Three Idiots vs Goku Black & Zamasu

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so a couple days ago I hopped into the sub box and I see video getting beat up by Goku black and zamasu and I'm like I'm not having this we already witnessed so much bro doesn't matter listen all I'm saying is I will not stand for that so I've gathered the mightiest Warriors in existence I'm not just thinking three that's not we're hopping in with Goku Vegeta and Trunks because the three of us can't do anything but we have to we'll step up y'all ready for this Goku interests I'm about to fold you and by the way just just so we don't we don't mess up because you know this is this is Donald's first time in the universe instructions were left of TOA below Mira I was looking at the character select screen even more confused oh look at that look at that now that's a loading screen right there yeah yeah I got the best loading screens chat don't worry this is I this is my Lobby uh this is this is our life I'll kill you in the game Aki IQ you dead all right here we go three idiots versus the Fallen deities but it's actually Goku Vegeta basic as hell all right bro you leave black to me Donald formation Z you know what to do all right formation Z look at me charging up getting stronger charges all right formation Z I would love to zamasu you have to Goku black boom boom I didn't block it blocking everything oh you want me on Goku black or what no no she's talking to me okay good I was just confused I was like because I thought maybe you wanted the solo effort where are you going Thomas you should have never talked to us or things like that for real do you still vlogged under Dion there we go ahead Ron go off go a long story oh wait what it's your combo bro nice Sledgehammer I'm just hyper my boy up oh hey don't you ever disrespect breaking out his combo hit his ass nah you got me like Fidel on the sideline bro long story bro it just didn't go smooth looks like it was always up to trunks then I'm there you were locked on to me you'd be healing me hold on do you have a move called like uh I checked it's all on my [ __ ] bro something called masenko like it's a masenko move I do have one messenger do you have another one okay I'll do it myself so oh hey Rob all right now Canoga is speaking this is supposed to happen because Vegeta Goku and Trunks they build [ __ ] they not built three idiots watch what happens when we join the fight it won't even be cop y competition fight you no I'm going to exploit you for YouTube content now dinosaur I know these Lefty God snowflakes didn't pull up against me brother my second amendment rights about them why did we bring this version why does he become a superhero you know what look at him bro why is that outfit turn you into just a racist I'm not racist bro down I just like my second amendment rights okay okay sorry about that I have to step in every now and then rhyme because he's disrespected America there we go nice combos man that's how you play the goddamn hey superhero yeah let me get that sorry sorry what's up guys he's doing that move oh [ __ ] we're good we're good hey Google where are you doing all right get him up I'm using the Savior has come focus on me America whoops all right you can get a box you can get him up [Music] you're healing yourself I hate your haircut all right same thing so Dion you hold back Goku black we'll take off I'm in my real outfit now that that other guy was my cousin now I'm really about to get in these damn that was the cousin that nobody likes coming over all right a well-oiled machine he fights zamasu I hype him up every now and then I go and blow them bro he's not doing anything damn two piece I'm throwing it back to you blind back out Beast rhyme I'm trying bro let me go ahead and get a piece of him now go ahead now you get a pizza yeah oh combos combos oh [ __ ] he barely I gotta go help Dion It's in my nature where'd everybody go oh no no super backflip God you know I'm something of a Godly display myself oh I give him the slippery dip my what is your invasive to be awful it's it's yeah we have sense of beans oh we do don't we do I forgot about having items all right fellas let's try to get I don't know what happened that last round but I rewinded the time I had whisper we wanted us back at Zaki two minutes because we died in two minutes let's do this again all right sorry [Laughter] no you dare touch it all right sorry sorry I had to do a combo just you know I don't want to get hit me me you're fighting me you should be fighting this oh my goodness me how did I miss Ed he's mixing me bro bye bye bro in the middle one piece oh I'm sorry I thought that was the Beast beam bro I thought you had it no it was just transforming we're good we're good we're good we're good um wake up [ __ ] hold on let's do it again stamina yeah do it again I don't have the key for that I don't have the key for that I don't have the key for that hold on hold on hold on okay get it you get his ass just do this wait how do you fishing how do you get his key still back oh the double loop-de-loop Razzle flazzle Castle you don't even know how to play hey wake up wakey wakey wakey who's the real God here me oh and watch this watch this watch watch combo combo he found me deal if you have to if you have to heal if you have food you want me to heal guys I'll heal myself I'll heal myself I'm cooked I'm cooked I'm cooked no not no I'm not I'm cooked I'll heal myself I am dancing I'm stuck dancing I'm stuck dancing I'll say I'll hear myself we're good we're good we're good [ __ ] off your fight is with me [ __ ] I will stop what a God he didn't feel the damage yeah tank that because you know we built different he really did though super Scrolls come across the attack was dead he's almost dead he's almost dead Godly display I missed ah part two hit part two hit we're back in business baby there you go there you go all right input I think okay okay yeah your dream doesn't here all right now you know what we gotta do yay let me break the stamina and then we're all gonna use our old yeah okay this rate in existence destructive fishing yeah just throw my ghost at him we'll just charge my key s he's a guy that's only one way to kill him don't get him ghosts before we finish him yeah I see what I see what you mean about that thing you really rocked my [ __ ] before you fired up why can't we still move oh no maybe it's not open why'd you come down like that I mean he's happy it's dreamy one we can do this right what it's three verse one yeah look at his little stupid ass dancing doing nothing here's the wall [ __ ] here's a Justice combination [ __ ] my God he just can't even handle it is honestly when there's all three of us let me catch up you catch up oh he's doing something oh my God he really thought he was him what's he gonna do what's what's blood waffing about I don't know bro but he's getting cooked bro came back with a new haircut thought he was him here's a hakai oh two hot guys you want to do it again yeah yeah I got broken off [ __ ] the cat broken did not even try to die why did he just watch it watch this watch me embarrass him don't don't hit him watch this answer me bro yeah yeah let's do it again bro why are we embarrassing them no hold up don't hit him no I want you to watch this watch don't hit him don't do don't do nothing oh don't do it I said no dude so you tell us to watch this and you kill us I felt like that's it eviscillated us we didn't even have a chance to use the faces all right Donald uh activate [ __ ] build mode all right Phillips all right once again I once again asked uh whis the whis through a white time all he did was blow my hat off bro why did you just not you should why did you get confident man well I'm pissed because I was just the cameraman I was just stood too close to the actions I was stuck dancing because you you freedom for my dancing abilities all right I have an idea since they always lock onto me I use the wrong move but it'll work it didn't work it didn't work it's fine it's fine I'm fine I'm fine oh my God I'm so used to not seeing Dion not very much in this fight if it's crazy just be right next to him I'm gonna transform what is going to be oh Goku black what is it first this is the first yeah yeah yeah it's fine it's fine focus on the phone yeah I got it for a rough start I thought I had him back to me that I didn't actually have I thought I had an elegant Blaster are you good bro yeah I'm fine here we go we're fire firefighters the same shot again there we go you know what you know what here hold this this is a piece of my energy bro just a piece of my energy he was not ready for that bro he was not ready for a piece of my energy bro back is just cook this hey watch my dance watch what to do yeah excellent excellent Dance I'm like that little brother that walks and said hey check out my dance yeah I got you I saw you leaking over there thank you I appreciate that okay I didn't die but I should have wait I should not too ain't no [ __ ] way I had to die by his hand so it's broken I got you bro here you go oh I didn't know I figured that was the end of it oh he's dumb oh oh he's shut up somebody bro come here enjoy the new I don't I don't have the Godly display anymore but I will have this what do you have I'm running I'm more medicines do what I gotta go help no no dude idiot come here bro yes sorry I want to go ahead and finish his dance have a fishing I don't know he's he's very deep resistant shut up it didn't work okay bro I got you ah I didn't even feel it yeah my shoulder hurts a little and bring him back he's not coming this way I got it I got the Savior has come put me on everybody try to fight me now you no I don't even want to kill your wife you know what just for you got a healing item I got you bro yeah wait till I get up I got you bro here take one of these bro there you go hey bro your healing item would just be a lot faster not as far that was fine I have never seen done a film before I'm out of you I'm Adam key I was promised this would be a quick and process fire fire hold on I got him I got him I got him I got him he'll be fine he's in Minecraft damn bro this must be like 300 a month that was premium no no what let's go I'm tired of them God he's gone he's almost down dead [Music] stand next to me real quick wait I want to say how elegant you are shut up what did I do let me break the stamina why is he doing y'all do your [ __ ] there you go there you go boy we're number one number one number one yeah yeah I'm healing in here yeah I like that no no no no yeah I'm talking to his ass I don't know it was like I didn't even know it was serious like that bro there we go that's broken there you go one of these hold one of these this is a piece damn [Music] yeah perfect guard is awesome finish up Dion yeah yeah yeah power dance and love I'm gonna get my friends I don't think the dance is doing much it's doing a lot here I got you idea let me dance with me I'm in right now yeah you thought you taking too long bro hold this piece of my energy let me let me sell all right now I've seen this before Deja Vu is gonna run away but he's gonna come back just to die was on the ground for a good 30 minutes and then I was like I'm out of here dude he's like oh yeah I'm immortal I'm closing right now bro man I'm pretty sure he's obviously don't underestimate him this time no no mocking him let's just get me a [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I'm just playing could you give me my shoulder next I could use a massage there I was joking when I said don't run run this time oh my God don't worry don't worry hacky sack there you go have one of these have one of these you know what doing the Beast Cannon he needs to heal let me heal him let me heal him a little bit hey I need a heal yeah you heal him I'll focus on him I got him he ain't touching y'all he's coming all right he ain't gonna hit you all again hey you guys just healed each other up get to full I'll take care of the Dragon are you sure though have one of these I think he's some energy bro what is one oh I got a face of her we dispelled it he dispelled that he just fellas are you playing Magic The Gatherings I dare you oh yeah he's pissed I'll kick him around the throat oh I gotta I got an extra pissed I'm like a camp that's me bro I'm dancing happily you guys just popping out of the corner being his ass is hilarious yeah we ain't taking them lightly this time ah he's not gonna win no way that's what I'm saying oh my goodness who got a heal who got a healing move I mean I'm over here yo I got him yeah go ahead I dare you pull up it again pull up again I dare you I dare you oh let me know if you need help us again that was the wrong move no he needs help uh he might need help I know we don't I'm Dino bro might punch him anybody wants them I'm right below you guys just fall down I should be in your general area we do serve like six different zip codes oh [ __ ] Bro oh [ __ ] oh no no get me get me okay yeah yeah yeah no I see that [Music] we're working on a boat all right you're not on me anymore okay there you go okay okay now it's actually perfectly timed uh not really because I don't get anything else stop all right well I was wrong you're number one you're number one bro now get out of there no no do it bro you got more of that you got more of that juice I I don't I only got a little bit more [ __ ] but I can do it one more time bro got them In Perpetual dance Mick and now I'm here he thought those were gonna be his last words there we go that's what I'm talking about I'm right there Hawkeye should be here in three business days still going after me hey zamasu hey zamasu oh ah hit me here bro no no no no no no I got you bro here okay have one of these have one of these there you go come get this bro I got yeah there you go there you go wait what happened uh happened all right Donald you get him up I'll hold them off no you don't see us oh hey you got all that energy bro yeah go ahead and Juice them up I got him perfectly touched my guy right there perfectly timed I'll even start drawing another symbol on my grandma yeah yeah go ahead heal up heal up hold back thank you he's gonna watch this heal he's gonna watch as we kill Dr full health yeah go ahead do it again yeah yeah I'm up just in time to break he's gonna watch me challenge you're gonna watch me charge too one more time oh he gave him a little smile too yeah all right now let me get a piece do you have something that can save us oh thank God Donald get me up give me up that would have been bad that would have been I'm glad coring snuck me a little extra on the side that first [Music] one and a two two and let me just draw another oh wait you might have to ah I can't fly no stamina of course bro he's a god [ __ ] he's there he's there he's there you know
Channel: Rhymestyle
Views: 359,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: three idiots vs goku black, three idiots vs goku black & zamasu, three idiots vs merged zamasu, three idiots vs zamasu, three idiots xenoverse 2 raid, Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, Dragon ball xenoverse, dragon ball xenoverse rhymestyle, dragon ball xenoverse 2 rhymestyle, rhymestyle, mrrhymestyle, dragon ball z, dragon ball z rhymestyle, dbz, dragon ball super, dragon ball super rhymestyle, dragon ball xenoverse 2 gameplay
Id: emrGtnTw5ZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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