Thoughts on Kenny VS Spenny

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When Kenny pumps air up his ass I fucking lose it, I love how astounded Spenny is, "HOLY SHIT"

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/donkeybrolic 📅︎︎ May 01 2014 🗫︎ replies

Hopefully more people see this... Kenny and Spenny could use the exposure! Very under rated canadian duo!

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/ArcticTreeHerder 📅︎︎ May 01 2014 🗫︎ replies

Holy crap, kitty rimjob... didn't know about that one.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/zuperxtreme 📅︎︎ May 01 2014 🗫︎ replies

Who can sell more bibles was on of the best episodes. Also Spenny's cousin Bianca is fine!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/BaBaBrandon 📅︎︎ May 01 2014 🗫︎ replies

greatest canadian show of all time.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 01 2014 🗫︎ replies

I want season 7.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Mike762 📅︎︎ May 01 2014 🗫︎ replies

what is YMS?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/FYMASMBD 📅︎︎ May 01 2014 🗫︎ replies

I feel so bad for Spenny. He reminds me of myself so it's like watching my teenage years on tv.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Tester24834 📅︎︎ May 01 2014 🗫︎ replies

There aren't very many shows I wish I could watch for the first time, but this is definitely a show a wish I could watch all the way through for my first time. It is so goddamn funny. I totally didn't know Matt and Trey produced this.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/civilian11214 📅︎︎ May 01 2014 🗫︎ replies
[Kenny]: Do you wanna see my latest film? There’s one on my bathtub as well. [Spenny]: What’s the name of the site? [Kenny]: Your Movie Sucks That Org. [Spenny]: This Movie Sucks Dot Org is incredible. What’s it called? [Kenny]: Your Movie Sucks… That Org… Correct? [Spenny]: Your Movie Sucks Organisms… [Kenny]: You’d like to suck on his org. [Spenny]: -gan... [YMS]: Since I recently devoted five weeks to recommending a bunch of different art films to you guys, I thought I’d balance it out with a recommendation for something that’s not quite as classy… [Kenny]: The competition this week is: Who Can Wear a Chicken Coop on Their Head the Longest! [Spenny]: First One to Touch the Ground Loses. *Yelps of Pain* [Kenny]: Who Can Produce More Cum? [Spenny]: Semen? [Kenny]: No children, no homeless gentlemen, no corpses! Who Can Keep a Dump in Their Pants the Longest? [Spenny]: *Scream of Disgust/Disappointment* [Kenny] Who Can be Tied to a Goat the Longest? [Spenny]: Who Can Eat the Most Meat? [Kenny]: I don’t feel so good… We got a huge bag of weed, whoever smokes the most wins. This is the Boner Competition, first one to get a boner loses, [Spenny]: HE DOESN’T EVEN HAVE A BONER, YOU’RE GAY! [Kenny]: We’re both gonna put dead octopuses on our head, [Spenny]: You think I’m gonna take the bigger one because I’m taller than you? [Kenny]: Yes! [Spenny]: You weigh more than me! [Kenny]: My penis weighs more than you. [Shopkeepers]: *Laughter* [Spenny]: Don’t laugh at that, it’s not funny. [YMS]: Kenny vs Spenny is a hilarious TV show that was quite popular up here, but I’m unsure as to how well the rest of the world knows it. Now anybody that watches this channel should know that it’s a little out of place for me to be recommending something so essentially trashy… [Kenny]: *Ball Busting Screams* [YMS]: So I’d like to take the time to explain what aspects of the show I think make it great. Now let me start by saying that the show definitely has its flaws and if you watch the wrong episode you might be turned off of it altogether. But the many great episodes of this show are so hilarious and entertaining that the lesser filler episodes can easily be ignored. Now some people might call this a reality TV show, but I’d say it’s more comedy than anything. And it’s not as if a camera crew is pretending to film their everyday lives and occurrences. It’s essentially kind of a game show where the game changes every episode but the contestants stay the same. And no matter what the contest of each episode is, you’re basically watching a maliciously evil man torment an emotionally fragile man for 6 seasons... And I fucking love it. Now it’s pretty clear that part of the humor they’re going for is a little inspired by Jackass, and if that were all there was to it, then great, we just have another Jackass clone. And though I will admit I personally find those entertaining, they’re not exactly something I’d be making a video for. What makes Kenny vs Spenny unique is that the comedy isn’t just physical slapstick. What appears to be mostly improvisational turns out to be funnier than the vast majority of scripted shows. [Kenny]: Spenny masturbates into baby diapers. That’s what he uses to catch. [Spenny]: Where do you come up with this- [Kenny]: I use Kleenex, or a- [Spenny]- masturbate into diapers, has that ever been thought of? In the human fucking species? [Kenny]: Do you or do you not- [Spenny]: You go and find me one diaper in this house! [Kenny]: Take off your pants. [YMS]: Sure you can throw accusations of them secretly writing Kenny’s punchlines beforehand, but if you pay attention to how quick and clever he is in interviews and live shows, you’ll notice that he doesn’t really need to. [YMS]: And the chemistry of this comedic duo works insanely well. For either of them it’s essentially impossible for it to work so well without being able to build off of the other person. [Kenny]: Oh no… I’m allergic to peanuts! *vomiting brownie feces* [Spenny]: This is completely ridicu- what are you doing!? Is that fucking poo? [Cameraman]: It’s just, it’s just brownie mix. [YMS]: Sure, Kenny’s diabolical acts of mischief make the show great, but without Spenny there’s no one around that he can torment so easily. [Kenny]: I am asking anyone out there to kill Spenny. Which is a crime, that’s a crime. [Spenny]: No, no, no it’s not! [Kenny]: Yes it is. [Spenny]: It is not a crime! [Kenny]: Of course it is. [Spenny]: How can that be a crime? [Kenny]: Well I’m asking someone to kill you! It’s a crime! [Spenny]: Actual- okay. [YMS]: Now I understand that some people watch the show and find Spenny’s persona to be a little unbelievable, but you have to remember that the amount of people on this planet forces quite the variety of personality types by probability alone. [Spenny]: This is one of his apparatus, I’ve showed you the photographs downstairs. [Kenny]: Just taking a little weight off my shoulders. Am I supporting myself while standing? [Specialist]: You can make an argument. [Kenny]: Great. Well, that’s all I wanted [Specialist]: But, uh… [Kenny]: But the reality is, nobody is stopping Spenny from assisted standing. I would have even allowed him to use this- [Specialist]: Is he merely being intellectually difficult about the definition? [Kenny]: Yes, he’s being very- [Spenny]: I’M BEING DIFFICULT? [Kenny]: One second, one second, let me talk. Honestly his mind, and his attitude, are very grumpy. And he’s been walking, he just walked up the stairs- [Spenny]: Shut up. I’m I sick of you. [Kenny]: See how grumpy he is? A little more cunning- [Spenny]: Would you stop talking? [Kenny]: He really just didn’t have the ideas to really assist himself, but, [Spenny]: How do you describe a person like this? A person who, will- [Kenny]: Cunning, cunning. [YMS]: Now I’ve actually met a few people like him with extreme self-confidence issues and anxiety. And from what I can tell he’s basically the same guy when he’s off the show. Plus their series finale of Kenny vs Spenny was in 2010, and looking at Spenny’s hugely unsuccessful television solo project, it’s pretty much exactly what you’d imagine coming out of the Spenny from Kenny vs Spenny. [Spenny]: It’s a bit of a trainwreck of this sweet guy, uh operating in this sort of, dark world, uh, where nothing really goes the way it’s supposed to go, the other level of the show, which probably nobody but me will ever think about, is that maybe that those things that society tells us we should have aren’t worth having. Because they’re kicking the shit out of me every time, you know? That’s not for me to decide, that’s for, uh, intellectuals, philosophers, and academics. To discuss. [YMS]: I mean if he’s completely playing a character his whole life even after the show’s over, then not only has that not been proven to not make any sense financially, but we’d then have to admit that he’s a proficiently talented actor who’s got better deadpan than Stephen Colbert, I mean, even he’s cracked up more than once. [Colbert]: Your father, Liqa Madiq, and your mother who still goes by her maiden name, Munchma Quchi. [YMS]: Now remember I personally don’t feel as though every single thing on the show is 100% genuine. The presence of cameras is always going to make someone exaggerate the parts of themselves that they know everybody wants to see. And although I do feel there’s bits of performance within their reactions, I do believe their reactions are mostly genuine. [Spenny]: THE FUCK, WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? [Kenny]: I’m giving you an enema! [Spenny]: I’m gonna kill you! I may physically kill you! [Kenny]: Enemas give you boners! [Spenny]: You tried to stick a fucking tube up my ass you fucking moron! [Kenny]: Don’t be violent! [Spenny]: Don’t be violent!? [YMS]: I mean it’s clear by this point that Spenny understands that his audience gets entertained by poking fun at him. And no matter how real or fake he is, it would be ridiculous to suggest that that wouldn’t affect his behavior at all, but that doesn’t mean that off camera he’s a completely different person. [Spenny]: I don’t have a bullet to my head to do this, I will admit that. I actually think the show makes him look more like an idiot than he thinks, and not vice versa. So, in a weird way, I have a lot, I mean, he'll say that I have no fans, everybody hates me, they all love to see me get crushed every week, the reality is I have a lot of people that support me, and they come up to me and they say, you know, ‘God, what an asshole, you know, I can’t believe he did that to you, when are you going to get him back?’ [Kenny]: But then he leaves the Queen’s Street Mental Hospital and goes somewhere else. [Spenny]: And the difference is, is that I’m not willing to go to his level. Well first I don’t think the show would work comedically if I did, but even more importantly, it’s just not who I am. [YMS]: He often mentions the pharmaceuticals he takes and I see no reason to immediately call it bullshit. [Spenny]: I am a stressful guy, I’m a highly stressed man. I take Xanax, it’s prescription, it’s legal, I need it. Flawed people are funny. [YMS]: But the way I see it, if let’s say if he’s secretly a confident, happy, cool guy that acts nothing like his Spenny persona, then this is a man who’s extremely dedicated to playing this character. [Host]: You don’t cheat, you finish the competitions by the rules, so technically when he cheats, but you end up losing anyway. [Spenny]: Well, no, because I actually win. Let me, let me put it this way. [Kenny]: That is so lame. [Spenny]: Just shut up. If Tiger Woods is in a golf tournament, and it’s the fourth and final day out on Sunday, and he cheats, okay, what happens, does the tournament get cancelled? Or does the guy who’s in second place, hopefully Mike Weir, does he win? The tournament. When he cheats, oh he hates this, when he cheats, and he does, a lot, I win those! [Host]: But you still do the humiliation stuff! [Spenny]: Who cares? [Host]: If you don’t know the show, what happens is the loser has to do some humiliating thing, and even though you say you win, you always have to do the humiliation stuff. [Spenny]: But I win! [Kenny]: No he doesn’t, I think whoever does the humiliation is the loser. [Spenny]: Well, he has a very convenient logic. [YMS]: After seeing their live show, I noticed that unless Spenny’s telling a joke, which he doesn’t often do, the guy never fucking smiles. So it’s difficult to believe such a capable actor would then intentionally lose money by deciding to be really shitty. No offense Spenny, but it seems as though what you’re best at is being tortured. Still, we all appreciate you come to understand where your success lies. Which is what I can only gather by you deciding to go on tour with Kenny recently. [YMS]: Like I said, the show’s not perfect and more commonly earlier on in the series, there are a few moments that I do find uncomfortably convenient. So whereas there are some convenient plot elements within the show that I can’t completely confirm or disprove for their legitimacy, I can at least say that although it’s clear they understand there’s an incentive for them to act as exaggerated versions of themselves, they are still being themselves in the show. Yeah, it’s a little convenient that the most entertaining clash of personality types happened to make a show together, but it wasn’t exactly so much of a clash earlier on in their careers. They first made an independent documentary called Pitch about trying to sell a script to Hollywood. And when watching it you can tell that they’re the same people, but the film’s not set up in a way that incentivizes them to fight with each other. When Season 1 of Kenny vs Spenny comes along, you can see their chemistry start to build once they have the right set up for confrontation, like, literally the whole premise of the show was them competing against each other. And Spenny doesn’t so much initiate the conflict as he does react to it. So it seems as though when Kenny realized just how much comedic value there was in torturing Spenny, he aimed to outdo himself and tried to take it further each time. [Kenny]: It’s hard to outdo yourself every single year, you know I’ve given the guy acid, and made him think he had AIDS… Spenny just gets more paranoid, and more neurotic and I just get meaner, [YMS]: Not only does Kenny get meaner and Spenny get more paranoid as the show goes on, but I get the impression that it’s only because Kenny wants it to happen. I mean, of course he sees the humor in torturing Spenny, what else would you expect from a man who used to be a consultant writer on South Park? It was because of that relationship that Matt Stone and Trey Parker wound up becoming executive producers of the show. [Spenny]: One of the things they know and fight for is for them to have autonomy over their stuff and they basically give that to us, because they’ve been through it. But we do get notes from them and they’re usually pretty great. Because it’s hard for us to be objective. [Kenny]: The notes are usually, can you make Spenny look less retarded, lose this Spenny scene, that Spenny scene, do you even need Spenny, stuff like that. [Host]: Is that accurate, is that your understanding of the situation? [Spenny]: I think he's- [Kenny]: He can’t even see their notes. [YMS]: And it’s pretty funny that after they parodied Canadian entertainment as being nothing more than crude humor and fart jokes, eventually they were kind of right in a way. [Kenny]: This is going to give me the biggest fart in the history of mankind. [Squelching] Oh my god. [Incandescent Flatulence] [Wheezing laughter] It worked! [Spenny]: Don’t do that. [Farting] [Spenny]: HOLY SHIT! HE DIDN’T EVEN MEASURE IT! [Farting] [Crewman]: Isn't that fucking crazy? [Spenny]: What is going on. [YMS]: Anyway, the guy clearly has a knack for comedy and he knows what makes an entertaining TV show. So it’s just awesome for us that he prioritizes entertainment over the strength of a relationship with his friend. I mean, everybody on the planet acts a little differently when they know they’re in front of a camera, but remember the premise of this show is not to pretend as if there’s some camera crew candidly observing the everyday occurrences of their lives, but that everybody involved in the show is there to coerce an entertaining sequence of events. In the episode titled, Who Can 69 the Longest, the crew realized that the competition wasn’t really going anywhere and decided to prevent the episode from being really boring. Near the end of some of the endurance episodes, they decided to pick up the pace and enforce a kind of sudden death. So with the understanding that everybody there essentially puts entertainment value above everything else, of course the show’s bound to have some coercive conveniences every now and then. Like I said, there are some that bother me and there’s no way I can completely prove or disprove their legitimacy, but I wouldn’t be recommending this show to you guys if the many great episodes weren’t fucking hilarious. [Kenny]: Hey, let’s tell Spencer some jokes and make him laugh! [Kenny Jr.]: No! [Kenny]: Tell him the fucking jokes. Did you know that I’ve got a big penis? [Kenny Jr.]: You certainly do! [Kenny]: Do Do Do Do Do Do! [Kenny Jr.]: *Whimpers of Pain* [Kenny]: Oh sorry Kenny Jr., did that hurt? [Kenny Jr.]: Yeah… [Kenny]: Hey, did you know Spencer’s mother is so cheap, she re-uses her tampons? [Kenny Jr.]: Yeah… [Kenny]: Kenny Jr., are you thirsty? Whatever. [YMS]: What’s important to note about this show is that they’ve been cancelled more than once. [Kenny]: It’s just a series of cancellations, cancelled, cancelled, cancelled, cancelled, Our first pilot was for MTV, they paid us, you know, 8 grand for a three minute slide show, and they pulled the plug while we were doing the pilot, but we’re like “filmos,” film guys, so we finished it, we go to the CBC, we go huge, they cancel us, Showcase picks us up, we go on GSN, they cancel us, so I dunno, [Spenny]: It’s a very fickle business, I mean, and you just have to accept that. And I could be telemarketing in a year from now, or I could be- [Kenny]: Giving blowjobs at the corner of Hollywood and Finnes. [YMS]: Season 1 originally aired on CBC and it’s no surprise that its timeslot stirred up a little bit of controversy. [Host]: When they put the show on CBC, for a lot of reasons, I’m sure the show was cancelled. When it was cancelled did you feel like, [Spenny]: Well, one of our racier ads actually accidentally aired in the toddler block, [Kenny]: Well, we liked the CBC, the “Can’t be Cool,” um, but um, you know, look, what can you say? We’re still on, they cancelled us, we’re still on CBC Country. [YMS]: For whatever reason, their slot on CBC was directly before the news program The National, [Peter Mansbridge]: There is one from that last story, we thought you’d wanna see. So what caused Brier’s laughing fit? Well, there was a cat, it jumped up her cameraman’s back and then onto the camera itself. [YMS]: So any innocently sheltered person who decided to tune in a few minutes early to watch Peter Mansbridge deliver the news, wound up accidentally having their fragile world destroyed by watching one of the humiliations from the end of a Kenny vs Spenny episode. [Spenny]: *Muffled screams* [Kenny]: Oh yeah, Spenny. Spenny has to endure my breath for 60 seconds. So I did not brush my teeth yesterday, I did not brush my teeth today, I am going to drink Thai fish sauce, drink some pickle juice, eat some anchovy paste, and chew on an onion. This is actually going to be very disgusting for me but I think it’s gonna be worth it. *Retching* 60 seconds Spenny, are you ready? *Belch* Go. [Kenny]: *Retching, belching* [Spenny]: *Whimpers of fear* [Kenny]: I almost puked on that one [YMS]: Basically whoever wins each episode gets to creatively decide what the other has to do as punishment. So if the contests themselves weren’t already a little edgy for TV, the humiliations make sure they’re pushing the limits of censorship. [Spenny]: There we go. [Kenny]: Oh, fuck off, NOOOOO! NO! [YMS]: And I respect any show that tries to push those boundaries. Kenny vs Spenny set the bar so high that other shows reportedly started using them as examples, so if a show wasn’t allowed to air something, the censorship board would often hear, ‘But Kenny and Spenny did this!’ [Kenny]: It’s funny because some people call us North Park. Because we kind of have a carte blanche here to do things, like we did the competition with who can drink more beer and you’re not even allowed to drink beer on television. And then I hear now, that there’s like, people are like now doing productions who are like, ‘Well Kenny and Spenny did that,’ and they’re like, ‘So what, you can't.’ and I dunno, we just like, we’re just really lucky, I don’t know why people don’t, can I swear? Fuck with us. [YMS]: So the show we’re left with is not only something that pushed the boundaries to a ridiculous limit, but when you consider that the show is over ten years old at this point, it really brings a whole new level of appreciation. [Kenny]: It doesn’t look like my shit’s dried at all. Oh, Jesus. Bottom of my balls are pooey, um, *Phew* All I did was heat it up! [All]: Protests [Kenny]: All I did was heat it up. [YMS]: Plus if you’re the type of person that believes the entire sequence of events in the show is scripted and fake, then the humiliations at the end of each episode feature scenarios where if it is set up, it’s kind of fucking irrelevant to the humor. I mean, they’re clearly actually doing some really fucking disgusting things. So whether or not you believe whoever had to do them was pre-determined, it doesn’t exactly sugarcoat the insanity of what they’re doing. [Kenny]: You’ve heard of sushi, this is tushi. It’s a living. I hope you like octopus, Spenny. [YMS]: And when I say they were pushing the limits of censorship, I mean exactly that. There was at least one humiliation that didn’t even make it onto the show and had to be changed because it was considered to be bestiality. [Kenny]: He’s got to give the fucking cat a rimjob, and you get to see it, [Audience]: *Groans of Disgust* [YMS]: What the fuck! Which is even more interesting when you consider that this humiliation got aired, [Spenny]: Okay, I’m imagining I’m in a threesome with Uma Thurman, Naomi Campbell, and Scarlett Johansson. [YMS]: So remember, kids, if there’s anything to learn from this show, it’s that if you lick an animal’s butt, it’s wrong, but if they lick your butt, it’s okay. Anyway I feel like it’s important to point out just how far these two are willing to go to provide us with quality entertainment, because even if you’re not willing to believe exactly how the events in the show unfold, it brings a lot of legitimacy to what they’re actually doing on camera. Even if you’re not willing to believe that Spenny unknowingly took LSD, I personally find his behavior so convincingly accurate that I’m willing to believe that he was at least under the influence of the drug regardless. [Kenny]: Sit down, relax. [Spenny]: Can I touch that? WHY IS IT MOVING AWAY FROM ME? [Kenny]: That thing is making you crazy man, take it off your head! [Spenny]: Fucking, woooaaaaahhhh! [Kenny]: Do you mind, I’m getting dressed. [Spenny]: Wooh! Oh dude! [Kenny]: Spenny! Tell me what's going on, man, tell me what's going on. [Spenny]: I fucking was born, man! [YMS]: Even if you’re not entertained by the insanity of the actions taking place on camera, there’s tons of comedic value in observing Kenny’s tactics to win each episode. Regardless of how real or fake you think it is, his tactics are hilariously clever. And I think it’s pretty funny to constantly see him come up with new ways to spend the show’s budget each episode. Not only that but he’ll often just pull his camera crew aside to make a funny skit that doesn’t affect the outcome of the competition at all. [Kenny]: Chicken sandwiches! Could someone get me a toothpick please? [YMS]: Anyway, I know that there’s people out there that have legitimate reasons not to like the show, and that’s okay. But to me, I feel as though it has layers upon layers of humor and entertainment value. And although I don’t like every single episode, I can’t deny that the great ones that exist are well worth recommending the show to people. A big part of why I’m making this video now is because they’ve recently decided they want to try and bring the show back. But the problem is that there’s no networks that would bring them back unless they can prove that there’s guaranteed customers that would watch it. Jamie from the show, otherwise known as the guy that pumped air into Kenny’s ass, is currently making a documentary of their live tour. He even had a Kickstarter campaign to help fund it, but it was shockingly unsuccessful. So as someone that legitimately likes the show I feel like I should at least help out a little. At this point they’re trying to see if they can garner enough support to create a new season exclusively for Netflix. I mean I don’t even have a Netflix account, but would I sign up just to see a new season of Kenny vs Spenny? Uh, fuck yeah. Anyway I have no idea how many of you already know about this show but hopefully I’ve at least introduced a few of you to it. Now unfortunately the DVDs are out of print, but since Kenny’s such a cool guy, he’s decided to upload the entire series on his YouTube channel, and if that doesn’t deserve at least a watch, I don’t know what does. If the whole thing’s staged and written, then it’s written very well. In all honesty, I’m willing to at least accept the possibility that this is all an act. But regardless, not only is it so much fun to play along, 0:21:42.042,1193:02:47.295 but it doesn’t stop the show from being just as funny. You can have your hunches either way but the truth is, none of us were there. So I suggest we all just enjoy it for the comedy, which took a lot of blood, sweat and tears to make, either way. [Spenny]: I can’t do it. [Kenny]: Do it. [Spenny]: I can’t do it! [Both Arguing] [Kenny]: I wanna see a piece of nail in your mouth. [Spenny]: I can’t, it doesn’t come off, man! [Kenny]: Chew, chew. [Spenny]: I can’t- [Kenny]: Chew it. Subtitles by Dicky Hayes
Channel: undefined
Views: 819,235
Rating: 4.8534389 out of 5
Keywords: thoughts on, yms, review, kenny vs spenny, Kenny Vs. Spenny (TV Program), kenny hotz, kenneth joel hotz, spenny, spenny rice, spencer nolan rice, matt stone, trey parker, tv, television, cbc, kenny vs spenny review
Id: 8YEd4XnsVh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 30 2014
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