them can redeem their brother or give God a ransom for him but where's 15 but God will redeem my soul wonderful truths in these Old Testament some some 50 is another song where God says the cattle verse 10 on a Thousand Hills his mind the true servant of God also says this I serve a God who owns the cattle on a Thousand Hills verse 12 if I were hungry I would not tell you God said that and God servant says that too I don't go telling people my knee I'll tell people the needs of other people like Paul told the Corinthians about the needs in Jerusalem but my own needs I will never tell anybody i will tell God because i worship one who owns the cattle on a Thousand Hills if I'm hungry I'll tell god I won't ever tell you if I need money ourselves god I won't tell you all of these principles because the Lord says verse 15 when you're in the day of trouble call upon me and I will deliver you that's a promise and this wonderful verse in verse 23 whoever offers praise glorifies me and thereby makes a way for me to show him my deliverance you read in second chronicles 20 about how Josh aback when he went out of battle sent people in front of the army to praise the Lord not with bows and arrows praise the lord for his mercy endureth forever and God as soon as they started praising him confounded the enemy because whoso offers praise glorifies God and thereby through the praise makes a way for God to show him his deliverance verse 21 says how God is very patient with those who sin he says because I kept silence you thought I ignored all your verse 20 sitting and speaking against your brothers the very searching word first lending you SAT and spoke against your brothers and you thought because I didn't judge you it was not serious I'm going to set you straight on a tear you to pieces the very serious verse greed that those who have the habit of gossiping please meditate on verse 22 22 some 51 is the wonderful song which God contains David wrote when he sinned with Bathsheba beautiful psalm of repentance and he says wash me Lord I shall be whiter than snow verse 7 create in me a clean heart Lord you desired truth inside I don't have it but you can do it for me 46 and please don't take your Holy Spirit from me verse 11 that's what he's scared about the most such a longing don't take your Holy Spirit from me Lord at any cost some 52 this speaks about the man of sin the Antichrist it's in fact all these sums on up to 53 is also like that about the fool who said in his heart why do you post or mighty man the tongue that devices mischiefs and so on but I verse 8 and like a green olive tree in the house of my god because I trust in the mercy of God forever some 53 again coated in romans 3 verse 3 there's no one that does good no not one The Fool has said verse 1 there is no God Psalm 54 is the prayer of the godly man hear my prayer O God verse 2 whereas for god is my helper Psalm 55 is a you know in the time of trial and tribulation he says my heart is pained within me worse for and here is this a little worse which tells us how often David pray verse 17 evening and morning and noon I will pray you see the the Jewish day began in the evening at sunset till sunset the next day so he says evening morning and noon the beginning of the day middle of the day end of the day I'm gonna pray and you will hear my voice he was a man of Prayer verse 22 and when you go to God like that cast your burden upon him don't come away from God's presence with your burden cost it on him and he will sustain you Psalm 56 verse 11 in God I have put my trust I will not be afraid what man can do to me coated in Hebrews 13 we have confidence to say I put my trust in God I will not be afraid what any man can do unto me sound 57 an expression of praise to God twice and verse 5 and verse 11 be thou exalted Oh God above the heavens as we sing that Oh Lord be thou exalted in my life let your glory be above all the earth the cry of praise because verse 1 in the shadow of your wings I will stay until all these calamities around me pass away I'm just picking out some good vs for you to think about and meditate on later on you could spend many hours thinking about these verses psalm 58 verse 3 tells us that people begin to tell lies from the time they are born that's the first thing they begin to tell a baby begins to lie even before it can speak it cries pretending that it is in pain it's not in pain it just wants you to lift it up and carry it the telling lies from the time it is born and this is our nature we have to get rid of lines before we need the third Psalm 59 speaks about the enmity of people against God and perhaps we could look at this last verse unto thee all my strength relies thing because God is my defense my defense is only God against all these people some 60 is another song which tells about God being with his people verse for thou has given a banner to those who fear thee that it may be displayed because of the truth God has given us a banner the name of Jesus we fear Him and we are not ashamed to display it wherever we go unashamedly we proclaim we are disciples of Jesus Christ Psalm 61 verse 4 I will abide in your Tabernacle I will stay in your church forever I will trust in the shadow of your wing a person who values the tabernacle of God and I will sing praise unto your name where say it forever Psalm 62 song the song of a person who is waiting only upon God verse 5 my soul wait only upon God don't trust in anybody else my expectation is only from him do you think such a man will be disappointed a lot of people are disappointed because their expectation is from man come to this place where your expectation is only from God and you'll never be disappointed throughout your life verse 8 trust in him at all times pour out your heart before him god is a refuge psalm 63 oh god my god early will I seek the early means when I'm young early means early in the day early means as soon as I begin my ministry early will I seek thee I long my flesh longs for thee and my soul will be satisfied verse 7 because you have been my health in the shadow of your wings I will rejoice Sam 64 is referring to the wicked and their end how it is going to be is praying Lord preserve my life from the fear of the enemy don't be afraid of those people who are harming you verse 7 God will shoot at them with an arrow and suddenly they will be destroyed and the righteous worse then we'll be glad some 65 verse 1 says Lord praise is waiting for you in your church is it true wherever you go my dear brothers and sisters if God gives you the grace to build a church let it be a church where there's always praise waiting for God Lord like we say like people tell us whether the lunch is on the table waiting for you please come that God when he comes to visit us finds praise waiting for him I want to live build a life where praise is always waiting I'm always waiting to give praise to God and what does the Lord do for such people he visits such people were saying now visitors the earth and water is dit and greatly enriched it with the river of God which is full of water He pours out his spirit like those disciples on the day of Pentecost they offered praise and God poured out his spirit on them and the corn and the abundance came out of that as you reading the remaining verses of that psalm psalm 66 verse 10 to 12 the way to spiritual prosperity very important verses you tested us you brought us into the net you played affliction on our loins that means we went through sickness you allowed men to ride over our heads worst well we went through fire we went through water but through it all you brought us to a wealthy place and now I will go into your house was burnt offerings and other important verse there is verse 18 if I regard iniquity in my heart the Lord will not even hear me he'll not even pick up the phone to listen is that it's thin in my heart some 67 lord please be merciful to us not just for our sake so that your salvation may be worse too may be known to all the nations that your way may be proclaimed upon the earth that's why I'm asking you to cause your face to shine upon me Lord I'm asking you to shine upon me so that threw me your salvation can be known all over the earth it's an evangelistic sound thou shall judge the people righteously verse 4 and let look at this beautiful verse verse 5 let the people praise thee let the people praise thee then we're 6 the earth will produce its fruit why is the food not coming God's people are grumbling instead of praising twice it says praising praising Psalm 68 let God arise and let his enemies be scattered there's a wonderful worse for bachelors and people are longing to get married verse 6 and spinsters God sets lonely people in family is led good it's God was going to do that God sets the lonely people in a home praise God he's the one who do that and here's another lovely evangelistic verse verse 11 the lord gave the word and great was the company of those who published it who published it everywhere and i understand that in the original language it says great is the company of women who proclaimed it sisters that's for you great is the company of women who went around proclaiming the word which God gave them verse 18 refers to Jesus ascension though is led captivity captive and thou has received gifts for men it's coated in Ephesians 4 as God as Jesus ascended into heaven and given us gifts to serve him tom 69 is another messianic Psalm there there are many many verses here that refer to the cross particularly was for the last part i restored what i have not stolen Jesus on Calvary paid back what we had stolen he said I gave back to God what I have stolen not stolen reproach verse 20 has broken my heart there are doctors have studied the description of the cross and they say very clearly that Jesus died of a broken heart and that's why when the pier spear pierced aside blood and water flowed out it was literally true true and the end result of resurrection verse 29 Oh God set me on high I will praise the name of God verse 30 with a song and verse 35 God was now save the church some 70 is the psalm of remembrance worse for that all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad and it's the confession of a very humble person who's saying in verse 5 lord I am poor and needy very wonderful confession to make I'm poor and needy psalm 71 is a song of hope verse five thou art my hope that my mouth verse 8 be filled with your praise all day and he goes on to say Lord when I'm hold is this saw Tom of an old man Lord from my womb where six you have taken care of me from the time I was born and now that I'm all verse 9 don't forsake me don't give up don't give me up and Lord verse 17 when I was young you taught me now I'm old and gray headed verse 18 oh god don't forsake me until to this new generation also I have declared your power and your righteousness and what all troubles you delivered me from verse 20 how you brought me up you will bring me up again one day in resurrection from the depths of the earth my tongue all my life verse 24 will speak of your righteousness alone a beautiful sound especially for those who being faithful to God from childhood to old age and this is the last time we look at Psalm 72 which is a psalm of Solomon he says Lord give your king your judgments the king should deliver the needy verse 12 he should spare the poor verse 13 save the souls of the needy and care for their blood verse 14 and many many things like that concluding with verse 18 to 19 blessed be the Lord blessed be his glorious name verse 19 let the whole earth be filled with his glory I'm in and I'm in a song of solomon which unfortunately he did not practice a good warning for us we can sing all these songs live all these wonderful things and practice none of them was good to think about that before we close so that we take a warning from Solomon who wrote that sound let's pray
Channel: SermonIndex.net
Views: 1,587
Rating: 4.8095236 out of 5
Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Zac Poonen
Id: sE0jDTXJoiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 54sec (3474 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2017
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