Three High-Intensity Pressing Exercises!!!

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foreign welcome back to another MSC breakdown this week we're going to take a look at some press and exercises if you're looking at building up your pre-season sessions and you're looking at planning ahead and build your game model off an aggressive defensive system and here are some ideas if you enjoy the sessions they are from our new ebook which we've just released 30 high intensity defensive exercises new ebook you get on the link below get it right away we've broken this one down into three areas a warm-up exercise a fear is a play and then an 11 v11 trying to set conditions and all three of those games to get that aggressive press and that you're looking to bring out with your team here we go so the reason why I broke this into three different areas and trying to impact the warm-up is from a consistency standpoint so quite recently we did an interview with Antonio Gagliardi who worked with Andrea pierlo at Juve work with Roberto Mancini at the Italy 2020 European Championship winning team as an analyst and a coach and he talked about counter press somebody talked about the consistency in getting that mentality right from a training standpoint and making sure that it goes almost from the first exercise onwards here is the clip yes I think that the control pressing is the the most important important tactical aspect to dominate that much but we have to train this tactical aspect in every session and almost everything I don't know well the American mindset about this aspect but in my opinion we have to insert the counter pressing from the start of training camp until the end for example I like to start the session with a Rondo but it's important to incorporate a Rondo drill with the counter pressing so even though this is pressed and that we're looking at and not necessarily counter press and I think there's similarities and consistencies between the mentality that you're looking for with your team and your players on the trading patch so the first thing we're going to look at is the warm-up exercise again these three exercises are available in the ebook the new ebook 30 high intensity training sessions you can get the link below and rather than just playing on Rondo to get your team warmed up maybe add a little bit to the Rondo so here's a way of doing that here it be it possession team in blue defensive team in red 25 by 25 yards square split into four areas with a five yard Square on the inside which is also split into four quarters many goal located on the outsides the objective is for The Possession team to circulate the ball around the square so every time they get the ball in all four areas they get a point they can play in any of the zones they can move the ball in any direction the defending team two players can go in each Zone but they can only go when the balls are Raven there must be a minimum of two classes before the ball is transferred but if you want to raise the intensity levels you can make that one pass and the players can maybe arrive a little earlier so you can make this really competitive you can make it really fast moving really enjoyable and set the tone for the rest of the session the second exercise is a game that you can play If you're looking at perfecting that press on one side of the pitch so this time you're using 14 players possession team of eight including the goalkeeper six defensive players you're organizing them structurally on one side of the pitch the objective is to challenge the defensive team in red to press and limit The Possession team to one side of the pitch so there are many goals are acting as Outlet passes play starts from the goalkeeper blue team are looking to build and play into the many goals for a one point if the red team win possession they can transition and score into the full-size goal immediately for two points you can play a number of these games and then you can also rotate the players to get them experiences in the different positions as well so sometimes when you're playing 11v11 and you're doing a press and session it can be goalkeeper playing out to one of the center backs and it's the same trigger every time for the present team which makes it a little bit more predictable and easier for them to focus on however when you're playing an 11v11 game in reality the press and triggers are different different times different stages so this game is a little bit of in between you have six starting spots two behind the goal one on each side of the goalkeeper for goal kicks then you have four located lower down the pitch where there will be throw-ins so those areas are all numbered one through six the coach calls out a number The Possession team has say six seconds to restart the game which means the pressing team has six seconds to get themselves organized or reorganized and then they play the game so the better they are in doing this defensively the more solid they're going to be with their structure now as a coach you can then allow the 11v11 game to flow as much as you want maybe you want to focus on a certain side of the press maybe you want to focus more on the goalkeeper this exercise allows you to do a little bit more of that there because you're in control of the restarts but then you also get the variability of an 11v11 game which is more likely to bring out randomness of the different presser moments this is a good exercise maybe if you're looking at focusing reorganizing and communicating as an 11 in relation to the ball so they have a coach's three exercises you could use these in a session if you enjoy them of course check out the ebook below I'm big believer that having a bank of different defensive exercises allows you to maybe bring out different things on a different daily basis with units or maybe a side of the press or maybe it's just a mentality piece that Antonio talked about at the start the ebook is designed to give you those ideas and hopefully you enjoy it thanks so much for watching please like And subscribe I will see you next week goodbye foreign [Applause]
Channel: Modern Soccer Coach
Views: 55,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -7FBGfDgmHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 16sec (376 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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