This Workbench Will Make Me Thousands!

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what the what the is that storage what do you expect to put in that dude oh so lifting stuff sucks which i think most of us will agree it's not that fun so i bought something that's gonna fix a lot of it for us this is an electric hydraulic table that we're gonna turn in to an assembly table with my good buddy mike farrington let's go so when we moved in we built a super basic work table and it's been getting the job done for months now the only problem is if i want to work on something say the top of something and it's on i don't know 28 inch legs it's like all the way up here so with this table we're going to be able to lower that down and work on it at all the heights let's go to your home you're not my oh it's like a tidal wave of rubber what is it too heavy ah no jordan all i gotta say is we're off to a great start are we gonna are we gonna touch tips in the middle i don't think we need yours i think it'll be fine no one ever said they needed to touch tips that is so nice it was like the nicest move of all time someone's fired who left this dust under this table if you guys were sweeping under tables i'd be so mad why are you wasting company time sweeping under tables you used to with a toothbrush i don't think there's anything wrong with that we'll just leave that as it is what we've got here is a scissor lift it's 1500 pounds from southworth pretty cool we'll plug it into the wall and then we'll be able to raise it up and down now mike farrington has one of these and i've been super jealous because one he's beautiful he's on and two he has like the most efficient shop flow ever dude's just an incredible carpenter i've wanted to copy this for years remember [Music] we're gonna try to raise it up you just wanted to raise it up and down i think it'd be easier if we raised it that way okay [Music] it's glorious don't worry it's a 1500 pound capacity i'm not even close don't get salty with me yes they say in texas the higher the truck the closer to god okay okay bring me down dammit my knee would have just like shot out into the wall okay let's go with the design we'll bolt that turn later it's the perfect height for a fat guy to rest his belly okay so our uh existing top is a five by three there we go nice square right so my thoughts here are if we want to use the table efficiently i think it needs to be at least like i like that that one was eight feet long so eight foot by four foot it is that means we can go with something that it'll sit inside the table so we'll want the inside part to like sit inside of it and kind of go like a torsion box design so a torsion box is going to have pieces that keep it rigid so something like that i think the side profile though is like where things get interesting right jordan it is three inches deep yeah three inch skirt would cover it perfectly over here though this is all dead space so i feel like when you do like that ron paul style with like places to put things just go in there and die [Music] everything dies here any anytime there's a drawer it wouldn't be a drawer it'd just be like a hole yeah i've seen those maybe work on that maybe work on like see if we can put like a a hole here with some storage i like the whole idea just so you can like put clamps there to clamp that's a good call go ahead and throw it into a 3d model and screw with it see what you can come up with okay so i mentioned earlier mike farrington built one of these and this is where i got the inspiration his is amazing i'm going to facetime him pretty unexpectedly to ask him about it because i have a few questions i don't think he knows so we will see we're just gonna stand here mute hey buddy what's up are you just jamming out to some some def left or what probably not far off maybe some acdc earlier uh attaboy well i won't keep you long i uh procured one of these scissor lift tables because you're my dad and i want to be just like you wow well i'm old enough to be your dad some days so here's what we got i think it's a top of it's a five by three kind of like yours yours is like four years five years old now if you had to redo it what would you add a router add a router yeah to a router table just for you john i've walked out to my shop uh so that we can see my list it still looks so good so i have a vacuum right here yeah i remember that there and the hose comes out right yes there yep and then i've got a plug right there so i plug the tool in i take the hose yeah that's insanely convenient there's a painting that has to build so you'd put a router table in it so on this side what i would have done right here my screws out of the way and i would have had a router like here just somewhere here it makes the best router table on planet earth assuming you build the torch box like reasonably flat it makes a very good router table last question your torsion box how do you mount this table to your torsion box does that has a top and a bottom it's a sandwich correct um so on mine it's a like a form steel thing here you know what i'm going to raise it up a little bit raise it up this is a bent steel did you just drill through it yeah so um right there on the bolt that comes out right there this is the best all right dude well i won't keep you long i appreciate it we are building one of these in your honor always grateful for your help and advice your new miter saw station is mint if you guys haven't seen that you got to go check it out i'm going to let you go mike i'll talk to you later bud thanks buddy sweet so i think the way we kind of doodled that up jordan back to the drawing board instead let's build a two-sided torsion box we can go a little bit higher i think his is about six inches taller so instead of going around this and having it sit on top because it goes up and down like what's it hurt to have it and we can put whatever height we want and then bolt it to it i do love the idea of the router table because our router table's like buried in the corner and as awesome as that is i think that huge surface area would be great yeah so go ahead with that two millimeter dog holes we want to make sure we can get 90 20 millimeter dog holes i think that fits these with a chamfer on both sides um get a little plan together i would like to see what you think and would like and then also go with like the doodle that i gave you still come up with an idea for it and we'll get ripping on this thing god mike farrington just makes me so happy so happy what do you got what the what the is that it's for storage look at that what do you expect to put in that level straight edge why are they dude you were literally like you couldn't even fit a drill in it what made you think ovals are those are like ellipses they are i will use the ellipse tool why we need to i think we need to have some squares on the side three or four of them and then our cross members like this so model that up why the hell would you show me the other one if you actually had something good here's the horse print that we're going out to the shop jordan all right maleki mob jordan made this beautiful cut list here we've got a bunch of plywood stacked up ready to rock and roll it's time to make some sawdust i'm gonna shut up and work let's go [Applause] [Music] all right guys so what i'm doing here is i'm going to cut one of these opening templates by hand so this is a piece of scrap this is quarter inch mdf you can cut them directly on your piece too but i feel like if you're doing a bunch of them it's just easier to do a piece of scrap and mark it out and then rough cut it with a jigsaw come back and template with a router bit so i'm going to get these all laid out show you how to do it then i'm going to cheat and put it on the cnc and now you guys can't complain because i'm showing you both ways all right so i got a templating bit we've got a bearing down here everything's held on with a blue tape trick there's no battery because jordan's a freaking child hands me tools with no batteries this thing rolls if you haven't seen it this new cordless router from dewalt check this out has this like stop clutch so it immediately spins down super nice so i'm gonna route this out and then jordan's gonna finish the rest of these because i'm a lazy bum and i don't want to do them by hand [Applause] we're going to start assembling the base and then jordan's going to cut all the dog holes on the cnc because ain't nobody got time for that except for you guys if you're going to build this we will have two different layouts one's going to be a little bit more intricate for our uses but the plan will include both and you can definitely do them by hand i just would like to save the time and not do that part i'm going to chamfer the insides of all these pockets that we cut before we put it together and then we're going to head over to the metal shop because i have a perfectly flat table to assemble on so that's right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bang bang hell yeah i would have had mad respect if that was a beer because it isn't zero respect dewalt just released this pretty cool new uh cordless biscuit joiner so i'm just gonna cut some biscuits in here for alignment and get those put in with all four parts um and then we will start adding our interior parts [Music] safety please where's your eyewear our comments are gonna blow up jordan's so stupid did you just make sure the top is aligned grab one of those and make sure it fits in between here and your mouth's not wrong short that's fine we can put these sides in and then we have scraps because we now we have that one piece we could put across the center now all we do is add our center members that's a lot of glue and she's going together pretty quick [Music] all right [Music] you like my box it's a good box if you've been around a long time and i'm talking back to the beginning when i was in a basement in the hood i had a torsion box table i kind of modeled it so ron paul kind of came up with this storage idea here shout out to ron and then mike shouted ron out when he built his four or five years ago i do like this table things do tend to get lost when you when you create these storage bins here but if you're diligent about keeping them clean and tidy they're super awesome but i did use to have one of these and it's a very nostalgic piece i'm glad that we're going to be having another one back just because it makes them feel good on the insides all right we're going to laminate these two together we're going to use composite fasteners which are plastic so then i can just smash them everywhere and then jordan can bury holes through this thing on the cnc so he gets to spew a lot of glue if you're gonna glue you better spew [Music] makes me miss bump mode so now we're gonna put the what we call dog holes in the top of the table i already did a test cut since there's like 100 dog holes i have to make for my tolerances this one was 600 offset too tight this one was a 10th offset too loose this one was 800 of an inch offset and it is perfect so we're gonna go ahead and do that get miss piggy fired up [Music] so i went to the pit west virginia game last night and light hurts my eyeballs today i can't make excuses because we got to do this is a little thick for what we wanted to do let let me show you guys jordan was running some test passes and on mike's tabletop he had a one inch piece of mdf we don't have one inch we have inch and a half because we used two these just don't quite fit because of the depth we have to put this like super heavy chamfer on both sides so we're gonna plane the surface down on the bottom the whole overall thickness to one inch if you're building one of these just make it work for you we really want to use these and then the dogs that we have so i don't want this massive chamfer on both sides if you're just using these you know the chamfer would be fine so i made a sample and if we put a heavy chamfer on the bottom these fit through quite nice so what we're gonna do then is put a heavy chamfer on the bottom before we attach it [Music] all right friends so making a couple pivots and a couple changes i thought we'd want a router in this sucker but because it's an inch thick this small router doesn't have enough throw to get with a plate mount here up through so we'd have to put a full plate like this in and i just don't think i want to do it it wouldn't be a router we'd be using a lot it would be like on a random occasion and because this is height adjustable i could just roll my other router table up over to it and have that big infeed and outfeed and make them literally the exact same height so we are going to fasten the top down you can go ahead and use glue and biscuits and get some really nice proper alignment if that's something that you would want to do on yours i know how we are so we're going to screw ours down with no glue because i'm anticipating this thing getting absolutely ruined covered in epoxy glue whatever's secreting out of jordan this week all that stuff is going to cover our table we're going to make it removable that way we can replace her down the line we're going to do that get some finish on this get this sucker installed real quick before we put the screws in here i want to take a second to thank this week's sponsor woodcraft if you guys are looking to upgrade your wood shop you literally must check out woodcraft they've got everything you need table saws joiners planers all the woodworking tools a lot of the stuff you see in a ton of our content everything that you could possibly need for woodworking they're a one-stop shop they've got a killer online store that i absolutely love and they've got physical locations i think in like 47 different cities around the entire united states check them out thank you woodcraft for sponsoring this build now let's get this thing screwed down and screwed in oh that's nice yeah oh yeah so something we don't typically do around here is nicely finish our shop furniture and i think we always regret it yeah pretty much so i'm gonna hit this uh with a little light sanding to get these marks and stuff off of it and i think we're gonna hit it with some lacquer jordan got the sprayer filled up with a little bit of total boat halcyon so we're gonna hit this with a couple coats knock that down and in the words of our forefat hey stop staring at my awesome new hat and go buy yourself one very very limited supply these are available click down below now let us spray give her an old stroke-a-roo huh give her a good touching well yeah it's really nice you're damn right it is you look like you crawled out of a dumpster it's the metal dust on your gloves oh that gets me going five by three so we got eight so be foot in half wow i nailed that that's 18 inches on top son hello yeah oh we're here we'll take we'll take a 40 inch maple tree right all right we'll see you in a bit i love when we just get random calls from tree service companies and they drop off monster trees hold on be right back this is awesome i appreciate it it's like luke's the only calling only calling me on fridays for barbecue or big trees i love good hardwood trees like that's a perfect maple maple slabs can honestly look awesome too because they're so clean wood wise a lot of people don't use maple slabs all right let's get this thing in just make sure your directions are telling me where to go and now we're blindly going to try to have a squirrel find a hole and then back towards you okay and then towards the back wall is it in you suck you're not using words you're grunting and pointing lay it down and then we're gonna slide it slowly towards the back wall i bet you it's right there yep there she is put a bolt on it under pressure this is so low pressure now we're just going to line up the holes now because it's on a pivot point you ready she's tightened up now all we got to do is lay on top of it and lower and raise ourselves pretty slow ah would it be bad if i just did this all day and now fridays in the shop are exhilarating my new favorite shop project and if you love this one too and you want to build one for yourself make sure you check out that plan and then go watch this playlist right here more shop projects see ya
Channel: John Malecki
Views: 336,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Malecki, John Malecki Builds, Woodworking, How To, clamp rack, woodworking. business, woodworking tips, woodworking trick, woodworking clamps, wood clamps, industrial clamps, woodworking for beginners, woodworking tools, woodshop, workshop, Woodworking bench, workbench, woodshop bench, workshop upgrade, woodworking bench, beginner workbench
Id: 1zd-fJXkfq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 11 2022
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