Three Engined Aircraft, what happened?

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hey everybody very welcome to mentor and yet not a video podcast as always hope you're doing absolutely fantastic today on the podcast guys we're going to be talking about three-engined jet aircraft tri jets why did they come about in the first place why do you not see so many of them anymore and is there any future for them going forward stay tuned this video is brought to you in cooperation with skill share now skill share is a website that offers you thousands of courses in pretty much any area that you might be interested in I use it personally to improve my Spanish skills but the 501st of you who uses this link can try out any course that you want for free for the first two months old check it out rocket so today we're going to be talking about tri jets now I personally think that some of the most majestic best looking gorgeous aircraft out there are tried yet so I'm thinking about the Lockheed 1011 Tristar for example but you also have examples like the tupolev 154 the Hawker Siddeley Trident the dc-10 and the md-11 alright they are great looking huge aircraft ok now in order to understand why they came about in the first place we have to go back to the 1970s and in 1970s the airlines were starting to ask for slightly bigger aircraft alright bigger than the Boeing 737 that they had available for example and that has slightly better performance now in order to add performance they needed to add engines because we still didn't have these hyper efficient high bypass ratio engines that we have today but what you need to understand when it comes to aircraft and buying aircraft is that the single most expensive part is going to be the engine it's the most expensive to buy and it's the most expensive to maintain so aircraft manufacturers and Airlines tends to want as few engines as possible while still maintaining the former's so if you couldn't get enough performance for two engines and you didn't want four engines well then obviously the solution is three engines but it comes with a problem if you have three engines it means that you have an uneven amount of engine so this means that that third engine has to be placed somewhere on the aircraft that doesn't produce any your in case of an engine failure remember I talked about that in the episode about engine placement so there's only really one place that you can place the engine if you don't want any Joe and that's gonna be in the centerline of the aircraft which is at the back ok so that's what the and what the aircraft manufacturers started looking into now placing the engine at the back comes with a few problems they were solved in different ways like for example the the Lockheed 1011 the Tristar they incorporated the engine into the body of the aircraft so at the back of the aircraft the engine was incorporated inside now this is great because it becomes very aerodynamic and also when they when it's exerted to trust it's gonna be in the centerline of the aircraft and it's gonna be in the center of the aircraft so it will not have any kind of yoing or pitching impact but of course the problem is that the air has to be coming into the engine in some way and the way they solve this say similar to the Hawker Siddeley Tristar Hocus idli trident as they created an S dot this means that the the air for the engine is being sucked in from above the body and then it's going down through an S stock into the engine and then being exposed and back now this is very aerodynamic but also extremely expensive and complicated to to make and it also has another problem the problem is that this aircraft is now purposefully built for one specific engine so if down the line the engine manufacturers comes up with a more efficient type of engine bigger type of engine it cannot be introduced into the same engine bay because it's going to be too big so you essentially need to redesign the entire back of the aircraft which is going to be extremely expensive now the the dc-10 and the md-11 had a slightly different take what they did was they actually incorporated the engine in to the fin of the aircraft this was good because it meant that they they had easy access for maintenance for example and they could also fairly easily at least a little bit more easily redesign the fin if needed with a bigger engine the downside was that it was not as aerodynamic and also when you add thrust with an engine that situated above the centerline of the aircraft it means that you're gonna get a pitch down moment should take truss off you're gonna get a pitch up moment the same if you get an engine failure but this could all be worked through anyway so what you have to understand as well as on top of the fact that you now had three engines which gave extra trust and extra performance the really big reason that the airlines wanted that third and you was that before the 1990s there were no air tops approval right here tops has had different meanings throughout the years but extended twin air operations basically yeah before in the 1990s two engine aircraft were not allowed to fly further away from a usable alternate 60-minute single-engine flight time and what this means is that you couldn't go straight out over the Atlantic you would have to fly fairly close to the coast line and it would be a longer route if you had two engines of sorry three engines or more those rules did not apply to you because the Aviation Authority so you have three engines you have better redundancy it means that if one engine fails you can still continue to fly with two so go ahead fly out over the oceans this was a huge deal okay very very important for the airlines but during the late 1980s and the beginning of 1990s the engine manufacturers started to lobbying the aviation authorities and said listen our engines are actually extremely reliable and they're becoming stronger and stronger all the time the aviation authorities had looked at it said yeah actually we agree to that and they started issuing a ops approvals to certain airlines and this meant that now you could fly with two engines further away than 60 minutes and you could cross oceans with two engine aircraft this combined with the fact that the engines were now be getting bigger more power all the time meant that in the 1990s you started having aircraft that had the same kind of performance the same possible takeoff weight the same range and you still had ear tops approval so this meant that the the tried yet started becoming obsolete they were more expensive to maintain because they had one extra engine they obviously were using more fuel because three engines tends to use more than two and there was no real benefit to them anymore and this is why you will see that the heyday of the of the tried yes wasn't during the 1980s from about fifteen sixteen hundred of them were flying and then that started to reduce as air tops was improved and incorporated and and now we only see them in some freighter operations really em which is a shame because I love the look of them so what about the future done well you will probably continue to see tried yet especially in the private market the private jet market the reason for that that is that a ops approval is still a little bit complicated to attain and you have to apply with a lot of rules in order to get in their tops approval so if you're a small operator and want to fly private jets if you have three engines you don't need their tops approval you can still just shoot the way out of the ocean without it so you'd probably see that the Falcon series private jet for example they all have three engines on them and something that I think is really really exciting is that boom technologies the there is a company called boom who is who is building the second generation of supersonic passenger aircraft they are at the moment working on their prototype the baby boom and the boom is expected to have three jet engines so it's going to be a tri jet and I would love to get my hands on one of those so that's what we're looking into the future we probably continue to see try just going forward guys that's what I had about try jets I hope you enjoyed it if you have any questions then as always send them in below as comments or get into the mentor aviation app guys there's more and more of us there every time and you can just tag at mentor and that's going to send a message direct to me and I will answer it whenever have time to do so also a huge thank you to Skillshare for sponsoring this video now as I've always said to you guys I will only show you companies on this channel that will add value to you okay Skillshare is definitely one of these you can do in there if you use the link the first 500 of you I was going to get two months completely for free so it's completely risk-free just go in check it out and find whatever course that you were interested in like I said before I am using it to improve my Spanish skills maybe you want to design stuff or improve or your picture editing skills or whatever it might be check it out I promise you that you'll find something good and let me know what you think [Applause] also check out mentor pilot com Metropolitan's comm is my own website I am working hard on incorporating a lot of content that you might like so there's going to be news feeds about the aviation industry I'm gonna do blogs in there there's a shot that you guys can hang out on and it's also likely that I will be starting to feature flight schools that I have checked out and that I can recommend to you inside there so go to mentor pilot come check it out and let me know if there's any feature that you want me to incorporate have an absolutely fantastic day guys and I'll see you next time bye bye [Music]
Channel: Mentour Pilot
Views: 989,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trijet, three engined aircraft, Lockheed, Lockheed L1011, Tristar, Boeing 727, Tupolev 154, Trident, Boeing 737, Airbus 330, Boaing 747, Mentour, Mentour pilot, Aviation, Avgeek, Avnerd, General aviation, Commercial aviation, aviation history, inspiration, how does it work, how to become a pilot, fear of flying, fear of flight, pilot life, Aviation youtuber, takeoff, landing, flight school, jet engine, s duct
Id: gxnptDPy47M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 15 2018
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