Thomas Brodie-Sangster being hilarious for 5 minutes ✨

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[Music] yeah since Shrek I can't remember what one um two I can't remember but it's from one of the tracks um I can't remember her name either but yeah donkey and her get together have a little baby donkey dragons biting Circle yeah it's my line so I cannot interrupt me [Laughter] [Music] no idea don't know that's fire Drake from Dragon Rider hold me Thomas I got you man don't worry about all six episodes in a row once that was a lot I just love watching myself I I just fast forward at home to my bits yeah I was always known as Posh boy if you could be an article of clothing what would it be like a cashmere jumper you know one of those ones you can put straight onto bare skin always comfortable they're always useful you look kind of dressed up but you also look nice down you can slide up the sleeves if you get a little bit too warm it's the best item of clothing and that means poop poop yeah um I just clunked out a big clunk as I see it every audition and they just go in no perfect polished shiny and just deliver their lines asks what do you and your characters have in common what are your biggest differences um that was good I really want to hear what you say you speak quite similarly [Laughter] um look very soon oh I'm I'm spitting [Laughter] you can even get close top three traits you look for in your dream person dream purse what's that it doesn't it do you remember that one of the nights you guys had a massive pillow fight you were there oh yeah yeah this is before after the people I might have been completely naked who knows so you were both you were filming it on the slide so nobody distinctive feature um I frown a lot I'm crowning now are you rolling um this is really a message to all my fans and I apologize for my um terrible use of social media but I do appreciate what you're looking for thank you very much films you were interested in when you were younger what what films were you watching when say five ten years ago five ten years ago how old was I think five I was 15. um oh well I was always sorry I had to do a little bit yeah that's right I gave you two numbers that's why it's my fault let's stick with 10 years ago Thomas I didn't get to get you with the face plant um question or the greeny moment uh I don't think I've ever face planted before it's too cool for that imagine Thomas no no I can't even no no I try not to trip don't enjoy it all the time of Sangster fans uh want to know why you don't tweet don't get it it's not my thing just sometimes a phone call but like Twitter Facebook now do your Scottish that's really good wow so we do have to stay in the haunted house for the rest of your life yes so you get to know like all the ghosts and yeah that sounds cool to you then huh well it might might be let's do this let's do this other Thomas in the world are we gonna hear from you what about you little Easter egg I've become an Easter egg and it's just like [Laughter] my parents would describe me as their son there's one from victor771 and this is for everyone what is one thing that you own that you cannot live without my coffee percolator you know what my answer is yeah I don't have to wonder about that one yeah stop it man all right next one catch the flare or be abducted by aliens aliens aliens over and eat chicken with you yeah they're just chilling you know yeah exactly what's that Thomas what's going on they have very small amounts it would be hard for them I mean there's many different types Thomas Brody Sangster yes you can I mean not identical that's reserved for just me and him
Channel: thomas’wifey🎀
Views: 109,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aKZNbnDH638
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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