This will melt in your mouth!!Melting moments

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[Music] hi everyone today we're making biscuits my favorite people struggle in making beautiful crumbly biscuits so i'm gonna show you how to make melting moments these are simple soft vanilla biscuits so before we start please like share and subscribe so that you don't miss any videos that i post leave me a comment down below and let me know that you've subscribed and i'll personally say hi to you so let's start we've got butter or margarine you need to have it really soft you don't have to melt it as me i actually over melted it but it does fine it will get me the same result so what we do we start by getting our butter we then mix it with the sugar so we've got about a cup of icing sugar so we will then mix it with um the batter to make it sort of like light and and very smooth so so i'm gonna stop for a bit because i want to make sure that i incorporate let me not miss my camera all the uh sugar so you always have to make sure that you scrape on the side and on the bottom so that you you know you incorporate everything in what's up so so [Music] and okay so once we've got our butter light and very creamy what we then do is add a little corn flour which is like three over four cup so i'm just gonna scrape everything in there guys i've already got my oven heating at 160 degrees then we add half a cup of oil at this stage you can add your vanilla about a tables a teaspoon sorry uh i didn't have any in but though turn out just fine without it and i was just not going to go to the shops to get a vanilla extract i will get it when i do my shopping so we go right ahead and mix in so so so so [Music] then we have to add our flour now i'm just gonna put this here so i've got about two cups of flour so i always add in an extra two tablespoons of flour because when you bake melting moments you always have to test them with a biscuit or two to see if your ridge is hold so when doing this recipe i realized that uh mine held add two cups and an extra two tablespoons heaped tablespoons of flour so already i will put the recipe down below so don't worry guys so i'm gonna fold them in to make a very soft dough this recipe is forgiving guys you can add a bit more flour if you think it's a bit too soft and your ridges won't hold once you put them in the oven it won't change the texture or the taste even if you add a bit more flour but you'll just have a nice crumbly biscuit this dough is so soft it will be so easy to pipe um we are ready to pipe so let's get piping i've got my pen ready so already had the baking paper on so this is how i make my baking paper hole just put a little bit of of the dough underneath so that it holds my baking paper and then it doesn't move then i can easily pipe my biscuits so i'll just press it down [Music] and just make sure it stays in place so i already have a piping bag and i've put in um an open star tip so i like large ones because when you put making biscuits that much easier so let's go right ahead and fill it in so this is how you fill it in you just fold it in and then so that your your hand is able to hold the dough in so we go right ahead and scoop it and i like putting a little bit of a dough one at a time so that i don't over feel my back and struggle in actually oops i'm gonna get that one there in piping so that's how we get about it and i'm gonna test it in the bowl that it comes out nicely yep so that we release the air you test it and so that you just release a little bit so guys when you part you need a little bit of pressure so you can do whatever shape i'll [Music] [Applause] i will fill my bags again because we're almost finished with this one guys don't worry if you don't get your piping skills good the first time it took me a little while i practiced and practicing practice until i could feel confident you know that i can easily um have my biscuits so so so one tip one tip different ways of popping a biscuit run out of space i'll just make a little overflow guys different weight of different ways so different ways of decorating so i'm just going to show you today i'm just going to use gem to make things a little bit easy uh all i did i just rubbed the back of my measuring spoon with a bit of flour so that it doesn't stick and i will just press down a little bit dip in a little flour again press a little bit flour again so that i can just put in a little bit of gem there um you know it's not tough to decorate you know use whatever you've got or you can just leave them as simple as they are so you don't need to decorate them if you don't want to but i like mine with a bit of gem or some cherries if you do so the trick is not overfilling the biscuits with the germ because if you put in a bit more gem it will ooze out and it'll overflow and just you know your biscuit just won't look nice so i just put in a little bit of the gym i might have overfilled that one so a little bit more just so that they look pretty just a little bit because once the gem uh fills the heat it goes out so put a little bit a little bit here once they cook they look really pretty so guys this will go into the oven 20 minutes they'll be done the biscuits are out of the oven this recipe will never disappoint it will come out perfect every time you are tempted that's still hot so i'm just gonna try and show you one close by and you know you can see it's cooked it's crumbly so try them out guys and let me know what you think of the recipe um please like share and subscribe and i will put many more biscuits recipes as well so thank you guys see you next time bye
Channel: Caroline Mokwena
Views: 509,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Eqd_Zo5lFYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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