Three Piece Morticed tang handle

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good afternoon YouTube I had a couple of questions yesterday about this knife on how I've got the nice clean fit for a solid wooden handle and the truth is this is not the solid wooden handle this is a three piece mortise tang handle now conventional mortise Tang has two pieces of wood which you will then throw out the shape of your tang on each side and with a routing bit or a dremel tool hollow it out and put the team together so that's kind of conventional two-piece mortise tank but today I'm going to show you how to do a three-piece mortise tank my three pieces here cut from a single block just so that I get uniformity of grain once I've trim everything down and I'm gonna sit we're gonna label them clearly you can label them one two three alright and also cross cross Circle Circle one okay so now we've got our knife yeah yeah just simply marketing I put my the shoulders of the handle of the blade a little bit lower so that I can actually round this on the grinder one two you can use little spring clamps to hold this in place if you'll have to stop it from moving along but I find this is sufficient alright so there we go I've marked off there my ting has to go alright and you can see my shoulders start here after you have to remember so the next step you should take the bandsaw there we go I've cut out my space for my tang now you notice I use the blade of the bandsaw here like a file just to clean out the backyard you can do with an actual file or you go to drill holes there and then bandsaw up to the holes and the piece will fall out nice and neatly so your thing should fit in there nice and neatly it should obviously that sits a little bit see the space at the bottom knee because we not have to file or grind these round to match up with the shoulders of the tank using the grinder this fits this fits over the grinder plate chair I'm just gonna around it just quickly on each side to remove those corners and round this very slightly to the shape that I wanted [Music] that's it's not perfectly straight but that's fine once you've glued the one side on we're gonna go over it again and straighten it up perfectly but what we mainly concerned it is the shoulders here now we're gonna put that against the shoulders okay so here we have it we're gonna trial fit that's right alright not have seen it's touching it's it's searching the bottom but the top one is a space which means if the ground the bottom away of it we're gonna do that quickly I just did it now you can see the shoulders touching there and the shoulders touching there that's what we want now if you really want to be pedantic about it and and be very precise you could obviously file these corners to fit the shoulders exactly and it's much easier to do it with a piece like this than it is to do it on a whole as in hol a whole when you fitted by first you have to stick your file in this way and fit it so it's much easier to do it like this because everything is right there whew disease and I've got one shoulder touching me one shoulder touching me there's no wiggling so that's the first stage done okay now the next stage is to fit it too it's just a piece so we've got okay well I take the top the number there is the two is the one the one's gotta go yeah this next part is the most important you're going to need a disc sander or a piece of marble or something perfectly flat that you can put the piece of wood on because this tree this this method relies entirely upon these two pieces being perfectly flat so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna go to the disc sender and we're gonna flatten them just to make sure two sides that are going together that's a visa side zipper sound is this now you got to be careful don't push too hard because you've reduced your surface area by cutting out the hole in the middle so when you put it on just gently even pressure with your whole hand okay if you want to you can put some maybe a lot of pencil marks all over it to test me they're high and low spots then we need this one with the X just if you have got even pressure you don't think is the what I'm a pushing there's nothing credibly soft this the paper is not really French I don't want it too fresh if you don't remove too much material okay so we've got two pieces that are now incredibly flat now what we can do test so we test it against the light you can see this no yeah upset if we put it like this you can see the light colors it no light shining through which means it's perfectly flat all right so now the next stage we're going to glue it together the first section now all we have to do is mix some quick set blue I've got a whole bunch of these clamps yeah and we're just gonna clamp it together making sure that we glue the correct side together so I can see these marks Eddie's at all like wet stains which are in the wood itself so I know that this is the right way in the right side the right side okay so I need to glue this part yeah don't you smear the glue all over the other piece because we don't want to change change the level of the glue so we're only gonna put the grease yeah he lists are lining up perfectly because this wood has a grain and the grain if it doesn't line up perfectly once it's glued together well you'll be able to notice that it's a three piece handle so I'm making sure that it's all stop feeling out with my finger to make sure there's no step is a little one you know anymore all right now as the glue starts to harden I'll get a little brass needle and I'll peel the glue out in the inside there and then we can move on from there the glue is now mostly hard the Bitsey are still a little bit tacky and just enough for me to use the needle little brass needle to peel it out if you don't want to do this you can just round your tang a bit to compensate for the space in the corners the glue takes up so I've got here the corners cleaned out apart from a few stragglers which is okay now you'll notice the piece of wood in the middle is quite thick in our tang is much thinner so what we're going to do now is we're going to grind that down on the belt sander until it's almost up to where the Tang sits there we gonna flatten it out very slowly with the disc sander until we could run our finger over it and barely feel the difference in height at the base of the tank at the end of the tang [Music] but my master chick that's pretty damn close dad I want to take this blinding to myself now I'll go to use with its tentacles that one's almost perfect this one's a lot stick now I want to look at Brendan that's what right now here comes a very sensitive part I can't grind too much off of this because as soon as this thing sits fire its higher than the space see there it's exact your if it's not finished and you have to start again so I'm going to shake it [Music] that's pretty damn close the ultimate test of whether it fits is to take your two pieces put together and put your knife in to see if it goes in nicely so what we do is we just line it up like we did before this is just a dry fit make sure it's nice and tight because when it's all glued together it's gonna be this tight so you need to know if your lady's gonna fit right okay blade gets a little tight but tight enough that I can just push it in without it do you forming the glue so that's perfect if you can get a little bit snug like that that's good if it fits in just slightly loose that's alright too okay so that's my clothes fit now that little gap you see there that's just a trick of the light that'll fill up with glue nicely you won't even notice that and the same on the other side all right so it is a fraction of filing to get the shoulders to fit perfectly once it's all glued together but yeah we'll do that now so let's glue it together you know this time I've lived just a little bit I put the glue a little one bigger little thinner around the edge because once you clamp it together I don't want too much glue squishing into the cavity then we put it together making sure it's the right way around the first clamp on making sure it's aligned this is for the grain remember make sure the grain of the wood all lines up then you can put these on the front one on one side here we got out of that go down nicely strip it clamps you can move everything another one okay once you get the three primary ones on and do all the smaller ones okay in that one that's now glue see them all right the wait for that to dry okay so now the knife is in you can see you have sanded off the edges just roughly but you can see here there are little gaps now this is that little bit of filing I said we had to do it in the end said I'm gonna clamp it in the vise I'm just gonna round those corners until it fits all right this year [Music] okay I'm just marking it that sounds okay [Music] okay we are banging on there that one's a little big that's easy we can just grind it down so our filing is done all those little nooks and crannies I know fold and you can see that fits nicely there if it's nicely thick all right so like every other knife handle now you will just apply glue and glue it in but take to our heart that this is now a super tight fit so when you try and push the Tang in there's gonna be an air pocket underneath it's gonna want to push the knife out so you got to push it in slowly it the glue come out and make sure your shoulders are lined up with your filings because sometimes if it's not neat it's not as tight the blade will slide from one side to the other all right I'm not going to glue it now because I have plans for this handle other plans so I hope you enjoyed it please like share and subscribe thank you very much
Channel: Smith Hand Forged Knives
Views: 65,140
Rating: 4.6886487 out of 5
Keywords: Smith Hand Forged Knives, Forged Knives, Handle making, Knifemaking Tutorial, Handle making tutorial, hand made knives, knifemaking, bladesmithing, knifemaking tips
Id: -imq8iz9fw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 21 2018
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