THRIFT WITH ME at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore Center

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hi everyone and welcome back to my Channel today I am going thrifting at a Habitat for Humanity ReStore Center I feel like people are sleeping on the restore centers in their area um if you're anything like me I didn't learn until later on that you can actually Thrift at the restore Center I thought they just sold like building supplies and things but actually they have furniture art dishes lamps all that kind of thing and the prices are really good they have different tiers of markdown So based on the color of the tag um there are different discounts so like at Goodwill there's a color of the week um and that color will be 50% off but at the restore Center they have four different colors four or five and like one color will be 25% off another will be 50% off and another will be 75% off and then the rest are like either they're never going to be mark down because they're of high value or they're just New pieces and so it's not marked down yet so that's something I like about shopping at the restore Center because most everything is on clearance or sale um and I always seem to find like really nice pairs of lamps and they have usually fun chairs too so those are my favorite things to find here at the restore Center so let's go in and see what they have today [Music] this little tufted and wood framed sofa or love seat is super cute and would be great for like a photo shoot I used to have a huge SUV and that's something that I would have normally bought and flipped but I have to be a lot more choosy these days because I have a Mini [Music] Cooper these chairs were super fun and in great condition but it was 180 for the pair and I just wasn't sure about the print it's not something I would put in my home but this would be something that I would [Music] resell [Music] I know this style isn't for everyone but for some reason I'm always drawn to these sort of shell-shaped furniture pieces from the late 80s or early '90s I love the channel tufting on them um and I just think they're so cute and especially if it comes in a pastel color this green chair also CAU my eye it was super cute and in pretty good condition it was $65 and there was no marking on it um so I decided to pass but I kind of regret that because it would go perfectly in my [Music] home [Music] [Music] this double-sided trunk coffee table is something that I should have gotten to resell it's super pretty a great size and a good price at only [Music] [Music] $45 [Music] I've never actually seen wallpaper at a store like this before these were super sweet and looked like they were probably from the 9s only $5 a roll I'm now entering the kitchen and houseware section of the restore Center you'll see this is kind of a picked over and random area I feel like the restore centers are better for lighting and Furniture but it's always worth checking this department because you never know what you can find um there are definitely some diamonds in the rough but you kind of have to dig and look over a bunch of junk before you find something good [Music] okay now we're entering the art mirrors and lighting area of the store this is another area that can be picked over these piles of art or just um you know outdated pieces that you probably wouldn't be interested in but I have found some really cool pieces here before these Paris prints are super cute I actually have a print similar to this that I bought when we went to Paris so I don't need something like that this little party scene was also very cute I loved the colors and the size [Music] I know I've already mentioned this like a million times in this video but the lamp section is usually one of my favorites to peruse but again it's looking picked over and I'm not seeing many pairs of lamps which are what I'm usually interested in the chandeliers are a great area to look through most of them are Builder grade chandeliers um that aren't very unique or have much character but you really again you never know what you might find I thought that bronze one on the floor was pretty cute and again like this orb chandelier is nice if that's your St style they also have some cool sconces and pendants once in a while so it's definitely worth looking [Music] through I Loved These black or bronze pendants they would look super cute in a modern farmhouse style home and they were only $25 I can't remember if blue was marked down or not for a discount but I think it was then there was this super cool Atomic style midcentury modern pendant but I believe there was only one of those I thought this golden mirror was so gorgeous I love ornate gold mirrors but the corners were pretty chipped up so I decided not to get it and now I'm back in the trinket area just for one last looky L at what they have make sure I'm not missing anything um this vase caught my eye I loved the little handles or little glass detailing on the [Music] side I'm just taking one more look through the kitchen items to make sure there's nothing that I absolutely must have I feel like I've gotten pretty choosy with what I actually end up buying at the thrift store but it's still so fun to just go and look and see what they have on this particular day I did not end up buying anything or bringing anything home with me um but it was still fun to see what they [Music] have h
Channel: Home Girl Creative
Views: 10,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: R43r2K658bU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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