THOR: RAGNAROK!! (first time watching)

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hey guys what's up welcome back to my channel i'm natalie and today we are watching thor ragnarok welcome back to my channel everyone thank you so much for being here and welcome if you're new today we are diving into another marvel movie and this is one that i've actually been pretty excited for and that's thor ragnarok i have mentioned a couple times here on my channel that loki is my favorite marvel character he hands down is my favorite and then i think my second favorite is probably black widow i just like how unpredictable they both are and i really like how theatrical loki is so i'm really excited to see tom hiddleston again from the dr strange end credit scene it would seem that dr strange will likely be making an appearance in this thor film so that will be fun to see as well before i ever embarked on this marvel journey there were a few marvel films that i had heard mentioned multiple times one of those movies was captain america civil war and another one of those movies was actually thor ragnarok whenever i would hear people talk about the thor movies they really seem to focus on ragnarok that movie specifically and seemed to enjoy it seemed to want me to watch it and i would tell them i haven't seen any of the marvel films this is back in the day before i even started this journey and they'd be like oh well you have to watch all the marvel films and i'd be like oh that's a lot of movies and now i'm actually excited because we've been embarking on this journey together i've been going through these movies one by one and now we're finally at a movie that i've heard mentioned a lot and from my good friend who watches a lot of marvel he thinks that i might like this one he thinks this is a departure from the old thor movies and a bit of a revamping for the character so i'm definitely interested to see what they did in this one but before we jump on into the movie i just want to quickly mention that i do have a patreon page i always link that in the description bar down below you can catch all my full-length reactions to everything we watch over here on this channel as well as vote in polls help me decide what i watch next you just need your own copy to sync up along with me but if that's something that interests you make sure to click that link and my twitter and instagram are also in the description bar below as well so make sure to follow me over there i do exclusive posts over there that i don't do anywhere else and also it would be really dope uh if you have an instagram and you don't mind just following me so i can hit the 10k number on instagram so that i can do the little swipe up feature in the instagram stories that would be really cool uh that way i can just make my stories a little bit better and a little more seamless and just look cooler that's my main goal over there but with all that being said guys i think i am ready to just jump on into this movie i want to keep this intro short and sweet because i've definitely been heavily anticipating this one and i'm really excited to watch it today with you guys and see some more loki because that is what i'm about so if you're ready grab a drink grab a snack and let's get into the movie see i spent some time on earth well he's narrating to us now is he just talking to himself about himself oh no he's talking to the skull oh okay oh boy oh lovely ow suture chuckling that sounds like satan oh my god it is satan we're in hell i literally thought when we opened on this that we were in hell oh my god this guy is the devil you have seen ragnarok oh ragnarok that's what he calls it okay so ragnarok tell me about that walk me through it oh my god wow they're definitely already letting him lean into the comedy more in this movie i swear i'm not even moving it's just doing this on its own oh god it's so silly but i love it odin is not on asgard oh that's what heroes do does he ever accidentally call his hammer like if he just opens his hand to do something and the hammer is like me and you're like oh no i didn't mean that not right now i wonder if that happens wow he really broke out of those chains like it was nothing it's interesting because this guy's clearly going to be like the main villain for most of the movie if if ragnarok is the title and ragnarok sully wants oh god where is he heimdall oh no i mean it's all mine for the taking oh god what's this actor's name oh my god isn't this the guy in the boys right can't remember his name oh my god where is heimdall it's kind of weird he's not around is it because of loki ruling yeah things are a bit different back on asgard right now i just gotta shake weight oh my god back in the days when shake weights were like a funny meme wow that hammer can take him fast oh no not fast enough [Music] how did he know that's where it was gonna be here wow all right i wonder where odin is if he's not on asgard i mean they go to look for him on earth for dr strange yeah well we see odin charged heimdall with negligence to do he but he disappeared before the trial wow so loki's been keeping up the whole odin act thing the whole time he's just been making himself look like odin this whole time i wonder where oh no right thor's mom is dead oh look at look at loki is owed and watching anthony hopkins must be having a fun time with us i didn't do it for him oh my god this is too much loki this is too much i wonder what he's oh there he goes when is he going gonna put it together that that's not his dad well actually oh he must have already put it together because soul tour told him that odum wasn't here so he i wonder if he already put it together that this is loki he must have he's really gonna make me do it do you want oh he is oh you know yeah here he goes brother all right i yield oh there it is yeah that would have killed him that would have been rough where's father kill him wow this is a better performance than the play look at this this is great i know exactly where he is i swear i left him right here shady acres oh no poor odin did he turn immortal too or is he a god here on earth sorry to hear that jane dumped you oh jane dumped him why oh here doctor strange is he's coming up wait oh this is okay right cause he hasn't met doctor strange yet oh he left a card you couldn't have just taken thor with you too that's hilarious now we got two sorcerers take a seat whoa oh my god okay enough steven this is a lot but we gotta go back to the scene that we saw on the end credit does he know where odin is or does he just he just wants to help him your father said he had chosen to remain in exile oh really you could have sent an electronic letter it's called an email yeah i do have a computer no what for [Laughter] oh i like this thor so much more guys i just like how he's still kind of a clueless bimbo he just has so many more comedic moments i love it he's waiting for you whoa i have been falling for 30 minutes oh that's great i love that you deserve that loki all right bye-bye bye-bye yeah like that dr strange is like more powerful than loki it's kind of hilarious oh poor odin man has he been enjoying it here they've just been here staring at out at the sea your mother she calls me is he about to die right now is he just has he been here dying of old age like did he turn mortal when he was dropped here it is upon us ragnarok has already begun she's coming she goddess of death oh hella firstborn what he bur what he gave birth to the goddess of death she draws her strength from mouth guard and once she gets there her powers will be limitless oh my god and he's just gonna go like that he just died like that he seemed still so vivacious for like dying right then and there you know i don't know i mean it was a conscious choice but it's i felt like he could have felt more vulnerable and on the edge of like weakness or something i don't know it seemed like he was just like nope nope you will do it alone i can't help you i must go now bye oh storm's coming in because thor's upset oh god oh no oh no don't fight guys what is that the [ __ ] is that i'm sorry is this the goddess of death already she came here oh yep it's her wow oh okay wow she definitely looks like she's related to loki less so thor neil oh no before your queen oh geez they're not gonna do that oh is she oh she's strong oh no did she just break his hammer oh my god oh and she has to have like a medusa-like crown are you serious yeah loki made the smart decision thor you couldn't have done anything right oh unless oh oh it was stupid because oh it is stupid oh it was stupid oh i wasn't even thinking about the fact that she could just jump in oh no oh no well i suppose she could have just gotten herself to asgard herself right oh no this is bad oh this is bad and she's gonna become even more powerful doesn't seem like it should be possible really she looks like medusa or like oh no no wait these guys don't need to die how would you like a job oh my god are thor's friends dead now you guys why do they have to go out like that we've seen them around for two movies and they just get taken out like that that's awful where are they are they off in space loki and thor are they off in different galaxies or some and loki got stabbed so i'm kind of worried what the [ __ ] is this thor ended up on a trash planet this place exists oh my god i bet humans wish they could do this just take their pollution and move it to a different planet oh no it's so it's a trash planet but people also live here it looks like people are dumping their trash from other planets through different portals and then like people still live here because i guess there's work to be done i wouldn't live here i'd be like no thank you oh geez they don't look scary at all and he doesn't have his hammer this is so sad that his hammer's gone he doesn't you don't have it anymore thor oh no thor who's this oh hey girl you drinking and driving she's drunk she's got amazing arms holy sh she's so drunk how is she what is she gonna do [Music] oh she can control her ship like that that is amazing poor thor oh my god wow oh oh no jesus christ uh oh okay she's not good okay she'd really good aim hitting that neck i'm wondering how she like figured out he was here so fast this is this whole thing is taking a really weird turn and i don't even know where loki is oh god we're back on asgard oh no here she is it's funny that her color scheme is the same as loki's surrender now well we will show you no mercy you guys this isn't gonna go well you're all gonna die man she's gonna destroy every last one of them this is so sad are you serious she just destroyed all those ships at once this woman is completely indestructible like bullets don't affect her oh my god how are we supposed to destroy this it has to be possible but i just don't get it he just stabbed her and she's fine why that shouldn't be allowed it went through her body the what is it cause she's the goddess of death like she can't die that is so sad i can't she just murdered literally every single one but what is this place the answer is sakaar oh my god it looks like space mountain the song they're playing it's the it's like the willy wonka the song in willy wonka and no one loves you more than the grand master you are the property of the grand master oh no no he's not this really does match that willy wonka this really does match that willy wonka ride oh my god jeff hey what's up what have you brought today tell me a contender what a contender what is this my beloved champion is this like a gladiator situation what the [ __ ] is this planet oh wow jeff goldblum in a marvel movie this is really funny god of thunder wow i didn't hear any thunder but out of your fingers was that like sparkles sparkles was that like sparkles oh this must be like a gladiator situation i preside over a little harlequin called the contest of champions well this movie definitely is a lot sillier than the last two thor movies i love it what loki what how did he end up here how did he get here weeks ago weeks ago time worked real different around these parts millions of years old but here on sakai that was hysterical i love that that was so weird any contender who defeats my champion their freedom they shall this is this is like a gladiator situation but he doesn't have his hammer allow me to introduce myself my name is cork i'm kind of like the leader in here oh he's nice he seems really friendly oh well i tried to start a revolution but didn't print enough pamphlets so didn't print enough pamphlets i like that he's got like a an aussie or like a kiwi accent i can't tell what it is but i love his accent wow she's just destroying the whole castle right now oh it's all oh oh crap there's a whole different there's different artwork under there i was his weapon in the conquest that built asgard's empire oh my god she used to have thor's hammer wait so was that thing that she emerged from her prison when odin died like did she just get released because odin died and odin just like left because he's like i can't do this anymore sorry like wow odin you're kind of it's kind of not cool man oh my god all the dead bodies please tell me she's not gonna make them all rise oh no she's gonna make them all wake up oh guys i don't need no zombie creatures oh so this is how she's gonna get her army but they're gonna be the army of the undead that's awful this is awful this is actually awful her wolf this is really bad you know it's a shame that a wolf is her thing because i do love wolves see that's the one that put me in here skripal 142. watch out for those asgardians man wait she's in his guardian what's with her why did she do this to him i called you a valkyrie a valkyrie how did she get here how did she get here from asgard guys i'm confused are like they gonna have a relationship because he's not with jane anymore oh there's stanley oh they're gonna cut his hair why do they have to cut his hair i did see him with short hair on the cover so that makes sense or maybe they wrote that into the script because thor was like because the actor chris hemsworth wanted a haircut maybe they just wrote that in because he actually wanted to get a haircut who knows oh poor thor wow this is so interesting i really did not expect this movie to take a gladiator style turn and we're really leaning into it watch out for his fingers they make sparks okay they make sparks i love jeff goldblum man he's so great yeah who's his champion i'm kind of nervous why is loki smiling loki you don't actually want your brother to die do you yes what what why is the hulk here how did he get here loki look who it is i think he's still gonna beat chris hemsworth up but he shouldn't no hulk hulk no smash right now this is bad stop uh how do they even keep the hulk captured here as a champion like he always is gonna return to the state of being bruce banner why would he want to stay here like how did he get here guys this is like crazy oh no i feel like this isn't gonna go well i feel like he's gonna get smashed around a little bit i don't think this is going to go well nope yep there he goes there he goes there he goes there he goes yup he's doing the same thing he did to loki yep uh-huh that's why he's so scared he's like i don't want that to happen to me again but now now they've been through the same thing brotherly bonding really uh oh oh that's bad oh god ow jesus oh jesus stop thor i mean banner stop hulk's up uh oh no oh he's seeing the light right now holy moly he had to channel that lightning holy wow that didn't knock him out whoa what's going on with thor oh boy here we go pew there we go sonic boom this is so sad guys i don't i just i have so many questions and i don't like that the hulk is here why did he do that that's not fair oh no is he gonna wake up what the [ __ ] that's so not cool to do that my god move they gotta get that thing out of his neck and you shall be my executioner now she really just out here manifesting weapons like it's nothing she's going to be so difficult to to defeat and like meanwhile we have like thor freaking fighting as a gladiator playing games skirt where's the sword who has it is it these people where are they is this still asgard oh they were fleeing to find heimdall oh he's got the sword yes i was wondering where he was wow he looks like a badass i like this outfit way more how are we cool why isn't he banner yet oh carly's hulk what about what about banner how'd you get here queen jet oh wow wait but he's been stuck like the hulk he's gonna try to manifest the lightning thing whoa heimdall can do this holy moly heimdall can just do this that's i'm all so powerful man when a planet is surrounded by doorways go through one which one the big one the big one the big one okay so he's gotta get in that quinjet and take the big portal pissed off why are you dressed like this hulk this is so weird it's weird that he's in this in this state and yet he can control his anger kind of like it's interesting i don't i don't know i have a lot of questions it seems weird to me what's going on like all nervous around her hell is back then asgard's already lost look i already faced her once back when i believed in the throne that's why i turned down the throne but this isn't just pulls out another knife thank you for what for this oh oh we got it out good job finally got that thing out of his neck i'm glad oh because that's what heroes do there he goes there you go yeah there's so much more comedy in this movie i love it i just think thor because he's so like regal and royal and uses like elevated language sometimes he's just he's better suited when there's more comedy to him you know but i guess we're just dropping natalie portman did natalie portman just not want to do any more movies so they were like ah yeah the jane storyline is over like is he gonna be with this girl now the valkyrie girl and what happened to his last friend that was a woman like where is she whoa stop oh no nice work big guy i need you to turn this bird around okay uh oh uh oh oh god oh god oh god okay calm down oh jesus he is not okay is he gonna turn back in a banner right now what's happening oh my god he just wanted to he was intentionally trying to keep himself in hulk mode wow and what about zakovia oh jesus that was a long time ago man i've been hulk for two years well this is a shame because now he probably doesn't want to be the hulk again and thor is gonna need him as the hulk quite a lot's happened you and i had a fight recently did i win no i won usually if you were to give me 12 hours i could bring them both back to you alive i could do it in two i could do it in one oh must be a very painful memory oh he's making her relive it are you kidding me oh my god they were all on pegasus's pegas pegasus oh that's so sad all cause of odin man odin really [ __ ] up what happened to her oh that's her friend oh god it was a really beautiful way to relive a memory the art was really i really like the art style for that we're stranded on a planet that is designed to stress me out oh i feel bad for bruce right now when it comes to fighting evil beings he's very powerful and useful yeah banner's powerful and useful too is he though yes but not against a being like this i really enjoy the fact that mark ruffalo is in this movie too it's not just the hulk because mark ruffalo hasn't had like another hulk movie again so oh oh yay although kind of not yay because she she's been charged to catch you guys so i'm saying that i want to be on the team has it got a name it's called the revenges the revengers i've got a peace offering is it loki oh hey wow we are just getting a lot in this movie we are going through the big one a devil's anus that's what it's called the grand master has a great many ships i may even have stolen the access codes to his security system i'm asking for safe passage through the atis oh they're going to get these guys out smart you got to get all the help you can the lord of thunder sends his best oh is it just being used as a distraction technique okay i thought he was going to like bring them all to help him but it makes more sense to just use him as a distraction we are not doing get help they're gonna do get help please help him that's why he doesn't like it oh god that's actually really funny let's do get help uh oh i know i betrayed you many times before but this time it's truly nothing personal i agree oh smart smart just put this over here for you oh oh geez that sucks what a way to leave him he you know he deserves it oh jesus that could have actually turned him into the hulk should have warned him wow what a badass huh wow she timed it out perfectly [Music] oh no but it creates a little fireworks distraction thing oh that's great oh well that was great love it okay good job oh oh yeah they're definitely having some moments in this movie no oh it's loki we're about to jump on that ginormous spaceship you want to come oh god korg or krog or whatever his name is he's far too nice oh he has to execute her he doesn't like this he doesn't want to be this executioner man like these were his people how far are you falling billy from the boys is that even the character name and the boys like now i can't even remember i know where the sword is oh dude oh it's like probably his mother or somebody he loves but it's like you're sacrificing her for oh god she's gonna get the sword and then it's gonna be over man oh wow i've never seen it from this angle lovely what is he doing here how is he gonna draw hella away seeing all of his father's lies i'm just so surprised that she had the hammer before and then it was given to thor and then she just crushed it like it was nothing how the hell is he gonna fight her this is so bad oh my god oh we're oh that's it we cut really oh boy oh no heimdall's telling him to stop what's happening oh that's good he's gonna face off with a wolf that's the size of a building uh oh what's on the other side more oh no oh and he's leading them and he doesn't really want to do this thor i'm honestly impressed that you have not died yet can you do that glowy thing with the eyes again thor like the lightning that he did in your body when you're fighting the hulk do you is is loki and his ragtag group of uh rebels gonna come in are they gonna like actually save asgard yeah oh she just took thor's eye she just took thor's eye guys it's thor gonna have an eye patch now what you wanted to know who i am you'll see he better turn into the hulk or something there he goes there he goes there he goes oh my god that took him a while hey oh my god i love this guy oh he's got his helmet back your savior is here okay loki haven't you calmed down a little bit no it's not your time thor it's not your time i can't believe she just took his eye like that are you thor the god of hammers that's true you're not the god of hammers uh scott is not the place what oscar is where our people stand oh okay like home is where the heart is kind of thing there is she there he goes got a thunder yeah time for a little stormy storm yes oh we're back to the song from the beginning oh cause the lyrics in this song it's like something god of the ice and snow right is that why they picked this song and cause it's fun oh jesus oh god oh oh oh god hulk wow that wolf just fell off the edge of the world is that what just happened we need to stop her here and now i'm not doing get help this was never about stopping ragnarok this was about causing ragnarok oh so that asgard is destroyed and she can't be here and grow in power and then all the people will be saved oh my god wow i really like seeing thor like this all lightning-y and stuff loki focus come on come on dude come on whatever your name is here here's where he steps in and does what he needs to do oh he's got a gun where did he get those from oh he's about to die right now that sucks here we go satan i never thought i'd be excited for satan [Music] you can't defeat me no i know but he can't wow good timing thor how are they gonna get out of this oh this is so sad but we need to let him finish the job by the way hulk no big monster i know i know i know it's not you have to let it happen wait what about loki guys what about loki wow for once she's met her match who's got a patch now you're like your daddy oh there he is okay cool if you're here i might even give you a hug oh oh oh that was cute that was cute i liked that moment where are they going to go now all of his people oh the throne is the chair in the space ship they have to find a new place and he's just waving back at them any suggestions where are you from oh mixed it up i'll make you alive oh my gosh it is earth oh right i do remember you guys telling me this movie was directed by taika ytt i completely forgot that though until just seeing that that's that makes a lot of sense why it's so different than the past couple thor films because taika waititi's so unique and quirky and fun it definitely has his touch to it carl irvin duh yes it was carl urban i remember the end credits guys i mean you know i did but i'm excited do you really think it's a good idea to bring me back to earth yeah yeah yeah yeah what what what's happening i'm sorry what is that is that like the precursor to the avengers infinity war or something what was that is that like thanos ship or some that was huge that was intimidating oh my god oh jeff this revolution has been a huge success and uh it's a tie it's a tie i think that's it that's so funny oh my god i love chef goldblum so much well guys this was fun i really enjoyed this movie i liked seeing something a little different from thor comedy wise i just think he's a good character to have a lot of comedic lines and levity because his dialogue often is so elevated and he's so regal often that i just think he pairs really well with comedy more so than some other characters i just really enjoy seeing him have a lot more jokes to play with and yeah this movie definitely uh felt like a tyka ytt movie i definitely forgot that he directed this but seeing his name in the end credits there it definitely felt like it was directed by him it was really quirky really different from the last two films definitely felt like a departure from the previous thor and yeah i had a lot of fun watching it i definitely wasn't expecting to see bruce banner jeff goldblum or really a lot of different things that we saw so it was really fun really unexpected kept me on my toes i also really enjoyed getting to see carl urban again i've seen him in a couple things now here on this channel and uh well actually no that's not true i think we've only seen him in lord of the rings on this channel but i have just watched the season one of the boys in my spare time before i was even making these videos here on this channel so that's actually primarily what i know him from and i really like him in that series and a lot of people have requested that i do that here on this channel and the only reason i haven't is because i've seen the first season so i feel like it would be kind of weird to re-watch the first season but i don't know let me know if that doesn't matter to you guys if you wouldn't mind me checking out that series because i haven't seen the second season at all so um it would be first time watching after that first season and i really did enjoy that show when i was watching it i thought it was really well done so um if that's something you're interested in definitely let me know but if you're not because i've already seen the first season let me know as well i wonder what's next let me look real quick and see what the next movie is we're supposed to watch in terms of marvel oh interesting it looks like black panther is actually the next film which i'm really excited about because i didn't think i was gonna see black panther in the previous captain america movie like we did and that was a surprise and ever since then i've just been waiting and anticipating when i get to tune into that movie so that'll be really cool and then after that it's avengers infinity war so i'm assuming that one of those end credits that we just saw with the big spaceship is probably a precursor to that that feels kind of like a thanos thing but that's just my guess yeah all in all this movie had a lot of fun surprises and i really enjoyed it i had fun while watching it definitely kept me engaged was not expecting a little gladiator moment in the middle of the movie with hulk um i'm glad we found him though but man i did not expect him to end up on another planet like that that was kind of crazy so yeah just a lot of unexpected moments and it was really fun and i really liked watching this movie with you guys i hope you enjoyed this as well if you did please give this a thumbs up because it really helps me out it lets me know that you guys want to see more content like this let me know your thoughts in the comments down below and anything else you might like me to watch next and subscribe if you want to until the next one stay golden bye
Channel: Natalie Gold
Views: 786,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marvel, Marvel, cinematic, Cinematic, Universe, universe, thor, Thor, Thor: Ragnarok, ragnarok, Loki, Chris Hemsworth, react, reacting, reaction, reactions, reacts, girl, watch, watches, watching, first, time, never, seen, comic, book, superhero, movie, movies, film, commentary, authentic, honest, thoughts, my, natalie gold, Natalie Gold, stay, golden, funny, hulk, Hulk, the
Id: wtTPGqrLkAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 52sec (1852 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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