This Woman Was Wrongly Imprisoned In Kenya | Paradise Lost S1 EP1 | Wonder

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it was the fulfillment of a dream to leave Britain and begin a new life from a beautiful Kenyan coast since I stepped off the plane I knew my god this is the place I want to be Nicky Roberts dreamt of running her own nightclub in Paradise but that dream became a nightmare when she came face to face with a side of Africa tourists never seen it's in our heritage is something you grew up in Africa knowing that there is black magic and it's dangerous and when bribery and corruption left her penniless she faced the agony and humiliation of a brutal Kenyan Prison had done anything I was completely innocent [Music] [Music] first time I went to Kenya was with Robin he was my fiancee at the time Robin just thought it as a holiday a nice place to go he didn't actually sort of get sucked into the vibe the feeling of it Africa has the magic about it if you're in its grip you can't help but go back it's just like Verna need you have to be there and it just drags you back and I went again and again and again I always said that one day maybe I retire there or I'll definitely be there one day I knew that but then back in England Nicki's life was turned upside down when her fiance Robin was killed in a motorbike accident I was in complete shock for a while he was 27 when he died I mean you know 27 year old died and just like that his suddenly wakes you up he suddenly realized my god this is your life it could be over tomorrow you know anything had happened to you you could be dead so if you don't live now you're never gonna live with nothing left to keep Nicky in her hometown of Norwich it was time to get away and start a new life in Kenya the money she received from Robins life insurance policy would go ten times further Nikki would have the lifestyle she'd always dreamed of Nikki returned to her favorite resort what a move on a beautiful Kenyan coast but this wasn't just for a holiday she brought with her a state-of-the-art sound system it always been my dream to own a business out in Africa and specifically a nightclub in wartime ooh because I could see a niche in the market there I knew that a nightclub there would just boom so I wanted to go over there and just create the ultimate nightclub and really blow everyone away I had a lot of background in the hospitality business so I knew the business inside out so I had the innate belief that I could do this and I didn't have any fear about it but this was Kenya a country with plenty of red tape obtaining a business permit wasn't easy if Nikki wanted to earn a living from the lucrative tourist industry she would need help on all my previous visits to retire me effect from the very first visit I met a lady called Dorothy she was such a laugh we just sit on the beach or they just gossiping and laughing she's tall so when a massage business on the beach so often has had bad back from working on a computer so long in England I decided you know that'd be great and she worked on my back for me and got that sorted out at the same time I started mentioning about a business permit and she told me that she knew somebody in Mombasa who might be able to help me a lawyer you might be able to help me obtain this class H permit I felt like yeah things are really moving now you know things that go in my way I can really make this happen and I've got Dorothy by my side I know you know I'm getting help I handed over 1300 pounds in order to get the permits I didn't feel alone I felt like this can really work one night I was out I was with some friends in a club called Inferno at that time I wasn't looking for love at all oh there's no way I was looking for love especially after the shot goof Robin's death it started funny I was in a club and everybody was talking about this gorgeous amazing looking woman she's from England and she's outstanding and nobody can get to her all of a sudden an angel of the earth that is her that is a woman that is the woman is gonna bear me my children there was nothing to say just to give her the look and she was flyy all of a sudden I see this guy and he's he's dancing on the dance floor and he's kind of taking the mickey out of the futurus the way they dance and really really sit OTT but when they look around he saw stone dead still so cuz laughs was so badly all of a sudden I give the look and tick she has got my attention he was making jokes been a bit the climate theme and he came over and we started chatting and when we actually spoke to each other it was like oh I just found out he was my soul mate it was amazing once he sort of fell for each other we were just together we were inseparable we were together morning noon and night knew he would go for long moonlight walks on the beach it's like I fell in love at that point is straight way it was Wham in Africa we say troubles or love does not know how to knock the door it just hits you right in your face at that stage you know life seemed to be going amazingly well you know I couldn't hardly believe it I was in the place in my dreams I had you know the possibility of the most amazing business I had the most incredible bloke alive you know he was just everything to me he was my soul mate I couldn't have asked for more after Moffat moved in Nicky quickly found some premises where she could set up a nightclub she took with her the all-important business permit which Dorothy had recently obtained for her but when she presented it to the building's owner she didn't get the reaction she was hoping for the permit was fake I felt incredibly her because she was like my best friend you know [Music] she was any person I felt like a trust over them off it all I felt destroyed it really told me up I went to the police and they took a report but not much was done about it I was in a foreign country and money taken and I was just left high and dry Nicky Roberts had arrived in Kenya with a dream of starting a nightclub everything was going according to plan but then her best friend sold her a fake business permit and made off with thirteen hundred pounds after this incident it really hit home to me that there was a lot more to Kenya than I'd actually really realized Morfitt used to keep warning me you used to say to me actually all the time you know be careful because it isn't what you think it is not all the smiling faces a hide in good hearts that's one of his things he used to say smilin faces can be hide in black hearts too I thought to myself maybe you know not everybody's gonna be like this surely so I tried to sort of be open-minded and look forward to getting things sorted out that was when I was introduced to a guy called Paul who was an elderly man they called him an old nose a that means like an old fella an old chap he knew a lot about the system about paperwork about documents about how to get things you have connections in Nairobi and a lot of people said yeah yeah he'll help you you know go to go see him and he assured me that he would get me this work permit and I was horrendously nervous about you know giving him money but after what happen with Dorothy but he reassured me so much that I decided to to give it a shot Nicky gave Paul more than two thousand pounds plus her passport which he said would be needed to verify her identity but he said to me you definitely needs more money than that because you have to bribe and there's so many bribes you have to do things just don't come easy like this in in Kenya amazingly two weeks he was back with the permit there in his hand and I thought God this guy can be trusted this is this is a guy I can use now I mean he's like you know it can be a partner with us really to get you know to get this business up and running but as soon as Nikki's permit materialized something else turned up one day Nikki came home and she asked me more did he put something on the gate [Applause] [Music] she asked me basically Morphet what is this thing who can you know put blood and skin and and all the rubbish in for a joke is this a prank like in England I told no my dear but this is no prank this is a serious thing and it's gonna affect us and it's gonna beat us big time I reached down to pick it up and morph immediately mother he immediately said no don't don't do that my god don't touch it don't touch it look her why he said it's juju I said boss juju and he explained it was like voodoo somebody had thrown it there to basically give us a curse throughout the next few days more and more of these things arrived but different kinds of ones we didn't know who was doing it we had no idea what's happened in the night so he'd find in the morning and my most anxious thought was what are they after who's doing it and why really what long after these things were found on the doorstep Paul drove around and was quite excited and he sat down and said you know there's something you will listen to Nicky he said that we these things are dangerous they're gonna bring you bad luck they're gonna stop your business moving forward things aren't gonna go your way if you want to be protected there's something you have to do it's in our heritage it's something you grow up in Africa knowing that a there is black magic and it's dangerous Paul arranged for Nikki and Moffat to take part in a voodoo ceremony to counteract the curses it was really dark at night we went through all these trees and we got to this place where there was a clearing and there was this man the witch stalked her he was dressed with his headdress or he was stark naked apart from a loincloth he had like scars all over his chest like where he'd been sliced and morph explained to me this is part of a lot of the ceremonies where you protect yourself you have to be sliced and I said no way she went all holistic and she said nobody's gonna touch my skin with no blade no one last thing I noticed was this open grave I thought my god was that for I was like really start to panic at this stage Paul explained Nikki must lie down in the grave if she wanted the curse removed by the voodoo ceremony I was like I don't know if I came here to go through with this the whole thing was like another horror movie she just went into the grave because she had to Paul I told her that these masters we can do without that you could imagine what it'd be like to be buried alive actually at that point which doctor guide took one of the chickens has that plug met while it was still alive and throwing the feathers down over me then they got one of the chickens and actually slit its throat over the top of the grave where I was laying this is hot blood coming down on me then it was landing on me and at that point I really freaked out she was very shaken very shocked there's some things you can teach somebody well some things they have to go through them for them to understand so she did one through that and never saw sorry for her with the curse removed Nikki could safely get on with her plans and Paul was with her every step of the way after the Gigi ceremony Paul became a much more important fixture in her life he was our unofficial driver Huber Chivers what we needed to go he was also assisting us with that with the search for land the appropriate land to build our my club on he was great with Paul sorting out the land deal Nikki started getting things ready for her dream nightclub bar it was proving to be more expensive than she'd expected meanwhile we'd start to run out of money so Paul had suggested that we rent out the sound system the state of the art sound system was an essential part of Nikki's plan there was nothing like it in with Tom ooh Paul arranged a demonstration for all the local bar and club owners a number of people come by some of the people from the Jambo nightclub down the road came by and had a look by the end of the day Paul had clinched the deal renting Nickey sound system to the local Jambo nightclub everything was going amazingly well so smoothly we really felt positive me and morph we believed you know things are gonna really pan out well for us the dream was coming alive now at last and then there was a phone call and the maid came running with a phone the police are on the phone the police on the fern was like oh my god what is this what is it so I was told on the phone that the owner of Jambo Club was at the police station and he was saying I'd sold my Soundsystem to him and not delivered the goods and the policeman on the phone said you have to come down here now we have evidence against you [Music] when we got there Paul was there and I was like why is he hearing I was quite confused and the police was saying more of you done with the money and they said we have documents and they came over with this and tried to thrust it in my hands and I said no no you're not going to get me to touch that my my prints are nowhere on that I can tell you now they say we have your signature was absolutely amazed at how my signature looked it did look like my signature the only person who knew my signature and had a copy of it was Paul it also had my passport number on there and I couldn't believe it as I read further I saw that Paul was actually written as the person who had done the deal and I said what's going on Paul what is going on he didn't say anything I started getting very angry at this point started screaming what have you been in playing at this was obviously some kind of scam how could he be involved in this he was our friend so as I start to think my god this man but all the money I've given him scroll and offer I owe you whenever I gave him money sometimes 200 here 100 there I just can understand I mean this is our friends with Paul's betrayals sinking in Nicky was sent home by the police chief to get the sound system but she had other ideas she called her neighbor who'd lived in Kenya for years and asked for help she said she would be willing to hide a system and she said she also had a contact in the police station no she'd be able to find out what was really going on behind the scenes she made a phone call and said Nicky you need to get out of what I mean now I said why she said they're coming to arrest you and if you go in you'll stay in she said I've got an idea I know the Deputy Commissioner of Police in Nairobi I could give him a call and let him know you're coming and he'll be able to sort it out for you nairobi was 600 kilometres away it would take them 12 hours to get there we had to drive in the middle of the night to level B and it was one hell of a journey i sat there gripping the wheel absolutely terrifying I was at half expecting a police car to come screaming up behind me any minute Paul had completely dashed all our hopes on every front it looked like every single thing that we had done was fake all our dreams were basically in the dirt we had nothing or we had now was our freedom so we were running for our lives Nikki and Moffat arrived in the Kenyan capital they began putting the pieces together Jambo club owner and head of the police station all of the same tribe that moment mean much in England but in Kenya is a big deal because somebody of your tribe is like your brother and he'll do anything to help them and more than likely the whole idea had been to frighten me so much I would have had the sound system over and literally that they would've got the system for peanuts we realized that was the lowest point me to beach so far everything was in tatters we didn't know what to do we had no land no money no job things were looking really black when we entered the office the the commissioners sat there behind his desk and I would have thought he'd been quite scary figure but he wasn't he was he was very friendly and big beaming smile on his face and he welcomed us he shook our hands and told us to sit down and then he said what can I do for you my dear so we told him the story we said you know exactly what happened and he then proceeded to ask us for seven thousand shillings which in English money at the time was about seventy pound we we gave him the money I said so what's gonna happen are we gonna be okay you know is it gonna be sorted and he said don't you worry don't you worry be at home in Kenya feel at home and I said right well I still don't know what's gonna happen can I go back and not be arrested is it safe to go back and he said no no it's fine I'll sort it don't worry so I thought well nothing more I can do about it and I just had to leave because he wasn't gonna say any more so I left the office and we went to a hotel to sleep [Music] [Music] when Nicky and Moffat returned to at a Moo they found the Commissioner had been true to his word he'd sacked the local Chief of Police and there was some other good news we discovered that Paul now had a warrant for arrest against him so he'd got on the run at the same time we started having really strange things happening in our house it had a really dark sort quality we start to feel an uneasy we had lights flickering on and off to start to hear sounds outside which we couldn't identify it might sound crazy but this really happened the maid ran we didn't see her again for days and Moffat said there's juju going on again we've actually heard through somebody in the village that all have actually been behind it basically getting revenge because there was now a warrant out for his arrest so we knew he was deeply embroiled in this kind of stuff and we actually feared so we decided we had to get away we then move to Malindi which is about 30 kilometers away and I've discovered I was pregnant at that point niki roberts dream wasn't turning out the way she had planned she'd been hounded out of her house by black magic and conned by the people she trusted now with her money almost gone she was expecting a child the worst part was not really knowing what was gonna happen because i had no mother there no sister no friends nobody could give me any advice on how it was all gonna happen and what pregnancy was all about and there was no such thing as scan was or anything like that going on there was no hospital not proper hospital for about 130 kilometers the nearest one was Mombasa so I was literally in a time which didn't really have a proper hospital at all all of a sudden my waters break and I was in the most unbelievable pain it was no pain relief of any kind I just had to get on with it after 24 hours Nicky and Moffat realized they needed medical help a local private clinic was the closest port of call nothing was happening I wasn't dilated so we phoned the clinic and they said to me if this carries on much longer you're gonna have to go to hospital and have a caesarean because you can't go more than 24 hours because the baby could suffer as a result and they said they needed 500 pounds up front I didn't have 500 pounds I was broke so I was faced with you know alternative and that was to go to the local hospital where the local people went and off we went [Music] and I was comforting her all the time and I know she was going through her I told and just be brave no hold on we're gonna give birth and I'm gonna get a beautiful kid and she or he is gonna be adorable when we arrived at this hospital I was expecting to see a hospital or I basically saw was collection of buildings literally made a breeze block and throughout all these buildings were throngs and throngs of local Africans some really sick wailing on the floor it was just chaos and I just looked at this and thought my god I can't be having an operation in a place like this I was taken to a room where they put a catheter in the doctor came along who was a very well-respected surgeon from the area and I felt quite safe putting myself in his hands because he was known to to help a lot of the white community so I was put on this metal trolley it was almost like something you'd wheel food on and I was wheeled on this metal trolley which was icy cold through the corridor and straight into an operating theater I was then laid out on the operating table where people actually arranging the knives and sorting the knives and scalpels and everything out right in front of me this was completely scary I was panicking I I didn't know what to do and the next thing I know I'm being put under as Nikki slipped into unconsciousness what she didn't know is that the surgeon she trusted had gone home to exhaust it to perform another operation Nikki was now in the hands of inexperienced trainee doctors I was if I don't let her go in that theater and get operated on obviously we lose our daughter if I let her go in Lee I don't know what they're gonna do to her the next thing I remembered was being dragged up as if from somewhere really deep to the feeling of the most unbelievable pain I have ever felt in my entire life it was like some people ripping my guts out from inside me it's a burning pain so bad I actually believed I was dead and in hell as my mind came more and more conscious I suddenly realized I was actually on the operating table I was awake they were operating on me and I was paralyzed I couldn't tell them I tried to move my arms I couldn't move them because the drug they give you to paralyze you was just so strong you can't move a thing and I laid there trapped in this body I couldn't move a thing and I was just feeling everything [Music] I paid and prayed and about 30 minutes later I had a little voice at that point I start expelling what looked like the placenta so they hadn't even removed it during the operation it was just left there I could but another thing I could have died from [Music] it is lucky they delivered my kid alive but from there on it was a disaster to the end they ripped my wife to bits and I don't think I'll ever forgive those people Nikki gave birth to a healthy baby girl saffron but her own recovery took some time it took me a long while before it healed it took about three months before I was actually able to move normally I couldn't do anything that was like dancing or running or anything that involves serious activity I could move around walk but that was about the limit of what I could do the reason why I decided not to to go back to UK at that point is the fact that facing defeat given in I didn't want to go back and people go you see we told you so I didn't want to face that I was too proud maybe wrongly but I I thought right I'm gonna battle this I'm gonna win this I'm gonna make this happen I still got my dream it can still happen I'm gonna do it [Music] after some months it passed I actually heard very nightclub me and Moffat met in Inferno nightclub I've been empty for a year and was actually up for renting so I thought wow this is my opportunity again you know maybe I can get in there and you know my dream could still happen I learned I saw the landlady and had a long discussion with her she's been very keen on the idea and I was very surprised when she didn't actually require much in the way of money to get the place she made an agreement with me that I could offset the cost of me doing the place against the rent I basically got the roof repair painted it did basically most of the superficial stuff and move it open in time for Christmas and the place became a massive hit everything was brilliant you know this is what I lived for this is what I wanted my little girl was being cared for by her own personal mate not ideal but I had to make a living everything looked to be going fantastically but then and we start having problems so the abracadabra start again they dude you are hit again it was just madness the Ascari the watch man at night start to refused to work he said this weird things going on in the garden he said this creatures roam in this garden that part of this earth previously we've been packed full of people now they were coming up to the door they would actually put one foot if the threshold returned and walk away we couldn't make out what was going on black magic it has hardly depicted with such hatred and jealousy mmm how can this British girl and this kissy boy they come to our land they learn what we could earn in a year in one night that is hard to take Kenyan we keep on that supplies all the time so again the customers were getting annoyed because they couldn't get this drink or that drink many a time I would I would call the beer company and sort of say you know what's going on with my beer and I would not really get a reply they would promise they were delivery and it would never come there was one particular time I was literally screaming down the phone where's my bear where's my bear because my customers didn't have anything to drink the next minute I'm being dragged out of my house by police officers with guns at their sides I was completely in shock no more I don't deserve this you know she was arrested manhandled been shot by a gun buck like as if she's a criminal she's asking the most wrong what's going on do you know what they tell her or we are not allowed to talk to you only the judge can talk to you from there I was dragged into a chambers where the magistrate was she didn't see me in court I was dragged into chambers and I was given a paper saying you're being accused of an electricity bill which you haven't paid we've broken some furniture in the nightclub and the landlady's got a complaint against you and I'm like what are you talking about I don't know anything about this this is rubbish and anyway I've set up the electricity bill in my name is nothing to do with the landlady's between mini-lectures people they said no no no the bill is this much and you have to pay money I said but I don't have any money and the magistrate said if you don't pay 300,000 shillings right now which was about three thousand pound you're going in and by going in it means going in prison I said where am I going to get our money phone she said okay that's me for the day she can go in she picked up a bag walked out the door and that was it there was nobody else to protest to because she was the only body who could not you could who could undo the order I was dragged from that office crying screaming and I was screaming at him help me help me do something about it quickly do something I don't want to go to prison she's coming outside been pushed all over the place by the back of the gun I'm trying to comfort her telling her this sure that I'm gonna come and I'm gonna be there for whatever it takes I'll make sure I'll protect her deep inside I knew no matter what for that night at least I was going to prison there was nothing they could do cuz the magistrate had gone home I was thrown on the back of this truck with all of those women from the holding cells on this big open back truck but everybody could see so we drove off we bumped in his truck throughout the whole Emil Indy people watchin his side of the streets of course they're gonna stare at a white person in the back of a prison lorry I was not a team I felt I felt like that small it was humiliating it's almost like how the mighty have fallen because one minute I'm like this nightclub owner and I've you know living my dream all of a sudden I'm I'm a bloomin criminal and that's how I felt I felt shame as if I really was a criminal even though done nothing wrong [Applause] [Music] I was shoved into this small room with two prison officers and two prisoners and I was told strip naked people what was he staring at me being again white person I was an object of curiosity I was extremely ashamed and embarrassed because I slide this big angry mess of a stomach big red scar basically I was told bend over we're gonna strip-search you [Music] and they did an internal search and it was painful and it was embarrassing and I've never had anything like that done to me before and I felt I don't know I felt like that this is a woman who's never seen this kind of treatment in my life and she's not even healed up properly and Hinda and they're laughing saying oh you think this is Europe where you come here you given your PlayStation in jail this is our jail this is a remand and you better get used to it or else we're gonna make you black even if you want I was put into a cell with must be about 20 other women in there I was basically told to sleep on the floor so I sat in a corner and cried and wondered what I'd done that's so bad the prison was steaming hot there were mosquitoes everywhere I'd already had malaria five times throughout my time living in Kenya and I could see it happening again very easily conditions in the prison were horrendous they were unbelievable really people had TB they had HIV one of the worst things that happened has got to be when they make you cover [Music] hubber means in Swahili it means you have to crouch down on your on your toes with your hands behind your head and balance there this is normally when they do a head count I didn't know the word cover so when they said it the first time I didn't crouch down I didn't know what it meant so I was beaten with a stick when I got down obviously in pain I couldn't balance I just kept tipping over and falling down and every time I did that I'd be hit with a stick when I had that I wanted to climb that fence and eat somebody I wanted to eat somebody but there was nothing I could do these guys they have a case they were protected they were the law day after day went by and I'd had no idea if I was going to get out or how I was going to get out I thought that was it what Nikki didn't realize was that the lawyer that Moffett had hired had already done everything he could to secure her release and even though he paid the full bond the magistrate had other ideas I find out afterwards that the magistrate refused to sign the release papers nobody knew why but she just made sure I stayed in [Music] after 10 days in prison the magistrate finally released Nicky ah you should have seen I was all over the place I was over the moon because of the relief just see her just to know my daughter's gonna get her mother back Nikki left the prison confused as to why she'd been sent there in the first place but she soon found out after I started to feel a bit better ice I sort of inquired about the club I found out that everything I'd left in the club had been taken out the locks had been changed and worst of all I found out that the magistrate you'd put me in prison was now running the club the landlady had got in a stupid white person we've been naive we've spent her money there who'd done the place up got in really good business made the place really pumping and then decided to snatch it back Nikki Roberts had gone to Kenya in pursuit of her dream that dream was now in tatters the thing with Kenya is a majority believe that if you're white you must have gold in your pockets it's just a misconception that if you if you're white you must have money and therefore they're poor why shouldn't they have some of your money in 2003 Nicky and Moffat got married in Kenya before deciding to return to the UK their marriage didn't last and Moffat returned to Africa he couldn't handle a lifestyle he couldn't handle the fast pace of life because UK doesn't have the same relaxed atmosphere as Kenya people a lot colder they don't stop and greet you in the street and he found that very soul-destroying the only thing I can really say this imported as far as was come out with me it's my daughter she's then the best thing that came at my relationship were more fair and she's yeah a good memory of Kenya so as far as that's concerned um I'm happy I'm really happy the future is this we will be together we will still love each other till the day we die cause Nicola and Roberts is my best friend there's a possibility we might get back together if we can put the past behind us now I'm well again I feel strong enough to be able to deal with that so who knows what the future can bring [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Wonder
Views: 1,284,079
Rating: 4.6099424 out of 5
Keywords: wonder paradise lost, paradise lost, paradise lost documentary, paradise lost kenya, kenyan prisons, kenya prison, kenya prison documentary, paradise lost wonder, paradise lost full episodes, prison abroad, prison abroad documentary, prison abroad stories, black magic, corrupt goverment, wrongly imprisoned
Id: heamhauJ9-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 34sec (2554 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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