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[Applause] up there let's see what we can do so guys let us know in the comments if you guys enjoy just the bonuses so that's what's gonna be one more I had to fill [Music] [Applause] I think this one will hit hard so yeah I told you that's gonna be filthy that's gonna be filthy [Music] that's gonna be a good one look at that beautiful probably five grand three thousand okay one more of those okay that'll work too booty fool hey as long as I'm gonna see all right let's go big numbers big numbers I will do my best how we gotta save it big numbers oh aren't they beautiful let's go [Applause] okay follow our mini okay let's go [Applause] Let's Do It come on let's do it come on show me show it do it do it oh we're gonna get it we're gonna get it guys let's go we got this we got this let's go let's go oh yeah buddy all right let's go yeah I know we still have four four games too I knew I knew we were gonna get it I could see it all right let's go let's go all right it's a little Grand but hey it's still good we'll take it [Applause] still have four games left too [Applause] I know right are you crazy that would be freaking epic all right 15 000 right now let's go re-trigger beautiful let's go [Music] yeah can you handle my lightweight right here big numbers three two one more oh that's a good one guys that's another three thousand two thousand Maybe two thousand something thirteen hundred all right I was wrong oh all right not too shabby guys what 17 000. all right guys we've got this handpail be right back all right guys got another one and got the major [Music] forget it [Music] come on big numbers big numbers [Music] come on Biggins Biggins Biggins [Music] two more of the grand let's do it again just do it again it's going no freaking way no freaking way no freaking way let's do it again oh come on two Grands come on back-to-back grads come on baby let's go oh no way no way no way no freaking way back to backgrounds who in the world no one no slot channel has ever done this back to back grand jackpots back-to-back Grand jackpots holy crap back-to-back Grands holy holy yeah yeah I'll keep her okay just a sec holy crap guys back to back Grands [Music] [Applause] yeah yeah thank you [Applause] oh thank you that's awesome that's never that's never happened before yeah that one too all right guys we'll get this one we will be right back check this out guys this is insanity brand here I hit the grand there sorry man hit the ground back to back grand another 11 000 right there next to each other back to backgrounds I'm gonna hit another one right here oh yeah I locked that one up too so all three of these are locked up holy guys I just hit back to back Grands this is gonna be a crazy premiere crazy back to back Grands guys no one has done that I guarantee you no one has done that yeah you want me to call it while you're filming oh oh no I'm sorry all right all right do it [Applause] holy crap didn't we say earlier let's get the ten dollars guys this is insanity the hits do not stop muscles at the ground too if we hit the grand on this one that would be insanity [Music] Let's Do It come on everyone Envision it in a row [Applause] [Music] oh man dude it did holy crap dude how many times have you had it showed too no that's insane that's rare how many majors have I had today this was crazy oh that's his name brands today [Music] Insanity another six thousand dollars holy or 6500 sorry all right guys we'll get this one we'll be right back all right guys we got another one we're waiting on that one guys we're gonna be playing forever thank you take care another grand on this one Guys these are these machines as ninji would say they're out of service they're really on the service like really [Music] I'm free to go save it [Applause] foreign [Music] guys I apologize I like to chop this video into like 14 videos all right 1870. we'll probably play that one in a minute all right guys we'll get this we'll be right back all right guys let's do some backups right here guys words cannot describe words cannot describe back to back Brands guys that was my edited that was not anything you guys saw it back to back brands that is insane no one has ever done that and they had please let me know because I'd love to know I have never seen that ever I don't think anyone ever has that is insanity all right guys I hope you guys enjoyed that amazing video yeah if you guys enjoyed please smash those thumbs up for us guys share these videos out guys because like I said I'm gonna choose people out of the people who share these out and send gift cards to you so definitely he makes you share them out and always like And subscribe alright guys I'm fantastic
Channel: Low Budget High Rollers
Views: 272,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2an8TZjP_ks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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