Throttle Only - Rad Power Bikes RadRover 6 Plus

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hello everyone this is it this is the throttle only test and like usual I've zeroed everything out to start fresh it's going to be hard not to Pedal because it just feels so natural to me to try and pedal but I am going to try and just keep it on the throttle I am not going to keep it Full Throttle the whole time probably you know keep it between 15 and 18 miles an hour see how far we can really go so let's get this test on the road or the road on the test or however you want to say it let's go and like usual I'll try and stop at five miles or I won't try I will stop at five miles see what's up see if we need to continue on further or turn around and come back because we've just depleted too much battery [Music] and for those of you who watched my previous video on how to maximize your top speed on the rad Rover six plus just so you all know I reset this back so I could only go Max 20 miles an hour on this just in case you're one who doesn't mess with that setting and you're still curious about how far this can go if you just use throttle only I tell you what it is so tempting to want to Pedal I have to make a conscious effort not to because pedaling just seems so natural I tell you what this bike when you're using throttle only really wants to run at 20 miles an hour like the in-between stuff and once it gets to 20 miles an hour and you're on flat ground it starts to back off on the wattage use which is always a plus all right we're gonna be coming up on the first five miles here and two tenths of a mile now one tenth and we'll stop over and get the data there it is first five miles perfect bench we'll see what's going on it has been the first five miles so let's take a look at the bike and see what it's saying but I tell you what it was really hard I really had to make a conscious effort not to Pedal my legs just wanted to to Pedal those pedals pretty strange but pretty cool okay here we have five miles 21 minutes don't need to worry about what Pas level it's in but the battery down here says we're down two bars okay we are down two bars usually I'm down to one bar only one bar here so I'm gonna do like I did last time go down down this Trail a few miles stop and check just to make sure I don't get caught short let's go one thing I kind of do worry about doing a test like this how hot that battery might be getting and if it overheats fortunately it is kind of a cool day probably just uh the low 70s help keep it cool but uh at our next stop when we check the the mileage and the battery usage we'll check that we'll feel the battery and see how hot it is squirrely Bob old squirrely Bob there wanted a wanted to be the leader there for a few feet okay we are coming up on the seven and a half mile Mark right around the stop sign there just like before and we will check the data on the bike and the temperature of the battery foreign [Music] a tenth of a mile to go [Music] ahead about there there seven half miles let's check things out all right we're at seven and a half miles let's check the bike data and that's actually see if the battery is hot all right we're at seven half miles 33 minutes the battery says we've used three bars and the battery does not feel hot at all that's a good thing let's keep going just gotta get a little off-roading in there oh here comes a little more off-roading a little quick one here oh just missed that bush foreign I like these little like tree tunnel Trails they're pretty cool but I will check back in with you at the 10 Mile mark and we'll see what's up all right we are coming up on 20 miles I mean 20 miles we are coming up on 10 miles here and two tenths of a mile oh and we'll see how things are going and we are going to check that battery to see if it if it warmed up from the last time which was pretty it was cool it wasn't warm at all but we are just about there maybe right underneath these trees yep there we go 10 miles that's cool right over here under these Oaks and see what's up all right we are at the 10 Mile Mark let's check out the the bike see what it says and let's feel the battery and see if it got any warmer from the last time okay we're at 10 miles 44 minutes we are one one two three we're down four bars on the battery and doesn't feel any different from from the Five Mile mark one of the worries I had on this test was the battery would get too hot and overheat because when I did the pas5 test and I got home I took that battery off and it was it was really hot it wouldn't even charge until it cooled down for a few hours but today it's feeling pretty cool so we'll see at the 15 Mile mark if it got any warmer but let's go let's keep going down the trail all right we are coming up on to the 15 Mile Mark in two tenths of a mile like usual we'll stop check things out feel that battery see how far how much more further we think we can go all right there it is 15 miles stop right here and check her out all right I am at the 15 Mile Mark let's check things out all right we're at 15 miles it's been an hour and 10 minutes all right the battery says we use six bars we've got four left and there's no change in the temperature of that battery from last time so four bars last time I was able to squeeze out four more miles to get 19 and a half let's see if we can beat that all right let's see how many miles we can squeeze out of these last four bars try and beat our pas5 record of 19 and a half miles all right they're 16 miles all right they're 17 miles all right there's 18 miles all right there's 19 miles all right there's 20 miles all right I'm gonna call it 21 miles even I see the wattage dropping down it's not even in the 700s now so let's pull over here you can see the final results okay there you have it let's take one last look at what the bike says and we will call this throttle test done okay we're at 21.1 miles an hour one hour and 39 minutes and what do we have on the battery one bar left so there you have it 21.1 miles on throttle only for a guy my size I don't think that's too bad and I'm surprised it actually beat the pas5 only you know by half a mile or six tenths of a mile but that's it if you enjoyed this video please like subscribe share and I will see you on the next video bye
Channel: The Ride with Lance
Views: 7,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rad power bikes, radrover 6 plus, throttle only test, ebikes, electric bike, the ride with lance
Id: UcufmzrJmgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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