Thomas Mann: His Life and Work (documentary)

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now say she nearly got after 16 years of Exile in America Thomas Mann and his wife visit German in Frankfurt st. Paul's Church the 74 year old author receives the prestigious National Goethe prize for 1949 DP Bogart is good the price ceremony is followed by a day of festivities for the city and a standing ovation for the famous portage the German free youth sing he who helps us save our city is our good comrade this one's a Buddha come around the return of Thomas Mann from exile represents the return of an alternative Germany and this alternative non fascist tradition is celebrated in the East as in the West the author is considered the legitimate heir to the bourgeois humanist tradition a unifying national heritage it is he and not his brother and lifelong rival Heinrich who represents this alternative liberal Republican ideal and who symbolizes the birth of a new beginning he is laden with triumph upon his departure and the tragedy that has long shadowed the author's personal life is hardly perceived by the public but while lecturing in Sweden Thomas Mann receives a message that his oldest son Klaus has committed suicide at the age of 42 in Kon he writes in his journal everything has become worrisome my sorrow along with that of his mother's is great he should not have done such a thing the fathers reproachful tone and the impact of his own pain resulted in the following entry many nights I have thought about the long hand of death the yearning for death that which no one returns from and the silence man explained the despair of his son who overdosed on sleeping pills in a run-down Hotel in Kon as an inevitable result of a death wish Thomas maan did not interrupt his travels to attend his son's funeral nor did his wife Katya or their daughter Erika attend this apparently cool reaction to familial events revealed the deep and long-standing fissures within the family new light on the father-son relationship was shed following the posthumous publication of Thomas Mann's journals in which the artist depicts himself as sacred patriarch both within the family and society either very fond Tocqueville ferny boffins eyelid DVRed in two months who can and globally all of us who believed that we knew the real Thomas Mann were shocked by the publication of the journals after many years our eyes were opened to the light this meant a new examination of his fascination with young men with the forbidden with the threatening and the destructive and his simultaneous love for women all this was endlessly examined and explained from the very beginning to the end it's this severe muscle motion uncon wore here now we knew where his thematic fascination with horrible yet undeniably fascinating interests came from in the journals the real Thomas Mann was revealed a man whose deep-rooted sexuality was clearly homosexual and whose portrayal of heterosexuality was lacking in maturity the hidden homosexual orientation of his erotic life described in his writings as finding stronger meaning in its aesthetic representation than through marriage and children sheds a new light on his relationship with his son Klaus by attributing the suicide of his son to an innate death drive with no external causes the father was arguing in his own defense in his letters Thomas Mann describes the morbid desires of his son Klaus as a deep-seated wish for exoneration by so doing man fails to acknowledge the hidden roots of his son's insanity the family's deep conflicts this is an infamy Antonin brookie we were all filly in fashion Encana had soon lapsed mortar attack this is a family in which suicide is to be found in all generations for example both of his sisters committed suicide Carla under very dramatic circumstances and with his sister Lulu no one is really quite sure of the facts surrounding her suicide so to understand this my thesis is that the brothers of this generation Thomas and Heinrich devoted much of their writing to death and suicide and of course in the next generation Klaus took his own life along with Michael so the question is where are the roots of this da Mosta indan for cannot see own or decent are they to be found in the preceding generation perhaps in the tragic story of the mother Muta does the story begin here in a truly idyllic town with narrow streets and grey gabled houses in his work Turning Point Klaus portrays the Mons and their home town what I understand as my own personal drama is perhaps only the prelude of a tragedy which took place in the stale atmosphere of a northern patrician German family not far from the shores of the North Sea taboos and incest remain alive in our family the deepest stratum of our existence atones for the guilt of our ancestors and our hearts bear the burden of forgotten grief and past torments this is the Monde family house on manga Strasse Thomas Mann was to elevate it to symbolize the bourgeois family in his novel puddin Brooks this is Johann Sigmund man the younger Thomas's grandfather the founder of the family fortune he was known as the counselor SiC his entire life he was diagnosed with a bad case of nerves Johan second marriage a marriage of necessary convenience was to an older but wealthy widow Elisabeth Mukti the elegance of the salons oddly juxtaposed to the tension of those collected here there is strife between the father and his son Thomas from the first marriage his birthright as first son was revoked by the councilor and Thomas could not bear his stepmother in the chilly climate of this marriage of convenience she became a religious fanatic Johann detested his son but nevertheless decided that Thomas should follow in his footsteps in the family business at the age of 23 Thomas accepted this difficult inheritance as the new provider for the family he would be besieged from all sides next to Thomas is his stepsister Elizabeth the model for Tony in the novel puddin Brooks with her two ignominiously would cost the family much money last but not least the brother Friedel with his wife he served as the prototype for Christian in the novel including his costly visits to the local bordello Thomas Johann Heinrich man a merchant against his will liked to portray himself as a bourgeois aristocrat a Lubeck dandy torn between duty and desire he decided to marry choosing Julia to Silva Bruns she was an exotic beauty the daughter of a Creole mother and a wandering yu-baek merchant she had been brought back to you back as a four year old after the death of her mother in Brazil the entire Shrestha come in and a pansy delighted from their booklet ellis busan woman she and her sister attended a boarding school at a convent throughout her childhood and up to her confirmation she remained at this school confirm it yet is in developed in his abandonment is fo news on text whether goes what does it say the buddha vida she only saw her brother when she visited her grandmother on Sundays she wasn't even allowed to go outside of the walls for a walk this left her with a lifelong desire to experience the life that had been denied her aqua cavities in jacob deep julia had great expectations as a newly married woman whose husband installed her in a modern new house her hopes however were quickly dispelled the old town known for its provincialism narrow patriarchal structure and strict moral code collided with Julia's innate hunger for life above all children were expected she dutifully provided her husband with an heir Heinrich then Thomas Lulu Carla and Victor followed for a total of five Thomas Monsignor built a new house in the style of the neo-renaissance for his growing family yet Julia remained Restless and unfulfilled her desire for life and warmth and to return to her mother's homeland was difficult to quell she suffered from sickness and the double betrayal of her father he had disinherited his daughter and then had refused to allow her to marry her first true love the man before Thomas Monsignor all that remained for this unwilling wife and mother who as a young girl had wanted to go into the theatre were the music and dances of the salon this facade of society replaced her unrealized dreams and also fulfilled her secret desires both brothers Heinrich and Thomas perceived their mother as a pleasure driven woman who as they say in Lubec took things to the edge Julia's flirtations with young officers were common gossip her husband suffered in silence Heinrich raised on a mother's fairy tales was soon dethroned by the younger Thomas at Thomas kaboom at the anymore that she leapt e-ever dunk Larry Heinrich why my blonde Zee Atlas V Dugger for mass and even puddin falou a naughty lover until Thomas was born Heinrich had her all to himself but Heinrich was light while Thomas was dark she had found something special in Thomas at the expense of the brother I believe that Thomas represented what she hadn't found in Lubec something that was missing as she admitted herself still heaping them with her it can become to us but Thomas soon got whatever he asked for while Heinrich lived in a world in which his mother's favour had been unexplainably revoked Thomas was the mother's black-haired Prince when he was an adolescent the high school in the old Catherine convent became the theater for a youthful drama he fell in love with the blond-haired and blue-eyed the adored Armand Martin's then Thomas developed a strong desire for valeri Tempe this emerging homosexuality troubled Thomas he felt stigmatized as a criminal and as a sick person instead of confidently feeling like a member of society's elect he proceeded with extreme caution lest his secret be discovered these are under Adina da blood / 15 destiny I in the deck Jesus AppStore the console this other nurse that he encountered at 15 and 16 this sickness and degeneration had much to do with his own status as one of privilege within the community yeah diese under ahuyama team heads a Ganesa tone yeah des Vosges annum boost Anna and Patricio and effort of our mission wah wool harmed his father was not only a senator and a man of Industry but a finance minister and his family belonged to the ruling elite Rita for the senior Thomas Mann his office at the court became a burden he was troubled by financial losses at the family business and squabbles at home as a father he was disappointed by the rebellion of his oldest son Heinrich with his literary aspirations and his decision to turn his back on Lubeck all of this reduced the senior Thomas man to an old man at an early age he died at 51 from what was diagnosed as blood poisoning his will arranged for the sale of the firm and the family house and the expulsion of everyone who lived there of Heinrich he said my oldest son's tendency towards a literary career is forbidden its basis is nothing but daydreams Loulou my oldest daughter must be closely supervised her lively disposition was to be carefully molded Thomas was simply described as good-natured but his mother was sentenced with the following always to be dependent upon her children if she were to ever question her plight she should read King Lear damn what that toys n-nothing Testament this father the children were doubly bound on the one hand the will declared that they should remain true to their mother as the father had directed in his last Testament on the other hand the will severely restrained the mothers Authority with the restrictions placed upon her the children could not escape the father even in death but neither were they willing to follow his wishes Julia left for munich munich at the turn of the century was not only a southern refuge for her but the center of the arts the theatre and a bohemian life in general Julia and her children rented an apartment in the fobbing Quarter It was as if she were finally free of all the requirements of etiquette and the pressure of Hanseatic society with all of its conventions and narrow morality here late in life she would realize her dreams of creating an intellectual and artistic salon at 43 she is still a beauty she did not fulfill the conditions of her husband's last Testament the children were not carefully supervised on the contrary Karla whom the father considered a quiet child already had an admirer at 14 and began a career as an actress Lulu's fiancee appeared to be just as much in love with the mother as with the daughter both brothers went to Italy for Thomas oddly enough it was a particularly ascetic experience as revealed in the following quote to eradicate a bad desire to free myself of sexuality keep the dog on a short leash the stay in Rome and Palestrina made both brothers into writers Heinrich wrote his first novel in the family Thomas started what would later become Budhan Brooks back in Munich both lead a bohemian life for the next 10 years mark Strasse phi1 of thomas mann's many apartments by the end of a decade there would be a good dozen more all similar always on the top floor the two brothers began to experience the results of their Lubeck inheritance and all that the Senators threats sought to prevent they would become artists the life of the artist was less of a problem for Heinrich than for his brother throughout his life Heinrich would never marry for social station he was free to live the bohemian life Thomas on the other hand had come to experience the opposition between the bourgeois life and that of the artist which he was to portray so successfully in his novels he knew that it concealed a very dangerous sexual abyss which had not yet been articulated in his art his first attraction was Paul Ehrenberg a painter he was both an artist and a blond blue-eyed lady's man thirty years later Thomas would write in his journal Paul Arenberg the central experience of my heart an intoxication which I have experienced only once in my life Paul Arenberg remained unattainable and Thomas Mann tried to get over the shameful desire through writing the recognition of his true nature was resolved many years later with Gustav Aschenbach as the symbol of desire I love you what took so long numbness isolation iron spirit and art here is my heart and here is my hand I love you my god I love you that is an offering doubly kindof actor Thomas Mann bag that has to fly Oh leoben's like that l mean this is an exciting glimpse of Thomas Mann his work in his life become truly indistinguishable he lived the mystical homoerotic world and what passed between him and Arenberg would be immediately transposed in the morning into a literary motif in a novella seditious motif home to Abidin that's often ignored evening is what is so exciting at the Thomas Mann the jealous sufferer so in love with the artist Paul Arenberg transformed these feelings into the love of a woman in the fictional character of Adelaide Aida she also suffered through unrequited love and without doubt Thomas Mann simply transposed his emotions and experiences this is illustrated and the notebooks by the change of the pronoun he - she through a female character he transformed those experiences recorded in his notebooks into literature Thomas marked the close of the poll Ehrenburg chapter by moving from the bohemian life in swapping to a large residence at kern explodes in the old german high renaissance prince i'm palace thomas mann carved out the great affair of his life a marriage to the daughter of the house success and fame as the author of Budhan brooks had opened the door to the cellar of one of the richest men in munich Alfred Prince I'm the son of a Jewish mine and railroad magnate Prince I'm was a professor of mathematics a vogner fan and owner of a renowned art collection both Prince Himes current mistress and of course his wife finally resigned themselves to the engagement at the age of 20 Katya Prince I'm married Thomas Mann the Prince had found a princess who very quickly provided two children one after the other Erika and Klaus Hedwig Pring time Katya's mother wrote Katya remains apparently satisfied with her two children but her husband is a real dandy who does not tolerate much the country house with the initials th M over the entrance was built by Thomas Mann in 1908 it was the first of many such villas he would own and was home to the happiest period of his life his artwork is inspired by an apparent dichotomy how to embrace the bourgeois life and to still be an artist with the success of Budin Brooks behind him before him lay a future as Germany's eminent national author katya clings I'm the daughter deferred in German Tomas mangas allowed to look yeah as a mr. scelera tenders for cotton I mean Martin Katya Prince I'm brought happiness to Thomas Mann that the physical happiness he desired with Amon Martin's or Paul Ehrenburg she provided him with huge wa acceptance that would allow him to follow and good as footsteps as as both an artist and as a representative of the bourgeoisie thus it was necessary to disguise what would have been an obstacle to a success his attraction to men without doubt he needed caught yet in to a certain extent she had rescued him from his Paul Arenberg period in Tulse he writes death in Venice in it he is able to experience an alternative life through his literary alter-ego Gustav Aschenbach an experience that had consequences and which the devil articulates in Doctor Faustus you will never love the spiked arched house in pulling a former convent in the south of Munich for a long time Katya lived here with her youngest son Victor it was here that she met the property's owner at a summer festival in dr. Faustus the grounds and Salwa here will be used as the theater for the death of labour Kuhn and his nephew Eko it is the same place where Thomas's sister Carla took her life after a quarrel with her beloved in 1910 he would not redeem his promise to marry her and broke off their engagement she ran to her room locked herself in and swallowed poison Carla's active despair reverberating like an echo all the way back to the childhood of her mother Julia in her youth must have heard about a woman who goes into the theatre and who is lost a toe post that appears often in the work of brother Heinrich Carla even ready province hospital him in announce calm I'd see a fear Matty Carla found it difficult to return to a life of respectability after her time in the theater where she had had several affairs but when her engagement was broken off I believe that Heinrich also gave up on her she was no longer the innocent and proud young girl whom he revered and I believe that she decided at that point that her life was ruined I don't want this to be taken literally but the theme did exist for both her and Heinrich for him in his writing and for her in life and I believe that there is a connection many years later Thomas's other sister Lulu also took her life her attempt to maintain a facade through the meticulous fulfillment of her duties as wife and mother with a man she didn't love failed heinrich writes about lulu to appear how one should that is what destroyed her the last photo of julia the senator's wife during the final phase of her life a poor lodger in a suburb of munich she died a morphine addict and an aging lover of young men in her final years Julia's insatiable desire for life resulted in a sickly restlessness the house had long since been sold around her deathbed investing her sons surrounded her Munich in the 20s Thomas Mann shortly before the outbreak of the war moved into his new house in Hertzog Park after the success of his latest novel the Magic Mountain he received international attention that included receiving numerous guests and fulfilling worldly duties which he carried out with an iron discipline the youngest son Michael remembers him moving on silent wings this was manifested in the daily life of the man residence through coolness distance and an everyday formality that bordered on the ceremonial another son Golo writes in his memoirs the authority of the father was enormous we would always be quiet in the morning while he was working in the afternoons while he was reading and then napping and then in the evenings because he was busy once again a man of great instability he barricaded himself within a silent life of letters that which moved him most deeply he could only divulge to his journals or transform into art he precariously entrenched himself behind the facade of a conventional bourgeois household he wrote in his journal a life that conceals a secret and toward Katya he felt my gratitude for your kindness regarding our sexual relationship and my sexual problems is deep and genuine the number of children increased during this time in addition to Erica and Klaus our goal Oh Monika Elizabeth and Michael the harmony in the photos disguises the many conflicts within the house in front of the camera with a favorite child Elizabeth this staged fatherly pride hides the tension Laden relationship with Klaus that began during this time Thomas Mann was sexually attracted to his own son delighted with Klaus I find it only natural that I am in love with my son Phillipe tidehunter the noxious nail up cocoon Susanne yeah on swashb Edison to the inside from Thomas manifesto this attraction appeared to be short-lived in any case it was much later that Thomas Mann realized that his son had developed into a homosexual during this time class became aware of his father's tendencies his incestuous and homosexual desires mixed with paternal pride because they said for the efforts of Mahanaim on a leash Salty's episode ended kind of kin events imagine somebody such as that but myself for example actually having children one this shouldn't happen and when someone could say that the homosexual son was simply projecting a homosexual identity of his father mixed with his own self hatred and contempt for him in review of for the two oldest children of Thomas Mann Erica and Klaus provocatively described the cultural scene of the 20s that they encountered with Gustav drinkin's and Pamela Vedic and they act out their own drama in their lives as well as on the stage Erica's relationship with the Vedic in-store is considered scandalous in his first literary attempt klaus portrays his open homosexuality low against FINA foon father of hidden file for in any case Klaus was determined to get the truth out of his father to entice him to come out of the closet and to admit who he truly was what he truly felt Thomas Mann denied it with the rise to power of Hitler the man's began their exile they immigrated to the United States the dissatisfaction in Germany was so great that Hitler had to do something about it in spite of all this however I am optimistic about the final victory of democracy Thomas Mann the unpolitical reactionary at the beginning of the twenties he had advocated against a Democratic Republic he now hesitated yet again until finally declaring himself in agreement with the anti-fascist Akemi grace above all else it was Klaus who influenced the father with his own political beliefs and who wrote with Erica that Thomas Mann represented an alternative Germany in 1941 after a brief residence in Princeton Thomas Mann built himself another villa in Pacific Palisades a quiet suburb of Los Angeles it was here that many other German exiles established themselves Thomas Mann was already the undeniable and leading representative of German culture today we feel that the United States has become the great on point of that culture of which Europe came about what the home less recognized and at this time without any means Henryk man was on the run from the Nazis he was forced once again to flee from exile in France and came to America in 1940 in this the last chapter of his life he was to sink into ignominy and poverty Nellie Krueger a Berlin barmaid was his companion in exile he finally married her in 1939 and she ended her life and drink alone and living in obscurity Heinrich died in 1950 in contrast Thomas remained the center of the exile community even when Klaus noted in his journal it is painful to see how more and more a tedious serenity surrounds and much like that of Goethe in his later years Thomas Mann worked on dr. Faustus one of the models for a character in the novel is his grandson freedo child of his youngest son Michael though Thomas disliked Michael from an early age he was infatuated with freedom even though he allows him to die as the beloved nephew of Hadrian Levesque une in the novel he's been offering the fat body of his always almost he does agony Stern who dharma with fury and warns of idol also calm when I was younger four or so I was unaware of the situation it's the sort of thing one realizes slowly as one grows older history falls into place like drops of water you hear things from other people or remember things that were said from your childhood or realise much later what was going on on after reading the published diaries of Thomas Monde it's in your subconscious unrealized I only knew that I was his favorite grandson that's all Fritos father Michael who stood between Thomas Mann and freedo wrote in his journal alienation coolness even aversion the father engrossed in his own drama of death deprived him of life that's all it's mitten sacramentum torture spiel I don't let such be necessary the family tendency towards suicide to play with death was already apparent by the time Michael Mann at the age of 40 began to work at Berkeley as a professor of German Studies that's professor of humanistic become it unfounded see the thing that show analysis and sake reason yet funciona his preoccupation with death lasted for 15 years and Michael's overdose at the end was almost expected belief of a bastion si Lang about him so he knew very well what he was doing and he had prepared himself for it what I had had for Klaus joining the army was the last chance to give his life meaning since the end of the 30s he had constantly fought the depression that threatened to engulf him he bitterly noted in his journal the recognition that his father received wherever he arrives he attacks will I never escape his shadow on my abilities so weak as his sister Erica became more and more his father's helpmate he lost the single companion with whom he was close Klaus wrote to be so alone how can one tolerate it began so family Thomas managed a total fund Epps pardon oh so adverse keep this in too much man's home on that knee kisses fed lined went either his dependency on drugs and his struggle with his homosexuality came to an end at the age of 42 that said his father's good boy think there now it is what would mean there are frequent deaths in the maan novels but no suicides even though suicide runs throughout the Mann family and Klaus man was very unhappy in 1933 fought throughout the night in Paris about this central theme in his father's writings is the score motif - far as one sinus Leoben sons and his rivals he conceived of this literary theme toward death seduction but never the fulfillment as the basic motif of his father's life and work the romanticization of death of approaching the precipice but going no further Denis haba Illuminati give the locum some Thoth they lock on somehow the local food ensuring young-nam to a pederasty this was also reflected in the patter astok elements in Thomas man's life not just in his literature as those man because he as and zone did him father their father building the entire night Klaus was 10 by death by revenge motif by-product eva Wengen describe leave that till he does frontal the son realized the horror of his father and what he represented - be mad I'm so home ha and thus he acted in bleed as kids who are in Zurich every day one may meet the famous author Thomas Mann and his wife he has returned to Europe his home light to celebrate his 75th birthday he does not allow either his fan mail or his success to hinder him from working on his latest novel azita on the mute or his chemo gong king-size in the Vulcan shower and it grows and Beauty when I went to the theatre on Wednesday I saw in the weekly news program the Thomas man was in Zurich to celebrate his 75th birthday mania bite in a Coon's was a Vienna in bold ago on the following Sunday I was at work at the Grand Hotel right I served cake when I recognized mr. man I greeted him and he ordered a pastry fork off the map a theory in his encounters with the then 19-year old waiter France westmeyer Thomas Mann experienced once again the bliss of love which at the end aroused his desire for death he wrote in his notebook in the garden the waiter from eunuch handsome and quickly concludes with the open realization yet again to love the exhilarating anticipation the endless dreams and even Sona the acceptance of unrequited love the unbearable despair and pain the importance of world fame is nothing compared is smut and a look from his eyes solo medium Ralph Keynes or in some and then he said that I should accompany him every day to get some fresh air to talk to him and to keep him company I thought nothing of it during this time Thomas Mann wrote his essay Michelangelo's erotic in a scarcely veiled identification with the painters love for the beauty of his fallen ones thomas mann's love for a man is once again transformed from the journals into art my words are formed in his breath what happened is nothing nothing happened from this last experience of passion Thomas Mann returns to the remaining fragment from Felix Crowe the origin of the cruel story and crawls love affairs at the Parisian Grand Hotel began in Zurich Madame who play Lord Kilmarnock and the twenty man family are in the journal this fantastical and yet pitiful sustained enthusiasm for the incomparable for nothing more in this world than the unsurpassable allure of man youth which was always my joy and my sorrow the house in Kilburg in zurich this will be thomas mann's last address in 1954 after his final return from America the author was a lifelong virtuoso of balancing the strains of marriage in a public facade with his inner life with his pious novel the holy sinner and the character of a pope with an unholy family history Thomas Mann created a harmonious ending now only one thing remained to be done to find reconciliation before death with his own conscience together with kochia he travelled for the last time to his birthplace at the courthouse where his father had worked the citizens of Ubik honored him for the final time Thomas Mann had proven himself a deserving citizen and a worthy son of the senator here for all set it against the interior mcburger dearest guests and you back citizens that we offer thanks for our happiness and help three months later Thomas Mann died
Channel: zecxixo
Views: 140,588
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Keywords: Thomas Mann;, thomas mann;, Mann Thomas;, German author, Literature;, German Writer;, Germany;, Mann's Family;, Buddenbrooks, The Magic Mountain, Doctor Faustus, Documentary;, Film;, Biography;, Thomas Mann documentary;, Nobel prize;, 1929;, Nobel prize in literature;
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 13sec (2653 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2016
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