THREE-WAY ALL IN And I've Got KINGS!! VERY SPECIAL GUEST!! Must See! Poker Vlog Ep 117

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welcome back to the poker vlog this is episode number 117 and this is one of my favorite vlogs of all time it's got everything we're in a different country for a to the pokers live tournament series there is a ton at stake we have some massive pots and there's a very special guest I'm super pumped for you guys to watch it but before we get started a few announcements to make first one is that we're going out to Gardens Casino for a meet up game March 6 and March 7th and then we are going out to Chicago for a meet-up Game two two day event and Chicago charitable games the last weekend of March so hope see you guys there let's go ahead and get into it it's time for Spain round 2 we're back at the casino Gran vía this time we're firing an 88 pokers main event people from all over the world are here to get that first-place prize of 150,000 euros the by N is 888 euros save quibbling up around a thousand US dollars I take my seat we start with 88,000 and chips there's a 30-second shot clock each player also gets four cards to extend time if they need it this drastically speeds up the game I'm a big fan structure here is phenomenal its 15-minute level when we begin with 440 big bonds the actions back to going clockwise whereas in cash games at this location which what I played in the previous session it goes counterclockwise I have to get used to it being normal again I'm not concerned about that though the main reason being that I've got aces on the button under the gun open to 600 under the gun plus two calls they're about to get some bad news I threw bet to 2,000 with the world's best hand from the world's best position the under gun player loves pain and makes the call under the gun plus 2 likes pain less he folds smart play heads up the dealer puts out 8 for deuce with two spades we've got an over pair and a backdoor nut flush draw under the gun checks eye down bed to 1600 I want to keep the opponent around under gun calls the turn is to 6 of clubs the opponent checks his I reached for chips someone who hates poker blogs attacks me from the rear and I get knocked out just kidding I had some camera troubles after I bet 3000 everything's back to normal under the gun calls I get the feeling that he may have a big over pair and could be willing to pay a high price on the river the 10 of Spades comes out the flush draw gets there I'm not concerned about that since the opponent won't have many combinations of Rush's when I had the ace of spades and he's opening preflop than calling a three-bed from under the gun to player checks I bet 10,000 immediately the opponent moves around as if he's uncomfortable in a tough spot I suspect yes Jax of Queens he tanks until the shot clock is nearly out and then he eventually folds the pot comes our way did we propose an ICM job everyone wanted to do it except for one guy fortunately there's always one person ruins it for everybody else so we're forced to keep playing it's okay though because in level 2 I've got with the natives out here in Madrid call Higa Diez that's Spanish for chickadees we're in the small blind cutoff opens at 600 the button calls I don't feel like playing this one out of position in a multi-way pot I three bed for 3,000 the cut off folds the button is sticking around he makes the call we're heads up the flop comes king queen 7 all spades we have a pair and the second nut flush draw I down bed to 2,400 button calls the turn is the queen of diamonds not a great card I check mostly for pot control the opponent bets of 3000 not a large wager I can't fold yet I toss in calling chips the river is the three of Hearts I check button contemplates firing and ultimately checks back I turn over lost Higa tees and they're good the opponent lets his cards go I have no idea what it could have had given the line that he took calling my three bet and flop at then firing on the turn it's very bizarre somehow we come away with the victory next we have ace Queen off suit under the gun plus one eye open to 800 small blind calls the big blind calls as well three of us see the flop seven five four with two hearts we all check the turn is the queen of diamonds we have top pair top kicker checks to me I bet a thousand be interesting if I get cheque raised since my range is somewhat cap today's Queen small blind folds the big blind calls you can have a number of Holdings including draws one pair hands that are worse than mine I don't think I have anything better than that the river is another five the big wine leads for 2100 may be doing this with the Queen I likely have a beat I consider raising then settle with a call I'm glad that I did because the big wine turns over king five of diamonds you river trips to break my heart a little later I'm dealt pocket tens under the gun I open to eight hundred the button calls the big one also calls this is the player that tried to bluff me earlier when I had the jacks since that hand he's made a series of weird plays and tilted off I love chips he has by far the smallest stack of the table we go three ways to the flop Jack Jack six looked a little scary but it's not that likely that I'm going to be up against anything better the big blonde decides to lead out for mm never folding tens of this guy I call thinking 2ps trips likely would have slow plated button folds its heads up the turn is an eighth big bun bumps it up and bets 6,000 again I'm not going anywhere I call the river is an ace it almost doesn't matter because I pretty much decided I'm gonna call this guy down no matter what beat wine bets 10,000 he's low on chips he's been playing like a nut I call to pick them off it's not what happens this time be quite has jacket off suit for a turned full house I suppose that I could have gotten away from that one on the river his image helps him get paid off even wild players make big hands sometimes to that last hand knocks me down then I get some time to regroup right after dinner break not Allah went right the last two levels boss maybe 10k more than I should have with target ends I think he was against anybody else and I would hold it but against that guy seemed like he was doing a little bit desperate yeah I seen him Bluff before so made the call of the gun and it was long but still plenty of time left a ton of big lines no not it's not even close to panicking just yet I come back and pick up pocket fives under the gun plus one blind to 300 and 500 with a 500 big blind Annie under the gunman raises to a thousand he's got the most amount of Bradley chips in his stack I'd like to get him back I call the cut off button small blind big blind all call we go six ways to the flop it's a Stein six we all check the turn is another nine everyone checks again the river is a five we make a boat small blind leads for three thousand the big blind under the gun both fold I raised a ten thousand the cut off and button fold small blind waits until his time runs out he then lets it go it's not a massive pot still we get a good chunk back I'm stagnant until the first hand of level seven we're gonna pick up pocket kings in the big blind under the gun opens to 1900 player in middle position calls the small wand calls the actions on me I three VAT to ten thousand everyone folds we have some momentum going our way as we take one down uncontested few hands later we play a fun one with Higa DS again the hijack raises 1700 by calling the big blind we're heads up the flop is nine nine five looks safe I checked to the preflop aggressor he checks back the turn is a four got to start making this pot bigger I bet sixteen hundred least that's what I think until I hear the doers say damnit i misclicked again and accidentally tossed in a 5k chip instead of a 500 chip it's obviously very easy to do that these chips are basically trapped for Americans I mean just look at him all the numbers are written in Spanish there's almost no way knowing what the denominations are try and play it cool as if I'm just some sicko knows optimal scenarios one to bet 1.3 times the size of the pot on the turn maybe this one of them something funny happens when the hijack tossed out 2 1 K chips to call I think he's confused believes I bet 1,600 before I correct him he's forced to call the miss quick maid worked in my favor maybe I'm up against the flush draw river is the six of hearts I checked because this pot is bigger than I intended it to be and the flush draws brick maybe the opponent will attempt to bluff that's what he called the turn with he fires for 5,000 I call he has Queen of Hearts he flopped rips and gets me pretty good a Miss clicks with the hand strong she had again wondering whether or not he was just pretending to be confused on the turn the very next hand I have King Jack of Hearts and the small blind the hijack opens to 1800s I call the big blind calls we got three ways to the flop it's East ten nine of two clubs we only have the gutter good news that everyone checks and the turn is the queen of clubs we drilled a sixth card Street there is a potential flush possibility but the hijack didn't bet the flop so it's very unlikely that he has this beat I leave for 3,000 the big blind calls the hijack folds it's heads up the river is the seven of spades glad there are no more clubs out there and the board is impaired I lead for 8,000 the opponent calls think of that he may have me beat I turn over the straight it's a winner glad to win that one especially after miss clicking in the previous hand the opponent is aware that I'm videoing and turns over his cards just for the vlog which is pretty cool thanks for showing level eight begins things are getting real several people my table busted they're not being replaced by easier opponents you can see the ones he has been filled by a today pokers team Pro Martine Jacobson you may remember him such things as winning the main event for ten million dollars you may also recognize him from crushing everything else over the last 12 years he is over 17 million in live earnings the dude is a stud in the very first hand that he's at the table pick up King Jack of Diamonds onto the gun wins a 500,000 with 1k big blind Annie I open to 2300 under the gun plus one calls Martine Jacobson three best 8,500 middle position he just trying to make a statement and he's new to the table not really too interested in playing King Jack out of position against one of the world's best cut off makes things easier for me and cold for bets and 19,000 I get the hell out of there here I've got ace king suited in the small blind hi jack opens at 2200 the button calls I three bad to 10,000 hi jack folds button is my nemesis from the jacket hand earlier he hates folding and makes the call we're heads up I really like to win this one flop is not the worst it comes ace ace for rainbow we have trips and a kicker that's better than Justin Tucker I want to make the pot bigger but also keep the opponent in so I downed been to 6,000 the opponent doesn't fall for it he folds that's okay for the first time in a while we're back up over starting stack ten-minute break going into level 9 I've got about 90 K in front of me it's a little bit above starting stack averages around 120 Martine Jacobson is that the the table so that's pretty fun to play with Main Event champion didn't a lot of big hands playing okay as some things that I definitely could have done better but having a good time level 9 begins I get no cards during that stretch my stacked windows well into level 10 when I get ace king suited one more time blinds are 800 1600 with a 1600 big blind Annie Martine opens at 3200 from under the gun plus one the button calls I'm gonna be three betting this one I make it 15000 I love it folded through I'm trying to play out a position in an enormous pot against a wizard our teen has other ideas you asked for a count I only have about 60,000 behind I wouldn't be too upset if he jammed nope he makes the call which is the outcome that makes me least comfortable the button folds I'm heads up with the Main Event champion he's about 1200 times for my career tournament earnings that's not gonna stop me from beating him in this hand what is gonna stop me is that the flop comes jack five deuce with two diamonds in one club so one of those spots and turn them inside absolutely no idea what to do I have two overs and some backdoor drawers so betting seems reasonable currently have nothing though and the pot is already big my stack well under average I check hoping that I'll be able to see a free card McKeen says no way are you seeing a card for free homie you've had 15,000 there's not a fun spot to be in you actually have anything is he just picking on me by Jan will he'd be able to call maybe I should call to see what comes on the turn but then only have 45,000 behind and the pot will be almost 70 thousand ultimately I fold I want to preserve chips and we'll never ever know we were up against ever level 11 begins a pickup King three steward in the big blind there are only a few minutes left to play in day one Martine opens a 4500 from under the gun plus two I defend for 2500 more we're heads up again the flop comes King Jack's Hicks rainbow we have top pair feeling good I check our team checks back almost certainly ahead the turn is a 10 I check our team checks again he probably has nothing the river is pretty much a blank it's a seven of hearts pretty sure Martinez gonna check back if I check I don't want that to happen I bet 7000 maybe he won't believe me and I'll call light instead he puts in a raise to 35,000 a ton of things going through my head right now the first is obviously just a fold since I don't have anything that strong next I think what could he possibly have that you played this way pocket sevens is about the only hand that I can think of if he had any other set or a straight it's surely a bet on either the flop or the turn this doesn't make a whole lot of sense the shot clock is running out for the first time today I use the time extension this is one of the world's best players and he's definitely capable of bluffing on a board it's typically gonna be much better for his preflop raising range that is for my big blind defending range maybe he's attempting to steal chips before the nights over against a shorter stack it probably has a medium strength hand at best time is running low again I throw out another extension look back at all the hands we played against each other tonight his very first one at the table three about me preflop then he took down the pot when I three bet him with East King now he's raising me big on the river you can't always have it I'm not gonna continuously get pushed around either I don't care if you got 17 million in earnings and a main event bracelet I'm here to play some cards and I hasn't been playing too timidly got to take a stand at some point and maybe that should be right now a hero call and guess what it was a the wrong time to make a stand he has pocket sevens for a Rivard set about the only hand that I thought would make sense as a legitimate raised given how he played it he takes me the town of value in a big way makes matters worse is that about two minutes later they stopped the clock and announced it will be playing for more hands they're playing 1150 minute level I barely survived but at least I make it to day two which is better than a lot of others not the day that we hoped for packed 28k so not gonna come back today tuned with very many big blinds Martine Jacobson crushed me would have been great if he didn't show up to the table but he did he got me good a couple times that's why he is one of the world's best so I'm gonna try and writing up big I've got a few days off before main event play resumes I take advantage of my time in Spain by going to see real madrid vs atletico madrid watch the game with my brother and it's one of the coolest sports experiences I've ever had we have some more of her mutes I get a chance to play a second session of cash now when pretty much all the money back that I lost in the previous vlog a bit more than 400 us I also get a chance to play in a smaller tournament that I documented on Instagram pick up a few bounties before getting knocked out my brother also plays in it his first experience ever playing a live poker tournament at a casino he has a great time getting in good and doubling up in a few hands before eventually getting knocked out around halfway through the event day 2 rolls around before the poker starts up I do some sightseeing and a couple of the a two day poker cameramen follow me around to make a mini documentary that should be coming out on their channel day 2 here for the a to date main events coming in with 10 or 12 big blinds got a camera crew behind me and it's funny for me to work with them but mainly just focus on the day not too much pressure since it's gonna be really tough to spin it up but we've done we've done tougher things before so if not impossible we seem to get the good cards right away and weird Madrid Super Bowl Sunday Niners are playing it's gonna be a good day no matter what great outlook Brad what could possibly go wrong well for starters we get to the casino and look at the list to find out what table rat it turns out we have the six smaller stack going into the day that's not so bad though let's be honest we knew we weren't cheap weeding this thing people are filtering in I take my seat eventually I get settled then look who shows up - today I actually really enjoy playing with Martine he's cool enough to go over some hands from round 1 xx - diamonds I checked ID about 60km chips 15 I wasn't really sure what to do whether whether I should have like get out on that flop or just check hold obviously so what'd you have on that one look at my face I'm not happy finding this out no thanks but then then a you got me I leveled myself into calling you on another one where you Rivard the set of seven oh right yeah does it figure as much do you want yeah oh ok so now you got all the Bradley chips and yeah would you start with today I got 194 ok nice definitely gonna need that luck I've got 28,000 everyone at the table has more chips than me blinds are 1200 and 2400 with a 2,400 feet by nanny little over half the players from day one are here time for some poker I folded small blind in the first hand but the second hand I pick up King eight officers on the button it folds to me I ship it for 11 big blinds it gets through we take it down I'm happy with that outcome third hand of the day of ace Queen suited in the cutoff under the gun limps in it's on me my decision straight forward lon okay under the gun gets a count I'm rooting for a call I need to get a double up the opponent decides willing to gamble for about two-thirds of his stack he makes the call I turn over my cards right away the player is not happy with the situation and his oil slow to turn over his hand eventually he reveals he has a standoff suit we're in great shape he only has one live card it's about the best situation imaginable gets even better as the flop comes out Queen 9 4 with two hearts under the gun is gonna need runner on her to beat me the turn is the seven of clubs see you in the man's fate he's the new short stack of the table the river is the six of Spades that doesn't matter we get the double up that we desperately need is one of the best parts about tournaments when it's all in the line and the blood is flowing we've increased stack to about 30 big blinds after being on life support let's keep it going in this hand I've got King Jack offsuit in the big blind under the gun plus 2 opens 5,200 our team calls on the button small blind calls I defend we're going for ways to the flop co2 puts out Queen 9 7 with two clubs we've got a gutter and one over all of us check the turn is the 4 hearts we all check again the river is a jack we make second pair everyone checks for a third time small blind turns our jack 10 that doesn't beat King Jack I turn over my cards we've got the winner watch out we're back to starting stack for the tournament and are on a mini roll next I have a 6 of diamonds on the button I open 250 300 small blind calls the big blind calls three of us are seeing this one the flop comes Queen 10 3 with two clubs opponents check every pot is important and it's a better board for me as the preflop grosser than it is for the callers and the blinds I bet 7000 to steal both players fold we win and are up to 99 thousand it's the high point for us to turn let's get even hired though I've got Cowboys middle position under the gun opens a 4800 under the gun plus one calls we need to wreck their worlds I threw bet to 18,000 people are wary of tangling with me since I've got all the momentum going both players fold that's okay we accumulate more chips today we've taken our stack from 28,000 at the beginning to 114 thousand 600 in less than an hour level 13 comes around and I lose a decent sized pot after defending my big bond a seven off suit wasn't able to get it on film the board ran out Jack Jack seven Jack deuce we went three ways to the flop the preflop aggressive had all three streets he bombed it on the river and I reluctantly folded then I pick up pocket eights under the gun plus one under the gun limps in I call the cut off calls the button raised the 13,500 all of a slippers call we go for ways to the flop become seven seven six with two spades we all check the turn is the nine giving me an open-ended under the gun leads for 15,000 I call cut off calls the button folds three players remain the river is a three we don't make the straight under the gun bets 30,000 I don't think I'm ahead and have one player behind me this isn't a great spot to call I fold cut off folds under the gun shows pocket sevens for a full house back down to 20 big blinds I need to get things going in the right direction without for three suited in the big blind under the gun plus 1 raised to 7,000 I call for 4,000 more the flop is East King deuce with two clubs we have a straight flush draw I check under the gun plus 1 that's 7,500 I've got 40 2,600 in my stack I rip it in there under the gun plus one is not a fan of my play and it appears to genuinely have a tough decision time winds down the opponent tossed out an extension card I prefer a full but I need a double up soon anyway so a call wouldn't be too bad time winds down for a second time the player lays his hand down we get our semi-bluff through we're up to almost 70,000 the hand immediately following we're dealt pocket kings in the small blind let's go under the gun plus 2 opens 7,000 he has me barely covered the hijackers been the most aggressive player at the table 3 bets to 18,000 this started out great you guys know what time it is it's time to ways you're the entire stack [Music] under the gun plus two takes a moment to think then goes all in for a tiny bit more putting his tournament life on the line as well the hijack clearly has the tough decision but it's getting a decent price he has a big chip stack he comes along for a gamble it's a three-way all win pot turns out we're not ahead under the gun plus two as pocket aces which I somewhat suspected when he got it all in after my cold for bet the hijack has pocket nines we're gonna need some help to stay in this my heart is beating I'd like to use my one-time here please dealer puts out jack five deuce with two diamonds no help I'm gonna need a king or run a runner diamond the turn is another deuce I'm drawing dead two two outs let's see if there's any magic left in this deck boom pocket aces makes a boat we were barely covered so we're sent home after running it up a bit and giving it our all on day two versus nine nothing I can do there it cooler just happy that I have to play a little bit today and that's pretty much it Niners are in the Superbowl so I'm gonna watch that with my brother and I had a good time this tournament it was really well structured I was able to come back with twelve big blinds today and still have a chance so I'm happy with the way I played it's not much I can do there yeah it's not easy finding a place to watch the Super Bowl in Spain my brother and I somehow managed to come across a little tapas place called TGI be Rene's I believe that's how the locals pronounce it we're from Northern California so we're both huge Niners fans we have a great time cheering our team on didn't cash in the main event but I did get to watch my team win the Super Bowl at least I think we won it was a blowout after the third quarter a brother and I stopped watching and we left Batphone [Applause] [Music] that's it for this one guys I hope you enjoyed it if you did please remember hit the like and subscribe buttons it helps out of the channel a ton also hit that notification bell that way anytime I upload a video you'll get an email or some kind of alert or something big thanks to a delay poker for inviting me out there man that was a blast that was one of my favorite trips that I've ever done and it was special for me because I had my brother out there you guys saw he played in his first ever live poker tournament in a casino so that was awesome for him meet up games coming up March 6 and March 7th at Gardens casino in Los angeles-area then the last weekend of March we're going out to Chicago for a Chicago charitable games meetup event anyway hope you're all doing well good luck at the tables and I'll see you next time Oh flesh yeah yeah how does he all the speeds oh that's just so you cooler me
Channel: Brad Owen
Views: 862,079
Rating: 4.901196 out of 5
Keywords: High Stakes Poker, Poker Vlog, Best Poker Vlog, Best Poker Content, Poker Tips, Poker Training, Huge Poker Hand, Huge Poker Bluff, Life of Poker Pro, Las Vegas Poker, Spain Poker, Madrid, Las Vegas Vlog, Best Poker Training, Best Poker Tips, Best Poker Advice, Poker Cash Games, Poker Tournaments, Real Madrid, Atletico Madrid, San Francisco 49ers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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