Three Changes to Make My Life Better!

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hi welcome to off the ranch it's a Channel with me my name is Matt you probably haven't seen me in a while because I haven't uploaded we actually went to uh Telluride Colorado which me and the family and did a little trip and I decided not to Vlog just wanted to make a little family vacation and it was great I'd never been to Telluride before I think some of the most beautiful scenery out of any of the ski mountains we visited so I will be back it was awesome you guys in Colorado know how to do it but I am going to be installing that right there today and I could really use someone's help and this dude won't help me at all no you're absolutely zero help I was like hold the ladder and I went up on it fell over he didn't help at all I actually started this whole thing last night and I thought about filming and I was it was late and I was like I'm just gonna get get to working on it and so my plan is I have this air compressor which doesn't really fit anywhere but I want air in my garage and so I was like well I could just leave it here but there's no plug here and there's no plug there Aaron all my plugs are up here but I don't want to leave it on the counter I don't leave it on the floor I want it to look nice in here so I was like what if I put it in this storage room right here which is through the wall and I just you know route the air through the wall so I decided to drill a hole and I'm going to drill a hole right here later so the Reel will be here air hose will go in there and then I decided to drill actually three holes don't worry about that you can see in there some wood so I actually drilled a hole and it went through the particle board on the back of this cabinet and then it went through the sheetrock which is behind the cabinet and then it hit another board and I watched this wall go up I would I actually framed this wall and I was like what what other board is there I framed it but I don't know if someone else came and put a piece of plywood on it that I never saw or what but there was some other board and so I initially thought well I hit a stud so I moved it over and I drilled another one and there you know I'm three inches over to the right now and I hit another stud so my cool now I have two holes and I was like well what if there's like uh the header is right there I was thinking the header was up there but I thought maybe that's where the header is because it's about exactly at eight feet and I was like that's just probably a header board so then I drilled another hole down three inches and went right there and there's still a board behind that too so I had three holes and I'm like there's just a big piece of plywood there why and I don't know why so I was like well I'm just drilling a hole straight through and I just went made it through I don't know what's back there but I drilled the hole straight through it hopefully I don't find out later so that is a air hose going through there and the air hose comes out right there and then I drill the hole under that shelf there and it'll go right here and my air tank will sit right here plug in right here it's the greatest plant I've ever had so I just need to finish that up today and uh I need you guys to to really help me because I couldn't get this done without your love and support [Music] cool that is amazing actually let me see how far this thing goes I wonder if I just pull up cars right outside of my garage and fill up their tires too oh yeah yup this will work right there yep nice and then it locks too so I can pull it unlock it okay maybe maybe okay I don't know how it works now why are you not unlocking did I go too far yeah I went too far so you just gotta get past that and then it'll reel itself back in just like that and I'll probably set this thing a little further out so it hangs down kids can grab it fill up their bikes stuff like that [Music] hi you guys are on my cell phone now as you can see because my camera as you can see is taking some damage so this actually got messed up in uh Montana we actually dropped it off a side by side into the snow as we were filming look what happens when you turn on it's supposed to open that lens up and it doesn't so you can see the screen up here is just messed up and it's been doing this but I would just like push it down and it would work so I got half of it down but this side I can't get it to stay up and out of the way and it just looks terrible see so you just like lose a little bit of the screen right here so it's time for me to practice a little bit of micro surgery okay don't you guys worry as you guys know I am a surgeon practice for many years I have some amazing amazing skills I think I have to try to break this like lens cover out without actually scratching the lens I mean really what I need to do is buy a new camera I just you know for now the temporary fix would be to either break the lens cover out or just uh bend it out of the way I don't this is this is exactly what I do on dogs just start ripping it actually might work this is uh my like 15th one of these cameras I like them because they're very handy um they're just tiny and they work well but they are fragile you drop them onto something hard there there something will break either they're totally done or they're like this where they're like mostly done so we'll turn it on it'll suck it all back in okay so yeah I need to I need to get a little bit more no problem not a problem it is a little bit of a problem oh shoot lenses you're not supposed to even touch with like a towel because those Little Fibers can scratch it I'm touching it with pointy metal objects and and putting some force on it this is fine everything's fine this might work one more and think about how much lighter this is going to be now when I carry it around my speed has been increased okay how that's sharp all right I think I got it let's see what happens when I turn her on oh yeah no lens is in the way now and minimal scratches you guys okay you look great all right we're back in business this thing might last me another month now we need to take a break from working and I actually got to go up and do some more work at the bunker uh we are putting a new system in place and I'm gonna go help them out make sure everything's going according to plan Christmas as you know and with any business that sells things online Christmas is like our super busy season where it's just going going and like the warehouse gets to be a total mess during Christmas because we're like when January comes everything slows down and you have time to like you know go through and sort so it is January we've been sorting and we're actually doing a good job like cleaning up all the mess from Christmas and so we've been just like going through all the shipping containers outside going through all of our inventory trying to get all our numbers back up where they're supposed to be and that's actually part of this new system we're implementing it's to keep us all on track for like the next big season which will come in a month or two where everything just starts flying again but January is the time where we sort and organize and get systems in place to make everything much smoother whoa look at that so this new system we have is called ship Bob and actually all of these QR codes are new hey Clint oh hey tell us all about ship Bob so we have been with the same kind of system for like animals five years now and it does its job it's it works um but it's kind of archaic in the sense we're still printing out packing slips every day and it'll tell you everything you go on and people are running around the warehouse just picking stuff and then getting it to somebody else to then which was better than what we started with which what we started with was all right Jim from Florida ordered a large demolisha green okay let's go find uh here's a large and he also ordered a hat um but here's the Hattie order and we'd walk around looking for one order at a time we had a packing slip and we'd find the one order we take it all over it took several minutes to get one guy's order done yeah so then the other system did help yeah but uh but we just had to use too many software so we had a different software for our inventory and one to print our labels and all that so now we're finally getting into the new era of no more papers everything's digital which is what all this stuff is so it's going to be sweet the system is essentially smart we're gonna tell it we need to do 50 orders and it's going to send us we mapped out our warehouse so it's going to say so this system knows exactly where the green large demolition shirt is and it's going to get every order that has a green demolition large and give us the quickest route to pick 50 orders yeah to then get shipped out so day one you don't have to know what a green demolition shirt is it's just going to tell you to come to aisle 100 e54 and you need five of these you're not picking for just one order this time so you're doing it to save a lot of time you know that five people ordered this exact shirt and so you're grabbing all of those at once and you know that four people ordered this and one person ordered this and they tell you in a row and you grab all of those at once and then go and it's sorting it out into so you're just gonna pull it's called the cluster cart around that has 50 different bins in it and it's going to tell you which ones go where and it's going to make you scan every time you do it so you don't mess up right yeah so so you don't grab one out of the wrong yeah we'll be almost hard to do which is also good that is good that will help customer support which will help our inventory which will help everything so show me your cluster cart it's but this is our cluster cart we got 48 different potential orders we can go and just some refurbished come on backside too yup that'll tell you yeah to go to 100 E5 because you need so you're pulling this thing around on all the aisles with you okay oh yeah let's go Wheels turn on that side you'll scan the product it'll tip then once you scan it it'll tell you which one of these to put it in so it'll say put one here two here four here gotcha until you go to the next product until this whole cart's full and once this card oh so it knows when it's full too yeah that's cool yeah it's all full it's ready to go then you just send it to your shipper this is an order this is an order so instead of doing one at a time grabbing one piece of paper walking through the whole Warehouse we're efficiently doing way more which is good for you you get your shirts faster and less mess-ups yeah which is cool yep so and now we're still setting up the whole building so like we've put these QR codes on a box so now we have to actually count exactly how many are in here so it'll know anytime that there are orders and we take them out it'll know exactly how many are in this box and so you can use that to know when you need to go restock boxes and we won't have a box like this that only has you know three shirts in it someone's job will be to go restock that and they'll tell it how many they put back in there and the one thing that is we probably won't utilize this fully because it is nice to keep all of our creators kind of in the same area yeah but you don't have to with this system because if this is empty we can put whatever we want in here we're going to tell the system it doesn't matter yeah it's gonna pick it whenever you get there normally we have all the same shirts just of different sizes in a line but yeah you don't have to know when we're picking it's easier no all right this is it and we go small medium large because we're doing it you know manually you're thinking yeah we're thinking yeah the system does the thinking now so the next time we get a lake shipment in we have this whole row of empty bins which we need to take these old stickers off we're just gonna grab a box and scan it and go all right this now is this there it is and it's full of 50 and then this yeah because theoretically it won't matter where anything is it'll still because your your brain is off yeah during this yeah you relying on the system and not your brain now which is good we also got stuff like uh here we got these uh QR codes here just telling us kind of where the back stock is you can see I'm all the tops of these racks have boxes all over them that's back stock and you can see the QR codes down there here's where we do all of our packing and so we bring them to this table we pack them all in there throw them in these bins and then they get picked up and send out to you guys and we've got several big rows full of bins and bins and bins and so it is kind of cool that like now you don't have to go this you know gym from Florida to order it so we got to go down the aisle and get Jim's stuff but he also has some over here and over here you're just doing a lot of walking this will cut out a ton of that and you know less walking is less time and that means we're wasting less time which means we're wasting less money and you guys get your stuff faster and it's easier on us so I think it's gonna be really cool I'll let you guys know how [ __ ] Bob works out here at Bunker branding and uh we'll give you an update but I think this is going to be good to just kind of pick this place up get it all you know in a way that makes sense a little bit more so Clint's got it handled he's making sure everything is done right you and I can get back to work at the garage foreign [Music] was nice about having that thing in a different room as you can hear it but also you and I can just talk in a normal volume and it's not annoying and so that's just in a storage room right now and it has plenty of room for ventilation so it'll stay cool but also it's just a way it's not here like we built our barn and we put the air compressor outside the building because it's they're just loud and annoying and when they're kicking on all the time like they're just annoying can't hear the radio can't talk to you guys this is great okay so now I'm gonna wait for it to fill up and then we'll see if we have any leaks in the system listen how loud it is whole lot of nope we are full I don't hear any leaks in here no leaks out here I'd put all these connectors on so this thing comes with no connection so I put all the connections on the hose and the hose reel and everything and I put tape on there thread tape and all's good so now uh just gotta clean up this big mess that I made oh how am I gonna get all that stuff out [Music] yeah perfect I adjusted this thing so this thing hangs to where when my kids can grab it so they can fill up their bike or basketball I put the two tools they would be using right here we got a little tire filler and just have a little spray gun they need to clean off something so I think we're good to go so I got that for me to use the kids can also use it mayor will never use it she won't even notice it's there but I'm pretty pumped all right this is a mess uh let me just clean this up real quick man that's way better look how beautiful this all is okay listen I know this is probably seemingly pretty small for you guys but it's something I've been wanting to do for you know about a year that I've been living this house and I hadn't done it yet so mission accomplished I did one thing today one small thing that will make my life better and uh cleaner and neater and now I have a tool at the ready air pressure always at the ready ready to go do one thing today to make tomorrow better than yesterday I'm actually doing like three things today [Applause] one is the new software at Bunker that should improve efficiency and Money Two is that sweet new air compressor setup I got at the house and three is happening in just a minute art goodies it's so it's like so cool and then it also just needs so much like where I have it in my mind it's far from that it's about 50 of the way there this is just the prototype to make sure it all works which it does it's just real rump around the edges much like myself you know it's not rough around the edge of those this road look how good this road looks so I got a guy to come cut me a road going through part of the property that was kind of hard to get to um because it was just very hilly and so just cut a road you got an excavator and a Dozer out here and just like started chomping far as dirt roads go it's really nice also this is the bumpiest car ever because we've got some you know we need some work done on the suspension but like stuff like that those were all rocks and he just pulled out of the ground because they were on a hill and we needed to make it smooth and then he just made like a nice little yeah just a little like area to build up the road it just looks good it's better than what I thought it's always cool when you hire someone for a job and they like over deliver nice work down the hill not not bumpy not loud it's just awesome yeah that's a bad mama jama and so is this here's how I'm making today better than yesterday for the third time today that is a big old pile of asphalt millings so this is like when they chop up highways like they put new asphalt down they'll chop up the old asphalt and they just take it places and you can buy it and it actually makes really good kind of like road base so we have a dumpster right here and we have a bunch of millings here but they're pretty thin so I'm worried if it rained a lot and all the ground got really you you know soft that a big trash truck would just sinking here so I got a new pile of millings delivered I'm gonna smooth it all out right in front of my dumpster make it a little harder for a trash truck to sink first I just need to scoot this thing out of the way a little bit perfect and now I'm gonna go ahead and just snap this and just flatten it all out you ready it's gonna be amazing whoa sweet look at that man it's good like I said people throw this stuff away um and so I got this actually for pretty cheap I think I bought millings a few times for our little road by the range as well but uh this is a hundred bucks a load that was one load he's gonna bring one more so 200 bucks and I've got pretty good set of millings here also see that equipment down there he also has a compactor still on my property because he just made my dirt road so he said after I lay all this stuff out he'll just run that compactor over really quick it'll be solid so he's gonna bring one more load and I will have a solid place for when the trash truck comes into my property it will not sink in the mud even on the rainiest of weeks I actually need to move that back now and I try to do with this big mistake I'm gonna go grab Forks am I driving a bobcat I feel like I'm in a tank these tracks someday I'll actually overtake [Music] foreign [Music] one half of our dumpster pad is played out pretty flat and it's you know still kind of Gravelly but what's nice is it has this big stuff here the big stuff is what keeps you from sinking and then has all the little stuff which over time but also especially when he comes and packs it all down it's gonna lock all that big stuff in place and water will not mess with it like it would mud so it'll make it really good okay I am signing off and I will see you guys probably in like two days and then we're taking a trip and it's gonna be a good one we got a lot of cool stuff planned I hope see you there thanks for watching this episode about Branch I love you and I'll see you next time [Music] oh I'm on fire oh hey what camera is that number shut up don't tell me [Music] [Music] oh
Channel: OffTheRanch
Views: 444,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: matt, dr, dr., dr matt, dr. matt, vet, ranch, demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, vetranch, off, the, offtheranch, vlog, vlogger, vloggers, vlogs, vlogging, blog, daily, best, vlogged
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2023
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