Thomas & Friends The Adventure Begins US - Full Movie

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uh [Music] [Music] express coming through [Music] [Applause] [Music] thomas and friends the adventure begins [Music] a long time ago on the island of sodor there was a little railway known as the north western [Music] the smallest engine working on the main line was edward he helped with shunting cars and coaches in the yard for the larger engines the biggest engine on the railway was gordon he loved pulling the express but he didn't much care for some of his other jobs a good strain a good strain the shame of it oh the shame of it oh gordon it can't be that bad yes edward it is i am a very important engine but thankfully i won't have to pull good strains for long not after the new engine gets here new engine one new engine haven't you heard sir topham hatt is getting another engine that last one he got with the wooden brake blocks was much too small to be really useful but i'm not small oh james i might not be as big as you gordon but i'm bigger than edward and there's nothing wrong with wooden brake blocks either unless they catch fire of course can you move on now please james you're blocking my way [Music] my brakes don't catch fire they're just as good as yours gordon didn't like pulling heavy goods trains but he especially didn't like pulling them up the big hill on the main line oh i give up what's he up to now come on gordon you're not even trying i can't do it those noisy cars hold an engine back if they were coaches now that would be different [Music] hello hello a man in charge of the little railway was sir topham hatt i see i see it was his job to make sure all the trains ran on time oh dear okay goodbye [Music] hello edward i'm afraid gordon needs your help my help sir are you sure yes he can't get up the hill with his goods cars apparently okay sir i'm on my way hello gordon i've come to push no use at all a small engine like you oh please gordon try all right all right [Music] i can't do it i will do it i can't do it i will do it i can't do it i will do it i've done it i've done it i've done it [Music] i knew i could do it not even so much as i thank you oh later edward was back in the yard when he heard a voice he'd never heard before excuse me can you tell me where knapford is but this is knapford where are you from oh right on the mainland sir topham hatt's new engine coming from really i'm really happy to be here edward couldn't believe his eyes the new engine had six small wheels a short stumpy boiler a short stumpy dome and a short stumpy for me they always wanted to come here i hello what's the matter do i have soda my face no it's just well you're not a big engine yes i am no you're not well i was big enough to do my work on the mainland wait wait all i meant was you're not as big as i am i may not be as big as you but i'm very hard-working [Music] and who are you i'm thomas the new engine oh dear sir topham hatt must have made a terrible mistake i think he was expecting someone really useful i am really useful for fetching coaches perhaps oh well if you stick around long enough you might be lucky enough to see me pulling the express that will be a fine sight for you oh sorry about gordon thomas i'm afraid he's often like that i'm edward by the way and i'm james hello hello hello and here comes the box sir topham hatt oh you must be thomas my new tank engine welcome to sodor i am sir topham hatt pleased to meet you [Music] sir you're supposed to call him sir oh i'm pleased to meet you sir i'm very pleased to meet you too now as you can see i'm a very busy man and this is a very busy railway so i expect you to make yourself really useful right away edward will show you what to do oh yes um really useful yes right carry on this way lads [Music] [Laughter] [Music] he's a really useful engine you know all the other engines they'll tell you so [Music] he hops and puffs and whistles rushing to and fro he's the really useful mansion we adore sorry [Music] he's the one he's the one you know [Music] oh that's very useful isn't it having another small engine to get in the way he's still learning gordon i'm just showing him what to do [Music] [Music] is the one [Music] wake up lazy bones why don't you work hard like me [Music] [Music] that night thomas was the smallest engine at tidmouth sheds but at least his new friend edward was there too i like being on sodor edward i just can't wait until i get to pole trains hmm you'd better learn how to shunt cars and coaches first thomas oh i'll soon get the hang of shunting edward but i want to see the world [Music] faster faster faster oh turn turn turn who's that that's henry he's a very kind engine but he's a bit of a warrior and he doesn't like rain [Music] once an engine attached to a train was afraid of a few drops of rain he rushed into a tunnel and squeaked through his funnel and never came out again [Music] his driver and fireman argued with him but he wouldn't budge the ring will spoil my lovely green paint and red stripes he said [Music] the passengers got off and argued with him too but he wouldn't move even after the rain had stopped so sir topham hatt told the guard to get a rope and one two three pull everyone pulled come on hold on come on everyone it's not moving except sir topham hatt my uh my doctor has forbidden me to pull [Music] when that didn't work they tried pushing from the other end one two three push everybody push harder come on put your backs into it uh my doctor has also forbidden me to push [Music] they tried pushing with an engine too [Music] but nothing worked [Music] in the end they took up the old rails built a wall in front of him and left him there ah oh sir topham hatt let him out eventually after gordon burst his safety valve and couldn't pull out all right uh story time is over some of us have to get some sleep [Laughter] [Music] the next day sir topham hatt sent thomas to the steamworks to be repainted in the colors he liked to see on the northwestern railway [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] um [Music] edward look edward look i'm blue just like you you're also number one huh does that mean i'm the best the last number one was a coffee pot coffee pies coffee pot is just a nickname for an engine with a boiler that points up in the air like those things people make coffee in the coffee pot engines used to look after one of the branch lines but they don't work there now although i think the last one might still be on a siding stop chatting and bring me my coaches [Music] oh you better do it thomas i have a train to pull today but i thought we were going to be working together we are just not all the time my coaches [Music] hey where are you taking us to gordon it's time for the express but we're not the express coaches i'm annie and she is clarabelle and the express coaches are on the other sidings oh i'm terribly sorry you lady ships you see i'm new around here i'm thomas oh what a sweet little engine indeed annie delightful he'll go far clarabel just you wait and see [Music] thomas wasn't used to working in the yard on his own it was very busy all day long [Music] do you smell something smokey james like a burning smell no not really nothing out of the ordinary hello thomas hello henry um henry can i ask you something did you really hide in a tunnel because of some rain yes thomas i did but well rain is just water the same as you put in your boiler so how could you be afraid of it i don't know thomas i can't explain it i just am and i don't like being teased about it but i'm not teasing henry i was just asking i mean you can't stop the rain and you don't want to go around worrying all the time oh i don't worry all the time thomas i hardly worry at all when it's sunny huh the next morning thomas found it hard to wake up his fire went out and there wasn't enough steam you need to wake up thomas it's nearly time for the express gordon will be waiting for his coaches at last thomas started oh dear oh dear must get going must get going [Music] hurry up you hurry up yourself hmm yes i will gordon hadn't forgiven thomas for waking him up from his nap he started up so quickly oh that there was no time to uncouple thomas hoda [Music] thomas was going faster than he'd ever gone before stop stop hurry hurry hurry he was out of breath and his wheels hurt him but he had to go on edward [Music] express coming through the train now approaching platform 1 is the 817 express to vickerstown [Music] oh yes well little thomas now you know what hard work is like don't you all thomas of slowly away to rest and had a long long drink the next day he was back in the yard again it's not fair all the engines pull trains except for me i never go anywhere i wonder where those cars are meant to be going wake up lazy wheels judy jerome emergency where's the accident he's an engine off the rails or is it a breakdown a fire a bridge out no no no no i um well i just wondered where you were going that's all thomas over here sorry to disturb you disturb us emergencies never disturb us do that you don't want to go wasted you mustn't touch those cars that's the breakdown train but why are they in the yard if they're not meant to be shunted don't they ever go anywhere only in emergencies like when a poor helpless coach needs lifting back onto the rails okay i won't bother them again [Music] oh ta-da you can take my cars away now thomas i'm ready for my coaches oh you're such a show-off james maybe i am but you just wait and see if sir topham hatt doesn't give me my own branchline soon hmm there's that burning smell again [Music] one morning henry wasn't feeling well he wouldn't come out of the shed is it because you think it might rain today henry no thomas i think there's something wrong with my boiler i might not be able to pull my coaches today maybe your firebox needs warming up i'll go and fetch your coaches [Music] what are you so happy about today thomas if henry doesn't come i might get to pull his train it's not as easy as you think thomas pulling trains is hard work [Music] thomas waited and waited but still henry didn't come oh oh you'll have to find another engine there's only thomas sir hmm you'll have to do it then thomas be quick now yes sir sir thomas raced around to the front of the coaches and backed up to them with a bump oh don't be impatient now thomas wait until everything is ready but thomas was far too excited i'm not really listening heard the guards whistle so he took off before his coaches could be coupled up thomas thomas stop come back [Music] i'm doing it i'm doing it i'm pulling a train [Music] thomas where are you going i thought you were working in the yard do you see i'm pulling coaches james [Music] edward says it's hard to pull trains but i think it's easy right yeah [Music] they're pleased to see me they've never seen me playing a train before ah it's nice of them to wave [Music] oh bother that red signal means danger i have to stop what a nuisance signals are hello thomas what are you doing here i'm pulling my very first passenger train can't you see really then where are your coaches oh no [Music] back at the station the passengers were all talking at once telling sir topham hatt what a bad railway it was uh please everybody please calm down we will find another engine as soon as we oh i'm sorry sir i really am i did say to wait until everything was ready thomas this time thomas waited to be coupled up and for the passengers to climb on board ready yes thomas now we're ready the other engines thought it was very funny when they heard the story of thomas's train [Laughter] i'm glad you came to work on our railway thomas you always give us something funny to laugh about ah sir topham hatt will never let me pull trains again but i want to go places and do things i want to see the world don't be sad thomas if you really want to go out why don't you take my goods train tomorrow i can take over in the yard if you like really would you do that edward for me yes thomas i would now let's get some sleep okay oh edward i wish it was morning [Music] the next morning thomas could hardly contain his excitement is it these ones is it those which cars are they edward those cars thomas but wait i need to tell you something i know i know i have to be coupled up before i go you don't have to tell me i've learned my lesson troublesome trucks can play tricks on you thomas it's not the same as in the yard they'll push you off the rails if you're not careful don't be silly you worry too much edward like henry the engines always think they are so clever and so they like to bump the trucks around they bust them in the sidings they bump them in the yard they better be aware they better take care they better be on their guard thomas be careful thomas pulls the trucks along the line he's happy and he thinks it's going fine the trucks all start to moan they rattle and they go look at thomas watch out thomas that's a warning sign come along come along [Music] the [Music] then [Music] it's just a game we'll get them all the same they don't care how big they are to them it's just a game those trunks [Music] thomas what are you doing here and why did you come in so fast i brought edward's cars for him sir but they were pushing me you've a lot to learn about carl's little thomas that's why i asked edward to bring these cars and not you if you're not prepared to be patient and learn how to do things properly i'll have to keep you in the shed no sir please sir i want to learn i want to be a really useful engine sir topham hatt was not just crossed with thomas it was cross with edward too he told both his engines that they'd have to stay in their yard until thomas could learn as much about cars as edward i'm sorry edward this is all my fault never mind thomas at least we're working together again who's meant to be taking these coaches henry thomas where are you going now you're meant to stay in the yard thomas was hurrying back to tidmouth sheds to find henry [Music] henry your passengers are waiting you take the train thomas you like pulling trains no henry it's your train and besides edward and i have to stay in the yard well i have to stay in the shed it's raining thomas a lot but henry don't you want to pull your train don't you want to hurry along the tracks like it's only water henry come on just little drops of water that's what rain is water like i put in my boiler exactly your passengers are waiting henry see only water it washes right off only water just water [Music] thomas worked hard in the yard now he knew that he wasn't as clever as he had thought besides he wanted to learn all about cars and coaches to be a really useful engine [Music] sir topham hatt is coming by this afternoon thomas to see how you're getting on i'm getting on okay now aren't i of course you are i think you nearly know as much about cars as i do now uh-oh i'm meant to do that oh they're pushing me [Music] james thomas thomas come back [Music] oh my brakes [Music] oh thomas use your brakes use your brakes i can't my brake blocks are on fire they're made of one i'm going to try to couple it behind you james i'm going to try to slow you down [Music] couple me up cover me up i need to slow james down [Music] oh no try again try again we mustn't give up we have to try faster faster [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] edward was right cars can run an engine right off the rails oh stay right there james i'll go and get help was that thomas wake up wake up emergency room emergency james is off the line his brakes were on fire right we're ready crew up let's go thomas what do you think you're sorry sir but this is an emergency [Music] i hope this will teach you troublesome trucks a lesson have you got him at the front there judy yes jerome ready to lift me too let's go [Music] you're all right you're all right we've got you at last james was lifted safely onto the track sir topham hatt had come to make sure that everyone was okay well done thomas now i'd like you to take james to the steamworks do you know the way yes sir i do sir it's where i was painted blue that's right [Music] [Applause] that night the other engines were very happy to see thomas indeed well done thomas today you really were the best engine even gordon seemed impressed what you did was terrific really useful that's what i'd say james shall have new breaks a bit of repair here and there and a new coat of paint and you thomas due to your unselfish bravery and heroism you have shown yourself worthy of having your own branchline my own branchline thomas but who will fetch our coaches for us sir tender engines are not meant to shunt i don't know gordon perhaps you'll have to fetch your own until i can get another small engine like thomas but but a few days later an engine came into the yard that thomas and edward had never seen before [Music] james is that really you of course it is how do you like my new paint work wow james you look splendid i know i'm ready for my coaches we're thomas's coaches now james that's right and he's got his very own branch line too off to see the world now thomas yes edward i am wake up lazy bones really useful engine coming through oh the indignity he's a really useful engine you know sir topham hatt well he told him so now he's got a branch line to call his very own he's a really useful engine we adore he is the one he [Music] [Applause] [Music] is the one [Music] oh you must be the new number one i'm thomas well look after the branchline thomas and wear that number with pride don't worry mr coffeepot i will you can count on me [Music] but i'm not mr my name is glenn he's a really useful engine you know sir topham hatt well he told him so now he's got a branch line to call his very own he's the really useful engine we adore [Music] [Applause] [Music] little blue train he's always there whenever you need a hand if you need help with the situation who comes into mind he is [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Thomas & Friends
Views: 11,594,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thomas and Friends, Thomas & Friends, Thomas the Tank Engine, thomas the engine, thomas and friends, thomas the train, thomas the train engine, thomas channel, trains, kids videos, cartoon, kids show, kids tv, kids, vehicles for kids, trains for kids, thomas, videos for kids, cartoons for kids, Thomas and Friends The Adventure Begins, Full Movie, Thomas and Friends Movie, Full Episode
Id: AAQy9tjeivk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 10sec (2710 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2022
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